0},e}(),Zn=typeof WeakMap!="undefined"?new WeakMap:new Bn,eo=function(){function e(t){if(!(this instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function.");if(!arguments.length)throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");var r=Ea.getInstance(),n=new Ra(t,r,this);Zn.set(this,n)}return e}();["observe","unobserve","disconnect"].forEach(function(e){eo.prototype[e]=function(){var t;return(t=Zn.get(this))[e].apply(t,arguments)}});var ka=function(){return typeof nr.ResizeObserver!="undefined"?nr.ResizeObserver:eo}(),to=ka;var ro=new E,Ha=I(()=>H(new to(e=>{for(let t of e)ro.next(t)}))).pipe(x(e=>L(Te,H(e)).pipe(C(()=>e.disconnect()))),J(1));function he(e){return{width:e.offsetWidth,height:e.offsetHeight}}function ge(e){return Ha.pipe(S(t=>t.observe(e)),x(t=>ro.pipe(_(({target:r})=>r===e),C(()=>t.unobserve(e)),l(()=>he(e)))),N(he(e)))}function bt(e){return{width:e.scrollWidth,height:e.scrollHeight}}function ar(e){let t=e.parentElement;for(;t&&(e.scrollWidth<=t.scrollWidth&&e.scrollHeight<=t.scrollHeight);)t=(e=t).parentElement;return t?e:void 0}var no=new E,Pa=I(()=>H(new IntersectionObserver(e=>{for(let t of e)no.next(t)},{threshold:0}))).pipe(x(e=>L(Te,H(e)).pipe(C(()=>e.disconnect()))),J(1));function sr(e){return Pa.pipe(S(t=>t.observe(e)),x(t=>no.pipe(_(({target:r})=>r===e),C(()=>t.unobserve(e)),l(({isIntersecting:r})=>r))))}function oo(e,t=16){return dt(e).pipe(l(({y:r})=>{let n=he(e),o=bt(e);return r>=o.height-n.height-t}),G())}var cr={drawer:V("[data-md-toggle=drawer]"),search:V("[data-md-toggle=search]")};function io(e){return cr[e].checked}function qe(e,t){cr[e].checked!==t&&cr[e].click()}function je(e){let t=cr[e];return b(t,"change").pipe(l(()=>t.checked),N(t.checked))}function $a(e,t){switch(e.constructor){case HTMLInputElement:return e.type==="radio"?/^Arrow/.test(t):!0;case HTMLSelectElement:case HTMLTextAreaElement:return!0;default:return e.isContentEditable}}function Ia(){return 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ur(e,t).pipe(x(n=>n.text()),l(n=>r.parseFromString(n,"text/xml")),J(1))}function pr(e){let t=M("script",{src:e});return I(()=>(document.head.appendChild(t),L(b(t,"load"),b(t,"error").pipe(x(()=>Tt(()=>new ReferenceError(`Invalid script: ${e}`))))).pipe(l(()=>{}),C(()=>document.head.removeChild(t)),Oe(1))))}function ho(){return{x:Math.max(0,scrollX),y:Math.max(0,scrollY)}}function bo(){return L(b(window,"scroll",{passive:!0}),b(window,"resize",{passive:!0})).pipe(l(ho),N(ho()))}function vo(){return{width:innerWidth,height:innerHeight}}function go(){return b(window,"resize",{passive:!0}).pipe(l(vo),N(vo()))}function yo(){return Q([bo(),go()]).pipe(l(([e,t])=>({offset:e,size:t})),J(1))}function lr(e,{viewport$:t,header$:r}){let n=t.pipe(X("size")),o=Q([n,r]).pipe(l(()=>Be(e)));return Q([r,t,o]).pipe(l(([{height:i},{offset:a,size:s},{x:f,y:c}])=>({offset:{x:a.x-f,y:a.y-c+i},size:s})))}(()=>{function e(n,o){parent.postMessage(n,o||"*")}function t(...n){return n.reduce((o,i)=>o.then(()=>new 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+EOS mTLS Configuration
+EOS supports the use of mutual TLS (mTLS) for gRPC, RESTCONF and eAPI services. This allows the use of certificates,
+signed by a recognized and trusted CA, for authentication to gNMI and other gRPC based services.
+By default only certificates signed with Arista's CA are trusted. In order to generate and sign certificates for mTLS
+authentication, an operator will need to install and configure a certifying authority (CA) that is used for signing
+certificates that are generated on network elements as well as the servers that will be interacting with the gRPC
+services. The necessary certificates for establishing the chain of trust will need to be imported into the switches and
+tools interacting with the switches.
+This document outlines the necessary steps to generate certificate signing requests (CSR) on arista devices, sign the
+certificates and import these into the switches.
+Process Overview
+Setup a private certificate authority (CA). This document uses easy-rsa
+Generate CSRs from the switch as well as for the host that will be initiating connections to the switch using mTLS as
+ the authentication mechanism.
+Sign the CSRs using the CA tools.
+Copy the relevant elements to the switch (signed server certificate and CA certificate).
+Configure the switch to use the certificates and the associated CA certificate to perform mTLS authentication.
+Initiate connections from the clients to the switch to execute gNMI RPCs.
+Easy-RSA Setup
+The simple installation of Easy-RSA is well documented in the Easy RSA quick start
+guide . For a more durable installation you're
+encouraged to review the Easy-RSA documentation and customize the settings to your environment.
+Easy-RSA CA parameters
+easy RSA version: 3.0.8
+As of this writing EOS only supports RSA certificates, this differs from the default configuration of Easy-RSA. The
+following variable in the vars
file will need to be set in order to generate the appropriate certificate type.
+ set_var EASYRSA_ALGO "rsa"
+Use the easyrsa build-ca
command to create the necessary certificate signing infrastructure within easyrsa. This will
+generate a ca.crt
certificate which can be imported into the PKI validation chain of the switches and other hosts in
+your PKI domain. This can also be used in a standalone manner with most gnmi clients.
+In our case, this CA certificate resides in: ${HOME}/easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt
+This will need to be imported into the network elements where you're using mTLS for authentication.
+Generate a Local Client Certificate
+This will be used by local clients (gnmi, gnoi, gribi, etc.) connecting to the switches in order to authenticate.
+Note the gnmi-client.cnf
configuration file provided in the following openssl
command is used to create the Subject
+Alternate Name IP address entry associated with the client certificate. This is optional and is not required for
+ mkdir ~/gnmi-client-cert
+ cd ~/gnmi-client-cert
+ openssl req -out gnmi-client.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout gnmi-client.key -config gnmi-client.cnf
+The above commands will generate a private key as well as the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
+Sign the Local Client Certificate with Easy-RSA
+Note, that this is going to be a client certificate. As our gnmi client will be talking to the gnmi server on the
+ cd ~/easy-rsa
+ ./easyrsa import-req ../gnmi-client-cert gnmi-client.csr gnmi-client
+ ./easyrsa sign-req client gnmi-client
+The sign-req
command generates the following output.
+ Using SSL: openssl OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020
+ ... snipped ...
+ subject=
+ countryName = us
+ stateOrProvinceName = mn
+ localityName = minneapolis
+ organizationName = arista-lab
+ commonName = sulrich@arista.com
+ X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
+ IP:
+ Type the word 'yes' to continue, or any other input to abort.
+ Confirm request details: yes
+ Using configuration from /home/sulrich/easy-rsa/pki/easy-rsa-3625384.5yQThV/tmp.kaJhk0
+ Check that the request matches the signature
+ Signature ok
+ The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
+ countryName :PRINTABLE:'us'
+ stateOrProvinceName :ASN.1 12:'mn'
+ localityName :ASN.1 12:'minneapolis'
+ organizationName :ASN.1 12:'arista-lab'
+ commonName :ASN.1 12:'sulrich@arista.com'
+ Certificate is to be certified until Oct 10 19:45:42 2023 GMT (825 days)
+ Write out database with 1 new entries
+ Data Base Updated
+ Certificate created at: /home/sulrich/easy-rsa/pki/issued/gnmi-client.crt
+Switch Side Actions
+Generate a key pair on the switch the key will be named v1.key
+ security pki key generate rsa 4096 v1.key
+ security pki certificate generate signing-request key v1.key
+Capture the CSR text into a file and copy this to the CA server.
+Sign the Switch CSR with Easy-RSA
+Note that in this case we're generating a server certificate.
+cd ~/easy-rsa
+ ./easyrsa import-req ../v1.csr v1
+ ./easyrsa sign-req server v1
+This will generate the signed certificate and place it into the easy-rsa local store.
+Copy this to the switch and import it into the switch's certificate store.
+copy file:/mnt/flash/v1.crt certificate:v1.crt
+Copy the Private CA Certificate to the Switch
+You will need to copy the CA.crt
(commonly in <easyrsa_root>/pki/ca.crt
) to the switch and add it to the list of
+certificates. In the following example the file has been copied to the switch as demo-ca.crt
+ copy flash:demo-ca.crt certificate:
+SSL Profile Configuration
+Configure the necessary ssl profile
and include the demo-ca.crt
in the list of trusted CAs.
+ management security
+ ssl profile test-arista
+ certificate v1.crt key v1.key
+ trust certificate demo-ca.crt
+ !
+gNMI Configuration
+The following configuration associates the gnmi service with the associated ssl profile and enables it for use with mTLS
+for authentication.
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc default
+ ssl profile test-arista
+ provider eos-native
+ !
+At this point the switch is configured to accept connections from clients with valid, signed certificates.
+Useful Troubleshooting Commands
+show management api gnmi
+This command enables you to determine the operational state of the gnmi process as well as whether or not the ssl profile
+is considered valid.
+show management security ssl profile
+This command enables you to see the state of the ssl profiles and whether there are issues with the validation chain.
+Clocks and Certificate Lifetime
+Certificates should be created with a finite lifetime and rotated within that lifetime. However, if the clocks on the
+switch are grossly off this may impact certificate operation. Make sure that the clock on the switch is set correctly
+and synchronized to a reliable time source.
+Client Examples
+gnmi (Arista Client)
+ gnmi -addr 192 .168.1.21:6030 \
+ -username admin -password arista \
+ -cafile easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt \
+ -certfile easy-rsa/pki/issued/gnmi-client.crt \
+ -keyfile gnmi-client/gnmi-client.key capabilities
+ gnmic -a 192 .168.1.21:6030 -u admin -p arista \
+ --tls-ca easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt \
+ --tls-cert easy-rsa/pki/issued/gnmi-client.crt \
+ --tls-key gnmi-client/gnmi-client.key capabilities
+Additional References
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configuration/netconf/index.html b/configuration/netconf/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e3a8bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration/netconf/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+ NETCONF Device Configuration - Open Management
+EOS provides support for managing the switch via NETCONF.
+Currently supported NETCONF operations: get, get-config, get-schema,
+edit-config, lock, unlock, close-session, kill-session.
+To configure NETCONF in default VRF we can enable the ssh transport under
+management api netconf
+Default VRF
+ management api netconf
+ transport ssh test
+Non-default VRF
+ management api netconf
+ transport ssh test
+ vrf management
+Changing the port:
+ management api netconf
+ transport ssh test
+ port 830
+Apply ACL
+ management api netconf
+ transport ssh test
+ ip access-group ACCESS_GROUP
+Note The ACL should be a standard ACL allowing hosts or subnets.
+Status check:
+ #show management api netconf
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 830, in management VRF
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configuration/openconfig/index.html b/configuration/openconfig/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f337417c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration/openconfig/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1658 @@
+ OpenConfig Configuration - Open Management
+ OpenConfig
+EOS supports the OpenConfig gNMI interface for device management.
+All EOS flavors support OpenConfig (physical, virtual, containerized, cloud).
+To start the gNMI server, which listens by default on TCP/6030 configure the gRPC transport under management api gnmi
+in the global config mode:
+Default VRF
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc openmgmt
+Non-default VRF
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc openmgmt
+ vrf management
+Changing the port:
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc openmgmt
+ port 5900
+Apply ACL
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc openmgmt
+ ip access-group ACCESS_GROUP
+Note, the ACL should be a standard ACL allowing hosts or subnets.
+Authenticate the connection with TLS
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc openmgmt
+ ssl profile PROFILE
+Enable authorization of incoming requests
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc openmgmt
+ authorization requests
+Status check
+ #show management api gnmi
+ Octa: No
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 6030, in default VRF
+ SSL Profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+The OpenConfig agent (gNMI API) can leverage the EOS state streaming agent's (TerminAttr) libraries, thus exposing EOS
+native paths. If Octa (OpenConfig + TerminAttr) is enabled then OpenConfig, in addition to accepting OpenConfig paths in
+gNMI get/subscribe requests, will also support EOS native paths (for example, Sysdb/Smash paths). This feature was
+introduced in 4.22.1F
+gNMI requests received by Octa are interpreted as either OpenConfig or TerminAttr requests, as follows.
+gNMI requests containing an origin of eos_native
are processed as as native path requests.
+Requests lacking an origin of eos_native
are treated as OpenConfig requests.
+A gNMI client that supports specification of an origin as part of the associated RPC is a requirement.
+Note support for sending GET/SUBSCRIBE requests to both an openconfig and an eos-native path in the same call is not yet
+How to enable Octa
+Octa can be enable by adding provider eos-native
under management api gnmi
+SW(config-mgmt-api-gnmi)#provider eos-native
+Status check
+ #show management api gnmi
+ Octa: enabled
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 6030, in default VRF
+ SSL Profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+API models
+Starting in EOS 4.24.0F
it is possible to configure the Smash paths that Octa has access to. Under the management api
mode, the provider smash sub-mode allows for enabling or disabling a Smash path with the [no] path
+smash_path_here [disabled]
+ management api models
+ provider smash
+ path forwarding/status
+ path routing/status disabled
+ path routing/isis/lsdb
+Note that every time a new path is added the Octa agent has to be restarted.
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc <NAME>
+ shutdown
+ no shutdown
+$ sudo killall Octa
+Alternatively agent Octa terminate
can be used from EOS CLI as well.
+show management api models
will list the Smash paths enabled/disabled
+ #show management api models
+ provider smash
+ path /Smash/bridging
+ path /Smash/forwarding/status
+ path /Smash/routing/isis/lsdb
+ path /Smash/routing
+ path /Smash/routing/status disabled
+ provider sysdb
+AAA Accounting for gNMI/OpenConfig
+Starting with EOS 4.27.2F accounting requests
can be enabled to account records for gNMI/gNOI RPCs:
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc default
+ authorization requests
+ accounting requests
+ provider eos-native
+ !
+ aaa accounting commands all default start-stop logging
+we can also use these commands to log to tacacs+ or radius and syslog too
+ aaa accounting commands all default start-stop group tacacs+
+ aaa accounting commands all default start-stop group radius
+ spine1# sh management api gnmi
+ Octa: enabled
+ Transport: default
+ Enabled: yes
+ Server: running on port 6030, in default VRF
+ SSL profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+ Authorization required: yes
+ Accounting requests: yes
+ Certificate username authentication: no
+ Notification timestamp: last change time
+ Listen addresses: ::
+ spine1#
+Configuration change using OpenConfig and gNMI:
+ $ gnmic -a -u arista -p arista77rx --insecure set --update-path "/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description" --update-value "test"
+ {
+ "source": "",
+ "timestamp": 1663615213475353999,
+ "time": "2022-09-19T19:20:13.475353999Z",
+ "results": [
+ {
+ "operation": "UPDATE",
+ "path": "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ $ gnmic -a -u arista -p arista77rx --insecure get --path "/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description"
+ [
+ {
+ "source": "",
+ "timestamp": 1663615224964145128,
+ "time": "2022-09-19T19:20:24.964145128Z",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description",
+ "values": {
+ "interfaces/interface/config/description": "test"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+Syslog messages on the device:
+ spine1#sh logging last 5 minutes
+ Sep 19 19:20:13 spine1 Aaa: %ACCOUNTING-6-CMD: arista unknown unknown stop task_id=34 start_time=1663615213.48 timezone=UTC service=shell priv-lvl=15 cmd=OpenConfig.Set addr= rpc=/gnmi.gNMI/Set request={"update":[{"path":"/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description","val":"\\"test\\""}]} <cr>
+ Sep 19 19:20:13 spine1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_SESSION_ENTERED: User arista entered configuration session session11521733719371 on GNMI (
+ Sep 19 19:20:13 spine1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_SESSION_COMMIT_SUCCESS: User arista committed configuration session session11521733719371 successfully on GNMI (
+ Sep 19 19:20:13 spine1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_SESSION_EXITED: User arista exited configuration session session11521733719371 on GNMI (
+ Sep 19 19:20:24 spine1 Aaa: %ACCOUNTING-6-CMD: arista unknown unknown stop task_id=35 start_time=1663615224.96 timezone=UTC service=shell priv-lvl=15 cmd=OpenConfig.Get addr= rpc=/gnmi.gNMI/Get request={"path":[{"path":"/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description"}]} <cr>
+ spine1#trace monitor octa
+ --- Monitoring /var/log/agents/Octa-3748 ---
+ I0919 19:20:13.715618 3748 router.go:234] Cli commands:
+ configure session session11521733719371
+ interface Ethernet1
+ description test
+ exit
+ configure session session11521733719371 commit
+ ^Cspine1#
+ spine1#bash ps -ef | grep Octa
+ root 3748 480 2 16:51 ? 00:03:20 /usr/bin/Octa --agenttitle=Octa
+ spine1#bash more /var/log/agents/Octa-3748 | tail -4
+ interface Ethernet1
+ description test
+ exit
+ configure session session11521733719371 commit
+ spine1#
+An accounting record is limited to a maximum of 8098 characters.
+The record will be truncated if it exceeds the maximum character length.
+gNMI per-RPC role authorizations
+Starting in EOS 4.24.1F
it is possible to perform authorization of each RPC (that is, GET, SET, SUBSCRIBE), if
+authorization requests is supplied as described above.
+During authorization, the OpenConfig agent will communicate with the AAA agent, allowing authorization policies or roles
+to permit or deny the new tokens OpenConfig.Get
and OpenConfig.Set
+For example, a role may be defined such as:
+ role oc-read
+ 10 permit command OpenConfig.Get
+A user which is assigned to this role would be allowed to issue a gNMI GET or SUBSCRIBE request, but not a SET request.
+Note that this is only available for gNMI.
+Enable AFT mapping
+By default, mapping of the FIB (forwarding information base) to the OpenConfig AFT (abstract forwarding table) model is
+disabled, as the volume of data can be large.
+Starting in EOS 4.25.1F
it is possible to enable these mappings, for IPV4, IPV6, or both, as described below:
+ management api models
+ provider aft
+ ipv4-unicast
+ ipv6-unicast
+Note that prior to EOS 4.27 a restart of the gNMI agent is required, e.g.: agent Octa terminate
+agent OpenConfig terminate
(in case the eos-native provider is not enabled).
+Telemetry Timestamps
+Per the GNMI specification, the default timestamp field of a notification message is set to be the time at which the
+value of the underlying data source changes or when the reported event takes place. In order to facilitate integration
+in legacy environments oriented around polling style operations, an option to support overriding the timestamp field to
+the send-time is available. (as of 4.27.0F)
+Overriding the timestamp to send-time
is applicable to all STREAM and POLL subscriptions.
+Configuration is outlined below.
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc <NAME>
+ notification timestamp send-time
+If there's a need to return to the standards-oriented operation, the following mechanisms can be used to reset the
+ no notification timestamp send-time
+ default notification timestamp
+ notification timestamp last-change-time
#show management api gnmi
+ Octa: enabled
+ Set persistence: enabled
+ Transport: default
+ Enabled: yes
+ Server: running on port 6030, in default VRF
+ SSL profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+ Authorization required: no
+ Accounting requests: no
+ Certificate username authentication: no
+ Notification timestamp: send time !! note: timestamp mode
+ Listen addresses: ::
+Configuration Persistence
+By default, within EOS, the application of gNMI Set
RPCs are not persisted to the startup-config
. A copy
+running-config startup-config
is required in order to save configuration updates imposed via gNMI.
+As of EOS 4.28.0F, if the operator desires to be able to save gNMI-driven configuration automatically, persistence can be
+enabled by adding the following configuration. With this option, all gnmi Set
operations will be saved to the
. Note, the configuration is saved using Arista's EOS configuration syntax and there is no corresponding
+presentation of the OpenConfig syntax.
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc <NAME>
+ operation set persistence
+If there is a need to return to the default mode of gNMI configuration non-persistence, this can be disabled using the
+following commands.
+ no operation set persistence
+ default operation set persistence
#show management api gnmi
+ Octa: enabled
+ Set persistence: enabled !! note: persistence state
+ Transport: default
+ Enabled: yes
+ Server: running on port 6030, in default VRF
+ SSL profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+ Authorization required: no
+ Accounting requests: no
+ Certificate username authentication: no
+ Notification timestamp: last change time
+ Listen addresses: ::
+The OpenConfig agent handles all transports described above: gNMI, RESTCONF, and
+NETCONF. The agent log file is present at /var/log/agents/OpenConfig-{PID}
+Lines that begin with E
are errors. Debug logging can be enabled with a
+regular trace command. Here are a couple of examples:
+(config)#trace OpenConfig setting server/9
- For server (gNMI) traces
+(config)#trace OpenConfig setting */9
- For all traces with verbose setting
+similarly if Octa is enabled:
+(config)#trace Octa setting server/9
- For server (gNMI) traces
+(config)#trace Octa setting */9
- For all traces with verbose setting
+In EOS versions prior to 4.24.0F
, not all Smash paths were accessible via Octa.
+Starting in EOS 4.24.0F
configuring the Smash paths that Octa has access to will also affect OpenConfig. Enabling a
+ Smash path for Octa can result in extra YANG paths being populated in OpenConfig. Disabling a Smash path can result in
+ having some YANG paths missing in OpenConfig.
+The %<zone-id>
optional suffix in YANG ietf:ipv4-address
, and ietf:ipv6-address
types are not supported.
+An OpenConfig client update/merge/replace request can erase config that is not modified by the incoming request. This
+ happens if a config that is part of a certain mount point but not supported by OpenConfig is configured via CLI prior
+ to the OpenConfig client update/merge/replace request is processed.
+Supported OpenConfig paths
+Please refer to the EOS Central TOIs to see the new list of paths supported per release.
+For convenience, supported paths may be found at: https://eos.arista.com/path-report .
+References / Resources
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configuration/restconf/index.html b/configuration/restconf/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fafeda5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration/restconf/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1213 @@
+ RESTCONF Configuration - Open Management
+EOS provides support for RESTCONF and the necessary transport services to support it.
+The RESTCONF server is in the EOS device.
+RESTCONF configuration on EOS
+Certificate-based authentication is required for RESTCONF to operate. You should follow the instructions in the
+Certificate Authentication section in order to generate and install a certificate to support
+RESTCONF in your environment. Alternately, a self-signed certificate may be generated on the switch and certificate
+validation can be handled appropriately by remote RESTCONF clients.
+The following Cli command generates a self-signed cert:
+ security pki certificate generate self-signed restconf.crt key restconf.key generate rsa 2048 parameters common-name restconf
+Create ssl profile:
+ management security
+ ssl profile restconf
+ certificate restconf.crt key restconf.key
+Configure RESTCONF:
+Default VRF:
+ management api restconf
+ transport https test
+ ssl profile restconf
+Non-default VRF
+ management api restconf
+ transport https test
+ ssl profile restconf
+ vrf management
+Changing the port:
+ management api restconf
+ transport https test
+ port 5900
+Apply ACL
+ management api restconf
+ transport https test
+ ip access-group ACCESS_GROUP
+Note The ACL should be a standard ACL allowing hosts or subnets.
+Control-plane ACL
+The default RESTCONF port on Arista devices is TCP 6020.
+We need to change the default control-plane ACL on EOS in order to allow TCP 6020 (or to allow the configured RESTCONF port).
+Please refer to this link
+Status check
+ #show management api restconf
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 6020, in management VRF
+ SSL Profile: restconf
+ QoS DSCP: none
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configuration/security/index.html b/configuration/security/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b0ac706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configuration/security/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+ Securing Management Services - Open Management
+ Security Configuration
+Changing Default Service Ports
+When changing the default ports one has to make sure they are also allowed in the control-plane ACL. The default
+control-plane ACL cannot be modified, so a new one has to be created and applied under system control-plane
) or control-plane
(pre-EOS 4.23
). The fastest way to do this is to clone the existing control-plane and add
+new permit rules.
+1. Reading the default CP ACL can be done with show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl
+ #show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl
+ IP Access List default-control-plane-acl [readonly]
+ counters per-entry
+ 10 permit icmp any any [match 7172 packets, 1 day, 20:46:09 ago]
+ 20 permit ip any any tracked [match 98544013 packets, 0:00:36 ago]
+ 30 permit udp any any eq bfd ttl eq 255
+ 40 permit udp any any eq bfd-echo ttl eq 254
+ 50 permit udp any any eq multihop-bfd
+ 60 permit udp any any eq micro-bfd
+ 70 permit udp any any eq sbfd
+ 80 permit udp any eq sbfd any eq sbfd-initiator
+ 90 permit ospf any any
+ 100 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https msdp ldp netconf-ssh gnmi [match 873 packets, 1 day, 20:43:39 ago]
+ 110 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp rip ntp ldp [match 970 packets, 1:43:38 ago]
+ 120 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
+ 130 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
+ 140 permit vrrp any any
+ 150 permit ahp any any
+ 160 permit pim any any
+ 170 permit igmp any any
+ 180 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910
+ 190 permit tcp any any range 50000 50100 [match 1480505 packets, 1 day, 20:43:16 ago]
+ 200 permit udp any any range 51000 51100
+ 210 permit tcp any any eq 3333
+ 220 permit tcp any any eq nat ttl eq 255
+ 230 permit tcp any eq bgp any
+ 240 permit rsvp any any
+ 250 permit tcp any any eq 6040
+ 260 permit tcp any any eq 5541 ttl eq 255
+ 270 permit tcp any any eq 5542 ttl eq 255
+2. There are multiple ways to quickly edit and remove the unnecessary match
+ outputs, in this example we'll use sed
on EOS. Save the file to /mnt/flash
+ show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl | redirect flash:cpacl.txt
+3. Enter bash: #bash
+4. Go to /mnt/flash
and remove the match outputs
+cd /mnt/flash
+ sudo sed -i "s/\[.*//g" cpacl.txt
+5. Reading the file now should be clean without all the match counter outputs like below:
+ IP Access List default-control-plane-acl
+ counters per-entry
+ 10 permit icmp any any
+ 20 permit ip any any tracked
+ 30 permit udp any any eq bfd ttl eq 255
+ 40 permit udp any any eq bfd-echo ttl eq 254
+ 50 permit udp any any eq multihop-bfd
+ 60 permit udp any any eq micro-bfd
+ 70 permit udp any any eq sbfd
+ 80 permit udp any eq sbfd any eq sbfd-initiator
+ 90 permit ospf any any
+ 100 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https msdp ldp netconf-ssh gnmi
+ 110 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp rip ntp ldp
+ 120 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
+ 130 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255
+ 140 permit vrrp any any
+ 150 permit ahp any any
+ 160 permit pim any any
+ 170 permit igmp any any
+ 180 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910
+ 190 permit tcp any any range 50000 50100
+ 200 permit udp any any range 51000 51100
+ 210 permit tcp any any eq 3333
+ 220 permit tcp any any eq nat ttl eq 255
+ 230 permit tcp any eq bgp any
+ 240 permit rsvp any any
+ 250 permit tcp any any eq 6040
+ 260 permit tcp any any eq 5541 ttl eq 255
+ 270 permit tcp any any eq 5542 ttl eq 255
+6. Now we can just copy that ACLs content into a new ACL, add our new rules and apply it on the control-plane.
+From config mode:
+ ip access-list custom-cp
+ <paste the content of the default CP from the file created>
+ 280 permit tcp any any eq 5900
+7. Apply the new ACL
+Default VRF
+ system control-plane
+ ip access-group custom-cp in
+Non-default VRF
+ system control-plane
+ ip access-group custom-cp vrf management in
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diff --git a/examples/WiFi/index.html b/examples/WiFi/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..615e71e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/WiFi/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1492 @@
+ WiFi - Open Management
+ WiFi
+Arista APs include an agent module (ocagent) that implements the OpenConfig
+interfaces. The agent module interacts with the rest of the AP modules for
+applying changes, fetching data, etc. For mor information on OpenConfig
+implementation in Arista WiFi,
+see OpenConfig for Arista WiFi.
+This page lists a few examples of the AP using gNMI. For more information on gNxI, refer to gNxI Tools.
