- Run up ngrok at port 5487:
~/Adapto-Bot$ ./ngrok http -host-header="localhost" 5487
- set up
MICROSOFT_APP_ID={{YOUR_BOT_ID}} MICROSOFT_APP_PASSWORD={{YOUR_BOT_PASSWORD}} # HOST should be root path given by ngrok without suffix /api/messages HOST=https://090e6077b645.ngrok.io
- Run
~/Adapto-Bot$ npm i ~/Adapto-Bot$ npm run dev
- After run up, your bot is listening at
- Run
~/Adapto-Bot$ npm run build
- Prepare docker image (Dockerfile is at root path) and push built image. You may create an executable shell script:
HOST="{{DOCKER REGISTRY HOST}}" IMG_TAG="adapto-v4-bot:latest" USER="{{DOCKER REGISTRY USERNAME}}" PASS="{{DOCKER REGISTRY PASSWORD}}" npm run build docker build -t $IMG_TAG . docker login $HOST -u $USER -p $PASS docker tag $IMG_TAG $HOST/$USER/$IMG_TAG docker push $HOST/$USER/$IMG_TAG