+Get AP
+ python py_gnmicli.py -m
+ get -t <AP-IP> -x /provision-aps -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com
+Reveal output
+ "openconfig-ap-manager:provision-ap" : [
+ {
+ "mac" : "30:86:2D:B0:0F:EF" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "country-code" : "IN" ,
+ "hostname" : "arista"
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "country-code" : "IN" ,
+ "hostname" : "arista"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Get operating frequencies (bands) of SSID
+ python py_gnmicli.py -m
+ get -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[ hostname = <host>] /ssids/ssid[ name = <ssid-name>] /state/operating-frequency
+Reveal output
+Get SSID Configuration
+ python py_gnmicli.py -m
+ get -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[ hostname = <host>] /ssids/ssid[ name = <ssid-name>] /config
+Reveal output
+ "openconfig-access-points:dva" : true ,
+ "openconfig-access-points:supported-data-rates-5g" : [
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB"
+ ],
+ "openconfig-access-points:opmode" : "WPA2_PERSONAL" ,
+ "openconfig-access-points:okc" : true ,
+ "openconfig-access-points:supported-data-rates-2g" : [
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB"
+ ],
+ "openconfig-access-points:name" : "OCWiFi1" ,
+ "openconfig-access-points:basic-data-rates-2g" : [
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB"
+ ],
+ "openconfig-access-points:wpa2-psk" : "0123456789" ,
+ "openconfig-access-points:basic-data-rates-5g" : [
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB" ,
+ "openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB"
+ ]
+Get clients for SSID
+ python py_gnmicli.py -m
+ get -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[ hostname = <host>] /ssids/ssid[ name = <ssid-name>] /clients
+Reveal output
+ "openconfig-access-points:client" : [
+ {
+ "mac" : "C2:2F:42:79:CB:BA" ,
+ "client-rf" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "phy-rate" : 0 ,
+ "rssi" : - 52 ,
+ "frequency" : 0 ,
+ "snr" : 42 ,
+ "ss" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "mac" : "C2:2F:42:79:CB:BA" ,
+ "counters" : {
+ "tx-bytes" : "34707" ,
+ "tx-retries" : "0" ,
+ "rx-bytes" : "19705" ,
+ "rx-retries" : "18"
+ }
+ },
+ "client-connection" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "username" : "" ,
+ "client-state" : "openconfig-wifi-types:AUTHENTICATED" ,
+ "hostname" : "" ,
+ "operating-system" : "" ,
+ "ipv6-addresses" : [
+ "fe80::c02f:42ff:fe79:cbba"
+ ],
+ "ipv4-address" : [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "connection-time" : "1628849487411018113"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Get operating channel of radio
+ python py_gnmicli.py -m
+ get -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[ hostname = <host>] /radios/radio[ id = 1 ][ operating-frequency= FREQ_5GHZ] /state/channel
+Reveal output
+ timestamp : 1628855017049472718
+ update {
+ path {
+ elem {
+ name : "access-points"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "access-point"
+ key {
+ key : "hostname"
+ value : "arista"
+ }
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "radios"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "radio"
+ key {
+ key : "id"
+ value : "1"
+ }
+ key {
+ key : "operating-frequency"
+ value : "FREQ_5GHZ"
+ }
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "state"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "channel"
+ }
+ }
+ val {
+ uint_val : 36
+ }
+ }
+Get operating EIRP of radio
+ python py_gnmicli.py -m
+ get -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[ hostname = <host>] /radios/radio[ id = 1 ][ operating-frequency= FREQ_5GHZ] /state/transmit-eirp
+Reveal output
+ timestamp : 1628855017049472718
+ update {
+ path {
+ elem {
+ name : "access-points"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "access-point"
+ key {
+ key : "hostname"
+ value : "arista"
+ }
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "radios"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "radio"
+ key {
+ key : "id"
+ value : "1"
+ }
+ key {
+ key : "operating-frequency"
+ value : "FREQ_5GHZ"
+ }
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "state"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "transmit-eirp"
+ }
+ }
+ val {
+ uint_val : 28
+ }
+ }
+Set operating channel of radio
+ python py_gnmicli.py -m
+ set-replace-t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[ hostname = <host>] /radios/radio[ id = 1 ][ operating-frequency= FREQ_5GHZ] /config/channel -val 169
+Reveal output
response {
+ path {
+ elem {
+ name : "access-points"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "access-point"
+ key {
+ key : "hostname"
+ value : "arista"
+ }
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "radios"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "radio"
+ key {
+ key : "id"
+ value : "1"
+ }
+ key {
+ key : "operating-frequency"
+ value : "FREQ_5GHZ"
+ }
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "config"
+ }
+ elem {
+ name : "channel"
+ }
+ }
+ op : REPLACE
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diff --git a/examples/ansible/index.html b/examples/ansible/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d776a77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ansible/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+ Ansible playbook example demo - Open Management
+ Ansible
+In this ansible collection we show how to use ansible to find all the available
+modules within an Arista EOS device using the capabilities method within
+Edit the inventory file to match your environment
+ [leaf]
+ ansible_user=admin ansible_password=admin
+ [all:vars]
+ ansible_user=admin
+ ansible_password=admin
+ ansible_become_pass=admin
+ ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
+ ansible_port=6030
+ ansible_connection=nokia.grpc.gnmi
+ ansible_gnmi_encoding=JSON
+gNMI collection
+ ansible-galaxy collection install nokia.openconfig
+Run the playbook
+ ansible-playbook -i inventory capabilities.yaml
+output of playbook
+ ok: [] => {
+ "msg": {
+ "gNMIVersion": "0.7.0",
+ "supportedEncodings": [
+ "JSON",
+ ],
+ "supportedModels": [
+ {
+ "name": "arista-exp-eos-multicast",
+ "organization": "Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "arista-exp-eos-evpn",
+ "organization": "Arista Networks, Inc."
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/index.html b/examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dbdca19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2778 @@
+ Arista gNMI client examples - Open Management
+ gnmi (Arista)
+gNMI GET RPC Examples
+OpenConfig paths
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username admin -password arista get /
+Get the BGP configuration in the default VRF
+ gnmi -addr 198 .51.100.219:6030 -username admin -password arista \
+ get '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp' `
+Reveal output
+ "openconfig-network-instance:global" : {
+ "confederation" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "identifier" : 0
+ },
+ "state" : { p
+ "identifier" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ "config" : {
+ "as" : 4206000022 ,
+ "router-id" : ""
+ },
+ "default-route-distance" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "external-route-distance" : 200 ,
+ "internal-route-distance" : 200
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "external-route-distance" : 200 ,
+ "internal-route-distance" : 200
+ }
+ },
+ "graceful-restart" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "restart-time" : 0
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "restart-time" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ "route-selection-options" : {
+ "config" : {},
+ "state" : {}
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "as" : 4206000022 ,
+ "router-id" : ""
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:neighbors" : {
+ "neighbor" : [
+ {
+ "afi-safis" : {
+ "afi-safi" : [
+ {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "graceful-restart" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "graceful-restart" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "config" : {
+ "auth-password" : "" ,
+ "description" : "" ,
+ "local-as" : 0 ,
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "peer-as" : 1 ,
+ "send-community" : "NONE"
+ },
+ "ebgp-multihop" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "multihop-ttl" : 0
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "multihop-ttl" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "route-reflector" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "route-reflector-client" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "route-reflector-client" : false
+ }
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "auth-password" : "" ,
+ "description" : "" ,
+ "local-as" : 0 ,
+ "peer-as" : 1 ,
+ "send-community" : "NONE"
+ },
+ "timers" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "hold-time" : "180.0" ,
+ "keepalive-interval" : "60.0"
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "hold-time" : "180.0" ,
+ "keepalive-interval" : "60.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "transport" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "passive-mode" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "passive-mode" : false
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "afi-safis" : {
+ "afi-safi" : [
+ {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "graceful-restart" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "graceful-restart" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "enabled" : false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "config" : {
+ "auth-password" : "" ,
+ "description" : "" ,
+ "local-as" : 0 ,
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "peer-as" : 65001 ,
+ "send-community" : "NONE"
+ },
+ "ebgp-multihop" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "multihop-ttl" : 0
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "multihop-ttl" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "route-reflector" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "route-reflector-client" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "route-reflector-client" : false
+ }
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "auth-password" : "" ,
+ "description" : "" ,
+ "local-as" : 0 ,
+ "peer-as" : 65001 ,
+ "send-community" : "NONE"
+ },
+ "timers" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "hold-time" : "180.0" ,
+ "keepalive-interval" : "60.0"
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "hold-time" : "180.0" ,
+ "keepalive-interval" : "60.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "transport" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "passive-mode" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "passive-mode" : false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get BGP neighbors
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139 -username admin \
+ get '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors'
+ Reveal output
+ "openconfig-network-instance:neighbor" : [
+ {
+ "afi-safis" : {
+ "afi-safi" : [
+ {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST"
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST" ,
+ "prefixes" : {
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths" : 0 ,
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-paths" : 0 ,
+ "installed" : 0 ,
+ "received" : 0 ,
+ "sent" : 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:L2VPN_EVPN" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:L2VPN_EVPN"
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:L2VPN_EVPN" ,
+ "prefixes" : {
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths" : 0 ,
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-paths" : 0 ,
+ "installed" : 0 ,
+ "received" : 0 ,
+ "sent" : 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST"
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "prefixes" : {
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths" : 0 ,
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-paths" : 0 ,
+ "installed" : 0 ,
+ "received" : 0 ,
+ "sent" : 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "apply-policy" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "default-export-policy" : "REJECT_ROUTE" ,
+ "default-import-policy" : "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "default-export-policy" : "REJECT_ROUTE" ,
+ "default-import-policy" : "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ }
+ },
+ "as-path-options" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "replace-peer-as" : false
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "replace-peer-as" : false
+ }
+ },
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : true ,
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "peer-as" : 65002 ,
+ "send-community" : "NONE"
+ },
+ "ebgp-multihop" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : false ,
+ "multihop-ttl" : 0
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "enabled" : false ,
+ "multihop-ttl" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "state" : {
+ "enabled" : true ,
+ "established-transitions" : "2" ,
+ "last-established" : "1614170027122047488" ,
+ "messages" : {
+ "received" : {
+ "UPDATE" : "2"
+ },
+ "sent" : {
+ "UPDATE" : "2"
+ }
+ },
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "peer-as" : 65002 ,
+ "send-community" : "NONE" ,
+ "session-state" : "ESTABLISHED"
+ },
+ "transport" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "mtu-discovery" : true
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "mtu-discovery" : true ,
+ "remote-address" : "" ,
+ "remote-port" : 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Get all interface descriptions
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username admin -password arista \
+ get '/interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'
+ /interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet3]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: SRV01
+ /interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: DCI
+ /interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet2]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: To Spines
+Get an interface's description
+ gnmi -addr 198 .51.100.100:6030 -username admin -password arista \
+ get 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1/1]/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'
+ /interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1/1]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: "Tyrion"
+Get the operational status of all interfaces
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username admin -password arista \
+ get 'interfaces/interface/state/oper-status' `
+Get all states of an interface
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/' `
+Reveal output
+ "openconfig-interfaces:admin-status" : "UP" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:counters" : {
+ "in-broadcast-pkts" : "1" ,
+ "in-discards" : "0" ,
+ "in-errors" : "0" ,
+ "in-fcs-errors" : "0" ,
+ "in-multicast-pkts" : "70143" ,
+ "in-octets" : "570132503174" ,
+ "in-unicast-pkts" : "376128549" ,
+ "out-broadcast-pkts" : "2" ,
+ "out-discards" : "0" ,
+ "out-errors" : "0" ,
+ "out-multicast-pkts" : "169207" ,
+ "out-octets" : "569979193348" ,
+ "out-unicast-pkts" : "376049116"
+ },
+ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" : true ,
+ "openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port" : "Port24" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:ifindex" : 24 ,
+ "arista-intf-augments:inactive" : false ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:last-change" : "1614001155863084032" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode" : false ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:mtu" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet24" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:oper-status" : "UP" ,
+ "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd"
+Get an interface's operational status
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/oper-status'
+ /interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/oper-status: UP
+Get an interface's admin status
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/admin-status' `
+ /interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/admin-status: UP
+Get the DOM metrics of all interfaces
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get "components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/"
+Get the DOM metrics of an interface
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get "components/component[name=Ethernet24 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/"
+ Reveal output
/components/component[name=Ethernet24 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state:
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:index" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power" : {
+ "instant" : "-0.26"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current" : {
+ "instant" : "7.49"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power" : {
+ "instant" : "0.32"
+ }
+Get per core CPU utilization
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get 'components/component/cpu'
+Reveal output
+ "openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "avg" : 18 ,
+ "instant" : 16 ,
+ "interval" : "1000000000000" ,
+ "max" : 28 ,
+ "max-time" : "3230106984172745216" ,
+ "min" : 13 ,
+ "min-time" : "3230106514174602752"
+ }
+ }
+ "openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "avg" : 17 ,
+ "instant" : 16 ,
+ "interval" : "1000000000000" ,
+ "max" : 25 ,
+ "max-time" : "3230106564173730816" ,
+ "min" : 12 ,
+ "min-time" : "3230106394175068672"
+ }
+ }
+ "openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "avg" : 18 ,
+ "instant" : 17 ,
+ "interval" : "1000000000000" ,
+ "max" : 27 ,
+ "max-time" : "3230107464174793728" ,
+ "min" : 13 ,
+ "min-time" : "3230107334172570624"
+ }
+ }
+ "openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "avg" : 17 ,
+ "instant" : 21 ,
+ "interval" : "1000000000000" ,
+ "max" : 24 ,
+ "max-time" : "3230106924173756928" ,
+ "min" : 11 ,
+ "min-time" : "3230107394173572608"
+ }
+ }
+Get the available/utilized memory
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get 'components/component/state/memory/'
+ /components/component[name=Chassis]/state/memory:
+ {
+ "openconfig-platform:available": "8298774528",
+ "openconfig-platform:utilized": "7706267648"
+ }
+Get the system environment temperatures
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get 'components/component/state/temperature/instant'
+Reveal output
/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor49]/state/temperature/instant: 30.49609375
+ /components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor25]/state/temperature/instant: 24.69921875
+ /components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor40]/state/temperature/instant: 25.5078125
+ /components/component[name=TempSensorP2/2]/state/temperature/instant: 0.0
+ /components/component[name=TempSensorP1/3]/state/temperature/instant: 40.0
+ /components/component[name=TempSensorP2/1]/state/temperature/instant: 0.0
+ /components/component[name=TempSensorP2/3]/state/temperature/instant: 0.0
+ /components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor24]/state/temperature/instant: 24.5
+ /components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor26]/state/temperature/instant: 23.73046875
+ /components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor54]/state/temperature/instant: 27.26953125
+ /components/component[name=TempSensorP1/1]/state/temperature/instant: 34.0
+ /components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor50]/state/temperature/instant: 27.453125
+ /components/component[name=TempSensorP1/2]/state/temperature/instant: 25.0
+ /components/component[name=TempSensor1]/state/temperature/instant: 45.84278576588521
+ /components/component[name=TempSensor15]/state/temperature/instant: 33.875
+ /components/component[name=TempSensor18]/state/temperature/instant: 44.625
+ /components/component[name=TempSensor16]/state/temperature/instant: 22.75
+ /components/component[name=TempSensor17]/state/temperature/instant: 37.0
+ /components/component[name=TempSensor14]/state/temperature/instant: 37.0
+EOS Native paths
+To get EOS native paths, OCTA has to be enabled as mentioned in the
+configuration section. Performing GET/SUBSCRIBE actions using EOS native paths
+require changing the origin to eos_native
+Commonly used paths
+MAC table: /Smash/bridging/status/smashFdbStatus
+ARP table: /Smash/arp/status/arpEntry
+Neighbor table: /Smash/arp/status/neighborEntry
+IPv4 RIB: /Smash/routing/status/route
+IPv6 RIB: /Smash/routing6/status/route
+IPv4 next-hop table: /Smash/routing/status/nexthop
+IPv6 next-hop table: /Smash/routing6/status/nexthop
+CPU info: /Kernel/proc/cpu
+Process statistics: /Kernel/proc/stat
+System info: /Kernel/sysinfo
+EOS version: /Eos/image
+Interface counters: /Smash/counters/ethIntf/<agent>/current/counter
+Values for <agent>
+7500-family, 7280-family, 7020-family (Arad/Jericho ASICs): SandCounters
+7300-family, 7250-family, 7050-family, 7010 products, 720-family (Trident
+ ASICs): StrataCounters
+For 7060-family, 7260-family (Tomahawk): Strata-FixedSystem
+ StrataCounters
from 4.22+
+7150-family products (Alta ASICs): FocalPointV2
+7160-family products (Cavium/Xpliant ASICs): XpCounters
+7170-family products (Barefoot ASIC): BfnCounters
+Get CPU utilization
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.130:6030 -username admin \
+ get origin = eos_native '/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total'
+ /Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total/nice:
+ 38446
+ /Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total/system:
+ 2347714
+ /Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total/idle:
+ 247720286
+ /Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total/name:
+ total
+ /Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total/util:
+ 7
+ /Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total/user:
+ 16984784
+Get transceiver DOM temperature
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.130:6030 -username admin get origin = eos_native \
+ 'Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32' `
+Reveal output
+ {
+ "value": 32.5
+ }
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/maxTemperature:
+ {
+ "value": 34.88671875
+ }
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/maxTemperatureTime: 1564757444.339129
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/name: DomTemperatureSensor32
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/generationId: 0
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/hwStatus: ok
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/alertRaised: false
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/alertRaisedCount: 0
+ /Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/lastAlertRaisedTime: 1564194739.259879
+Get connectivity monitor host stats
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username admin get origin = eos_native '/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/'
+ Reveal output
/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/key/hostName: wls100
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/key/vrfName:
+ {
+ "value": "default"
+ }
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/name: wls100_default
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/packetLoss: 0
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/httpResponseTime: 0
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/interfaceName:
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/jitter: 0
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/latency: 0
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/ipAddr: ""
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/key/hostName: ats323
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/key/vrfName:
+ {
+ "value": "management"
+ }
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/name: ats323_management
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/ipAddr: ""
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/latency: 0.127
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/jitter: 0.033
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/packetLoss: 0
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/httpResponseTime: 21.860306
+ /Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/interfaceName:
+gNMI SET RPC Examples
+OpenConfig paths
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \
+ '{"config": {"neighbor-address":"", "peer-as": 123}}'
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203:6030 -username arista -password arista
+ update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \
+ { "config" : { "neighbor-address" :"" , "peer-as" : 123 , "enabled" : true, "send-community" : "EXTENDED" }} '
+Create peer group
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203 -username arista -password arista update \
+ '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/peer-groups/peer-group[peer-group-name=XYZ]' \
+ '{"config": {"peer-group-name":"XYZ", "local-as": 114}}'
+Update the peer AS
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as' \
+ '110'
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \
+ '{"config": {"peer-as": 110}}'
+Update the peer group
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-group' \
+ 'XYZ'
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \
+ '{"config": {"peer-group": "XYZ","peer-as": 143}}'
+Update BGP config using json file
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp' bgp.json
+ Reveal output
+ "neighbors" : {
+ "neighbor" : [
+ {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : true ,
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "peer-group" : "XYZ"
+ },
+ "neighbor-address" : ""
+ },
+ {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : true ,
+ "neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "peer-group" : "XYZ"
+ },
+ "neighbor-address" : ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "peer-groups" : {
+ "peer-group" : [
+ {
+ "config" : {
+ "peer-as" : 65002 ,
+ "peer-group-name" : "ABC"
+ },
+ "peer-group-name" : "ABC"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Create an ACL
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203:6030 -username admin -password arista \
+ update /acl/acl-sets acl2.json
+Reveal output
+ "acl-set" : [
+ {
+ "config" : {
+ "name" : "test" ,
+ "type" : "ACL_IPV4"
+ },
+ "name" : "test" ,
+ "type" : "ACL_IPV4" ,
+ "acl-entries" : {
+ "acl-entry" : [
+ {
+ "sequence-id" : 10 ,
+ "actions" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "forwarding-action" : "DROP"
+ }
+ },
+ "config" : {
+ "sequence-id" : 10
+ },
+ "ipv4" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "destination-address" : "" ,
+ "source-address" : ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+This creates
+ ip access-list test
+ 10 deny ip any
+Shutdown an interface
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \
+ 'false'
+Bring up an interface
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.139:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \
+ 'true'
+OpenConfig paths
+Subscribe to all BGP neighbor states
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203 -username arista -password arista \
+ subscribe '/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state'
+Subscribe to specific BGP neighbor state
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.203 -username arista -password arista \
+ subscribe '/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state'
+Subscribe with stream mode sample and interval
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.214:6030 -username admin -password arista \
+ -sample_interval 5s -stream_mode sample \
+ subscribe \
+ '/network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received'
+CLI origin
+Changing the maximum-routes for a BGP neighbor
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.214:6030 -username arista -password arista \
+ update origin = cli "" "router bgp 65101
+ neighbor IPv4-UNDERLAY-PEERS maximum-routes 12500"
+NOTE the neighbor
command has to be on a new line, so the previous line should not end in \
+show version
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.214:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ get origin = cli "show version"
+ Reveal output
/show version:
+ "architecture" : "i686" ,
+ "bootupTimestamp" : 1626291561.0 ,
+ "configMacAddress" : "00:00:00:00:00:00" ,
+ "hardwareRevision" : "" ,
+ "hwMacAddress" : "00:00:00:00:00:00" ,
+ "imageFormatVersion" : "1.0" ,
+ "internalBuildId" : "ed275a6c-1771-482d-829b-125e9c6ba677" ,
+ "internalVersion" : "4.26.2F-23035564.riorel" ,
+ "isIntlVersion" : false ,
+ "memFree" : 2422124 ,
+ "memTotal" : 4002356 ,
+ "mfgName" : "Arista" ,
+ "modelName" : "vEOS-lab" ,
+ "serialNumber" : "BAD032986065E8DC14CBB6472EC314A6" ,
+ "systemMacAddress" : "50:08:00:a7:ca:c3" ,
+ "uptime" : 1814877.63 ,
+ "version" : "4.26.2F-23035564.riorel (engineering build)"
+Running unconverted show commands that use 'text' format
+To run show commands that are not converted to JSON and require format="text"
+can be used from EOS 4.29.2F or newer.
+ gnmi -addr 192 .0.2.214:6030 -username cvpadmin -password arista get encoding = ascii origin = cli "show platform fap interrupts"
+ Reveal output
/show platform fap interrupts:
+ Jericho0
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | Interrupt Bit | Count | First Occurrence | Last Occurrence |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_12 [ 0 ] | 55 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 22 | 2023 - 10 - 20 10 : 29 : 21 |
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_13 [ 0 ] | 39 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 21 | 2023 - 10 - 16 19 : 00 : 15 |
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_14 [ 0 ] | 39 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 23 | 2023 - 10 - 16 19 : 00 : 15 |
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_15 [ 0 ] | 39 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 22 | 2023 - 10 - 16 19 : 00 : 15 |
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_20 [ 0 ] | 67 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 26 | 2023 - 10 - 24 00 : 44 : 24 |
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_21 [ 0 ] | 56 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 25 | 2023 - 10 - 24 00 : 44 : 24 |
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_22 [ 0 ] | 53 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 25 | 2023 - 10 - 24 00 : 45 : 15 |
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_23 [ 0 ] | 55 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 24 | 2023 - 10 - 24 00 : 45 : 15 |
+ | IPS_QueueEnteredDel [ 1 ] | 6 | 2023 - 10 - 11 14 : 00 : 20 | 2023 - 10 - 11 14 : 12 : 02 |
+ | EPNI_PP_NewDaErr [ 0 ] | 255206 | 2023 - 10 - 05 15 : 06 : 43 | 2023 - 10 - 25 21 : 42 : 04 |
+ | EPNI_PP_VsiMembershipDeny [ 1 ] | 2 | 2023 - 10 - 11 02 : 27 : 16 | 2023 - 10 - 11 14 : 11 : 46 |
+ | EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc [ 0 ] | 255206 | 2023 - 10 - 05 15 : 06 : 43 | 2023 - 10 - 25 21 : 42 : 04 |
+ | EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc [ 1 ] | 47299 | 2023 - 10 - 05 13 : 33 : 12 | 2023 - 10 - 23 16 : 16 : 04 |
+ | FMAC_FMAC_2_RxLostOfSync_0 [ 32 ] | 883547 | 2023 - 10 - 05 00 : 02 : 34 | 2023 - 10 - 25 21 : 42 : 08 |
+< ommitted >
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/index.html b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f16d276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3360 @@
+ gNMIC examples - Open Management
+ gnmic
+The following examples are used to find openconfig paths within Arista EOS using
+the gNMIC binary . There will be some commands which
+will specify one liners which will have the address of the gNMI target and some
+commands which will use the .gnmic.yaml
file which will have the target
+information inside declared. All outputs will be redirected to the outputs file
+with the .json extension so they are easier to view within a text editor.
+Download && install gnmic
+To install run:
+ bash -c " $( curl -sL https://get-gnmic.openconfig.net) "
+To get the version run:
+ gnmi_stuff$ gnmic version
+ version : 0 .27.0
+ commit : cc5759c
+ date : 2022 -10-10T06:40:26Z
+ gitURL : https://github.com/openconfig/gnmic
+ docs : https://gnmic.openconfig.net
+Device config
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc default
+ no shutdown
+ provider eos-native
+ ceos3# show management api gnmi
+ Octa: enabled
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 6030
+ SSL Profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+ Authorization Required:No
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure capabilities \
+ >> outputs/capabilities.json
+gNMI GET RPC Examples
+OpenConfig paths
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path "/"
+Get the BGP configuration in the default VRF
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp'
+Get BGP neighbors
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.139:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure get --path \
+ '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors'
+Get all interface descriptions
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ '/interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'
+Get an interface's description
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626293671204274106 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T21:14:31.204274106+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description" : "To-SPINE1"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get the operational status of all interfaces
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'interfaces/interface/state/oper-status'
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626293641102904713 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T21:14:01.102904713+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Management1]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet5]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet4]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet3]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet2]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Port-Channel4]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Port-Channel3]/state/oper-status" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status" : "UP"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get all states of an interface
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/'
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626293429376469348 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T21:10:29.376469348+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state" : {
+ "arista-intf-augments:inactive" : false ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:admin-status" : "UP" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:counters" : {
+ "in-broadcast-pkts" : "0" ,
+ "in-discards" : "0" ,
+ "in-errors" : "0" ,
+ "in-fcs-errors" : "0" ,
+ "in-multicast-pkts" : "48" ,
+ "in-octets" : "111398" ,
+ "in-unicast-pkts" : "1460" ,
+ "out-broadcast-pkts" : "1" ,
+ "out-discards" : "0" ,
+ "out-errors" : "0" ,
+ "out-multicast-pkts" : "49" ,
+ "out-octets" : "117389" ,
+ "out-unicast-pkts" : "1457"
+ },
+ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "To-SPINE1" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:ifindex" : 1 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:last-change" : "1626292006733589760" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:mtu" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet1" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:oper-status" : "UP" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd" ,
+ "openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port" : "Port1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get an interface's operational status
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/oper-status'
+ [
+ {
+ "timestamp": 1626293414057239130,
+ "time": "2021-07-14T21:10:14.05723913+01:00",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet2]/state/oper-status",
+ "values": {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/oper-status": "UP"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+Get an interface's admin status
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/admin-status'
+ [
+ {
+ "timestamp": 1626293085257457373,
+ "time": "2021-07-14T21:04:45.257457373+01:00",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/admin-status",
+ "values": {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/admin-status": "UP"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+Get the DOM metrics of all interfaces
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ "components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/"
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626293085257457373 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T21:04:45.257457373+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=Ethernet49 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state" : {
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:index" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power" : {
+ "instant" : "1.15"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current" : {
+ "instant" : "0.0"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power" : {}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=Ethernet50 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state" : {
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:index" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power" : {
+ "instant" : "1.11"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current" : {
+ "instant" : "0.0"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power" : {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get the DOM metrics of an interface
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ "components/component[name=Ethernet49 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/"
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "time" : "1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=Ethernet49 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state" : {
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:index" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power" : {
+ "instant" : "1.08"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current" : {
+ "instant" : "0.0"
+ },
+ "openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power" : {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get per core CPU utilization
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'components/component/cpu'
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626294810779644595 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T21:33:30.779644595+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=CPU1]/cpu" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/cpu" : {
+ "openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "avg" : 6 ,
+ "instant" : 6 ,
+ "interval" : "1000000000000" ,
+ "max" : 14 ,
+ "max-time" : "3252585270429488128" ,
+ "min" : 2 ,
+ "min-time" : "3252586330424618496"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=CPU0]/cpu" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/cpu" : {
+ "openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "avg" : 5 ,
+ "instant" : 7 ,
+ "interval" : "1000000000000" ,
+ "max" : 13 ,
+ "max-time" : "3252586170423993344" ,
+ "min" : 1 ,
+ "min-time" : "3252585340433252352"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get the available/utilized memory
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'components/component/state/memory/'
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626294846423115892 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T21:34:06.423115892+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=Chassis]/state/memory" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/memory" : {
+ "openconfig-platform:available" : "4098412544" ,
+ "openconfig-platform:utilized" : "4018016256"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get the system environment temperatures
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'components/component/state/temperature/instant'
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626294876186613578 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T21:34:36.186613578+01:00"
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor50]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 2709375 ,
+ "precision" : 5
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor49]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 27140625 ,
+ "precision" : 6
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor7]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 41168000000000006 ,
+ "precision" : 15
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor8]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 4225279999999998 ,
+ "precision" : 14
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor9]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 4062560000000002 ,
+ "precision" : 14
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor1]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 39141723894742796 ,
+ "precision" : 15
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor6]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 23875 ,
+ "precision" : 3
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor3]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 21
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor4]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 1725 ,
+ "precision" : 2
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor5]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 29
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "components/component[name=TempSensor2]/state/temperature/instant" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "components/component/state/temperature/instant" : {
+ "digits" : 32
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ '/telemetry-system/subscriptions'
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1723202310565051604 ,
+ "time" : "2024-08-09T16:48:30.565051604+05:30" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "telemetry-system/subscriptions" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "telemetry-system/subscriptions" : {
+ "openconfig-telemetry:dynamic-subscriptions" : {
+ "dynamic-subscription" : [
+ {
+ "id" : "2" ,
+ "sensor-paths" : {
+ "sensor-path" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "/components/component/state/memory" ,
+ "state" : {
+ "path" : "/components/component/state/memory"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "path" : "/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total" ,
+ "state" : {
+ "path" : "/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "destination-address" : "" ,
+ "destination-port" : 51478 ,
+ "encoding" : "openconfig-telemetry-types:ENC_PROTO3" ,
+ "id" : "2" ,
+ "protocol" : "openconfig-telemetry-types:STREAM_GRPC"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "3" ,
+ "sensor-paths" : {
+ "sensor-path" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "/components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state" ,
+ "state" : {
+ "path" : "/components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "state" : {
+ "destination-address" : "" ,
+ "destination-port" : 57928 ,
+ "encoding" : "openconfig-telemetry-types:ENC_PROTO3" ,
+ "id" : "3" ,
+ "protocol" : "openconfig-telemetry-types:STREAM_GRPC"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+OpenConfig paths
+Subscribe to all BGP neighbor states
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip subscribe --path \
+ '/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state'
+ Reveal output
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1626302647" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1626292010055258009 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T20:46:50.055258009+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state/messages/sent/UPDATE" : 8
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1626302647" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1626292008053994815 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T20:46:48.053994815+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state/established-transitions" : 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Subscribe to specific BGP neighbor state
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip subscribe --path \
+ 'network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state'
+ Reveal output
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1626303017" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1626302991598465536 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T23:49:51.598465536+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state/last-established" : 1626302991563603200
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Subscribe with stream mode sample and interval
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip --sample-interval 5s --stream-mode sample subscribe --path \
+ '/network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received'
+ Reveal output
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1626303393" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1626303158135414182 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T23:52:38.135414182+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/state/prefixes/received" : 5
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1626303393" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1626303158135414182 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T23:52:38.135414182+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/state/prefixes/received" : 5
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Subscribe to interface counters and save them to a file
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure subscribe --path \
+ "/interfaces/interface/state/counters" >> outputs/interface_state.json
+gNMI SET RPC Examples
+OpenConfig paths
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \
+ --update-file value.json
+value.json :
+{ "config" : { "neighbor-address" : "" , "peer-as" : 123 }}
+ "timestamp" : 1626305876151537555 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-15T00:37:56.151537555+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]"
+ }
+ ]
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \
+ --update-file value.json
+value.json :
+{ "config" : { "neighbor-address" : "" , "peer-as" : 123 , "enabled" : true , "send-community" : "EXTENDED" }}
+ "timestamp" : 1626305480401353997 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-15T00:31:20.401353997+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]"
+ }
+ ]
+Create BGP peer group
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/peer-groups/peer-group[peer-group-name=XYZ]' \
+ --update-file value.json
+value.json :
+{ "config" : { "peer-group-name" : "XYZ" , "local-as" : 114 }}
+Update BGP peer AS
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as' \
+ --update-value '110'
+ "timestamp" : 1626306067189329813 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-15T00:41:07.189329813+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as"
+ }
+ ]
+Update BGP peer group
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-group' \
+ --update-value 'XYZ'
+ "timestamp" : 1626306067189329813 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-15T00:41:07.189329813+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as"
+ }
+ ]
+Create an ACL
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.108:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path /acl/acl-sets \
+ --update-file acl2.json
+ "timestamp" : 1626307972085688242 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-15T01:12:52.085688242+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "acl/acl-sets"
+ }
+ ]
+ acl2.json
+ "acl-set" : [
+ {
+ "config" : {
+ "name" : "test" ,
+ "type" : "ACL_IPV4"
+ },
+ "name" : "test" ,
+ "type" : "ACL_IPV4" ,
+ "acl-entries" : {
+ "acl-entry" : [
+ {
+ "sequence-id" : 10 ,
+ "actions" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "forwarding-action" : "DROP"
+ }
+ },
+ "config" : {
+ "sequence-id" : 10
+ },
+ "ipv4" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "destination-address" : "" ,
+ "source-address" : ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+This creates
+ ip access-list test
+ 10 deny ip any
+Shutdown an interface
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.108:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \
+ --update-value 'false'
+ "timestamp" : 1626309145489047571 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-15T01:32:25.489047571+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled"
+ }
+ ]
+Bring up an interface
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.108:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --update-path '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \
+ --update-value 'true'
+ "timestamp" : 1626309156607307596 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-15T01:32:36.607307596+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled"
+ }
+ ]
+EOS Native paths
+To get EOS native paths, OCTA has to be enabled as mentioned in the
+configuration section. Performing GET/SUBSCRIBE actions using EOS native paths
+require changing the origin to eos_native
+Commonly used paths
+MAC table: /Smash/bridging/status/smashFdbStatus
+ARP table: /Smash/arp/status/arpEntry
+Neighbor table: /Smash/arp/status/neighborEntry
+IPv4 RIB: /Smash/routing/status/route
+IPv6 RIB: /Smash/routing6/status/route
+IPv4 next-hop table: /Smash/routing/status/nexthop
+IPv6 next-hop table: /Smash/routing6/status/nexthop
+CPU info: /Kernel/proc/cpu
+Process statistics: /Kernel/proc/stat
+System info: /Kernel/sysinfo
+EOS version: /Eos/image
+Interface counters: /Smash/counters/ethIntf/<agent>/current/counter
+Values for <agent>
+7500-family, 7280-family, 7020-family (Arad/Jericho ASICs): SandCounters
+7300-family, 7250-family, 7050-family, 7010 products, 720-family (Trident
+ ASICs): StrataCounters
+For 7060-family, 7260-family (Tomahawk): Strata-FixedSystem
+ StrataCounters
from 4.22+
+7150-family products (Alta ASICs): FocalPointV2
+7160-family products (Cavium/Xpliant ASICs): XpCounters
+7170-family products (Barefoot ASIC): BfnCounters
+Get CPU utilization
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.108:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ 'eos_native:/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total'
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 1626291721294738334 ,
+ "time" : "2021-07-14T20:42:01.294738334+01:00" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "name" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "name" : "total"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "nice" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "nice" : 28845
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "util" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "util" : 41
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "user" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "user" : 32058347
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "system" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "system" : 4597389
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "idle" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "idle" : 76373566
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Get transceiver DOM temperature
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip get --path \
+ eos_native:/Sysdb/hardware/archer/xcvr/status >> outputs/doms.json
+Get EOS image version
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip get \
+ --path eos_native:/Eos/image >> outputs/eos_image.json
+Get LANZ Data Streaming
+In addition to Octa, LANZ and LANZ Data Streaming also needs to be enabled on the switch.
+ queue-monitor length
+ !
+ queue-monitor streaming
+ no shutdown
+With Octa and LANZ Data Streaming enabled, LANZ metrics can be subscribed to:
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip \
+ subscribe --path 'eos_native:/LANZ'
+ Reveal output
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1669906007" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669903438845029161 ,
+ "time" : "2022-12-01T19:33:58.845029161+05:30" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:LANZ/config" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "name" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "name" : "config"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1669906007" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669903438845141433 ,
+ "time" : "2022-12-01T19:33:58.845141433+05:30" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:LANZ/globalBufferUsage" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "name" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "name" : "globalBufferUsage"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "globalBufferUsageRecord" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "globalBufferUsageRecord" : {
+ "bufferSize" : 0 ,
+ "duration" : 0 ,
+ "entryType" : "" ,
+ "timestamp" : 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1669906007" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669906008617947980 ,
+ "time" : "2022-12-01T20:16:48.61794798+05:30" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:LANZ/congestion" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "congestionRecord" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "congestionRecord" : {
+ "entryType" : "POLLING" ,
+ "fabricPeerIntfName" : "" ,
+ "intfName" : "Ethernet6" ,
+ "portID" : 105 ,
+ "qDropCount" : 0 ,
+ "queueSize" : 1998240 ,
+ "switchID" : 0 ,
+ "timeOfMaxQLen" : 0 ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669906008617720 ,
+ "trafficClass" : 1 ,
+ "txLatency" : 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1669906007" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669903438845107943 ,
+ "time" : "2022-12-01T19:33:58.845107943+05:30" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:LANZ/congestion" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "name" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "name" : "congestion"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1669906007" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669905829532672732 ,
+ "time" : "2022-12-01T20:13:49.532672732+05:30" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:LANZ/config/portConfigRecord" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "Ethernet6/intfName" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "Ethernet6/intfName" : "Ethernet6"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "Ethernet6/switchID" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "Ethernet6/switchID" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "Ethernet6/portID" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "Ethernet6/portID" : 105
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "Ethernet6/internalPort" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "Ethernet6/internalPort" : false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "Ethernet6/highThreshold" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "Ethernet6/highThreshold" : 40962
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "Ethernet6/lowThreshold" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "Ethernet6/lowThreshold" : 10241
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1669906007" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669905829532649815 ,
+ "time" : "2022-12-01T20:13:49.532649815+05:30" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:LANZ/config" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "configRecord" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "configRecord" : {
+ "globalUsageHighThreshold" : 0 ,
+ "globalUsageLowThreshold" : 0 ,
+ "globalUsageReportingEnabled" : true ,
+ "lanzVersion" : 1 ,
+ "maxQueueSize" : 524288000 ,
+ "numOfPorts" : 121 ,
+ "segmentSize" : 16 ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669905829532490
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1669906007" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1669903438845176033 ,
+ "time" : "2022-12-01T19:33:58.845176033+05:30" ,
+ "prefix" : "eos_native:LANZ/error" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "name" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "name" : "error"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path" : "errorRecord" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "errorRecord" : {
+ "errorMessage" : "" ,
+ "timestamp" : 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Cli origin
+Get the running config
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure get \
+ --path "cli:/show running-config" >> outputs/outputs.json
+Get the total route count
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure get \
+ --path "cli:/show ip route summary" \
+ | jq '.[0].updates[0].values."show ip route summary".totalRoutes'
+Changing the running-config
+There are multiple ways to change the configuration using the cli
+Using JSON
+Multiple config sections can be change at a time, for instance in the below example vlan 304 is created and
+the description of Ethernet1 is changed:
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip set \
+ --request-file intf.json
+ Reveal output
+ "timestamp" : 1628103804792021864 ,
+ "time" : "2021-08-04T20:03:24.792021864+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "cli:"
+ },
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "cli:"
+ },
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "cli:"
+ },
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "cli:"
+ }
+ ]
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "cli:" ,
+ "value" : "interface Ethernet 1" ,
+ "encoding" : "ascii"
+ },
+ {
+ "path" : "cli:" ,
+ "value" : "description arista-openmgmt" ,
+ "encoding" : "ascii"
+ },
+ {
+ "path" : "cli:" ,
+ "value" : "vlan 304" ,
+ "encoding" : "ascii"
+ },
+ {
+ "path" : "cli:" ,
+ "value" : "name test" ,
+ "encoding" : "ascii"
+ }
+ ]
+Using YAML
+Changing the maximum-routes for a BGP neighbor:
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \
+ --request-file bgp.yaml
+ Reveal output
+ "timestamp": 1628091791855672771,
+ "time": "2021-08-04T16:43:11.855672771+01:00",
+ "results": [
+ {
+ "operation": "UPDATE",
+ "path": "cli:"
+ },
+ {
+ "operation": "UPDATE",
+ "path": "cli:"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+updates :
+ - path : "cli:"
+ value : router bgp 65101
+ encoding : ascii
+ - path : "cli:"
+ value : neighbor IPv4-UNDERLAY-PEERS maximum-routes 15500
+ encoding : ascii
+Using imperative commands
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.214:6030 -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip \
+ --encoding ASCII set \
+ --update-path "cli:" \
+ --update-value "router bgp 65101" \
+ --update-path "cli:" \
+ --update-value "neighbor IPv4-UNDERLAY-PEERS maximum-routes 13500"
+ Reveal output
+ "timestamp" : 1628091405938523430 ,
+ "time" : "2021-08-04T16:36:45.93852343+01:00" ,
+ "results" : [
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "cli:"
+ },
+ {
+ "operation" : "UPDATE" ,
+ "path" : "cli:"
+ }
+ ]
+Running unconverted show commands that use 'text' format
+To run show commands that are not converted to JSON and require format="text"
+can be used from EOS 4.29.2F or newer.
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure get --gzip --encoding ASCII --path "cli:/show platform fap interrupts"
+ Reveal output
+ {
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1698270415643755294 ,
+ "time" : "2023-10-25T22:46:55.643755294+01:00" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "cli:show platform fap interrupts" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "show platform fap interrupts" : " Jericho0\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n
+ | Interrupt Bit | Count | First Occurrence | Last Occurrence |\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_12[0] | 55 | 2023-10-05 00:02:22 | 2023-10-20 10:29:21 |\n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_13[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:21 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_14[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:23 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_15[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:22 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_20[0] | 67 | 2023-10-05 00:02:26 | 2023-10-24 00:44:24 |\n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_21[0] | 56 | 2023-10-05 00:02:25 | 2023-10-24 00:44:24 |\n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_22[0] | 53 | 2023-10-05 00:02:25 | 2023-10-24 00:45:15 |\n
+ | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_23[0] | 55 | 2023-10-05 00:02:24 | 2023-10-24 00:45:15 |\n
+ | IPS_QueueEnteredDel[1] | 6 | 2023-10-11 14:00:20 | 2023-10-11 14:12:02 |\n
+ | EPNI_PP_NewDaErr[0] | 255279 | 2023-10-05 15:06:43 | 2023-10-25 21:46:52 |\n
+ | EPNI_PP_VsiMembershipDeny[1] | 2 | 2023-10-11 02:27:16 | 2023-10-11 14:11:46 |\n
+ | EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc[0] | 255279 | 2023-10-05 15:06:43 | 2023-10-25 21:46:52 |\n
+ | EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc[1] | 47299 | 2023-10-05 13:33:12 | 2023-10-23 16:16:04 |\n
+ | FMAC_FMAC_2_RxLostOfSync_0[32] | 883687 | 2023-10-05 00:02:34 | 2023-10-25 21:46:54 |\n
+ | FMAC_FMAC_2_RxLostOfSync_1[33]
+ <ommitted>
+ \n"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Save all status states to a file
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure get \
+ --path ".../state/..." >> outputs/states.json
+Save all config states to a file
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure get \
+ --path ".../config/..." >> outputs/configs.json
+Save network instance states to a file
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure get --path \
+ /network-instances/network-instance >> outputs/network-instances.json
+Save BGP states to a file
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 -u admin -p admin --insecure get --path \
+ /network-instances/network-instance[ name = default] /protocols/protocol[ name = BGP] \
+ >> outputs/bgp.json
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/bgp.json b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/bgp.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8578364a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/bgp.json
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+received signal 'interrupt'. terminating...
+ {
+ "time": "1969-12-31T19:00:00-05:00",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]",
+ "values": {
+ "network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol": {
+ "openconfig-network-instance:bgp": {
+ "global": {
+ "afi-safis": {
+ "afi-safi": [
+ {
+ "add-paths": {
+ "config": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ }
+ },
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST",
+ "config": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST"
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ "route-selection-options": {
+ "config": {
+ "advertise-inactive-routes": false,
+ "always-compare-med": false,
+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "advertise-inactive-routes": false,
+ "always-compare-med": false,
+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ }
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "add-paths": {
+ "config": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ }
+ },
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST",
+ "config": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST"
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ "route-selection-options": {
+ "config": {
+ "advertise-inactive-routes": false,
+ "always-compare-med": false,
+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "advertise-inactive-routes": false,
+ "always-compare-med": false,
+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ }
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "confederation": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "config": {},
+ "default-route-distance": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "route-selection-options": {},
+ "use-multiple-paths": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "ebgp": {},
+ "ibgp": {
+ "state": {
+ "maximum-paths": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:BGP",
+ "name": "BGP"
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:BGP",
+ "openconfig-network-instance:name": "BGP"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/capabilities.json b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/capabilities.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa8e1fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/capabilities.json
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+gNMI version: 0.7.0
+supported models:
+ - arista-lldp-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-exp-eos-mlag, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-exp-eos-multicast, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-packet-match, OpenConfig working group, 1.1.1
+ - openconfig-system-management, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.2
+ - openconfig-segment-routing, OpenConfig working group, 0.0.4
+ - arista-exp-eos-qos-acl-config, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-platform-port, OpenConfig working group, 0.3.2
+ - arista-netinst-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-mpls-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-bgp-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-network-instance-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.8.2
+ - arista-vlan-augments, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-platform, OpenConfig working group, 0.12.2
+ - arista-exp-eos-qos-config, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-system-logging, OpenConfig working group, 0.3.1
+ - openconfig-acl, OpenConfig working group, 1.0.2
+ - ietf-inet-types, IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group,
+ - arista-isis-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-platform-types, OpenConfig working group, 1.0.0
+ - openconfig-policy-forwarding, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.1
+ - openconfig-mpls-types, OpenConfig working group, 3.1.0
+ - openconfig-hercules-interfaces, OpenConfig Hercules Working Group, 0.2.0
+ - openconfig-lldp, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.1
+ - openconfig-aft, OpenConfig working group, 0.3.3
+ - openconfig-relay-agent, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - arista-rpol-augments, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-procmon, OpenConfig working group, 0.4.0
+ - openconfig-isis, OpenConfig working group, 0.4.2
+ - arista-qos-augments, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-extensions, OpenConfig working group,
+ - vlan-translation, Arista Networks,
+ - openconfig-if-aggregate, OpenConfig working group, 2.4.2
+ - arista-lacp-augments, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-isis-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.4.2
+ - arista-aft-augments, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-relay-agent-deviations, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-exp-eos-varp-net-inst, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-if-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.1
+ - openconfig-vlan, OpenConfig working group, 3.2.0
+ - openconfig-ospfv2, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.0
+ - arista-mpls-augments, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-lacp, OpenConfig working group, 1.1.1
+ - arista-exp-eos-evpn, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-system-augments, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-messages, OpenConfig working group, 0.0.1
+ - openconfig-network-instance, OpenConfig working group, 0.13.0
+ - openconfig-aaa-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.4.1
+ - openconfig-mpls, OpenConfig working group, 3.1.0
+ - openconfig-lldp-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - openconfig-if-ethernet, OpenConfig working group, 2.7.2
+ - openconfig-bgp, OpenConfig working group, 6.0.0
+ - arista-intf-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-ospf-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.3
+ - arista-intf-augments, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-pf-srte, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - openconfig-pim-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - arista-exp-eos-igmpsnooping, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-local-routing-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-platform-psu, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.1
+ - openconfig-rib-bgp-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.5.0
+ - ietf-netconf-monitoring, IETF NETCONF (Network Configuration) Working Group,
+ - arista-lacp-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-exp-eos-vxlan-config, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-aft-types, OpenConfig Working Group, 0.3.3
+ - openconfig-routing-policy, OpenConfig working group, 3.1.1
+ - arista-gnoi-cert, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-lldp-augments, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-system-terminal, OpenConfig working group, 0.3.1
+ - openconfig-mpls-rsvp, OpenConfig working group, 3.0.1
+ - arista-vlan-deviations, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-rpc-netconf, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-yang-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.1
+ - openconfig-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.6.0
+ - openconfig-alarms, OpenConfig working group, 0.3.2
+ - openconfig-mpls-ldp, OpenConfig working group, 3.0.2
+ - openconfig-platform-cpu, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - ietf-netconf, IETF NETCONF (Network Configuration) Working Group,
+ - openconfig-if-ip, OpenConfig working group, 3.0.0
+ - openconfig-isis-lsdb-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.4.2
+ - openconfig-platform-fan, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - openconfig-policy-types, OpenConfig working group, 3.1.1
+ - arista-system-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-bgp-types, OpenConfig working group, 5.0.2
+ - ietf-interfaces, IETF NETMOD (Network Modeling) Working Group,
+ - openconfig-interfaces, OpenConfig working group, 2.4.2
+ - arista-bgp-augments, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-bfd, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - openconfig-alarm-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.1
+ - openconfig-igmp, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.0
+ - arista-bfd-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-hercules-qos, OpenConfig Hercules Working Group, 0.1.0
+ - openconfig-system, OpenConfig working group, 0.8.0
+ - openconfig-inet-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.3.3
+ - arista-exp-eos, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-exp-eos-vxlan, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-mpls-sr, OpenConfig working group, 3.0.1
+ - iana-if-type, IANA,
+ - openconfig-ospf-policy, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.3
+ - openconfig-vlan-types, OpenConfig working group, 3.1.0
+ - ietf-yang-types, IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group,
+ - openconfig-rib-bgp, OpenConfig working group, 0.6.0
+ - arista-bfd-augments, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-eos-types, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-srte-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - openconfig-igmp-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - openconfig-bgp-policy, OpenConfig working group, 6.0.0
+ - openconfig-network-instance-l3, OpenConfig working group, 0.11.1
+ - openconfig-if-tunnel, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - openconfig-hercules-platform, OpenConfig Hercules Working Group, 0.2.0
+ - openconfig-packet-match-types, OpenConfig working group, 1.0.2
+ - openconfig-platform-linecard, OpenConfig working group, 0.1.1
+ - arista-isis-augments, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-srte-augments, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-exp-eos-varp-intf, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-exp-eos-qos, Arista Networks ,
+ - openconfig-qos-types, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.1
+ - openconfig-qos, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.2
+ - openconfig-local-routing, OpenConfig working group, 1.0.2
+ - openconfig-aaa, OpenConfig working group, 0.4.2
+ - openconfig-pim, OpenConfig working group, 0.2.0
+ - arista-pim-augments, Arista Networks ,
+ - arista-rpol-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+ - arista-acl-deviations, Arista Networks, Inc.,
+supported encodings:
+ - JSON
diff --git a/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/doms.json b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/doms.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c1e55f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/doms.json
@@ -0,0 +1,102508 @@
+ {
+ "timestamp": 1615393860696398865,
+ "time": "2021-03-10T11:31:00.696398865-05:00",
+ "prefix": "Sysdb/hardware/archer/xcvr/status/all/Ethernet21",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "preventSfpHighPowerEnable",
+ "values": {
+ "preventSfpHighPowerEnable": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resetCountValid",
+ "values": {
+ "resetCountValid": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "fruGenerationId",
+ "values": {
+ "fruGenerationId": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrMgrCapabilities/domDynamicValues",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrMgrCapabilities/domDynamicValues": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrMgrCapabilities/domThresholds",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrMgrCapabilities/domThresholds": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStateChanges",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStateChanges": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrState/enabled",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrState/enabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrState/reason",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrState/reason": "unidentifiedXcvr"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "goVendorInfo/vendorDateCode",
+ "values": {
+ "goVendorInfo/vendorDateCode": "Unknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "goVendorInfo/vendorName",
+ "values": {
+ "goVendorInfo/vendorName": "Unknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "goVendorInfo/vendorPn",
+ "values": {
+ "goVendorInfo/vendorPn": "Unknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "goVendorInfo/vendorSn",
+ "values": {
+ "goVendorInfo/vendorSn": "Unknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "goVendorInfo/vendorRev",
+ "values": {
+ "goVendorInfo/vendorRev": "Unknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "ready",
+ "values": {
+ "ready": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastDomThresholdsUpdateTime",
+ "values": {
+ "lastDomThresholdsUpdateTime": {
+ "value": 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastPresenceChange",
+ "values": {
+ "lastPresenceChange": 1615315126.276098
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/interruptCount",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/interruptCount": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/badEepromChecksumEvents",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/badEepromChecksumEvents": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/smbusFailCount",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/smbusFailCount": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/presence",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/presence": "xcvrNotPresent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/presenceChanges",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/presenceChanges": 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/lastPresenceChange",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/lastPresenceChange": 1615315126.382806
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/lastBadEepromChecksumEvent",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/lastBadEepromChecksumEvent": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/lastSmbusFail",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/lastSmbusFail": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/resetCount",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/resetCount": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/lastReset",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/lastReset": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrStats/lastInterrupt",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrStats/lastInterrupt": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "adapterPresent",
+ "values": {
+ "adapterPresent": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "qsa28",
+ "values": {
+ "qsa28": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "sfpSlotCapabilities/agilePort",
+ "values": {
+ "sfpSlotCapabilities/agilePort": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "sfpSlotCapabilities/maxBlockReadSize",
+ "values": {
+ "sfpSlotCapabilities/maxBlockReadSize": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "sfpSlotCapabilities/maxPowerClassSupported",
+ "values": {
+ "sfpSlotCapabilities/maxPowerClassSupported": {
+ "value": 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "channel",
+ "values": {
+ "channel": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "swizzled",
+ "values": {
+ "swizzled": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "domNonzeroTxPower",
+ "values": {
+ "domNonzeroTxPower": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "unresponsiveToSmbus",
+ "values": {
+ "unresponsiveToSmbus": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastDomUpdateTime",
+ "values": {
+ "lastDomUpdateTime": {
+ "value": 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrConfig",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrConfig": {
+ "_ptr": "/Sysdb/hardware/xcvr/config/sfp/cell/1/xcvrConfig/Ethernet21"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastEnhancedDomUpdateTime",
+ "values": {
+ "lastEnhancedDomUpdateTime": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "interruptCountValid",
+ "values": {
+ "interruptCountValid": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrTuningParamCapabilities/rxAmplitudeSupported",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrTuningParamCapabilities/rxAmplitudeSupported": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrTuningParamCapabilities/rxPreEmphasisSupported",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrTuningParamCapabilities/rxPreEmphasisSupported": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrTuningParamCapabilities/txInputEqualizationSupported",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrTuningParamCapabilities/txInputEqualizationSupported": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "presence",
+ "values": {
+ "presence": "xcvrNotPresent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "grid",
+ "values": {
+ "grid": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrOverheating",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrOverheating": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "hwTuningConfig/hwGrid",
+ "values": {
+ "hwTuningConfig/hwGrid": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "hwTuningConfig/hwChannel",
+ "values": {
+ "hwTuningConfig/hwChannel": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "hwTuningConfig/hwFineTuneFreq",
+ "values": {
+ "hwTuningConfig/hwFineTuneFreq": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "generationId",
+ "values": {
+ "generationId": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "frequency",
+ "values": {
+ "frequency": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "enhancedDomValuesAvailable",
+ "values": {
+ "enhancedDomValuesAvailable": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "actualIdEepromContents/buf",
+ "values": {
+ "actualIdEepromContents/buf": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "actualIdEepromContents/eepromPageA2Data",
+ "values": {
+ "actualIdEepromContents/eepromPageA2Data": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "actualIdEepromContents/lastValidData",
+ "values": {
+ "actualIdEepromContents/lastValidData": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "idEepromDumpTimestamp",
+ "values": {
+ "idEepromDumpTimestamp": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "idEepromValid",
+ "values": {
+ "idEepromValid": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastEnhancedDomThresholdsUpdateTime",
+ "values": {
+ "lastEnhancedDomThresholdsUpdateTime": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xgc",
+ "values": {
+ "xgc": {
+ "_ptr": "/Sysdb/hardware/xcvr/xgc"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xcvrType",
+ "values": {
+ "xcvrType": "unknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "attnTable",
+ "values": {
+ "attnTable": {
+ "_ptr": "/Sysdb/hardware/xcvr/attenuation"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "ituTuningConfig/channel",
+ "values": {
+ "ituTuningConfig/channel": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "ituTuningConfig/frequency",
+ "values": {
+ "ituTuningConfig/frequency": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "ituTuningConfig/grid",
+ "values": {
+ "ituTuningConfig/grid": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "ituTuningConfig/laserEnabled",
+ "values": {
+ "ituTuningConfig/laserEnabled": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "name",
+ "values": {
+ "name": "Ethernet21"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "xum",
+ "values": {
+ "xum": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "domThresholdOverridden",
+ "values": {
+ "domThresholdOverridden": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "presenceChanges",
+ "values": {
+ "presenceChanges": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "smbusFailCountValid",
+ "values": {
+ "smbusFailCountValid": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastEnhancedDomPMPeriodUpdateTime",
+ "values": {
+ "lastEnhancedDomPMPeriodUpdateTime": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "swappability",
+ "values": {
+ "swappability": "hotSwappable"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "sfpPhyProgramState",
+ "values": {
+ "sfpPhyProgramState": "notProgrammed"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "overrideMediaType",
+ "values": {
+ "overrideMediaType": "xcvrUnknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "eventStatsValid",
+ "values": {
+ "eventStatsValid": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "warm",
+ "values": {
+ "warm": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalFrequency",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalFrequency": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalGrid",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalGrid": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalWavelength",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalWavelength": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/configuredGrid",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/configuredGrid": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalChannel",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/operationalChannel": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/computedWavelength",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/computedWavelength": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/configuredFrequency",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/configuredFrequency": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/computedFrequency",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/computedFrequency": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/configuredChannel",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/configuredChannel": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing6250M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing6250M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing75000M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing75000M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing100000M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing100000M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing12500M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing12500M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing25000M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing25000M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing3125M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing3125M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing33000M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing33000M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing50000M",
+ "values": {
+ "resolvedTuningStatus/gridSpacingCapabilities/gridSpacing50000M": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "inAdapter",
+ "values": {
+ "inAdapter": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "timestamp": 1615393860695250944,
+ "time": "2021-03-10T11:31:00.695250944-05:00",
+ "prefix": "Sysdb/hardware/archer/xcvr/status/all/Ethernet21/xcvrStatsEnt",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "presence",
+ "values": {
+ "presence": "xcvrPresenceUnknown"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastReset",
+ "values": {
+ "lastReset": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "name",
+ "values": {
+ "name": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "presenceChanges",
+ "values": {
+ "presenceChanges": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "tempHiAlarm/current",
+ "values": {
+ "tempHiAlarm/current": {
+ "value": 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "tempHiAlarm/lastChange",
+ "values": {
+ "tempHiAlarm/lastChange": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "tempHiAlarm/changes",
+ "values": {
+ "tempHiAlarm/changes": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastBadEepromChecksumEvent",
+ "values": {
+ "lastBadEepromChecksumEvent": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "smbusFailCount",
+ "values": {
+ "smbusFailCount": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastInterrupt",
+ "values": {
+ "lastInterrupt": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "interruptCount",
+ "values": {
+ "interruptCount": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "lastSmbusFail",
+ "values": {
+ "lastSmbusFail": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "tempHiWarn/lastChange",
+ "values": {
+ "tempHiWarn/lastChange": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "tempHiWarn/changes",
+ "values": {
+ "tempHiWarn/changes": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "tempHiWarn/current",
+ "values": {
+ "tempHiWarn/current": {
+ "value": 0
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
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+ "interfaces/interface/state/counters/in-broadcast-pkts": 1188816
+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
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+ "subscription-name": "default-1616116201",
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+ "time": "2021-03-18T21:10:04.163880982-04:00",
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+ "interfaces/interface/state/counters/out-octets": 7377429265
+ }
+ }
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+ "subscription-name": "default-1616116201",
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+ "time": "2021-03-18T21:10:04.163905073-04:00",
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+ "interfaces/interface/state/counters/out-unicast-pkts": 30634035
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+received signal 'interrupt'. terminating...
diff --git a/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/network-instances.json b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/network-instances.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..698cda3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/outputs/network-instances.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+ {
+ "time": "1969-12-31T19:00:00-05:00",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]",
+ "values": {
+ "network-instances/network-instance": {
+ "arista-exp-eos-varp-net-inst:arista-varp": {
+ "config": {
+ "virtual-mac-address": "00:00:00:00:00:00"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "virtual-mac-address": "00:00:00:00:00:00"
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:config": {
+ "enabled-address-families": [
+ "openconfig-types:IPV4"
+ ],
+ "name": "default",
+ "type": "openconfig-network-instance-types:DEFAULT_INSTANCE"
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:inter-instance-policies": {
+ "apply-policy": {
+ "config": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:interfaces": {
+ "interface": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "id": "Loopback1",
+ "interface": "Loopback1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ },
+ "id": "Loopback1",
+ "state": {
+ "id": "Loopback1",
+ "interface": "Loopback1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "id": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "interface": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ },
+ "id": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "state": {
+ "id": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "interface": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "id": "Loopback0",
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+ },
+ "id": "Loopback0",
+ "state": {
+ "id": "Loopback0",
+ "interface": "Loopback0",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:mpls": {
+ "global": {
+ "config": {
+ "null-label": "openconfig-mpls-types:IMPLICIT",
+ "ttl-propagation": true
+ },
+ "reserved-label-blocks": {
+ "reserved-label-block": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "local-id": "srlb",
+ "lower-bound": 965536,
+ "upper-bound": 1031071
+ },
+ "local-id": "srlb"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "local-id": "l2evpn",
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+ "upper-bound": 1048575
+ },
+ "local-id": "l2evpn"
+ },
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+ "local-id": "dynamic",
+ "lower-bound": 100000,
+ "upper-bound": 362143
+ },
+ "local-id": "dynamic"
+ },
+ {
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+ "local-id": "static",
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+ "upper-bound": 99999
+ },
+ "local-id": "static"
+ },
+ {
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+ "local-id": "isis-sr",
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+ "upper-bound": 965535
+ },
+ "local-id": "isis-sr"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "local-id": "bgp-sr",
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+ "upper-bound": 965535
+ },
+ "local-id": "bgp-sr"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "null-label": "openconfig-mpls-types:IMPLICIT",
+ "ttl-propagation": true
+ }
+ },
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+ "ldp": {
+ "global": {
+ "authentication": {
+ "config": {
+ "enable": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enable": false
+ }
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {
+ "enable": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enable": false
+ }
+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "hello-interval": 9000,
+ "refresh-reduction": true
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "hello-interval": 9000,
+ "refresh-reduction": true
+ }
+ },
+ "soft-preemption": {
+ "config": {
+ "enable": false,
+ "soft-preemption-timeout": 30
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enable": false,
+ "soft-preemption-timeout": 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:name": "default",
+ "openconfig-network-instance:protocols": {
+ "protocol": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
+ {
+ "bgp": {
+ "global": {
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+ "afi-safi": [
+ {
+ "add-paths": {
+ "config": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ }
+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST"
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ },
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+ "config": {
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+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ },
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+ "advertise-inactive-routes": false,
+ "always-compare-med": false,
+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ }
+ },
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+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST"
+ }
+ },
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+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ }
+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST"
+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ }
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "confederation": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "config": {},
+ "default-route-distance": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "route-selection-options": {},
+ "use-multiple-paths": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "ebgp": {},
+ "ibgp": {
+ "state": {
+ "maximum-paths": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:BGP",
+ "name": "BGP"
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:BGP",
+ "name": "BGP"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:PIM",
+ "name": "PIM"
+ },
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+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:PIM",
+ "name": "PIM"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ {
+ "config": {
+ "dataplane-type": "MPLS",
+ "local-id": "isis-sr",
+ "mpls-label-blocks": [
+ "isis-sr"
+ ]
+ },
+ "local-id": "isis-sr"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "dataplane-type": "MPLS",
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+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
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+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "name": "default",
+ "status": "ACTIVE",
+ "vlan-id": 1
+ },
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+ "member": [
+ {
+ "state": {
+ "interface": "Ethernet49/1"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "arista-vlan-augments:mac-learning": true,
+ "name": "default",
+ "status": "ACTIVE",
+ "vlan-id": 1
+ },
+ "vlan-id": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "Path": "network-instances/network-instance[name=MGMT]",
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+ "enabled-address-families": [
+ "openconfig-types:IPV4"
+ ],
+ "name": "MGMT",
+ "type": "openconfig-network-instance-types:L3VRF"
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:inter-instance-policies": {
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+ "config": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:interfaces": {
+ "interface": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "id": "Management1",
+ "interface": "Management1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ },
+ "id": "Management1",
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+ "id": "Management1",
+ "interface": "Management1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:name": "MGMT",
+ "openconfig-network-instance:protocols": {
+ "protocol": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
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+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC",
+ "name": "STATIC"
+ },
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+ "name": "STATIC",
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+ {
+ "config": {
+ "prefix": ""
+ },
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+ "next-hop": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "index": "AUTO_1_10-20-30-254",
+ "metric": 1,
+ "next-hop": ""
+ },
+ "index": "AUTO_1_10-20-30-254"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "prefix": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
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+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ {
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+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
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+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC"
+ },
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+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC"
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ {
+ "time": "1969-12-31T19:00:00-05:00",
+ "updates": [
+ {
+ "Path": "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]",
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+ "config": {
+ "virtual-mac-address": "00:00:00:00:00:00"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "virtual-mac-address": "00:00:00:00:00:00"
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:config": {
+ "enabled-address-families": [
+ "openconfig-types:IPV4"
+ ],
+ "name": "default",
+ "type": "openconfig-network-instance-types:DEFAULT_INSTANCE"
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:inter-instance-policies": {
+ "apply-policy": {
+ "config": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "interface": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "id": "Loopback1",
+ "interface": "Loopback1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ },
+ "id": "Loopback1",
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+ "id": "Loopback1",
+ "interface": "Loopback1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "id": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "interface": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ },
+ "id": "Ethernet51/1",
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+ "id": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "interface": "Ethernet51/1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "id": "Loopback0",
+ "interface": "Loopback0",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:mpls": {
+ "global": {
+ "config": {
+ "null-label": "openconfig-mpls-types:IMPLICIT",
+ "ttl-propagation": true
+ },
+ "reserved-label-blocks": {
+ "reserved-label-block": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "local-id": "srlb",
+ "lower-bound": 965536,
+ "upper-bound": 1031071
+ },
+ "local-id": "srlb"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "local-id": "l2evpn",
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+ },
+ "local-id": "l2evpn"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "local-id": "dynamic",
+ "lower-bound": 100000,
+ "upper-bound": 362143
+ },
+ "local-id": "dynamic"
+ },
+ {
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+ "local-id": "static",
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+ "upper-bound": 99999
+ },
+ "local-id": "static"
+ },
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+ },
+ "local-id": "isis-sr"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
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+ "upper-bound": 965535
+ },
+ "local-id": "bgp-sr"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "null-label": "openconfig-mpls-types:IMPLICIT",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "ldp": {
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+ "authentication": {
+ "config": {
+ "enable": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enable": false
+ }
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "global": {
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+ "config": {
+ "enable": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enable": false
+ }
+ },
+ "hellos": {
+ "config": {
+ "hello-interval": 9000,
+ "refresh-reduction": true
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "hello-interval": 9000,
+ "refresh-reduction": true
+ }
+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "enable": false,
+ "soft-preemption-timeout": 30
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enable": false,
+ "soft-preemption-timeout": 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:name": "default",
+ "openconfig-network-instance:protocols": {
+ "protocol": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
+ {
+ "bgp": {
+ "global": {
+ "afi-safis": {
+ "afi-safi": [
+ {
+ "add-paths": {
+ "config": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ },
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+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
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+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ },
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+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "config": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "receive": false,
+ "send": false
+ }
+ },
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST",
+ "config": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST"
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ "route-selection-options": {
+ "config": {
+ "advertise-inactive-routes": false,
+ "always-compare-med": false,
+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "advertise-inactive-routes": false,
+ "always-compare-med": false,
+ "enable-aigp": false,
+ "external-compare-router-id": true,
+ "ignore-as-path-length": false,
+ "ignore-next-hop-igp-metric": false
+ }
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "afi-safi-name": "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "confederation": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "config": {},
+ "default-route-distance": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "graceful-restart": {
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ "route-selection-options": {},
+ "use-multiple-paths": {
+ "config": {
+ "enabled": true
+ },
+ "ebgp": {},
+ "ibgp": {
+ "state": {
+ "maximum-paths": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "enabled": true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:BGP",
+ "name": "BGP"
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:BGP",
+ "name": "BGP"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:PIM",
+ "name": "PIM"
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:PIM",
+ "name": "PIM",
+ "state": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:PIM",
+ "name": "PIM"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:segment-routing": {
+ "srgbs": {
+ "srgb": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "dataplane-type": "MPLS",
+ "local-id": "isis-sr",
+ "mpls-label-blocks": [
+ "isis-sr"
+ ]
+ },
+ "local-id": "isis-sr"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "srlbs": {
+ "srlb": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "dataplane-type": "MPLS",
+ "local-id": "srlb",
+ "mpls-label-block": "srlb"
+ },
+ "local-id": "srlb"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:tables": {
+ "table": [
+ {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:vlans": {
+ "vlan": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "arista-vlan-augments:mac-learning": true,
+ "name": "default",
+ "status": "ACTIVE",
+ "vlan-id": 1
+ },
+ "members": {
+ "member": [
+ {
+ "state": {
+ "interface": "Ethernet49/1"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "arista-vlan-augments:mac-learning": true,
+ "name": "default",
+ "status": "ACTIVE",
+ "vlan-id": 1
+ },
+ "vlan-id": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "network-instances/network-instance[name=MGMT]",
+ "values": {
+ "network-instances/network-instance": {
+ "openconfig-network-instance:config": {
+ "enabled-address-families": [
+ "openconfig-types:IPV4"
+ ],
+ "name": "MGMT",
+ "type": "openconfig-network-instance-types:L3VRF"
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:inter-instance-policies": {
+ "apply-policy": {
+ "config": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "default-export-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE",
+ "default-import-policy": "REJECT_ROUTE"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:interfaces": {
+ "interface": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "id": "Management1",
+ "interface": "Management1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ },
+ "id": "Management1",
+ "state": {
+ "id": "Management1",
+ "interface": "Management1",
+ "subinterface": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:name": "MGMT",
+ "openconfig-network-instance:protocols": {
+ "protocol": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED",
+ },
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC",
+ "name": "STATIC"
+ },
+ "identifier": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC",
+ "name": "STATIC",
+ "static-routes": {
+ "static": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "prefix": ""
+ },
+ "next-hops": {
+ "next-hop": [
+ {
+ "config": {
+ "index": "AUTO_1_10-20-30-254",
+ "metric": 1,
+ "next-hop": ""
+ },
+ "index": "AUTO_1_10-20-30-254"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "prefix": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-network-instance:tables": {
+ "table": [
+ {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:DIRECTLY_CONNECTED"
+ },
+ {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV4",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC"
+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC"
+ },
+ {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "config": {
+ "address-family": "openconfig-types:IPV6",
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC"
+ },
+ "protocol": "openconfig-policy-types:STATIC"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/examples/gnmi-gateway/index.html b/examples/gnmi-gateway/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c40311ae
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+ gNMI-Gateway - Open Management
+ gNMI gateway
+gNMI gateway is an opensource project created by
+Netflix. Conceptually, gNMI gateway sits as a proxy for multiple gNMI targets. A gNMI client speaks to a common gNMI
+service endpoint within the network (gNMI gateway) and specifies a gNMI target with an accompanying path. The gNMI
+gateway will in turn initiate the connection to the target device and stream the contents to the originating proxy.
+This demo will start the gNMI gateway binary and use gNMIC to stream to a target which is managed by the gNMI gateway.
+Please make adjustments to the targets.json
file to match your environment.
+The demo is dependent on the following files:
+gnmi-gateway - The binary to activate gNMI gateway. This must be built for the platform that it will run on.
+ Details regarding generation of the binary for the target platform can be found in the gNMI gateway
+ documentation .
+server.crt / server.key - the certificate and key for gNMI gateway. These can be generated through a CA.
+ Additional details may be found here .
+targets.json - This file specifies the targets. gNMI-gateway supports hot reloading of the files. So if changes
+ are made within targets.json it will reload automatically with new targets and or new paths.
+sample: targets.json
+ "request" : {
+ "default" : {
+ "subscribe" : {
+ "prefix" : {
+ },
+ "subscription" : [
+ {
+ "path" : {
+ "elem" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "interfaces"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "target" : {
+ "DC2-SP02" : {
+ "addresses" : [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "credentials" : {
+ "username" : "ansible" ,
+ "password" : "ansible"
+ },
+ "request" : "default" ,
+ "meta" : {
+ "NoTLS" : "yes"
+ }
+ },
+ "DC2-LEAF1A" : {
+ "addresses" : [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "credentials" : {
+ "username" : "ansible" ,
+ "password" : "ansible"
+ },
+ "request" : "default" ,
+ "meta" : {
+ "NoTLS" : "yes"
+ }
+ },
+ "DC2-LF70" : {
+ "addresses" : [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "credentials" : {
+ "username" : "ansible" ,
+ "password" : "ansible"
+ },
+ "request" : "default" ,
+ "meta" : {
+ "NoTLS" : "yes"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+EOS Configuration
+gNMI will need to be enabled on the target which is managed by gNMI gateway and a certificate will need to be installed
+to use TLS-based authentication. Additional details regarding enabling gnmi on EOS devices can be found
+here . Additional details regarding certificate management and configuration can
+be found here .
+Start gNMI gateway
+Note, the server.crt
must be signed by a CA that the switch can resolve.
+ gnmi-gateway -EnableGNMIServer -ServerTLSCert= server.crt \
+ -ServerTLSKey= server.key -TargetLoaders= json -TargetJSONFile= targets.json
+Reveal Output
{"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Starting GNMI Gateway."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Clustering is NOT enabled. No locking or cluster coordination will happen."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Starting connection manager."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Starting gNMI server on"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Connection manager received a target control message: 3 inserts 0 removes"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Initializing target DC2-SP02 ([]) map[NoTLS:yes]."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Initializing target DC2-LEAF1A ([]) map[NoTLS:yes]."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Target DC2-SP02: Connecting"}
+ {"level":"warn","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"DEPRECATED: The 'NoTLS' target flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'NoTLSVerify' instead."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Target DC2-SP02: Subscribing"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Initializing target DC2-LF70 ([]) map[NoTLS:yes]."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Connecting"}
+ {"level":"warn","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"DEPRECATED: The 'NoTLS' target flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'NoTLSVerify' instead."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Subscribing"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LF70: Connecting"}
+ {"level":"warn","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"DEPRECATED: The 'NoTLS' target flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'NoTLSVerify' instead."}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LF70: Subscribing"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00","message":"Target DC2-SP02: Connected"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:36-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LF70: Connected"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:36-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Connected"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:37-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LF70: Synced"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:37-04:00","message":"Target DC2-SP02: Synced"}
+ {"level":"info","time":"2021-03-19T08:47:38-04:00","message":"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Synced"}
+The output indicates that gNMI-gateway has started and will now serve gNMI requests to the /interfaces/interface
+on behalf of any external gNMI client.
+Requesting a target managed by gNMI gateway
+ gnmic subscribe -a 192 .0.2.1 -u ansible -p ansible --port= 9339 \
+ --skip-verify --target= DC2-SP02 --path= /interfaces
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "subscription-name" : "default-1616158143" ,
+ "timestamp" : 1605208845740882713 ,
+ "time" : "2020-11-12T14:20:45.740882713-05:00" ,
+ "target" : "DC2-SP02" ,
+ "updates" : [
+ {
+ "Path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet54/1]/state/tpid" ,
+ "values" : {
+ "interfaces/interface/state/tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Since the gNMI gateway is running locally a query can be issued to the service on port 9339 passing in the target value
+of DC2-SP02
and telemetry will start to stream data back to the client.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b6f1835
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+++ b/examples/gnoi/gnoic/index.html
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+ gNOIc examples - Open Management
+ gNOIc
+gNOIc overview
+gNOIc is a gNOI CLI client:
+The following examples shows various gNOIc commands with Arista EOS devices.
+Download & install gNOIc
+To install run:
+ bash -c " $( curl -sL https://get-gnoic.kmrd.dev) "
+To get the version run:
+ version : 0 .0.5
+ commit : 26c6248
+ date : 2021 -05-12T10:12:55Z
+ gitURL : https://github.com/karimra/gnoic
+ docs : https://gnoic.kmrd.dev
+Device config
+ interface Management1
+ description oob_management
+ vrf MGMT
+ ip address 192 .0.2.118/24
+ username arista secret 0 arista
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc def
+ vrf MGMT
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A#show management api gnmi
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 6030 , in MGMT VRF
+ SSL Profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+Before to use gNOI ping and traceroute, lets run these commands locally:
+ $ ssh arista@
+ Password:
+ Last login: Thu Jun 3 12 :06:25 2021 from 192 .0.2.3
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A>en
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A#bash
+ Arista Networks EOS shell
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $ ping 172 .31.255.0 -c 2
+ PING 172 .31.255.0 ( 172 .31.255.0) 56 ( 84 ) bytes of data.
+64 bytes from 172 .31.255.0: icmp_seq = 1 ttl = 63 time = 24 .6 ms
+64 bytes from 172 .31.255.0: icmp_seq = 2 ttl = 63 time = 18 .8 ms
+ --- 172 .31.255.0 ping statistics ---
+2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0 % packet loss, time 1001ms
+ rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18 .861/21.738/24.616/2.881 ms
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $ traceroute -A 172 .31.255.0
+ traceroute to 172 .31.255.0 ( 172 .31.255.0) , 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
+ 1 10 .90.90.1 ( 10 .90.90.1) [ !!] 26 .636 ms 29 .420 ms 32 .113 ms
+ 2 172 .31.255.0 ( 172 .31.255.0) [ !!] 52 .764 ms 53 .881 ms 63 .213 ms
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $ exit
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A#exit
+ Connection to 192 .0.2.118 closed.
+gNOI demo with Arista using gNOIc
+gNOI Ping
+ gnoic -a 192 .0.2.118:6030 -u arista -p arista --insecure system ping \
+ --destination 172 .31.255.0 --count 2 --do-not-resolve
+ WARN[ 0000 ] "" could not lookup hostname: lookup 118 .1.73.10.in-addr.arpa. on 127 .0.0.53:53: no such host
+ source: ""
+ time: 31200000
+ bytes: 64
+ sequence: 1
+ ttl: 63
+ source: ""
+ time: 33900000
+ bytes: 64
+ sequence: 2
+ ttl: 63
+ source: ""
+ time: 1001000000
+ sent: 2
+ received: 2
+ min_time: 31251000
+ avg_time: 32590000
+ max_time: 33930000
+ std_dev: 1351000
+gNOI Traceroute
+ gnoic -a 192 .0.2.118:6030 -u arista -p arista --insecure system traceroute \
+ --destination 172 .31.255.0 --do-not-resolve
+ WARN[ 0000 ] "" could not lookup hostname: lookup 118 .1.73.10.in-addr.arpa. on 127 .0.0.53:53: no such host
+ destination_name: ""
+ destination_address: ""
+ hops: 30
+ packet_size: 60
+ hop: 1
+ address: ""
+ rtt: 21440000
+ hop: 1
+ address: ""
+ rtt: 23011000
+ hop: 1
+ address: ""
+ rtt: 31135000
+ hop: 2
+ address: ""
+ rtt: 62216000
+ hop: 2
+ address: ""
+ rtt: 63213000
+ hop: 2
+ address: ""
+ rtt: 71079000
+gNOI cert
+ gnoic -a 192 .0.2.118:6030 -u arista -p arista --insecure cert can-generate-csr
+ WARN[ 0000 ] "" could not lookup hostname: lookup 118 .1.73.10.in-addr.arpa. on 127 .0.0.53:53: no such host
+ INFO[ 0000 ] "" key-type= KT_RSA, cert-type= CT_X509, key-size= 2048 : can_generate: true
+ +------------------+------------------+
+| Target Name | Can Generate CSR |
+ +------------------+------------------+
+| 192 .0.2.118:6030 | true |
+ +------------------+------------------+
+Upgrading EOS using gNOI
+EOS supports gNOI OS Install/Activate/Verification (4.24.2F+) and gNOI System Reboot/Reboot/RebootStatus (4.27.0F+)
+that can be used to upload the EOS image, activate that image (set the boot-config) so that it boots with it next time,
+verify the image activation was successful and lastly to reboot the device to perform the upgrade.
+gNOI OS Install
+To upload an EOS SWI image to a switch we can use the gnoi.os.OS/Installation
+ gnoic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin \
+ os install \
+ --version 4 .29.1F \
+ --pkg EOS.swi
+ INFO[ 0000 ] starting install RPC
+ INFO[ 0000 ] target "" : starting Install stream
+ INFO[ 0003 ] target "" : TransferProgress bytes_received:5242880
+ INFO[ 0003 ] target "" : TransferProgress bytes_received:10485760
+ ...
+ INFO[ 0411 ] target "" : TransferProgress bytes_received:1030750208
+ INFO[ 0413 ] target "" : sending TransferEnd
+ INFO[ 0413 ] target "" : TransferProgress bytes_received:1035993088
+ INFO[ 0413 ] target "" : TransferContent done ...
+gNOI OS Activate
+To activate the new EOS image (equivalent to running boot system flash:EOS.swi
on the CLI) we can use the
+ gnoic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin \
+ os activate \
+ --version 4 .29.1F \
+ --no-reboot
+ INFO[ 0034 ] target "" activate response "activate_ok:{}"
+gNOI OS Verify
+ gnoic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin os verify
+ +-------------------+---------+---------------------+
+| Target Name | Version | Activation Fail Msg |
+ +-------------------+---------+---------------------+
+| 192 .0.2.1:6030 | 4 .29.1F | |
+ +-------------------+---------+---------------------+
+gNOI System Reboot
+To reboot the device we can use gnoi.system.System/Reboot
RPC and the COLD
+ gnoic -a 192 .0.2.1:6030 --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin \
+ system reboot \
+ --method COLD
+Note on older EOS versions you may get the following error message:
+ ERRO[ 0009 ] "" System Reboot failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = error reading from server: EOF
+ Error: there was 1 error( s)
+gNOI Support
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5005fe2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gnoi/gnoicode/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1389 @@
+ gNOI in Golang - Open Management
+ gNOI in Golang
+gNOI review
+These are a few examples leveraging golang and gNOI using the gNOI protobuf specifically the System
+The following examples show how to leverage the ping
+rpc and traceroute
+All code can be found within the src directory under
+We will be leveraging the gNOI godocs which module can be imported as
+Each one of the examples has the following default flags which can be changed based on the environment.
+ -username = "admin"
+ -password = "admin"
+ -target = ""
+ -destination = ""
+Test Device configuration
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc default
+ provider eos-native
+cd into src/gnoi
+The directory should include the go.mod/go.sum for the correct packages so nothing needs installed on the system at the
+current time.
+ ls
+ go.mod go.sum pinggnoi.go traceroutegnoi.go
+Run ping.go
+Reveal output
package main
+import (
+ "context"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+ log "github.com/golang/glog"
+ system "github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system"
+ "google.golang.org/grpc"
+ "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata"
+func checkflags ( flag ... string ) {
+ for _ , f := range flag {
+ if f == "" {
+ fmt . Printf ( "You have an empty flag please fix." )
+ os . Exit ( 1 )
+ }
+ }
+func main () {
+ // Add input parameters
+ username := flag . String ( "username" , "admin" , "username for connection to gNOI" )
+ password := flag . String ( "password" , "admin" , "password for connection to gNOI" )
+ target := flag . String ( "target" , "" , "Target ip or hostname of the device running gNOI" )
+ destination := flag . String ( "destination" , "" , "Destination of the address to ping to" )
+ flag . Parse ()
+ // Check for empty flags.
+ checkflags ( * username , * password , * target , * destination )
+ conn , err := grpc . Dial ( * target , grpc . WithInsecure ())
+ if err != nil {
+ log . Exitf ( "Failed to %s Error: %v" , target , err )
+ }
+ defer conn . Close ()
+ // Create the new grpc service connection
+ Sys := system . NewSystemClient ( conn )
+ // pass in context blank information with the timeout.
+ ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background (), time . Second )
+ // cancel when the function is over.
+ defer cancel ()
+ // Since Metadata needs a map to pass into the header of gRPC request create a map for it.
+ metamap := make ( map [ string ] string )
+ // Set the username and password
+ metamap [ "username" ] = * username
+ metamap [ "password" ] = * password
+ // Set the metadata needed in the metadata package
+ md := metadata . New ( metamap )
+ // set the ctx to use the metadata in every update.
+ ctx = metadata . NewOutgoingContext ( ctx , md )
+ // Try to ping 10 times with a loop
+ for i := 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ {
+ response , err := Sys . Ping ( ctx , & system . PingRequest { Destination : * destination })
+ if err != nil {
+ log . Fatalf ( "Error trying to ping: %v" , err )
+ }
+ fmt . Println ( response . Recv ())
+ }
+ go run ping/ping.go -username admin -password admin -target -destination
+ source:"" time:38000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:44000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:37000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:41000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:40000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:38000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:40000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:36000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:44000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+ source:"" time:66000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>
+Run traceroute.go
+Reveal output
package main
+import (
+ "context"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+ log "github.com/golang/glog"
+ system "github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system"
+ "google.golang.org/grpc"
+ "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata"
+func checkflags ( flag ... string ) {
+ for _ , f := range flag {
+ if f == "" {
+ fmt . Printf ( "You have an empty flag please fix." )
+ os . Exit ( 1 )
+ }
+ }
+func main () {
+ // Add input parameters
+ username := flag . String ( "username" , "" , "username for connection to gNOI" )
+ password := flag . String ( "password" , "" , "password for connection to gNOI" )
+ target := flag . String ( "target" , "" , "Target ip or hostname of the device running gNOI" )
+ destination := flag . String ( "destination" , "" , "Destination of the address to traceroute to" )
+ flag . Parse ()
+ conn , err := grpc . Dial ( * target , grpc . WithInsecure ())
+ if err != nil {
+ log . Exitf ( "Failed to %s Error: %v" , target , err )
+ }
+ defer conn . Close ()
+ // Check for empty flags.
+ checkflags ( * username , * password , * target , * destination )
+ // Create the new grpc service connection
+ Sys := system . NewSystemClient ( conn )
+ // pass in context blank information with the timeout.
+ ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background (), time . Second )
+ // cancel when the function is over.
+ defer cancel ()
+ // Since Metadata needs a map to pass into the header of gRPC request create a map for it.
+ metamap := make ( map [ string ] string )
+ // Set the username and password
+ metamap [ "username" ] = * username
+ metamap [ "password" ] = * password
+ // Set the metadata needed in the metadata package
+ md := metadata . New ( metamap )
+ // set the ctx to use the metadata in every update.
+ ctx = metadata . NewOutgoingContext ( ctx , md )
+ response , err := Sys . Traceroute ( ctx , & system . TracerouteRequest { Destination : * destination })
+ if err != nil {
+ log . Fatalf ( "Cannot trace path: %v" , err )
+ }
+ fmt . Println ( response . Recv ())
+ go run traceroute/traceroute.go -username admin -password admin -target -destination
+ destination_name:"" destination_address:"" hops:30 packet_size:60 <nil>
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+ gRPCurl examples - Open Management
+ gRPCurl
+gRPCurl overview
+gRPCurl is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers:
+The following examples shows various gRPCurl commands to interact with Arista EOS devices.
+Install gRPCurl
+Install GO
+ $ go version
+ go version go1.16.4 linux/amd64
+ go env | grep 'GOROOT\|GOPATH'
+export GOROOT = /usr/local/go
+export GOPATH = $HOME /go
+export PATH = $GOPATH /bin:$GOROOT /bin:$PATH
+Get gNOI repository
+ mkdir -p $GOPATH /src/github.com/openconfig
+ git clone https://github.com/openconfig/gnoi.git $GOPATH /src/github.com/openconfig/gnoi
+ $ ls $GOPATH /src/github.com/openconfig
+ gnoi
+Install gRPCurl
+ go get github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl
+ ls $GOPATH /pkg/mod/github.com/fullstorydev/
+ grpcurl@v1.8.1
+ go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl@latest
+ ls $GOPATH /bin/
+ grpcurl
+Device config
+ interface Management1
+ description oob_management
+ vrf MGMT
+ ip address 192 .0.2.118/24
+ username arista secret 0 arista
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc def
+ vrf MGMT
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A#show management api gnmi
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 6030 , in MGMT VRF
+ SSL Profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+Before to use gNOI ping and traceroute, let's run these commands locally:
+ $ ssh arista@
+ Password:
+ Last login: Thu Jun 3 12 :06:25 2021 from 192 .0.2.3
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A>en
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A#bash
+ Arista Networks EOS shell
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $ ping 172 .31.255.0 -c 2
+ PING 172 .31.255.0 ( 172 .31.255.0) 56 ( 84 ) bytes of data.
+64 bytes from 172 .31.255.0: icmp_seq = 1 ttl = 63 time = 24 .6 ms
+64 bytes from 172 .31.255.0: icmp_seq = 2 ttl = 63 time = 18 .8 ms
+ --- 172 .31.255.0 ping statistics ---
+2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0 % packet loss, time 1001ms
+ rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18 .861/21.738/24.616/2.881 ms
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $ traceroute -A 172 .31.255.0
+ traceroute to 172 .31.255.0 ( 172 .31.255.0) , 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
+ 1 10 .90.90.1 ( 10 .90.90.1) [ !!] 26 .636 ms 29 .420 ms 32 .113 ms
+ 2 172 .31.255.0 ( 172 .31.255.0) [ !!] 52 .764 ms 53 .881 ms 63 .213 ms
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $
+[ arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~] $ exit
+ DC1-L2LEAF2A#exit
+ Connection to 192 .0.2.118 closed.
+Use gRPCurl
+Describe from a proto file
+Describe CancelReboot method
+ grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${ GOPATH } /src --proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \
+ describe gnoi.system.System.CancelReboot
+ gnoi.system.System.CancelReboot is a method:
+ // CancelReboot cancels any pending reboot request.
+ rpc CancelReboot ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootResponse ) ;
+Describe System service
+ $ grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${ GOPATH } /src --proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \
+ describe gnoi.system.System
+ gnoi.system.System is a service:
+ // The gNOI service is a collection of operational RPC' s that allow for the
+ // management of a target outside of the configuration and telemetry pipeline.
+ service System {
+ // CancelReboot cancels any pending reboot request.
+ rpc CancelReboot ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootResponse ) ;
+ // Ping executes the ping command on the target and streams back
+ // the results. Some targets may not stream any results until all
+ // results are in . If a packet count is not explicitly provided,
+ // 5 is used.
+ rpc Ping ( .gnoi.system.PingRequest ) returns ( stream .gnoi.system.PingResponse ) ;
+ // Reboot causes the target to reboot, possibly at some point in the future.
+ // If the method of reboot is not supported then the Reboot RPC will fail.
+ // If the reboot is immediate the command will block until the subcomponents
+ // have restarted.
+ // If a reboot on the active control processor is pending the service must
+ // reject all other reboot requests.
+ // If a reboot request for active control processor is initiated with other
+ // pending reboot requests it must be rejected.
+ rpc Reboot ( .gnoi.system.RebootRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.RebootResponse ) ;
+ // RebootStatus returns the status of reboot for the target.
+ rpc RebootStatus ( .gnoi.system.RebootStatusRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.RebootStatusResponse ) ;
+ // SetPackage places a software package ( possibly including bootable images)
+ // on the target. The file is sent in sequential messages, each message
+ // up to 64KB of data. A final message must be sent that includes the hash
+ // of the data sent. An error is returned if the location does not exist or
+ // there is an error writing the data. If no checksum is received, the target
+ // must assume the operation is incomplete and remove the partially
+ // transmitted file. The target should initially write the file to a temporary
+ // location so a failure does not destroy the original file.
+ rpc SetPackage ( stream .gnoi.system.SetPackageRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.SetPackageResponse ) ;
+ // SwitchControlProcessor will switch from the current route processor to the
+ // provided route processor. If the current route processor is the same as the
+ // one provided it is a NOOP. If the target does not exist an error is
+ // returned.
+ rpc SwitchControlProcessor ( .gnoi.system.SwitchControlProcessorRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.SwitchControlProcessorResponse ) ;
+ // Time returns the current time on the target. Time is typically used to
+ // test if a target is actually responding.
+ rpc Time ( .gnoi.system.TimeRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.TimeResponse ) ;
+ // Traceroute executes the traceroute command on the target and streams back
+ // the results. Some targets may not stream any results until all
+ // results are in . If a hop count is not explicitly provided,
+ // 30 is used.
+ rpc Traceroute ( .gnoi.system.TracerouteRequest ) returns ( stream .gnoi.system.TracerouteResponse ) ;
+List from a proto file
+Example 1)
+ grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${ GOPATH } /src \
+ --proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto list
+Example 2)
+ grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${ GOPATH } /src \
+ --proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \
+ list gnoi.system.System
+ gnoi.system.System.CancelReboot
+ gnoi.system.System.Ping
+ gnoi.system.System.Reboot
+ gnoi.system.System.RebootStatus
+ gnoi.system.System.SetPackage
+ gnoi.system.System.SwitchControlProcessor
+ gnoi.system.System.Time
+ gnoi.system.System.Traceroute
+Example 3)
+ grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${ GOPATH } /src \
+ --proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/os/os.proto list gnoi.os.OS
+ gnoi.os.OS.Activate
+ gnoi.os.OS.Install
+ gnoi.os.OS.Verify
+List from a gRPC server (EOS device)
+ $ grpcurl --plaintext 192 .0.2.105:6030 list
+ gnmi.gNMI
+ gnoi.certificate.CertificateManagement
+ gnoi.system.System
+ grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection
+Execute gNOI RPC with EOS
+ grpcurl -H 'username: arista' -H 'password: arista' \
+ -d '{"destination": "", "count": 2, "do_not_resolve":true}' \
+ -import-path ${ GOPATH } /src -proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \
+ -plaintext 192 .0.2.118:6030 gnoi.system.System/Ping
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "time" : "29800000" ,
+ "bytes" : 64 ,
+ "sequence" : 1 ,
+ "ttl" : 63
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "time" : "25200000" ,
+ "bytes" : 64 ,
+ "sequence" : 2 ,
+ "ttl" : 63
+ "source" : "" ,
+ "time" : "1001000000" ,
+ "sent" : 2 ,
+ "received" : 2 ,
+ "minTime" : "25210000" ,
+ "avgTime" : "27510000" ,
+ "maxTime" : "29810000" ,
+ "stdDev" : "2300000"
+ grpcurl -H 'username: arista' -H 'password: arista' \
+ -d '{"destination": "", "max_ttl": 50, "do_not_resolve":true}' \
+ -import-path ${ GOPATH } /src -proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \
+ -plaintext 192 .0.2.118:6030 gnoi.system.System/Traceroute
+ "destinationName" : "" ,
+ "destinationAddress" : "" ,
+ "hops" : 50 ,
+ "packetSize" : 60
+ "hop" : 1 ,
+ "address" : "" ,
+ "rtt" : "16589000"
+ "hop" : 1 ,
+ "address" : "" ,
+ "rtt" : "17886000"
+ "hop" : 1 ,
+ "address" : "" ,
+ "rtt" : "23219000"
+ "hop" : 2 ,
+ "address" : "" ,
+ "rtt" : "46537000"
+ "hop" : 2 ,
+ "address" : "" ,
+ "rtt" : "47873000"
+ "hop" : 2 ,
+ "address" : "" ,
+ "rtt" : "55376000"
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+ gNOI - Open Management
+ About gNOI
+About gRPC
+gRPC - Google Remote Procedure Call
+gRPC uses protobuf and HTTP/2
+About gNOI
+gNOI - gRPC Network Operations Interface
+gNOI defines a set of gRPC-based microservices for executing operational commands on network devices.
+gNOI github repository
+As example, this gNOI proto file defines the
+service System
with the RPC Traceroute
and Ping
+Ping executes the ping command on the target and streams back the results
+Traceroute executes the traceroute command on the target and streams back the results
+As you can see in the proto file, the field VRF is not defined for these messages
+About gNOI support on EOS
+Please refer to this link for the gNOI support by EOS.
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+ golang - Open Management
+ Go Lang
+The following example uses the goarista go module for gNMI to
+interact with a device. Within this very simplistic getting started example main.go will simply perform a get method to
+the device for all paths.
+package main
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/aristanetworks/glog"
+ "github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmi"
+ pb "github.com/openconfig/gnmi/proto/gnmi"
+var cfg = & gnmi . Config {
+ Addr : "" ,
+ Username : "ansible" ,
+ Password : "ansible" ,
+func main () {
+ paths := [] string { "/" }
+ var origin = "openconfig"
+ //var origin = "eos_native"
+ ctx := gnmi . NewContext ( context . Background (), cfg )
+ client , err := gnmi . Dial ( cfg )
+ if err != nil {
+ glog . Fatal ( err )
+ }
+ req , err := gnmi . NewGetRequest ( gnmi . SplitPaths ( paths ), origin )
+ if err != nil {
+ glog . Fatal ( err )
+ }
+ if cfg . Addr != "" {
+ if req . Prefix == nil {
+ req . Prefix = & pb . Path {}
+ }
+ req . Prefix . Target = cfg . Addr
+ }
+ err = gnmi . GetWithRequest ( ctx , client , req )
+ if err != nil {
+ glog . Fatal ( err )
+ }
+ fmt . Println ( err )
+Copy the above code into a file and run via the following command.
+Truncated output
+ "openconfig-acl:acl" : {
+ "state" : {
+ "counter-capability" : "AGGREGATE_ONLY"
+ }
+ },
+ "arista-exp-eos:arista" : {
+ "eos" : {
+ "arista-exp-eos-igmpsnooping:bridging" : {
+ "igmpsnooping" : {
+ "config" : {}
+ }
+ },
+ "arista-exp-eos-mlag:mlag" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "dual-primary-action" : "action-none" ,
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+ examples - Open Management
+ examples
+In the examples folder we provide a variety of examples that will show how to use some of the many third party
+tools to interact with one of the GRPC
+interfaces(gNMI,gNOI and gRIBI) within Arista EOS.
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@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+ About NETCONF - Open Management
+NETCONF is a protocol defined in the RFC 6241
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@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+ ncclient examples - Open Management
+ ncclient
+Install ncclient
+ pip3 freeze | grep ncclient
+Requirements on the EOS device
+ switch1#show running-config section netconf
+ management api netconf
+ transport ssh test
+ vrf MGMT
+ switch1#sh management api netconf
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 830 , in MGMT VRF
+ncclient demo
+interactive python session
+>>> from ncclient import manager
+>>> eos = manager . connect ( host = "" , port = "830" , timeout = 30 , username = "arista" , password = "arista" , hostkey_verify = False )
+>>> eos . connected
+>>> eos . timeout
+>>> eos . session_id
+>>> assert ( "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-monitoring" in eos . server_capabilities ), "NetConf server not compliant with https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6022"
+>>> conf = '''
+... <config>
+... <system xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/system">
+... <config>
+... <domain-name>abc.xyz</domain-name>
+... </config>
+... </system>
+... </config>
+... '''
+>>> eos . edit_config ( target = "running" , config = conf , default_operation = "merge" )
+< rpc - reply xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message - id = "urn:uuid:33ca18d3-43b5-4277-a6ce-9a751f74cada" >< ok ></ ok ></ rpc - reply >
+>>> domain_name = '''
+... <system xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/system">
+... <config>
+... <domain-name>
+... </domain-name>
+... </config>
+... </system>
+... '''
+>>> domain_name_conf = eos . get_config ( source = "running" , filter = ( "subtree" , domain_name ))
+>>> print ( domain_name_conf )
+< rpc - reply xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message - id = "urn:uuid:a43cfae5-3215-4f99-97ce-ff61ca1e285c" >< data time - modified = "2021-07-11T12:29:49.133333939Z" >< system xmlns = "http://openconfig.net/yang/system" >< config >< domain - name > abc . xyz </ domain - name ></ config ></ system ></ data ></ rpc - reply >
+>>> eos . close_session ()
+< rpc - reply xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message - id = "urn:uuid:1841896a-9c97-467d-aef8-9a405b51d298" >< ok ></ ok ></ rpc - reply >
+>>> eos . connected
+>>> exit ()
+>>> from lxml import etree
+>>> system_e = etree . Element ( "system" )
+>>> dns_e = etree . SubElement ( system_e , "dns" )
+>>> servers_e = etree . SubElement ( dns_e , "servers" )
+>>> server_e = etree . SubElement ( servers_e , "server" )
+>>> address_e = etree . SubElement ( server_e , "address" )
+>>> config_e = etree . SubElement ( server_e , "config" )
+>>> address_e . text = ""
+>>> address_e . text
+>>> etree . tostring ( system_e )
+b '<system><dns><servers><server><address></address><config/></server></servers></dns></system>'
+>>> etree . tostring ( system_e , pretty_print = True )
+b '<system> \n <dns> \n <servers> \n <server> \n <address></address> \n <config/> \n </server> \n </servers> \n </dns> \n </system> \n '
+>>> etree . dump ( system_e )
+< system >
+ < dns >
+ < servers >
+ < server >
+ < address > </ address >
+ < config />
+ </ server >
+ </ servers >
+ </ dns >
+</ system >
+>>> from ncclient import manager
+>>> eos = manager . connect ( host = "" , port = "830" , timeout = 30 , username = "arista" , password = "arista" , hostkey_verify = False )
+>>> eos . connected
+>>> print ( eos . get_config ( source = "running" , filter = ( "subtree" , system_e )))
+< rpc - reply xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message - id = "urn:uuid:ab16e734-04df-4d4f-8efe-27963ece586c" >< data time - modified = "2021-07-11T12:29:49.138275819Z" >< system xmlns = "http://openconfig.net/yang/system" >< dns >< servers >< server >< address > </ address >< config >< address > </ address ></ config ></ server ></ servers ></ dns ></ system ></ data ></ rpc - reply >
+>>> eos . close_session ()
+< rpc - reply xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message - id = "urn:uuid:2eed88ee-106b-44d1-b196-f79611512b25" >< ok ></ ok ></ rpc - reply >
+>>> exit ()
+Other demos
+There are many python scripts using ncclient in this directory .
+To execute one of these scripts, run as example this command:
+ python3 print_server_capabilities.py
+get operation
+get.py uses the get
operation to
+ retrieve the configuration and state data. It uses a filter to specify the portion of the configuration and state data
+ to retrieve.
+get-config operation
+get_config.py uses the get-config
+ operation with a filter to retrieve part of the configuration.
+edit-config operation
+edit_config_merge.py uses
+ the edit-config
operation with the merge
operation (which is the default operation for edit-config
+ uses the edit-config
operation with the replace
+edit_config_delete.py uses
+ the edit-config
operation with the delete
+ configures a device using the edit-config
operation and EOS data model
+ uses the edit-config
operation with the candidate
configuration datastore. It uses a lock
operation and commit
+ operation.
+candidate_configuration_discard_changes.py .
+ uses the edit-config
operation with the candidate
configuration datastore. It uses a lock
operation and
+ discard_change
operation to revert the candidate configuration to the current running configuration (insteaf of
+ commiting the candidate configuration). #### XML output parsing
+parse_xml_output.py uses the
+ get
operation to retrieve data from the device and then parse this data.
+rpc.py sends RPCs to configure EOS
+ devices.
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+ NETCONF over SSH - Open Management
+Requirements on the EOS device
+ switch1#show running-config section netconf
+ management api netconf
+ transport ssh test
+ vrf MGMT
+ switch1#sh management api netconf
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 830 , in MGMT VRF
+About NETCONF over SSH
+NETCONF over SSH is discussed in the RFC 6242
+In order to open a NETCONF session inside an SSH connection, there are two options:
+we can invoke the NETCONF subsystem using the following SSH command
+ssh username@device -s netconf
+we can establish an SSH connection to an EOS device (NETCONF server), and then run the EOS command
+NETCONF over SSH demo
+Start a NETCONF over SSH session
+ s70515#netconf start-client
+Advertise the client capabilities
+Once the NETCONF session is open, the NETCONF server (EOS device) advertises its capabilities.
+You must advertise the client capabilities. Example:
+<hello xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" >
+ <capabilities>
+ <capability> urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0</capability>
+ <capability> urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:candidate:1.0</capability>
+ <capability> urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:confimed-commit:1.0</capability>
+ <capability> urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:writable-running:1.0</capability>
+ <capability> urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:validate:1.0</capability>
+ </capabilities>
+ ]]>]]>
+Get all configuration and state data
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "1" >
+ <get>
+ </get>
+ ]]>]]>
+Get the operational status of an Interface
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "2" >
+ <get>
+ <filter type= "subtree" >
+ <interfaces>
+ <interface>
+ <name> Ethernet3</name>
+ <state>
+ <oper-status>
+ </oper-status>
+ </state>
+ </interface>
+ </interfaces>
+ </filter>
+ </get>
+ ]]>]]>
+Get the whole running configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "3" >
+ <get-config>
+ <source>
+ <running/>
+ </source>
+ </get-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Get the running configuration of an interface
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "4" >
+ <get-config>
+ <source>
+ <running/>
+ </source>
+ <filter>
+ <interfaces>
+ <interface>
+ <name> Ethernet3</name>
+ </interface>
+ </interfaces>
+ </filter>
+ </get-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Get the interface description from the running configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "5" >
+ <get-config>
+ <source>
+ <running/>
+ </source>
+ <filter>
+ <interfaces>
+ <interface>
+ <name> Ethernet3</name>
+ <config>
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ </config>
+ </interface>
+ </interfaces>
+ </filter>
+ </get-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Lock the running configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "6" >
+ <lock>
+ <target>
+ <running/>
+ </target>
+ </lock>
+ ]]>]]>
+Edit the running configuration using EOS native data model
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "7" >
+ <target>
+ <running/>
+ </target>
+ <default-operation> merge</default-operation>
+ <commands>
+ <command> vlan 198</command>
+ <command> name test198</command>
+ <command> interface ethernet6</command>
+ <command> description test</command>
+ <command> switchport access vlan 98</command>
+ </commands>
+ ]]>]]>
+Edit the running configuration using OpenConfig data model
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "8" >
+ <target>
+ <running/>
+ </target>
+ <default-operation> merge</default-operation>
+ <config>
+ <interfaces>
+ <interface>
+ <name> Ethernet4</name>
+ <config>
+ <description> This is the best interface</description>
+ </config>
+ </interface>
+ </interfaces>
+ </config>
+ </edit-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Edit the running configuration to delete an existing existing data
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "9" >
+ <target>
+ <running/>
+ </target>
+ <default-operation> none</default-operation>
+ <config>
+ <system xmlns= "http://arista.com/yang/openconfig/system/" >
+ <dns>
+ <servers>
+ <server>
+ <address operation= "delete" ></address>
+ </server>
+ </servers>
+ </dns>
+ </system>
+ </config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Unlock the running configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "10" >
+ <unlock>
+ <target>
+ <running/>
+ </target>
+ </unlock>
+ ]]>]]>
+Save running configuration on the flash
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "11" >
+ <copy-config>
+ <target>
+ <url>
+ flash:/test.cfg
+ </url>
+ </target>
+ <source>
+ <running/>
+ </source>
+ </copy-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Copy the running configuration datastore to the startup configuration datastore
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "12" >
+ <copy-config>
+ <target>
+ <startup/>
+ </target>
+ <source>
+ <running/>
+ </source>
+ </copy-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Lock the candidate configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "13" >
+ <lock>
+ <target>
+ <candidate/>
+ </target>
+ </lock>
+ ]]>]]>
+Edit the candidate configuration - edit interface description
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "14" >
+ <target>
+ <candidate/>
+ </target>
+ <default-operation> merge</default-operation>
+ <config>
+ <interfaces>
+ <interface>
+ <name> Ethernet5/1</name>
+ <config>
+ <description> This is the best interface</description>
+ </config>
+ </interface>
+ </interfaces>
+ </config>
+ </edit-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Commit the configuration change (from the candidate to the running configuration)
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "15" >
+ <commit/>
+ ]]>]]>
+Unlock the candidate configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "20" >
+ <unlock>
+ <target>
+ <candidate/>
+ </target>
+ </unlock>
+ ]]>]]>
+Edit the candidate configuration - set hostname
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "21" >
+ <target>
+ <candidate/>
+ </target>
+ <default-operation> merge</default-operation>
+ <config>
+ <system>
+ <config>
+ <hostname> test</hostname>
+ </config>
+ </system>
+ </config>
+ </edit-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Get part of the candidate configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "5" >
+ <get-config>
+ <source>
+ <candidate/>
+ </source>
+ <filter>
+ <system>
+ <config>
+ <hostname></hostname>
+ </config>
+ </system>
+ </filter>
+ </get-config>
+ ]]>]]>
+Revert the candidate configuration to the current running configuration
+If you decide to not commit the candidate configuration, you can revert the candidate configuration to the current
+running configuration
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "90" >
+ <discard-changes/>
+ ]]>]]>
+Close the session
+<rpc xmlns= "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id= "100" >
+ <close-session>
+ </close-session>
+ ]]>]]>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/pyang/index.html b/examples/pyang/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e05aed27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pyang/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1627 @@
+ pyang examples - Open Management
+ Pyang
+About Pyang
+pyang is a python program.
+We can use it to:
+Validate YANG modules against YANG RFCs
+Convert YANG modules into equivalent YIN module (XML)
+Generate a tree representation of YANG models for quick visualization
+Install Pyang
+ pip install pyang
+ pip3 freeze | grep pyang
+ pip3 freeze | grep pyang
+Get YANG modules
+We need YANG modules so we can use Pyang.
+Create a directory
+Clone the OpenConfig repository
+ git clone https://github.com/openconfig/public.git
+Copy all the YANG files from OpenConfig to the yang_modules directory
+ cp public/release/models/*.yang yang_modules/.
+ cp -R public/release/models/*/*.yang yang_modules/.
+ cp public/third_party/ietf/*.yang yang_modules/.
+Move to the yang_modules directory
+It has all the YANG files published on the OpenConfig repository
+Validate YANG modules
+ pyang openconfig-bgp.yang
+ pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang
+Convert a YANG module into an equivalent YIN module
+A YANG module can be translated into an XML syntax called YIN. The translated module is called a YIN module. The YANG
+and YIN formats contain equivalent information using different notations: YIN is YANG in XML. A YANG module can be
+translated into YIN syntax without losing any information.
+Example (openconfig-bgp.yin is the YIN equivalent of openconfig-bgp.yang)
+ pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f yin -o openconfig-bgp.yin
+ ls *.yin
+Generate a tree representation of YANG modules for quick visualization
+ pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang -f tree
+ Reveal output
module: openconfig-interfaces
+ +--rw interfaces
+ +--rw interface* [ name]
+ +--rw name -> ../config/name
+ +--rw config
+ | +--rw name? string
+ | +--rw type identityref
+ | +--rw mtu? uint16
+ | +--rw loopback-mode? boolean
+ | +--rw description? string
+ | +--rw enabled? boolean
+ +--ro state
+ | +--ro name? string
+ | +--ro type identityref
+ | +--ro mtu? uint16
+ | +--ro loopback-mode? boolean
+ | +--ro description? string
+ | +--ro enabled? boolean
+ | +--ro ifindex? uint32
+ | +--ro admin-status enumeration
+ | +--ro oper-status enumeration
+ | +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64
+ | +--ro logical? boolean
+ | +--ro management? boolean
+ | +--ro cpu? boolean
+ | +--ro counters
+ | +--ro in -octets? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -discards? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -unknown-protos? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro in -fcs-errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro out-octets? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro out-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro out-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro out-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro out-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro out-discards? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro out-errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro carrier-transitions? oc-yang:counter64
+ | +--ro last-clear? oc-types:timeticks64
+ +--rw hold-time
+ | +--rw config
+ | | +--rw up? uint32
+ | | +--rw down? uint32
+ | +--ro state
+ | +--ro up? uint32
+ | +--ro down? uint32
+ +--rw subinterfaces
+ +--rw subinterface* [ index]
+ +--rw index -> ../config/index
+ +--rw config
+ | +--rw index? uint32
+ | +--rw description? string
+ | +--rw enabled? boolean
+ +--ro state
+ +--ro index? uint32
+ +--ro description? string
+ +--ro enabled? boolean
+ +--ro name? string
+ +--ro ifindex? uint32
+ +--ro admin-status enumeration
+ +--ro oper-status enumeration
+ +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64
+ +--ro logical? boolean
+ +--ro management? boolean
+ +--ro cpu? boolean
+ +--ro counters
+ +--ro in -octets? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -discards? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -unknown-protos? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -fcs-errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-octets? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-discards? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro carrier-transitions? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro last-clear? oc-types:timeticks64
+ pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang -f tree --tree-path= /interfaces/interface/state
+ Reveal output
module: openconfig-interfaces
+ +--rw interfaces
+ +--rw interface* [ name]
+ +--ro state
+ +--ro name? string
+ +--ro type identityref
+ +--ro mtu? uint16
+ +--ro loopback-mode? boolean
+ +--ro description? string
+ +--ro enabled? boolean
+ +--ro ifindex? uint32
+ +--ro admin-status enumeration
+ +--ro oper-status enumeration
+ +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64
+ +--ro logical? boolean
+ +--ro management? boolean
+ +--ro cpu? boolean
+ +--ro counters
+ +--ro in -octets? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -discards? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -unknown-protos? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro in -fcs-errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-octets? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-discards? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro out-errors? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro carrier-transitions? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro last-clear? oc-types:timeticks64
+ pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang -f tree --tree-depth= 4
+ Reveal output
module: openconfig-interfaces
+ +--rw interfaces
+ +--rw interface* [ name]
+ +--rw name -> ../config/name
+ +--rw config
+ | +--rw name? string
+ | +--rw type identityref
+ | +--rw mtu? uint16
+ | +--rw loopback-mode? boolean
+ | +--rw description? string
+ | +--rw enabled? boolean
+ +--ro state
+ | +--ro name? string
+ | +--ro type identityref
+ | +--ro mtu? uint16
+ | +--ro loopback-mode? boolean
+ | +--ro description? string
+ | +--ro enabled? boolean
+ | +--ro ifindex? uint32
+ | +--ro admin-status enumeration
+ | +--ro oper-status enumeration
+ | +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64
+ | +--ro logical? boolean
+ | +--ro management? boolean
+ | +--ro cpu? boolean
+ | +--ro counters
+ | ...
+ +--rw hold-time
+ | +--rw config
+ | | ...
+ | +--ro state
+ | ...
+ +--rw subinterfaces
+ +--rw subinterface* [ index]
+ ...
+ pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path= /bgp/neighbors --tree-depth= 4
+ Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp
+ +--rw bgp
+ +--rw neighbors
+ +--rw neighbor* [ neighbor-address]
+ +--rw neighbor-address -> ../config/neighbor-address
+ +--rw config
+ | ...
+ +--ro state
+ | ...
+ +--rw timers
+ | ...
+ +--rw transport
+ | ...
+ +--rw error-handling
+ | ...
+ +--rw graceful-restart
+ | ...
+ +--rw logging-options
+ | ...
+ +--rw ebgp-multihop
+ | ...
+ +--rw route-reflector
+ | ...
+ +--rw as-path-options
+ | ...
+ +--rw use-multiple-paths
+ | ...
+ +--rw apply-policy
+ | ...
+ +--rw afi-safis
+ | ...
+ +--rw enable-bfd
+ pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path= /bgp/neighbors/neighbor/config
+ Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp
+ +--rw bgp
+ +--rw neighbors
+ +--rw neighbor* [ neighbor-address]
+ +--rw config
+ +--rw peer-group? -> ../../../../peer-groups/peer-group/peer-group-name
+ +--rw neighbor-address? oc-inet:ip-address
+ +--rw enabled? boolean
+ +--rw peer-as? oc-inet:as-number
+ +--rw local-as? oc-inet:as-number
+ +--rw peer-type? oc-bgp-types:peer-type
+ +--rw auth-password? oc-types:routing-password
+ +--rw remove-private-as? oc-bgp-types:remove-private-as-option
+ +--rw route-flap-damping? boolean
+ +--rw send-community? oc-bgp-types:community-type
+ +--rw description? string
+ pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path= /bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state \
+ --tree-depth= 5
+ Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp
+ +--rw bgp
+ +--rw neighbors
+ +--rw neighbor* [ neighbor-address]
+ +--ro state
+ +--ro peer-group? -> ../../../../peer-groups/peer-group/peer-group-name
+ +--ro neighbor-address? oc-inet:ip-address
+ +--ro enabled? boolean
+ +--ro peer-as? oc-inet:as-number
+ +--ro local-as? oc-inet:as-number
+ +--ro peer-type? oc-bgp-types:peer-type
+ +--ro auth-password? oc-types:routing-password
+ +--ro remove-private-as? oc-bgp-types:remove-private-as-option
+ +--ro route-flap-damping? boolean
+ +--ro send-community? oc-bgp-types:community-type
+ +--ro description? string
+ +--ro session-state? enumeration
+ +--ro last-established? oc-types:timeticks64
+ +--ro established-transitions? oc-yang:counter64
+ +--ro supported-capabilities* identityref
+ +--ro messages
+ | ...
+ +--ro queues
+ | ...
+ +--ro dynamically-configured? boolean
+ pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path= /bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis \
+ --tree-depth= 6
+ Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp
+ +--rw bgp
+ +--rw neighbors
+ +--rw neighbor* [ neighbor-address]
+ +--rw afi-safis
+ +--rw afi-safi* [ afi-safi-name]
+ +--rw afi-safi-name -> ../config/afi-safi-name
+ +--rw config
+ | ...
+ +--ro state
+ | ...
+ +--rw graceful-restart
+ | ...
+ +--rw add-paths
+ | ...
+ +--rw apply-policy
+ | ...
+ +--rw ipv4-unicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw ipv6-unicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw ipv4-labeled-unicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw ipv6-labeled-unicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw l3vpn-ipv4-unicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw l3vpn-ipv6-unicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw l3vpn-ipv4-multicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw l3vpn-ipv6-multicast
+ | ...
+ +--rw l2vpn-vpls
+ | ...
+ +--rw l2vpn-evpn
+ | ...
+ +--rw srte-policy-ipv4
+ | ...
+ +--rw srte-policy-ipv6
+ | ...
+ +--rw use-multiple-paths
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/pyang/requirements.txt b/examples/pyang/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9686e6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pyang/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/examples/pyangbind/demo.json b/examples/pyangbind/demo.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..982360c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pyangbind/demo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ "openconfig-bgp:global": {
+ "config": {
+ "as": 65002
+ }
+ },
+ "openconfig-bgp:neighbors": {
+ "neighbor": [
+ {
+ "neighbor-address": "",
+ "config": {
+ "peer-group": "XYZ",
+ "neighbor-address": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "neighbor-address": "",
+ "config": {
+ "peer-group": "XYZ",
+ "neighbor-address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "openconfig-bgp:peer-groups": {
+ "peer-group": [
+ {
+ "peer-group-name": "XYZ",
+ "config": {
+ "peer-group-name": "XYZ",
+ "peer-as": 65002
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/pyangbind/index.html b/examples/pyangbind/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29c247d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pyangbind/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1408 @@
+ Pyangbind - Open Management
+ Pyangbind
+PyangBind is a pyang plugin.
+About Pyang
+Please visit this link if you need help about Pyang.
+About PyangBind
+It generates Python classes from a YANG module.
+It converts YANG module into a Python module.
+This Python module can be then used to generate data which conforms with the data model defined in YANG.
+Install Pyang and Pyangbind
+ pip install pyang
+ pip install pyangbind
+ pip3 freeze | grep pyang
+Get YANG modules
+We need YANG modules so we can use Pyang and Pyangbind.
+Create a directory
+Clone the OpenConfig repository
+ git clone https://github.com/openconfig/public.git
+Run this command to verify
+Copy all the YANG files from OpenConfig to the yang_modules directory
+ cp public/release/models/*.yang yang_modules/.
+ cp -R public/release/models/*/*.yang yang_modules/.
+ cp public/third_party/ietf/*.yang yang_modules/.
+Move to the yang_modules directory
+Verify it has all the YANG files published on the OpenConfig repository
+Use Pyangbind to generate a Python module from a YANG module
+ pyang --plugindir $HOME /.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyangbind/plugin/ -f pybind -o oc_bgp.py openconfig-bgp.yang
+The above command generated the python module oc_bgp.py
from the openconfig-bgp.yang
+Run this command to verify:
+Use the new python module to generate an OpenConfig configuration file
+The file pyangbind_demo.py uses
+the new python module oc_bgp.py
and generates this OpenConfig configuration file demo.json
+ python3 pyangbind_demo.py
+This OpenConfig configuration file demo.json can be loaded on a switch using the gNMI Set RPC
+Install gNMIc
+Please visit this link if you need help with gNMIc installation
+Required device configuration
+Please visit this link if you need help to configure EOS for gNMI
+Check the device configuration before
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.117:6030 --insecure -u arista -p arista get \
+ --path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp'
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.117:6030 --insecure -u arista -p arista set \
+ --replace-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp' \
+ --replace-file demo.json
+Check the device configuration after
+ gnmic -a 192 .0.2.117:6030 --insecure -u arista -p arista get \
+ --path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/pygnmi/index.html b/examples/pygnmi/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c662648f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pygnmi/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1936 @@
+ pygnmi - Open Management
+ Pygnmi
+The following example uses the pygnmi python module to talk to gNMI
+# Modules
+from pygnmi.client import gNMIclient
+import json
+# Variables
+host = ( '' , '6030' )
+# Body
+if __name__ == '__main__' :
+ with gNMIclient ( target = host , username = 'ansible' , password = 'ansible' , insecure = True ) as gc :
+ result = gc . get ( path = [ 'openconfig:interfaces' ])
+ print ( json . dumps ( result , indent = 4 ))
+Assuming that the pygnmi
module has been installed, this can be executed via the following command.
+ python3 gnmi_example.py
+The following will simply run the
file using python3
+to get the openconfig interfaces.
+Truncated output
+ "notification" : [
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 0 ,
+ "update" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "interfaces" ,
+ "json_ietf_val" : {
+ "openconfig-interfaces:interface" : [
+ {
+ "config" : {
+ "enabled" : true ,
+ "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 ,
+ "loopback-mode" : false ,
+ "mtu" : 0 ,
+ "name" : "Ethernet1" ,
+ "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" ,
+ "type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd"
+ },
+gNMI Capabilities RPC
+The file capabilities.py uses the
+pygnmi python module to get the gNMI capabilities.
+ python3 capabilities.py
+Reveal output
{ 'g n mi_versio n ' : ' 0.7.0 ' ,
+ 'suppor te d_e n codi n gs' : [ 'jso n ' , 'jso n _ie tf ' , 'ascii' ],
+ 'suppor te d_models' : [{ ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - varp - net - i nst ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - acl' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 1.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - sys te m - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - sys te m - ma na geme nt ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - isis - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - rib - bgp - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.5.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pla tf orm - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 1.0.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - net work - i nstan ce' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.13.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - bgp - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - igmps n oopi n g' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ie tf - net co nf ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'IETF NETCONF (Ne t work Co nf igura t io n ) '
+ 'Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - policy - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - rib - bgp' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.6.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - local - rou t i n g - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - varp - i ntf ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - i nterfa ces - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - rpc - net co nf ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pla tf orm - psu' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - packe t - ma t ch - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 1.0.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pla tf orm - fan ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i net - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.3.3 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - igmp' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - aaa - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.4.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - lldp' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - relay - age nt - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - i ntf - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - qos - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ie tf - ya n g - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Da ta Modeli n g '
+ 'La n guage) Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - ope nfl ow' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ia na - i f - t ype' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'IANA' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - vxla n - co nf ig' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - rou t i n g - policy - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - aaa' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.4.3 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i f - ip' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.0.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - sr te - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - local - rou t i n g - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - lacp - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - bgp - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - mul t icas t ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i nterfa ces' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 2.4.3 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig -e x tens io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - sys te m - ter mi nal ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.3.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - bgp - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 5.0.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - net i nst - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - sys te m - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - segme nt - rou t i n g' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.0.4 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pla tf orm' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.12.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - p f - sr te ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - vla n - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - b f d' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i f - tunnel ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - alarms' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.3.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i f - aggrega te ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 2.4.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - acl - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - acl - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - messages - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - net work - i nstan ce - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.8.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.6.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ie tf - i nterfa ces' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'IETF NETMOD (Ne t work Modeli n g) Worki n g '
+ 'Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - procmo n ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.4.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - qos' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - qos - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - a ft ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.4.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - isis - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - packe t - ma t ch' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 1.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - lldp - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i f -e t her net ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 2.7.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - mpls - sr' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.0.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - policy - f orwardi n g' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - i ntf - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - isis - lsdb - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.4.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'vla n - translat io n ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - g n oi - cer t ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - net work - i nstan ce - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - b f d - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - vla n - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - hercules - i nterfa ces' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig Hercules Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - lacp - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - sr te - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - igmp - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - lacp' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 1.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - rou t i n g - policy' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - lacp - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - sys te m - loggi n g' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.3.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - a ft - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.3.3 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - net work - i nstan ce - l 3 ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.11.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - bgp - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - rpol - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e os - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - qos - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - ope nfl ow - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - mpls - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.1.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - hercules - qos' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig Hercules Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - bgp' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 6.0.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - pla tf orm - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - sys te m - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - mlag' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - sys te m' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.8.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - isis' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.4.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - lldp - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - vla n ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.2.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i f - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - relay - age nt ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - lldp - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - a ft - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - vla n - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.1.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - mpls - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - mpls - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - alarm - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - hercules - pla tf orm' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig Hercules Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - osp f v 2 ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ie tf - net co nf - mo n i t ori n g' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'IETF NETCONF (Ne t work Co nf igura t io n ) '
+ 'Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os -e vp n ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - vxla n ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pla tf orm - por t ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.3.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - messages' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.0.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pla tf orm - cpu' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - i f - poe' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pim' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - ope nfl ow - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - mpls' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.1.0 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pla tf orm - li ne card' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - mpls - ldp' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.0.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - bgp - policy' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 6.0.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - mpls - rsvp' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 3.0.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - qos - co nf ig' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - ya n g - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - qos' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.2.3 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - local - rou t i n g' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 1.0.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ie tf - i net - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Da ta Modeli n g '
+ 'La n guage) Worki n g Group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - rpol - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - pim - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - pim - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.1 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - b f d - n o tsu ppor te d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - lldp - augme nts ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta -e xp -e os - qos - acl - co nf ig' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works <h tt p : //arista.com/>',
+ 'versio n ' : '' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - isis - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.4.2 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - osp f - policy' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.3 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'ope n co nf ig - osp f - t ypes' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Ope n Co nf ig worki n g group' ,
+ 'versio n ' : ' 0.1.3 ' },
+ { ' na me' : 'aris ta - b f d - devia t io ns ' ,
+ 'orga n iza t io n ' : 'Aris ta Ne t works , I n c.' ,
+ 'versio n ' : '' }]}
+The file get.py uses the
+pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI GET RPC
+Reveal output
+ "notification" : [
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 0 ,
+ "update" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters" ,
+ "val" : {
+ "openconfig-interfaces:in-broadcast-pkts" : "2" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:in-discards" : "0" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:in-errors" : "0" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:in-fcs-errors" : "0" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:in-multicast-pkts" : "189439" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:in-octets" : "48284395" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:in-unicast-pkts" : "416884" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:out-broadcast-pkts" : "14" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:out-discards" : "0" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:out-errors" : "0" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:out-multicast-pkts" : "217232" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:out-octets" : "51749355" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:out-unicast-pkts" : "416911"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ } ,
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 0 ,
+ "update" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state" ,
+ "val" : {
+ "openconfig-network-instance:enabled" : true,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:established-transitions" : "0" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:last-established" : "1625684802230601216" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:messages" : {
+ "received" : {
+ "UPDATE" : "0"
+ } ,
+ "sent" : {
+ "UPDATE" : "0"
+ }
+ } ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:peer-group" : "EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:send-community" : "NONE" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:session-state" : "ACTIVE"
+ }
+ } ,
+ {
+ "path" : "network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state" ,
+ "val" : {
+ "openconfig-network-instance:enabled" : true,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:established-transitions" : "2" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:last-established" : "1625740129181922304" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:messages" : {
+ "received" : {
+ "UPDATE" : "2"
+ } ,
+ "sent" : {
+ "UPDATE" : "24"
+ }
+ } ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:neighbor-address" : "" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:peer-group" : "EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:send-community" : "NONE" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:session-state" : "ACTIVE"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+gNMI Subscribe RPC
+The file sub.py uses the
+pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI Subscribe RPC
+Reveal output
{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - broadcas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674581749 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - discards' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674597259 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674603747 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - f cs -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768672465216 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - mul t icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 189439 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674588779 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - oc tets ' , 'val' : 48284395 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674553338 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - u n icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 416884 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674571889 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - broadcas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 14 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674624983 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - discards' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674639908 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674645915 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - mul t icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 217294 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626599894372892660 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - oc tets ' , 'val' : 51756949 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626599894372858163 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - u n icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 416911 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674617475 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /e na bled' , 'val' : True }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768440845697 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /es ta blished - trans i t io ns ' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768468632490 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /las t -e s ta blished' , 'val' : 1625684802230601216 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469284793 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/received/UPDATE' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421128387 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/se nt /UPDATE' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421184402 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate / ne ighbor - address' , 'val' : ' ' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421876850 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /peer - group' , 'val' : 'EVPN - OVERLAY - PEERS' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768439035722 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /se n d - commu n i t y' , 'val' : 'NONE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768419003214 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /sessio n - s tate ' , 'val' : 'ACTIVE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469145043 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /e na bled' , 'val' : True }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768428252812 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /es ta blished - trans i t io ns ' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768470394508 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /las t -e s ta blished' , 'val' : 1625740129181922304 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469974563 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/received/UPDATE' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768424768147 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/se nt /UPDATE' , 'val' : 24 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768424826346 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate / ne ighbor - address' , 'val' : ' ' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768425586744 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /peer - group' , 'val' : 'EVPN - OVERLAY - PEERS' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768427044044 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /se n d - commu n i t y' , 'val' : 'NONE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768423035498 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /sessio n - s tate ' , 'val' : 'ACTIVE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469536321 }}
+{ 'sy n c_respo nse ' : True }
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - broadcas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674581749 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - discards' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674597259 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674603747 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - f cs -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768672465216 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - mul t icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 189439 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674588779 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - oc tets ' , 'val' : 48284395 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674553338 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - u n icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 416884 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674571889 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - broadcas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 14 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674624983 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - discards' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674639908 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674645915 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - mul t icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 217299 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626599904372340631 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - oc tets ' , 'val' : 51757564 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626599904372302101 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - u n icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 416911 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674617475 }}
+{ 'sy n c_respo nse ' : True }
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /e na bled' , 'val' : True }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768440845697 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /es ta blished - trans i t io ns ' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768468632490 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /las t -e s ta blished' , 'val' : 1625684802230601216 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469284793 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/received/UPDATE' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421128387 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/se nt /UPDATE' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421184402 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate / ne ighbor - address' , 'val' : ' ' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421876850 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /peer - group' , 'val' : 'EVPN - OVERLAY - PEERS' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768439035722 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /se n d - commu n i t y' , 'val' : 'NONE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768419003214 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /sessio n - s tate ' , 'val' : 'ACTIVE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469145043 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /e na bled' , 'val' : True }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768428252812 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /es ta blished - trans i t io ns ' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768470394508 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /las t -e s ta blished' , 'val' : 1625740129181922304 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469974563 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/received/UPDATE' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768424768147 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/se nt /UPDATE' , 'val' : 24 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768424826346 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate / ne ighbor - address' , 'val' : ' ' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768425586744 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /peer - group' , 'val' : 'EVPN - OVERLAY - PEERS' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768427044044 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /se n d - commu n i t y' , 'val' : 'NONE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768423035498 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /sessio n - s tate ' , 'val' : 'ACTIVE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469536321 }}
+{ 'sy n c_respo nse ' : True }
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - broadcas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674581749 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - discards' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674597259 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674603747 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - f cs -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768672465216 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - mul t icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 189439 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674588779 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - oc tets ' , 'val' : 48284395 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674553338 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /i n - u n icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 416884 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674571889 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - broadcas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 14 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674624983 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - discards' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674639908 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t -e rrors' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674645915 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - mul t icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 217304 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626599914374756337 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - oc tets ' , 'val' : 51758179 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626599914374727204 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] /s tate /cou nters /ou t - u n icas t - pk ts ' , 'val' : 416911 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768674617475 }}
+{ 'sy n c_respo nse ' : True }
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /e na bled' , 'val' : True }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768440845697 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /es ta blished - trans i t io ns ' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768468632490 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /las t -e s ta blished' , 'val' : 1625684802230601216 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469284793 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/received/UPDATE' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421128387 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/se nt /UPDATE' , 'val' : 0 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421184402 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate / ne ighbor - address' , 'val' : ' ' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768421876850 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /peer - group' , 'val' : 'EVPN - OVERLAY - PEERS' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768439035722 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /se n d - commu n i t y' , 'val' : 'NONE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768419003214 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /sessio n - s tate ' , 'val' : 'ACTIVE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469145043 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /e na bled' , 'val' : True }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768428252812 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /es ta blished - trans i t io ns ' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768470394508 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /las t -e s ta blished' , 'val' : 1625740129181922304 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469974563 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/received/UPDATE' , 'val' : 2 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768424768147 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /messages/se nt /UPDATE' , 'val' : 24 }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768424826346 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate / ne ighbor - address' , 'val' : ' ' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768425586744 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /peer - group' , 'val' : 'EVPN - OVERLAY - PEERS' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768427044044 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ ide nt i f ier=BGP ][ na me=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /se n d - commu n i t y' , 'val' : 'NONE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768423035498 }}
+{ 'upda te ' : { 'upda te ' : [{ 'pa t h' : ' net work - i nstan ces/ net work - i nstan ce [ na me=de fault ] /pro t ocols/pro t ocol [ na me=BGP ][ ide nt i f ier=BGP ] /bgp/ ne ighbors/ ne ighbor [ ne ighbor - address= ] /s tate /sessio n - s tate ' , 'val' : 'ACTIVE' }], ' t imes ta mp' : 1626462768469536321 }}
+The file update.py uses the
+pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI SET RPC (update)
+GET RPC, interface Ethernet1 config, before the update
+ "notification" : [
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 0 ,
+ "update" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config" ,
+ "val" : {
+ "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "test1234" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" : true ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode" : false ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:mtu" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet1" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd" ,
+ "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+SET RPC, update, interface Ethernet1
+{ 'respo nse ' : [{ 'pa t h' : 'i nterfa ces/i nterfa ce [ na me=E t her net 1 ] ' , 'op' : 'UPDATE' }]}
+GET RPC , i nterfa ce E t her net 1 co nf ig , a fter t he upda te
+ "notification" : [
+ {
+ "timestamp" : 0 ,
+ "update" : [
+ {
+ "path" : "interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config" ,
+ "val" : {
+ "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "Test" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" : true ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode" : false ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:mtu" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet1" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd" ,
+ "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+The file delete.py uses the
+pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI SET RPC (delete)
+{ 'response' : [{ 'path' : 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description' , 'op' : 'DELETE' }]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/pygnmi/requirements.txt b/examples/pygnmi/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..002e79d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pygnmi/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/examples/restconf/curl/index.html b/examples/restconf/curl/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e1be6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/restconf/curl/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1554 @@
+ RESTCONF with cURL - Open Management
+ cURL
+Requirement on the RESTCONF client
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get -y upgrade
+ sudo apt-get install curl jq -y
+RESTCONF examples using cURL
+Get interface description for Ethernet1
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure
+{ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "P2P_LINK_TO_DC1-SPINE1_Ethernet1" }
+Get interface stats for Ethernet1 and output the "in-octets" using jq
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \
+ --insecure | jq .'"openconfig-interfaces:state".counters."in-octets"'
+Get interfaces stats and output the name of the second (third index) using jq
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \
+ --insecure | jq .'"openconfig-interfaces:interface"[2].name'
+ curl -X GET \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \
+ --insecure | jq .'"openconfig-system:config".hostname'
+ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
+ Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
+ 100 66151 0 66151 0 0 284k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 284k
+ "switch1"
+Get PfxRcd and PfxAcc stats from a BGP neighbor
+ curl -s GET ',BGP/bgp/neighbors/neighbor=' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u cvpadmin:arastra --insecure | jq
+ "openconfig-network-instance:afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:config" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST"
+ } ,
+ "openconfig-network-instance:state" : {
+ "afi-safi-name" : "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST" ,
+ "prefixes" : {
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths" : 0 ,
+ "arista-bgp-augments:best-paths" : 0 ,
+ "installed" : 7 ,
+ "received" : 7 ,
+ "sent" : 7
+ }
+ }
+NOTE: The protocol must have multiple keys, i.e.: protocol=BGP,BGP
, in this case, it's the identifier
+the name
of the protocol, if either of these is omitted; on the switch side in the Octa/OpenConfig agent logs
+an error similar to the following would be generated:
+handler.go:95] ERROR mismatch between number of keys in [identifier name] and values present [BGP]
+if are omitted the error message would be:
+handler.go:95] ERROR failed to find key values after element "protocol" in "network-instances/network-instance=default/protocols/protocol
+Tip: pyang can be useful to understand what keys each leaf requires, e.g:
+ pyang openconfig-network-instance.yang -f tree --tree-depth= 4 | tail -n 4
+ | ...
+ +--rw protocols
+ +--rw protocol* [ identifier name]
+ ...
+ curl --head '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ Content-Type: application/yang.data+json
+ Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2021 14 :20:39 GMT
+Interface configuration example
+Let's check before the change
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure
+{ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "blabla" , "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" : false , "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 , "openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode" : false , "openconfig-interfaces:mtu" : 0 , "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet4" , "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" , "openconfig-interfaces:type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd" }
+Let's use the file interface.json
+{ "enabled" : true , "name" : "Ethernet4" , "description" : "restconf_test" }
+ curl -X PUT Ethernet4/config \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista -d @interface.json --insecure
+{ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "restconf_test" , "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" : true , "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet4" }
+Let's verify after the change
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure
+{ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "restconf_test" , "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" : true , "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 , "openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode" : false , "openconfig-interfaces:mtu" : 0 , "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet4" , "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" , "openconfig-interfaces:type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd" }
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure | jq .
+ "openconfig-interfaces:description" : "restconf_test" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" : true ,
+ "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode" : false ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:mtu" : 0 ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Ethernet4" ,
+ "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" ,
+ "openconfig-interfaces:type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd"
+Device hostname example
+Let's check before the change
+ curl -X GET \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure
+{ "openconfig-system:hostname" : "DC1-LEAF1A" }
+ curl -X GET \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \
+ --insecure | jq .'"openconfig-system:config".hostname'
+ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
+ Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
+ 100 74748 0 74748 0 0 300k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 300k
+ "DC1-LEAF1A"
+ curl -X PUT \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista \
+ -d '{"openconfig-system:hostname":"test"}' --insecure
+{ "openconfig-system:hostname" : "test" }
+Let's verify after the change
+ curl -X GET \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure
+{ "openconfig-system:hostname" : "test" }
+Interface configuration example
+Let's check before the change
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \
+ --insecure | jq .'"openconfig-interfaces:config"'
+ "description" : "" ,
+ "enabled" : true ,
+ "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 ,
+ "loopback-mode" : false ,
+ "mtu" : 0 ,
+ "name" : "Ethernet4" ,
+ "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" ,
+ "type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd"
+ curl -X POST Ethernet4/config \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista \
+ -d '{"openconfig-interfaces:description":"restconf_test"}' --insecure
+{ "openconfig-interfaces:description" :"restconf_test" }
+ curl -X POST Ethernet4/config \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista \
+ -d '{"openconfig-interfaces:enabled":false}' --insecure
+{ "openconfig-interfaces:enabled" :false}
+Let's verify after the change
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \
+ --insecure | jq .'"openconfig-interfaces:config".description'
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' \
+ -u arista:arista --insecure | jq .'"openconfig-interfaces:config"'
+ "description" : "restconf_test" ,
+ "enabled" : false ,
+ "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 ,
+ "loopback-mode" : false ,
+ "mtu" : 0 ,
+ "name" : "Ethernet4" ,
+ "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" ,
+ "type" : "iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd"
+Let's check before the change
+ curl -s GET '' \
+ --header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure
+{ "openconfig-interfaces:config" : { "description" : "test" , "enabled" : true , "arista-intf-augments:load-interval" : 300 , "loopback-mode" : true , "name" : "Loopback100" , "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" , "type" : "iana-if-type:softwareLoopback" }, "openconfig-interfaces:hold-time" : { "config" : { "down" : 0 , "up" : 0 }, "state" : { "down" : 0 , "up" : 0 }}, "openconfig-interfaces:name" : "Loopback100" , "openconfig-interfaces:state" : { "enabled" : true , "loopback-mode" : false , "openconfig-vlan:tpid" : "openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100" }, "openconfig-interfaces:subinterfaces" : { "subinterface" : [{ "config" : { "description" : "test" , "enabled" : true , "index" : 0 }, "index" : 0 , "openconfig-if-ip:ipv4" : { "config" : { "dhcp-client" : false , "enabled" : true , "mtu" : 1500 }, "state" : { "dhcp-client" : false , "enabled" : true , "mtu" : 1500 }}, "openconfig-if-ip:ipv6" : { "config" : { "dhcp-client" : false , "enabled" : false , "mtu" : 1500 }, "state" : { "dhcp-client" : false , "enabled" : false , "mtu" : 1500 }}, "state" : { "enabled" : true , "index" : 0 }}]}}
+ curl -X DELETE Loopback100 \
+ -u arista:arista --insecure
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09d17525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/restconf/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+ RESTCONF - Open Management
+RESTCONF is defined in the RFC 8040
+The GET method is sent by the client to retrieve data for a resource.
+The HEAD method is sent by the client to retrieve just the header fields (which contain the metadata for a resource)
+that would be returned for the comparable GET method, without the response message-body.
+It is supported for all resources that support the GET method.
+The POST method is sent by the client to create a data resource.
+The PUT method is sent by the client to create or replace the target data resource.
+The DELETE method is used to delete the target resource.
+EOS configuration
+Please refer to this link
+EOS Control plane ACL
+The default RESTCONF port on Arista devices is TCP 6020.
+We need to change the default control-plane ACL on EOS in order to allow TCP 6020 (or the configured RESTCONF TCP port).
+Please refer to this link
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1635483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/restconf/python/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1256 @@
+ RESTCONF with Python - Open Management
+ Python
+Requirement on the RESTCONF client
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get -y upgrade
+ pip install requests
+ pip3 freeze | grep requests
+RESTCONF examples with Python
+$ python3
+Python 3.6.9 ( default , Jan 26 2021 , 15 : 33 : 00 )
+[ GCC 8.4.0 ] on linux
+Type "help" , "copyright" , "credits" or "license" for more information .
+>>> import requests
+>>> from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
+>>> import json
+>>> USER = 'arista'
+>>> PASS = 'arista'
+>>> requests . packages . urllib3 . disable_warnings ()
+>>> headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/yang-data+json' , 'Accept' : 'application/yang-data+json' }
+>>> headers = { 'Accept' : 'application/yang-data+json' }
+>>> api_call = ""
+>>> result = requests . get ( api_call , auth = HTTPBasicAuth ( USER , PASS ), headers = headers , verify = False )
+>>> result . status_code
+>>> result . ok
+>>> result . url
+>>> result . content
+b '{"openconfig-interfaces:admin-status":"UP","openconfig-interfaces:counters":{"in-broadcast-pkts":"0","in-discards":"0","in-errors":"0","in-fcs-errors":"0","in-multicast-pkts":"972","in-octets":"116602","in-unicast-pkts":"131","out-broadcast-pkts":"1","out-discards":"0","out-errors":"0","out-multicast-pkts":"1761","out-octets":"199997","out-unicast-pkts":"122"},"openconfig-interfaces:description":"restconf_test","openconfig-interfaces:enabled":true,"openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port":"Port1","openconfig-interfaces:ifindex":1,"arista-intf-augments:inactive":false,"openconfig-interfaces:last-change":"1624966430515012864","openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode":false,"openconfig-interfaces:mtu":0,"openconfig-interfaces:name":"Ethernet1","openconfig-interfaces:oper-status":"UP","openconfig-vlan:tpid":"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100","openconfig-interfaces:type":"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd"} \n '
+>>> result . json ()
+{ 'openconfig-interfaces:admin-status' : 'UP' , 'openconfig-interfaces:counters' : { 'in-broadcast-pkts' : '0' , 'in-discards' :
+'0' , 'in-errors' : '0' , 'in-fcs-errors' : '0' , 'in-multicast-pkts' : '972' , 'in-octets' : '116602' , 'in-unicast-pkts' :
+'131' , 'out-broadcast-pkts' : '1' , 'out-discards' : '0' , 'out-errors' : '0' , 'out-multicast-pkts' : '1761' , 'out-octets' :
+'199997' , 'out-unicast-pkts' : '122' }, 'openconfig-interfaces:description' : 'restconf_test' ,
+'openconfig-interfaces:enabled' : True , 'openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port' : 'Port1' ,
+'openconfig-interfaces:ifindex' : 1 , 'arista-intf-augments:inactive' : False , 'openconfig-interfaces:last-change' :
+'1624966430515012864' , 'openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode' : False , 'openconfig-interfaces:mtu' : 0 ,
+'openconfig-interfaces:name' : 'Ethernet1' , 'openconfig-interfaces:oper-status' : 'UP' , 'openconfig-vlan:tpid' :
+'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100' , 'openconfig-interfaces:type' : 'iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd' }
+>>> result . json ()[ 'openconfig-interfaces:oper-status' ]
+>>> result . json ()[ 'openconfig-interfaces:counters' ][ 'out-octets' ]
+>>> exit ()
+Execute the python script get_eth1_status.py
+ python3 get_eth1_status.py
+{ 'arista-intf-augments:inactive' : False ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:admin-status' : 'UP' ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:counters' : { 'in-broadcast-pkts' : '0' ,
+ 'in-discards' : '0' ,
+ 'in-errors' : '0' ,
+ 'in-fcs-errors' : '0' ,
+ 'in-multicast-pkts' : '1762' ,
+ 'in-octets' : '202553' ,
+ 'in-unicast-pkts' : '183' ,
+ 'out-broadcast-pkts' : '1' ,
+ 'out-discards' : '0' ,
+ 'out-errors' : '0' ,
+ 'out-multicast-pkts' : '2552' ,
+ 'out-octets' : '284793' ,
+ 'out-unicast-pkts' : '174' },
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:description' : 'restconf_test' ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:enabled' : True ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:ifindex' : 1 ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:last-change' : '1624966430515012864' ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode' : False ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:mtu' : 0 ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:name' : 'Ethernet1' ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:oper-status' : 'UP' ,
+ 'openconfig-interfaces:type' : 'iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd' ,
+ 'openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port' : 'Port1' ,
+ 'openconfig-vlan:tpid' : 'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100' }
+Execute the python script head.py
+ url is Ethernet1/state
+ status_code is 200
+ headers are { 'Content-Type' : 'application/yang.data+json' , 'Date' : 'Sun, 18 Jul 2021 08:49:52 GMT' }
+ content is b''
+Execute the python script delete_lo100.py
+ python3 delete_lo100.py
+output (note the following has been formatted for readability.)
+ get int lo100
+ status_code is 200
+ content is
+{ 'openconfig-interfaces:config' : { 'description' : '222' , 'enabled' : True, 'arista-intf-augments:load-interval' : 300 ,
+'loopback-mode' : True, 'name' : 'Loopback100' , 'openconfig-vlan:tpid' : 'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100' , 'type' :
+'iana-if-type:softwareLoopback' } , 'openconfig-interfaces:hold-time' : { 'config' : { 'down' : 0 , 'up' : 0 } , 'state' : { 'down' :
+0 , 'up' : 0 }} , 'openconfig-interfaces:name' : 'Loopback100' , 'openconfig-interfaces:state' : { 'enabled' : True,
+'loopback-mode' : False, 'openconfig-vlan:tpid' : 'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100' } ,
+'openconfig-interfaces:subinterfaces' : { 'subinterface' : [{ 'config' : { 'description' : '222' , 'enabled' : True, 'index' : 0 } ,
+'index' : 0 , 'openconfig-if-ip:ipv4' : { 'config' : { 'dhcp-client' : False, 'enabled' : True, 'mtu' : 1500 } , 'state' :
+{ 'dhcp-client' : False, 'enabled' : True, 'mtu' : 1500 }} , 'openconfig-if-ip:ipv6' : { 'config' : { 'dhcp-client' : False,
+'enabled' : False, 'mtu' : 1500 } , 'state' : { 'dhcp-client' : False, 'enabled' : False, 'mtu' : 1500 }} , 'state' : { 'enabled' :
+ True, 'index' : 0 }}]}}
+ deleting int lo100
+ status_code is 200
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6cf5923
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/ygot/images/ygot.png differ
diff --git a/examples/ygot/index.html b/examples/ygot/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80ee7902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ygot/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1298 @@
+ ygot - Open Management
+ ygot
+ygot is a collection of Go utilities that can generate Go structures based off of
+YANG modules. In the demo we are going to generate go code based off of the openconfig-system
+model using ygot.
+Demo Actions
+Import the necessary YANG files for openconfig-system to create a hostname.
+The hostname will be printed out and stored within the system.json file.
+Using the Arista gNMI binary we will configure a
+ device with the ceos1 hostname.
+Clone this repo
+ git clone https://github.com/aristanetworks/openmgmt && cd openmgmt/src/ygot
+Install ygot
+ go get github.com/openconfig/ygot
+Check to see if all of the current YANG files are accurate
+ Reveal output
├── yang/openconfig-aaa-radius.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-aaa-tacacs.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-aaa-types.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-aaa.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-alarms.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-alarm-types.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-extensions.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-inet-types.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-license.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-messages.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-platform-types.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-platform.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-procmon.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-system-logging.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-system-management.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-system-terminal.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-system.yang
+ ├── yang/openconfig-types.yang
+ └── yang/openconfig-yang-types.yang
+Run ygot
+ go run $GOPATH /src/github.com/openconfig/ygot/generator/generator.go \
+ -path= yang -output_file= pkg/oc.go -package_name= oc -generate_fakeroot \
+ -fakeroot_name= device -compress_paths= true yang/openconfig-system.yang
+Check the contents of pkg/oc.go
is the necessary go import / package for openconfig-system. Looking at the Device struct within pkg/oc.go
+type Device struct {
+ Component map [ string ] * Component `path:"components/component" module:"openconfig-platform"`
+ Messages * Messages `path:"messages" module:"openconfig-messages"`
+ System * System `path:"system" module:"openconfig-system"`
+Looking at the System
struct we can see the Hostname
+type System struct {
+ Hostname * string `path:"config/hostname" module:"openconfig-system"`
+We need to fill in the Hostname field and pass it through the EmitJSON
+function so we can render this model with the correct
+information which can be found in main.go
+Run the go code
+Reveal output
+ "openconfig-system:system" : {
+ "config" : {
+ "hostname" : "ceos1"
+ }
+ }
+The output is also within `config/hostname.json` which is the same as the printed version.
+Change the hostname on a device
+ gnmi -addr ${ DEVICEIP } :6030 -username admin -password admin update '/' config/hostname.json
+The device should now have the ceos1 hostname.
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+ Open Management - Open Management
+ Home
+This site is a collection of notes, examples, and documentation regarding the use of various network management protocols
+with Arista EOS devices. This is not a replacement for the official Arista EOS
+documentation but should be considered something of a
+cookbook for getting started with the management technologies available in EOS.
+The source for this site is on github . If you see something amiss or
+you're interested in a particular topic that isn't being covered, please feel free to open an
+issue or submit a pull
+request .
+N.B.: This is a continuous work in progress.
+Arista Resources
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+ Device Models - Open Management
+ Models
+What are YANG models and why should I care?
+Models are structured representations of network elements and their associated configured and operational state.
+YANG (Yet Another Next Generation - RFC6020 ) is a data modeling
+language. YANG is used to describe the configured and operational state of network elements. This allows for the
+consistent and structured representation of device and protocol attributes. The model definition typically includes the
+low level data types used to represent operational attributes as well as constraints that should be enforced in
+These modeled representations provide a consistent mechanism for device configuration as well as validating the device
+state through streaming telemetry or other device interrogation methods. These modeled device representations can also
+be transformed into data structures that can be used by configuration systems to dynamically control device
+configuration or state.
+YANG has been adopted as the official modeling language of the IETF and the OpenConfig group.
+IETF models
+The for the past few years the IETF has been providing models for previously standardized technologies as well as
+protocols and technologies which are under active standardization. These models are commonly used with complementary
+IETF standardized network management protocols (for example, NETCONF and RESTCONF) and have been selectively incorporated
+into other modeling initiatives.
+OpenConfig models
+OpenConfig is an operator led group defining models for network devices. Their models
+have been widely adopted by a number of vendors including Arista and an ecosystem of open source tooling has emerged to
+utilize these models for telemetry and configuration applications.
+In addition to defining device and protocol models the OpenConfig group has defined complementary network management
+protocols which leverage these models for telemetry (gNMI), configuration (gNMI), operational activities (gNOI) and
+RIB manipulation (gRIBI). Though it bears noting that OpenConfig models can also be used with NETCONF and RESTCONF
+protocols as well.
+Details regarding the OpenConfig model support within Arista's EOS software can be found online.
+Vendor-Specific Models
+While standard models provide a wide range of feature coverage there is commonly a need to model vendor-specific device
+or feature operation. Examples of this may include device specific behaviors (hardware configuration details) or
+pre-standard functionality that is deployed in operator networks that needs to be managed using the same tooling.
+Vendors may opt to define all new models which are published independently. Alternately, vendors may choose to leverage
+an existing standardized model and add vendor-specific elements to the standard models these are known as model
+augments. These augments are commonly published to allow integration into operator tooling.
+Arista publishes augments associated with a given EOS release on GitHub .
+References / Resources
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+ Management Protocols - Open Management
+ Management Protocols
+ssh (CLI)
+gRPC is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that OpenConfig utilizes as a
+transport. Services built with gRPC are defined in .proto
files. They describe
+the RPCs supported by the service and the data types exchanged in those RPCs.
+The OpenConfig group originally published
+openconfig.proto ,
+but have since deprecated it in favor of
+gnmi.proto . The
+current EOS versions supports gnmi.proto v0.7 and includes support for Get,
+Subscribe, Set, and Capabilities RPCs.
+Note: Support for openconfig.proto was dropped in EOS-4.23.0F+.
+A client application is required to communicate with a gRPC service. A sample
+application can be found on the Arista GitHub account:
+gnmi . gnmi
+is a simple command-line client for gNMI written in Go that can be used for
+testing and prototyping.
+Another popular gnmi client is gnmic .
+NETCONF provides mechanisms to install,
+manipulate and delete the configuration of network devices. It uses eXtensible
+Markup Language (XML) based data encoding for the configuration data as well as
+protocol messages. The NETCONF protocol operations are realized as RPCs over ssh
+References / Resources
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+{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"Open Management","text":""},{"location":"#welcome","title":"Welcome","text":"This site is a collection of notes, examples, and documentation regarding the use of various network management protocols with Arista EOS devices. This is not a replacement for the official Arista EOS documentation but should be considered something of a cookbook for getting started with the management technologies available in EOS.
The source for this site is on github. If you see something amiss or you're interested in a particular topic that isn't being covered, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
N.B.: This is a continuous work in progress.
"},{"location":"#arista-resources","title":"Arista Resources","text":" Arista Product Documentation - EOS and Hardware documentation (Arista login required) Arista Software Downloads - EOS downloads (Arista login required) Arista TOIs - Transfer of Information documents. Release specific new feature documentation. (Arista login required) "},{"location":"configuration/mtls/","title":"EOS mTLS Configuration","text":""},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"EOS supports the use of mutual TLS (mTLS) for gRPC, RESTCONF and eAPI services. This allows the use of certificates, signed by a recognized and trusted CA, for authentication to gNMI and other gRPC based services.
By default only certificates signed with Arista's CA are trusted. In order to generate and sign certificates for mTLS authentication, an operator will need to install and configure a certifying authority (CA) that is used for signing certificates that are generated on network elements as well as the servers that will be interacting with the gRPC services. The necessary certificates for establishing the chain of trust will need to be imported into the switches and tools interacting with the switches.
This document outlines the necessary steps to generate certificate signing requests (CSR) on arista devices, sign the certificates and import these into the switches.
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#process-overview","title":"Process Overview","text":" Setup a private certificate authority (CA). This document uses easy-rsa Generate CSRs from the switch as well as for the host that will be initiating connections to the switch using mTLS as the authentication mechanism. Sign the CSRs using the CA tools. Copy the relevant elements to the switch (signed server certificate and CA certificate). Configure the switch to use the certificates and the associated CA certificate to perform mTLS authentication. Initiate connections from the clients to the switch to execute gNMI RPCs. "},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#easy-rsa-setup","title":"Easy-RSA Setup","text":"The simple installation of Easy-RSA is well documented in the Easy RSA quick start guide. For a more durable installation you're encouraged to review the Easy-RSA documentation and customize the settings to your environment.
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#easy-rsa-ca-parameters","title":"Easy-RSA CA parameters","text":"easy RSA version: 3.0.8
As of this writing EOS only supports RSA certificates, this differs from the default configuration of Easy-RSA. The following variable in the vars
file will need to be set in order to generate the appropriate certificate type.
set_var EASYRSA_ALGO \"rsa\"\n
Use the easyrsa build-ca
command to create the necessary certificate signing infrastructure within easyrsa. This will generate a ca.crt
certificate which can be imported into the PKI validation chain of the switches and other hosts in your PKI domain. This can also be used in a standalone manner with most gnmi clients.
In our case, this CA certificate resides in: ${HOME}/easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt
This will need to be imported into the network elements where you're using mTLS for authentication.
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#generate-a-local-client-certificate","title":"Generate a Local Client Certificate","text":"This will be used by local clients (gnmi, gnoi, gribi, etc.) connecting to the switches in order to authenticate.
Note the gnmi-client.cnf
configuration file provided in the following openssl
command is used to create the Subject Alternate Name IP address entry associated with the client certificate. This is optional and is not required for certificates.
mkdir ~/gnmi-client-cert\ncd ~/gnmi-client-cert\nopenssl req -out gnmi-client.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout gnmi-client.key -config gnmi-client.cnf\n
The above commands will generate a private key as well as the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#sign-the-local-client-certificate-with-easy-rsa","title":"Sign the Local Client Certificate with Easy-RSA","text":"Note, that this is going to be a client certificate. As our gnmi client will be talking to the gnmi server on the switch.
cd ~/easy-rsa\n./easyrsa import-req ../gnmi-client-cert gnmi-client.csr gnmi-client\n./easyrsa sign-req client gnmi-client\n
The sign-req
command generates the following output.
Using SSL: openssl OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020\n\n... snipped ...\n\nsubject=\n countryName = us\n stateOrProvinceName = mn\n localityName = minneapolis\n organizationName = arista-lab\n commonName = sulrich@arista.com\n\nX509v3 Subject Alternative Name:\n IP:\n\nType the word 'yes' to continue, or any other input to abort.\n Confirm request details: yes\nUsing configuration from /home/sulrich/easy-rsa/pki/easy-rsa-3625384.5yQThV/tmp.kaJhk0\nCheck that the request matches the signature\nSignature ok\nThe Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows\ncountryName :PRINTABLE:'us'\nstateOrProvinceName :ASN.1 12:'mn'\nlocalityName :ASN.1 12:'minneapolis'\norganizationName :ASN.1 12:'arista-lab'\ncommonName :ASN.1 12:'sulrich@arista.com'\nCertificate is to be certified until Oct 10 19:45:42 2023 GMT (825 days)\n\nWrite out database with 1 new entries\nData Base Updated\n\nCertificate created at: /home/sulrich/easy-rsa/pki/issued/gnmi-client.crt\n
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#switch-side-actions","title":"Switch Side Actions","text":" Generate a key pair on the switch the key will be named v1.key
security pki key generate rsa 4096 v1.key\n
security pki certificate generate signing-request key v1.key\n
Capture the CSR text into a file and copy this to the CA server. "},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#sign-the-switch-csr-with-easy-rsa","title":"Sign the Switch CSR with Easy-RSA","text":"Note that in this case we're generating a server certificate.
cd ~/easy-rsa\n./easyrsa import-req ../v1.csr v1\n./easyrsa sign-req server v1\n
This will generate the signed certificate and place it into the easy-rsa local store.
Copy this to the switch and import it into the switch's certificate store. copy file:/mnt/flash/v1.crt certificate:v1.crt
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#copy-the-private-ca-certificate-to-the-switch","title":"Copy the Private CA Certificate to the Switch","text":"You will need to copy the CA.crt
(commonly in <easyrsa_root>/pki/ca.crt
) to the switch and add it to the list of certificates. In the following example the file has been copied to the switch as demo-ca.crt
copy flash:demo-ca.crt certificate:\n
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#ssl-profile-configuration","title":"SSL Profile Configuration","text":"Configure the necessary ssl profile
and include the demo-ca.crt
in the list of trusted CAs.
management security\n ssl profile test-arista\n certificate v1.crt key v1.key\n trust certificate demo-ca.crt\n!\n
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#gnmi-configuration","title":"gNMI Configuration","text":"The following configuration associates the gnmi service with the associated ssl profile and enables it for use with mTLS for authentication.
management api gnmi\n transport grpc default\n ssl profile test-arista\n provider eos-native\n!\n
At this point the switch is configured to accept connections from clients with valid, signed certificates.
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#useful-troubleshooting-commands","title":"Useful Troubleshooting Commands","text":"show management api gnmi
This command enables you to determine the operational state of the gnmi process as well as whether or not the ssl profile is considered valid.
show management security ssl profile
This command enables you to see the state of the ssl profiles and whether there are issues with the validation chain.
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#clocks-and-certificate-lifetime","title":"Clocks and Certificate Lifetime","text":"Certificates should be created with a finite lifetime and rotated within that lifetime. However, if the clocks on the switch are grossly off this may impact certificate operation. Make sure that the clock on the switch is set correctly and synchronized to a reliable time source.
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#client-examples","title":"Client Examples","text":""},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#gnmi-arista-client","title":"gnmi (Arista Client)","text":"gnmi -addr \\\n-username admin -password arista \\\n-cafile easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt \\\n-certfile easy-rsa/pki/issued/gnmi-client.crt \\\n-keyfile gnmi-client/gnmi-client.key capabilities\n
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#gnmic","title":"gnmic","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p arista \\\n--tls-ca easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt \\\n--tls-cert easy-rsa/pki/issued/gnmi-client.crt \\\n--tls-key gnmi-client/gnmi-client.key capabilities\n
"},{"location":"configuration/mtls/#additional-references","title":"Additional References","text":" Aritsa Community Central: Working with Certificates "},{"location":"configuration/netconf/","title":"NETCONF Device Configuration","text":""},{"location":"configuration/netconf/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"EOS provides support for managing the switch via NETCONF.
"},{"location":"configuration/netconf/#netconf","title":"NETCONF","text":"Currently supported NETCONF operations: get, get-config, get-schema, edit-config, lock, unlock, close-session, kill-session.
To configure NETCONF in default VRF we can enable the ssh transport under management api netconf
Default VRF
management api netconf\n transport ssh test\n
Non-default VRF
management api netconf\n transport ssh test\n vrf management\n
Changing the port:
management api netconf\n transport ssh test\n port 830\n
Apply ACL
management api netconf\n transport ssh test\n ip access-group ACCESS_GROUP\n
Note The ACL should be a standard ACL allowing hosts or subnets.
Status check:
#show management api netconf\n\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 830, in management VRF\n
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/","title":"OpenConfig Configuration","text":""},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"EOS supports the OpenConfig gNMI interface for device management.
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#platform-compatibility","title":"Platform compatibility","text":"All EOS flavors support OpenConfig (physical, virtual, containerized, cloud).
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#gnmi","title":"gNMI","text":"To start the gNMI server, which listens by default on TCP/6030 configure the gRPC transport under management api gnmi
in the global config mode:
Default VRF
management api gnmi\n transport grpc openmgmt\n
Non-default VRF
management api gnmi\n transport grpc openmgmt\n vrf management\n
Changing the port:
management api gnmi\n transport grpc openmgmt\n port 5900\n
Apply ACL
management api gnmi\n transport grpc openmgmt\n ip access-group ACCESS_GROUP\n
Note, the ACL should be a standard ACL allowing hosts or subnets.
Authenticate the connection with TLS
management api gnmi\n transport grpc openmgmt\n ssl profile PROFILE\n
Enable authorization of incoming requests
management api gnmi\n transport grpc openmgmt\n authorization requests\n
Status check
#show management api gnmi\nOcta: No\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in default VRF\nSSL Profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\n
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#octa","title":"OCTA","text":"The OpenConfig agent (gNMI API) can leverage the EOS state streaming agent's (TerminAttr) libraries, thus exposing EOS native paths. If Octa (OpenConfig + TerminAttr) is enabled then OpenConfig, in addition to accepting OpenConfig paths in gNMI get/subscribe requests, will also support EOS native paths (for example, Sysdb/Smash paths). This feature was introduced in 4.22.1F
gNMI requests received by Octa are interpreted as either OpenConfig or TerminAttr requests, as follows.
gNMI requests containing an origin of eos_native
are processed as as native path requests. Requests lacking an origin of eos_native
are treated as OpenConfig requests. A gNMI client that supports specification of an origin as part of the associated RPC is a requirement.
Note support for sending GET/SUBSCRIBE requests to both an openconfig and an eos-native path in the same call is not yet supported.
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#how-to-enable-octa","title":"How to enable Octa","text":"Octa can be enable by adding provider eos-native
under management api gnmi
SW(config-mgmt-api-gnmi)#provider eos-native
Status check
#show management api gnmi\nOcta: enabled\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in default VRF\nSSL Profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\n
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#api-models","title":"API models","text":"Starting in EOS 4.24.0F
it is possible to configure the Smash paths that Octa has access to. Under the management api models
mode, the provider smash sub-mode allows for enabling or disabling a Smash path with the [no] path smash_path_here [disabled]
management api models\n provider smash\n path forwarding/status\n path routing/status disabled\n path routing/isis/lsdb\n
Note that every time a new path is added the Octa agent has to be restarted. EOS CLI:
management api gnmi\n transport grpc <NAME>\n shutdown\n no shutdown\n
Bash: $ sudo killall Octa
Alternatively agent Octa terminate
can be used from EOS CLI as well.
show management api models
will list the Smash paths enabled/disabled
#show management api models\nprovider smash\n path /Smash/bridging\n path /Smash/forwarding/status\n path /Smash/routing/isis/lsdb\n path /Smash/routing\n path /Smash/routing/status disabled\nprovider sysdb\n
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#aaa-accounting-for-gnmiopenconfig","title":"AAA Accounting for gNMI/OpenConfig","text":"Starting with EOS 4.27.2F accounting requests
can be enabled to account records for gNMI/gNOI RPCs:
management api gnmi\n transport grpc default\n authorization requests\n accounting requests\n provider eos-native\n!\naaa accounting commands all default start-stop logging\n
we can also use these commands to log to tacacs+ or radius and syslog too
aaa accounting commands all default start-stop group tacacs+\naaa accounting commands all default start-stop group radius\n
spine1# sh management api gnmi\nOcta: enabled\n\nTransport: default\nEnabled: yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in default VRF\nSSL profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nAuthorization required: yes\nAccounting requests: yes\nCertificate username authentication: no\nNotification timestamp: last change time\nListen addresses: ::\nspine1#\n
Configuration change using OpenConfig and gNMI:
$ gnmic -a -u arista -p arista77rx --insecure set --update-path \"/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description\" --update-value \"test\"\n{\n \"source\": \"\",\n \"timestamp\": 1663615213475353999,\n \"time\": \"2022-09-19T19:20:13.475353999Z\",\n \"results\": [\n {\n \"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n \"path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description\"\n }\n ]\n}\n
$ gnmic -a -u arista -p arista77rx --insecure get --path \"/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description\"\n[\n {\n \"source\": \"\",\n \"timestamp\": 1663615224964145128,\n \"time\": \"2022-09-19T19:20:24.964145128Z\",\n \"updates\": [\n {\n \"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description\",\n \"values\": {\n \"interfaces/interface/config/description\": \"test\"\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n
Syslog messages on the device:
spine1#sh logging last 5 minutes\nSep 19 19:20:13 spine1 Aaa: %ACCOUNTING-6-CMD: arista unknown unknown stop task_id=34 start_time=1663615213.48 timezone=UTC service=shell priv-lvl=15 cmd=OpenConfig.Set addr= rpc=/gnmi.gNMI/Set request={\"update\":[{\"path\":\"/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description\",\"val\":\"\\\\\"test\\\\\"\"}]} <cr>\nSep 19 19:20:13 spine1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_SESSION_ENTERED: User arista entered configuration session session11521733719371 on GNMI (\nSep 19 19:20:13 spine1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_SESSION_COMMIT_SUCCESS: User arista committed configuration session session11521733719371 successfully on GNMI (\nSep 19 19:20:13 spine1 ConfigAgent: %SYS-5-CONFIG_SESSION_EXITED: User arista exited configuration session session11521733719371 on GNMI (\nSep 19 19:20:24 spine1 Aaa: %ACCOUNTING-6-CMD: arista unknown unknown stop task_id=35 start_time=1663615224.96 timezone=UTC service=shell priv-lvl=15 cmd=OpenConfig.Get addr= rpc=/gnmi.gNMI/Get request={\"path\":[{\"path\":\"/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description\"}]} <cr>\n
spine1#trace monitor octa\n--- Monitoring /var/log/agents/Octa-3748 ---\nI0919 19:20:13.715618 3748 router.go:234] Cli commands:\nconfigure session session11521733719371\ninterface Ethernet1\ndescription test\nexit\nconfigure session session11521733719371 commit\n^Cspine1#\n
spine1#bash ps -ef | grep Octa\nroot 3748 480 2 16:51 ? 00:03:20 /usr/bin/Octa --agenttitle=Octa\n
spine1#bash more /var/log/agents/Octa-3748 | tail -4\ninterface Ethernet1\ndescription test\nexit\nconfigure session session11521733719371 commit\nspine1#\n
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#limitations","title":"Limitations","text":"An accounting record is limited to a maximum of 8098 characters. The record will be truncated if it exceeds the maximum character length.
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#gnmi-per-rpc-role-authorizations","title":"gNMI per-RPC role authorizations","text":"Starting in EOS 4.24.1F
it is possible to perform authorization of each RPC (that is, GET, SET, SUBSCRIBE), if authorization requests is supplied as described above.
During authorization, the OpenConfig agent will communicate with the AAA agent, allowing authorization policies or roles to permit or deny the new tokens OpenConfig.Get
and OpenConfig.Set
For example, a role may be defined such as:
role oc-read\n 10 permit command OpenConfig.Get\n
A user which is assigned to this role would be allowed to issue a gNMI GET or SUBSCRIBE request, but not a SET request.
Note that this is only available for gNMI.
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#enable-aft-mapping","title":"Enable AFT mapping","text":"By default, mapping of the FIB (forwarding information base) to the OpenConfig AFT (abstract forwarding table) model is disabled, as the volume of data can be large.
Starting in EOS 4.25.1F
it is possible to enable these mappings, for IPV4, IPV6, or both, as described below:
management api models\n provider aft\n ipv4-unicast\n ipv6-unicast\n
Note that prior to EOS 4.27 a restart of the gNMI agent is required, e.g.: agent Octa terminate
or agent OpenConfig terminate
(in case the eos-native provider is not enabled).
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#telemetry-timestamps","title":"Telemetry Timestamps","text":"Per the GNMI specification, the default timestamp field of a notification message is set to be the time at which the value of the underlying data source changes or when the reported event takes place. In order to facilitate integration in legacy environments oriented around polling style operations, an option to support overriding the timestamp field to the send-time is available. (as of 4.27.0F)
Overriding the timestamp to send-time
is applicable to all STREAM and POLL subscriptions.
Configuration is outlined below.
management api gnmi\n transport grpc <NAME>\n notification timestamp send-time\n
If there's a need to return to the standards-oriented operation, the following mechanisms can be used to reset the behavior.
no notification timestamp send-time\ndefault notification timestamp\nnotification timestamp last-change-time\n
#show management api gnmi\nOcta: enabled\nSet persistence: enabled\n\nTransport: default\nEnabled: yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in default VRF\nSSL profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nAuthorization required: no\nAccounting requests: no\nCertificate username authentication: no\nNotification timestamp: send time !! note: timestamp mode\nListen addresses: ::\n
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#configuration-persistence","title":"Configuration Persistence","text":"By default, within EOS, the application of gNMI Set
RPCs are not persisted to the startup-config
. A copy running-config startup-config
is required in order to save configuration updates imposed via gNMI.
As of EOS 4.28.0F, if the operator desires to be able to save gNMI-driven configuration automatically, persistence can be enabled by adding the following configuration. With this option, all gnmi Set
operations will be saved to the startup-config
. Note, the configuration is saved using Arista's EOS configuration syntax and there is no corresponding presentation of the OpenConfig syntax.
management api gnmi\n transport grpc <NAME>\n operation set persistence\n
If there is a need to return to the default mode of gNMI configuration non-persistence, this can be disabled using the following commands.
no operation set persistence\ndefault operation set persistence\n
#show management api gnmi\nOcta: enabled\nSet persistence: enabled !! note: persistence state\n\nTransport: default\nEnabled: yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in default VRF\nSSL profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nAuthorization required: no\nAccounting requests: no\nCertificate username authentication: no\nNotification timestamp: last change time\nListen addresses: ::\n
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#troubleshooting","title":"Troubleshooting","text":"The OpenConfig agent handles all transports described above: gNMI, RESTCONF, and NETCONF. The agent log file is present at /var/log/agents/OpenConfig-{PID}
. Lines that begin with E
are errors. Debug logging can be enabled with a regular trace command. Here are a couple of examples:
(config)#trace OpenConfig setting server/9
- For server (gNMI) traces
(config)#trace OpenConfig setting */9
- For all traces with verbose setting
similarly if Octa is enabled:
(config)#trace Octa setting server/9
- For server (gNMI) traces
(config)#trace Octa setting */9
- For all traces with verbose setting
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#limitations_1","title":"Limitations","text":" In EOS versions prior to 4.24.0F
, not all Smash paths were accessible via Octa. Starting in EOS 4.24.0F
configuring the Smash paths that Octa has access to will also affect OpenConfig. Enabling a Smash path for Octa can result in extra YANG paths being populated in OpenConfig. Disabling a Smash path can result in having some YANG paths missing in OpenConfig. The %<zone-id>
optional suffix in YANG ietf:ipv4-address
, and ietf:ipv6-address
types are not supported. An OpenConfig client update/merge/replace request can erase config that is not modified by the incoming request. This happens if a config that is part of a certain mount point but not supported by OpenConfig is configured via CLI prior to the OpenConfig client update/merge/replace request is processed. "},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#supported-openconfig-paths","title":"Supported OpenConfig paths","text":"Please refer to the EOS Central TOIs to see the new list of paths supported per release.
For convenience, supported paths may be found at: https://eos.arista.com/path-report.
"},{"location":"configuration/openconfig/#references-resources","title":"References / Resources","text":" The OpenConfig working group: http://openconfig.net/ Repository of gNMI specifications: https://github.com/openconfig/reference/ "},{"location":"configuration/restconf/","title":"RESTCONF Configuration","text":""},{"location":"configuration/restconf/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"EOS provides support for RESTCONF and the necessary transport services to support it.
The RESTCONF server is in the EOS device.
"},{"location":"configuration/restconf/#restconf-configuration-on-eos","title":"RESTCONF configuration on EOS","text":""},{"location":"configuration/restconf/#certificate","title":"Certificate","text":"Certificate-based authentication is required for RESTCONF to operate. You should follow the instructions in the Certificate Authentication section in order to generate and install a certificate to support RESTCONF in your environment. Alternately, a self-signed certificate may be generated on the switch and certificate validation can be handled appropriately by remote RESTCONF clients.
The following Cli command generates a self-signed cert:
security pki certificate generate self-signed restconf.crt key restconf.key generate rsa 2048 parameters common-name restconf\n
Create ssl profile:
management security\n ssl profile restconf\n certificate restconf.crt key restconf.key\n
"},{"location":"configuration/restconf/#restconf-api","title":"RESTCONF API","text":"Configure RESTCONF:
Default VRF:
management api restconf\n transport https test\n ssl profile restconf\n
Non-default VRF
management api restconf\n transport https test\n ssl profile restconf\n vrf management\n
Changing the port:
management api restconf\n transport https test\n port 5900\n
Apply ACL
management api restconf\n transport https test\n ip access-group ACCESS_GROUP\n
Note The ACL should be a standard ACL allowing hosts or subnets.
"},{"location":"configuration/restconf/#control-plane-acl","title":"Control-plane ACL","text":"The default RESTCONF port on Arista devices is TCP 6020.
We need to change the default control-plane ACL on EOS in order to allow TCP 6020 (or to allow the configured RESTCONF port).
Please refer to this link
"},{"location":"configuration/restconf/#status-check","title":"Status check","text":"#show management api restconf\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6020, in management VRF\nSSL Profile: restconf\nQoS DSCP: none\n
"},{"location":"configuration/security/","title":"Securing Management Services","text":""},{"location":"configuration/security/#changing-default-service-ports","title":"Changing Default Service Ports","text":"When changing the default ports one has to make sure they are also allowed in the control-plane ACL. The default control-plane ACL cannot be modified, so a new one has to be created and applied under system control-plane
(EOS 4.23+
) or control-plane
(pre-EOS 4.23
). The fastest way to do this is to clone the existing control-plane and add new permit rules.
"},{"location":"configuration/security/#example","title":"Example","text":"1. Reading the default CP ACL can be done with show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl
#show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl\nIP Access List default-control-plane-acl [readonly]\n counters per-entry\n 10 permit icmp any any [match 7172 packets, 1 day, 20:46:09 ago]\n 20 permit ip any any tracked [match 98544013 packets, 0:00:36 ago]\n 30 permit udp any any eq bfd ttl eq 255\n 40 permit udp any any eq bfd-echo ttl eq 254\n 50 permit udp any any eq multihop-bfd\n 60 permit udp any any eq micro-bfd\n 70 permit udp any any eq sbfd\n 80 permit udp any eq sbfd any eq sbfd-initiator\n 90 permit ospf any any\n 100 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https msdp ldp netconf-ssh gnmi [match 873 packets, 1 day, 20:43:39 ago]\n 110 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp rip ntp ldp [match 970 packets, 1:43:38 ago]\n 120 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255\n 130 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255\n 140 permit vrrp any any\n 150 permit ahp any any\n 160 permit pim any any\n 170 permit igmp any any\n 180 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910\n 190 permit tcp any any range 50000 50100 [match 1480505 packets, 1 day, 20:43:16 ago]\n 200 permit udp any any range 51000 51100\n 210 permit tcp any any eq 3333\n 220 permit tcp any any eq nat ttl eq 255\n 230 permit tcp any eq bgp any\n 240 permit rsvp any any\n 250 permit tcp any any eq 6040\n 260 permit tcp any any eq 5541 ttl eq 255\n 270 permit tcp any any eq 5542 ttl eq 255\n
2. There are multiple ways to quickly edit and remove the unnecessary match outputs, in this example we'll use sed
on EOS. Save the file to /mnt/flash
show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl | redirect flash:cpacl.txt\n
3. Enter bash: #bash
4. Go to /mnt/flash
and remove the match outputs
cd /mnt/flash\nsudo sed -i \"s/\\[.*//g\" cpacl.txt\n
5. Reading the file now should be clean without all the match counter outputs like below:
IP Access List default-control-plane-acl\n counters per-entry\n 10 permit icmp any any\n 20 permit ip any any tracked\n 30 permit udp any any eq bfd ttl eq 255\n 40 permit udp any any eq bfd-echo ttl eq 254\n 50 permit udp any any eq multihop-bfd\n 60 permit udp any any eq micro-bfd\n 70 permit udp any any eq sbfd\n 80 permit udp any eq sbfd any eq sbfd-initiator\n 90 permit ospf any any\n 100 permit tcp any any eq ssh telnet www snmp bgp https msdp ldp netconf-ssh gnmi\n 110 permit udp any any eq bootps bootpc snmp rip ntp ldp\n 120 permit tcp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255\n 130 permit udp any any eq mlag ttl eq 255\n 140 permit vrrp any any\n 150 permit ahp any any\n 160 permit pim any any\n 170 permit igmp any any\n 180 permit tcp any any range 5900 5910\n 190 permit tcp any any range 50000 50100\n 200 permit udp any any range 51000 51100\n 210 permit tcp any any eq 3333\n 220 permit tcp any any eq nat ttl eq 255\n 230 permit tcp any eq bgp any\n 240 permit rsvp any any\n 250 permit tcp any any eq 6040\n 260 permit tcp any any eq 5541 ttl eq 255\n 270 permit tcp any any eq 5542 ttl eq 255\n
6. Now we can just copy that ACLs content into a new ACL, add our new rules and apply it on the control-plane.
From config mode:
ip access-list custom-cp\n <paste the content of the default CP from the file created>\n 280 permit tcp any any eq 5900\n
7. Apply the new ACL
Default VRF
system control-plane\n ip access-group custom-cp in\n
Non-default VRF
system control-plane\n ip access-group custom-cp vrf management in\n
"},{"location":"examples/","title":"examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"In the examples folder we provide a variety of examples that will show how to use some of the many third party tools to interact with one of the GRPC interfaces(gNMI,gNOI and gRIBI) within Arista EOS.
"},{"location":"examples/#tools","title":"Tools","text":" arista gnmi client gnmic gnmi-gateway gnoic grpcurl golang pygnmi pyang pyangbind WiFi "},{"location":"examples/WiFi/","title":"WiFi","text":""},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"Arista APs include an agent module (ocagent) that implements the OpenConfig interfaces. The agent module interacts with the rest of the AP modules for applying changes, fetching data, etc. For mor information on OpenConfig implementation in Arista WiFi, see OpenConfig for Arista WiFi.
This page lists a few examples of the AP using gNMI. For more information on gNxI, refer to gNxI Tools.
"},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#get-ap","title":"Get AP","text":"python py_gnmicli.py -m\nget -t <AP-IP> -x /provision-aps -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com\n
Reveal output
{\n\"openconfig-ap-manager:provision-ap\": [\n{\n\"mac\": \"30:86:2D:B0:0F:EF\",\n\"config\": {\n\"country-code\": \"IN\",\n\"hostname\": \"arista\"\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"country-code\": \"IN\",\n\"hostname\": \"arista\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#get-operating-frequencies-bands-of-ssid","title":"Get operating frequencies (bands) of SSID","text":"python py_gnmicli.py -m\nget -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[hostname=<host>]/ssids/ssid[name=<ssid-name>]/state/operating-frequency\n
Reveal output
"},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#get-ssid-configuration","title":"Get SSID Configuration","text":"python py_gnmicli.py -m\nget -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[hostname=<host>]/ssids/ssid[name=<ssid-name>]/config\n
Reveal output
{\n\"openconfig-access-points:dva\": true,\n\"openconfig-access-points:supported-data-rates-5g\": [\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB\"\n],\n\"openconfig-access-points:opmode\": \"WPA2_PERSONAL\",\n\"openconfig-access-points:okc\": true,\n\"openconfig-access-points:supported-data-rates-2g\": [\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB\"\n],\n\"openconfig-access-points:name\": \"OCWiFi1\",\n\"openconfig-access-points:basic-data-rates-2g\": [\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB\"\n],\n\"openconfig-access-points:wpa2-psk\": \"0123456789\",\n\"openconfig-access-points:basic-data-rates-5g\": [\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_11MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_12MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_18MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_24MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_36MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_48MB\",\n\"openconfig-wifi-types:RATE_54MB\"\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#get-clients-for-ssid","title":"Get clients for SSID","text":"python py_gnmicli.py -m\nget -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[hostname=<host>]/ssids/ssid[name=<ssid-name>]/clients\n
Reveal output
{\n\"openconfig-access-points:client\": [\n{\n\"mac\": \"C2:2F:42:79:CB:BA\",\n\"client-rf\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"phy-rate\": 0,\n\"rssi\": -52,\n\"frequency\": 0,\n\"snr\": 42,\n\"ss\": 0\n}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"mac\": \"C2:2F:42:79:CB:BA\",\n\"counters\": {\n\"tx-bytes\": \"34707\",\n\"tx-retries\": \"0\",\n\"rx-bytes\": \"19705\",\n\"rx-retries\": \"18\"\n}\n},\n\"client-connection\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"username\": \"\",\n\"client-state\": \"openconfig-wifi-types:AUTHENTICATED\",\n\"hostname\": \"\",\n\"operating-system\": \"\",\n\"ipv6-addresses\": [\n\"fe80::c02f:42ff:fe79:cbba\"\n],\n\"ipv4-address\": [\n\"\"\n],\n\"connection-time\": \"1628849487411018113\"\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#get-operating-channel-of-radio","title":"Get operating channel of radio","text":"python py_gnmicli.py -m\nget -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[hostname=<host>]/radios/radio[id=1][operating-frequency=FREQ_5GHZ]/state/channel\n
Reveal output
{\ntimestamp: 1628855017049472718\nupdate {\npath {\nelem {\nname: \"access-points\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"access-point\"\nkey {\nkey: \"hostname\"\nvalue: \"arista\"\n}\n}\nelem {\nname: \"radios\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"radio\"\nkey {\nkey: \"id\"\nvalue: \"1\"\n}\nkey {\nkey: \"operating-frequency\"\nvalue: \"FREQ_5GHZ\"\n}\n}\nelem {\nname: \"state\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"channel\"\n}\n}\nval {\nuint_val: 36\n}\n}\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#get-operating-eirp-of-radio","title":"Get operating EIRP of radio","text":"python py_gnmicli.py -m\nget -t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[hostname=<host>]/radios/radio[id=1][operating-frequency=FREQ_5GHZ]/state/transmit-eirp\n
Reveal output
{\ntimestamp: 1628855017049472718\nupdate {\npath {\nelem {\nname: \"access-points\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"access-point\"\nkey {\nkey: \"hostname\"\nvalue: \"arista\"\n}\n}\nelem {\nname: \"radios\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"radio\"\nkey {\nkey: \"id\"\nvalue: \"1\"\n}\nkey {\nkey: \"operating-frequency\"\nvalue: \"FREQ_5GHZ\"\n}\n}\nelem {\nname: \"state\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"transmit-eirp\"\n}\n}\nval {\nuint_val: 28\n}\n}\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/WiFi/#set-operating-channel-of-radio","title":"Set operating channel of radio","text":"python py_gnmicli.py -m\nset-replace-t <AP-IP> -user <username> -pass <password> -p <port> -g -o openconfig.mojonetworks.com -x access-points/access-point[hostname=<host>]/radios/radio[id=1][operating-frequency=FREQ_5GHZ]/config/channel -val 169\n
Reveal output
response {\npath {\nelem {\nname: \"access-points\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"access-point\"\nkey {\nkey: \"hostname\"\nvalue: \"arista\"\n}\n}\nelem {\nname: \"radios\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"radio\"\nkey {\nkey: \"id\"\nvalue: \"1\"\n}\nkey {\nkey: \"operating-frequency\"\nvalue: \"FREQ_5GHZ\"\n}\n}\nelem {\nname: \"config\"\n}\nelem {\nname: \"channel\"\n}\n}\nop: REPLACE\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/ansible/","title":"Ansible playbook example demo","text":""},{"location":"examples/ansible/#overview","title":"overview","text":"In this ansible collection we show how to use ansible to find all the available modules within an Arista EOS device using the capabilities method within gNMI.
"},{"location":"examples/ansible/#edit-the-inventory-file-to-match-your-environment","title":"Edit the inventory file to match your environment","text":"[leaf]\n127.0.0.1 ansible_user=admin ansible_password=admin\n\n[all:vars]\nansible_user=admin\nansible_password=admin\nansible_become_pass=admin\nansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3\nansible_port=6030\nansible_connection=nokia.grpc.gnmi\nansible_gnmi_encoding=JSON\n
"},{"location":"examples/ansible/#gnmi-collection","title":"gNMI collection","text":"ansible-galaxy collection install nokia.openconfig\n
"},{"location":"examples/ansible/#run-the-playbook","title":"Run the playbook","text":"ansible-playbook -i inventory capabilities.yaml\n
"},{"location":"examples/ansible/#output-of-playbook","title":"output of playbook","text":"ok: [] => {\n \"msg\": {\n \"gNMIVersion\": \"0.7.0\",\n \"supportedEncodings\": [\n \"JSON\",\n \"JSON_IETF\",\n \"ASCII\"\n ],\n \"supportedModels\": [\n {\n \"name\": \"arista-exp-eos-multicast\",\n \"organization\": \"Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"arista-exp-eos-evpn\",\n \"organization\": \"Arista Networks, Inc.\"\n },\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/","title":"Arista gNMI client examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#gnmi-get-rpc-examples","title":"gNMI GET RPC Examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#openconfig-paths","title":"OpenConfig paths","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-all-information","title":"Get all information","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin -password arista get /\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-the-bgp-configuration-in-the-default-vrf","title":"Get the BGP configuration in the default VRF","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin -password arista \\\nget '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp'`\n
Reveal output
/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp:\n{\n\"openconfig-network-instance:global\": {\n\"confederation\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"identifier\": 0\n},\n\"state\": {p\n\"identifier\": 0\n}\n},\n\"config\": {\n\"as\": 4206000022,\n\"router-id\": \"\"\n},\n\"default-route-distance\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"external-route-distance\": 200,\n\"internal-route-distance\": 200\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"external-route-distance\": 200,\n\"internal-route-distance\": 200\n}\n},\n\"graceful-restart\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"restart-time\": 0\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"restart-time\": 0\n}\n},\n\"route-selection-options\": {\n\"config\": {},\n\"state\": {}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"as\": 4206000022,\n\"router-id\": \"\"\n}\n},\n\"openconfig-network-instance:neighbors\": {\n\"neighbor\": [\n{\n\"afi-safis\": {\n\"afi-safi\": [\n{\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"graceful-restart\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n},\n{\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"graceful-restart\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n}\n]\n},\n\"config\": {\n\"auth-password\": \"\",\n\"description\": \"\",\n\"local-as\": 0,\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"peer-as\": 1,\n\"send-community\": \"NONE\"\n},\n\"ebgp-multihop\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"multihop-ttl\": 0\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"multihop-ttl\": 0\n}\n},\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"route-reflector\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"route-reflector-client\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"route-reflector-client\": false\n}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"auth-password\": \"\",\n\"description\": \"\",\n\"local-as\": 0,\n\"peer-as\": 1,\n\"send-community\": \"NONE\"\n},\n\"timers\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"hold-time\": \"180.0\",\n\"keepalive-interval\": \"60.0\"\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"hold-time\": \"180.0\",\n\"keepalive-interval\": \"60.0\"\n}\n},\n\"transport\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"passive-mode\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"passive-mode\": false\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"afi-safis\": {\n\"afi-safi\": [\n{\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"graceful-restart\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n},\n{\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"graceful-restart\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"enabled\": false\n}\n}\n]\n},\n\"config\": {\n\"auth-password\": \"\",\n\"description\": \"\",\n\"local-as\": 0,\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"peer-as\": 65001,\n\"send-community\": \"NONE\"\n},\n\"ebgp-multihop\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"multihop-ttl\": 0\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"multihop-ttl\": 0\n}\n},\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"route-reflector\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"route-reflector-client\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"route-reflector-client\": false\n}\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"auth-password\": \"\",\n\"description\": \"\",\n\"local-as\": 0,\n\"peer-as\": 65001,\n\"send-community\": \"NONE\"\n},\n\"timers\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"hold-time\": \"180.0\",\n\"keepalive-interval\": \"60.0\"\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"hold-time\": \"180.0\",\n\"keepalive-interval\": \"60.0\"\n}\n},\n\"transport\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"passive-mode\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"passive-mode\": false\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-bgp-neighbors","title":"Get BGP neighbors","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin \\\nget '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors'\n
Reveal output
/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors:\n{\n\"openconfig-network-instance:neighbor\": [\n{\n\"afi-safis\": {\n\"afi-safi\": [\n{\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST\"\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV6_UNICAST\",\n\"prefixes\": {\n\"arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths\": 0,\n\"arista-bgp-augments:best-paths\": 0,\n\"installed\": 0,\n\"received\": 0,\n\"sent\": 0\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:L2VPN_EVPN\",\n\"config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:L2VPN_EVPN\"\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:L2VPN_EVPN\",\n\"prefixes\": {\n\"arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths\": 0,\n\"arista-bgp-augments:best-paths\": 0,\n\"installed\": 0,\n\"received\": 0,\n\"sent\": 0\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\"\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\",\n\"prefixes\": {\n\"arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths\": 0,\n\"arista-bgp-augments:best-paths\": 0,\n\"installed\": 0,\n\"received\": 0,\n\"sent\": 0\n}\n}\n}\n]\n},\n\"apply-policy\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"default-export-policy\": \"REJECT_ROUTE\",\n\"default-import-policy\": \"REJECT_ROUTE\"\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"default-export-policy\": \"REJECT_ROUTE\",\n\"default-import-policy\": \"REJECT_ROUTE\"\n}\n},\n\"as-path-options\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"replace-peer-as\": false\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"replace-peer-as\": false\n}\n},\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": true,\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"peer-as\": 65002,\n\"send-community\": \"NONE\"\n},\n\"ebgp-multihop\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": false,\n\"multihop-ttl\": 0\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"enabled\": false,\n\"multihop-ttl\": 0\n}\n},\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"state\": {\n\"enabled\": true,\n\"established-transitions\": \"2\",\n\"last-established\": \"1614170027122047488\",\n\"messages\": {\n\"received\": {\n\"UPDATE\": \"2\"\n},\n\"sent\": {\n\"UPDATE\": \"2\"\n}\n},\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"peer-as\": 65002,\n\"send-community\": \"NONE\",\n\"session-state\": \"ESTABLISHED\"\n},\n\"transport\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"mtu-discovery\": true\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"mtu-discovery\": true,\n\"remote-address\": \"\",\n\"remote-port\": 0\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-all-interface-descriptions","title":"Get all interface descriptions","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin -password arista \\\nget '/interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'\n
/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet3]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: SRV01\n/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: DCI\n/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet2]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: To Spines\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-an-interfaces-description","title":"Get an interface's description","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin -password arista \\\nget 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1/1]/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'\n
/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1/1]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description: \"Tyrion\"\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-the-operational-status-of-all-interfaces","title":"Get the operational status of all interfaces","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin -password arista \\\nget 'interfaces/interface/state/oper-status'`\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-all-states-of-an-interface","title":"Get all states of an interface","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/'`\n
Reveal output
/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state:\n{\n\"openconfig-interfaces:admin-status\": \"UP\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:counters\": {\n\"in-broadcast-pkts\": \"1\",\n\"in-discards\": \"0\",\n\"in-errors\": \"0\",\n\"in-fcs-errors\": \"0\",\n\"in-multicast-pkts\": \"70143\",\n\"in-octets\": \"570132503174\",\n\"in-unicast-pkts\": \"376128549\",\n\"out-broadcast-pkts\": \"2\",\n\"out-discards\": \"0\",\n\"out-errors\": \"0\",\n\"out-multicast-pkts\": \"169207\",\n\"out-octets\": \"569979193348\",\n\"out-unicast-pkts\": \"376049116\"\n},\n\"openconfig-interfaces:description\": \"\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:enabled\": true,\n\"openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port\": \"Port24\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:ifindex\": 24,\n\"arista-intf-augments:inactive\": false,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:last-change\": \"1614001155863084032\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode\": false,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:mtu\": 0,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:name\": \"Ethernet24\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:oper-status\": \"UP\",\n\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\"\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-an-interfaces-operational-status","title":"Get an interface's operational status","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/oper-status'\n
/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/oper-status: UP\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-an-interfaces-admin-status","title":"Get an interface's admin status","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/admin-status'`\n
/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/admin-status: UP\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-the-dom-metrics-of-all-interfaces","title":"Get the DOM metrics of all interfaces","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget \"components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/\"\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-the-dom-metrics-of-an-interface","title":"Get the DOM metrics of an interface","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget \"components/component[name=Ethernet24 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/\"\n
Reveal output
/components/component[name=Ethernet24 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state:\n{\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:index\": 0,\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power\": {\n\"instant\": \"-0.26\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current\": {\n\"instant\": \"7.49\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power\": {\n\"instant\": \"0.32\"\n}\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-per-core-cpu-utilization","title":"Get per core CPU utilization","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget 'components/component/cpu'\n
Reveal output
/components/component[name=CPU3]/cpu:\n{\n\"openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"avg\": 18,\n\"instant\": 16,\n\"interval\": \"1000000000000\",\n\"max\": 28,\n\"max-time\": \"3230106984172745216\",\n\"min\": 13,\n\"min-time\": \"3230106514174602752\"\n}\n}\n}\n/components/component[name=CPU0]/cpu:\n{\n\"openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"avg\": 17,\n\"instant\": 16,\n\"interval\": \"1000000000000\",\n\"max\": 25,\n\"max-time\": \"3230106564173730816\",\n\"min\": 12,\n\"min-time\": \"3230106394175068672\"\n}\n}\n}\n/components/component[name=CPU1]/cpu:\n{\n\"openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"avg\": 18,\n\"instant\": 17,\n\"interval\": \"1000000000000\",\n\"max\": 27,\n\"max-time\": \"3230107464174793728\",\n\"min\": 13,\n\"min-time\": \"3230107334172570624\"\n}\n}\n}\n/components/component[name=CPU2]/cpu:\n{\n\"openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"avg\": 17,\n\"instant\": 21,\n\"interval\": \"1000000000000\",\n\"max\": 24,\n\"max-time\": \"3230106924173756928\",\n\"min\": 11,\n\"min-time\": \"3230107394173572608\"\n}\n}\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-the-availableutilized-memory","title":"Get the available/utilized memory","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget 'components/component/state/memory/'\n
/components/component[name=Chassis]/state/memory:\n{\n \"openconfig-platform:available\": \"8298774528\",\n \"openconfig-platform:utilized\": \"7706267648\"\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-the-system-environment-temperatures","title":"Get the system environment temperatures","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget 'components/component/state/temperature/instant'\n
Reveal output
/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor49]/state/temperature/instant: 30.49609375\n/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor25]/state/temperature/instant: 24.69921875\n/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor40]/state/temperature/instant: 25.5078125\n/components/component[name=TempSensorP2/2]/state/temperature/instant: 0.0\n/components/component[name=TempSensorP1/3]/state/temperature/instant: 40.0\n/components/component[name=TempSensorP2/1]/state/temperature/instant: 0.0\n/components/component[name=TempSensorP2/3]/state/temperature/instant: 0.0\n/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor24]/state/temperature/instant: 24.5\n/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor26]/state/temperature/instant: 23.73046875\n/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor54]/state/temperature/instant: 27.26953125\n/components/component[name=TempSensorP1/1]/state/temperature/instant: 34.0\n/components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor50]/state/temperature/instant: 27.453125\n/components/component[name=TempSensorP1/2]/state/temperature/instant: 25.0\n/components/component[name=TempSensor1]/state/temperature/instant: 45.84278576588521\n/components/component[name=TempSensor15]/state/temperature/instant: 33.875\n/components/component[name=TempSensor18]/state/temperature/instant: 44.625\n/components/component[name=TempSensor16]/state/temperature/instant: 22.75\n/components/component[name=TempSensor17]/state/temperature/instant: 37.0\n/components/component[name=TempSensor14]/state/temperature/instant: 37.0\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#eos-native-paths","title":"EOS Native paths","text":"To get EOS native paths, OCTA has to be enabled as mentioned in the configuration section. Performing GET/SUBSCRIBE actions using EOS native paths require changing the origin to eos_native
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#commonly-used-paths","title":"Commonly used paths","text":" MAC table: /Smash/bridging/status/smashFdbStatus
ARP table: /Smash/arp/status/arpEntry
Neighbor table: /Smash/arp/status/neighborEntry
IPv4 RIB: /Smash/routing/status/route
IPv6 RIB: /Smash/routing6/status/route
IPv4 next-hop table: /Smash/routing/status/nexthop
IPv6 next-hop table: /Smash/routing6/status/nexthop
CPU info: /Kernel/proc/cpu
Process statistics: /Kernel/proc/stat
System info: /Kernel/sysinfo
EOS version: /Eos/image
Interface counters: /Smash/counters/ethIntf/<agent>/current/counter
Values for <agent>
are: 7500-family, 7280-family, 7020-family (Arad/Jericho ASICs): SandCounters
7300-family, 7250-family, 7050-family, 7010 products, 720-family (Trident ASICs): StrataCounters
For 7060-family, 7260-family (Tomahawk): Strata-FixedSystem
or StrataCounters
from 4.22+ 7150-family products (Alta ASICs): FocalPointV2
7160-family products (Cavium/Xpliant ASICs): XpCounters
7170-family products (Barefoot ASIC): BfnCounters
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-cpu-utilization","title":"Get CPU utilization","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin \\\nget origin=eos_native '/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-transceiver-dom-temperature","title":"Get transceiver DOM temperature","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin get origin=eos_native \\\n'Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32'`\n
Reveal output
/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/temperature:\n{\n \"value\": 32.5\n}\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/maxTemperature:\n{\n \"value\": 34.88671875\n}\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/maxTemperatureTime: 1564757444.339129\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/name: DomTemperatureSensor32\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/generationId: 0\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/hwStatus: ok\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/alertRaised: false\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/alertRaisedCount: 0\n/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/system/DomTemperatureSensor32/lastAlertRaisedTime: 1564194739.259879\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#get-connectivity-monitor-host-stats","title":"Get connectivity monitor host stats","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin get origin=eos_native '/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/'\n
Reveal output
/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/key/hostName: wls100\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/key/vrfName:\n{\n \"value\": \"default\"\n}\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/name: wls100_default\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/packetLoss: 0\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/httpResponseTime: 0\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/interfaceName:\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/jitter: 0\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/defaultStats/latency: 0\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/wls100_default/ipAddr: \"\"\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/key/hostName: ats323\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/key/vrfName:\n{\n \"value\": \"management\"\n}\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/name: ats323_management\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/ipAddr: \"\"\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/latency: 0.127\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/jitter: 0.033\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/packetLoss: 0\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/httpResponseTime: 21.860306\n/Sysdb/connectivityMonitor/status/hostStatus/ats323_management/defaultStats/interfaceName:\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#gnmi-set-rpc-examples","title":"gNMI SET RPC Examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#openconfig-paths_1","title":"OpenConfig paths","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#configure-bgp-neighbor","title":"Configure BGP neighbor","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#configure-neighbor-address-and-peer-as","title":"Configure neighbor address and peer AS","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nupdate '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \\\n'{\"config\": {\"neighbor-address\":\"\", \"peer-as\": 123}}'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#configure-neighbor-address-peer-as-and-send-community","title":"Configure neighbor address, peer AS and send-community","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista\n update '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \\\n{\"config\": {\"neighbor-address\":\"\", \"peer-as\": 123, \"enabled\": true, \"send-community\": \"EXTENDED\"}}'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#create-peer-group","title":"Create peer group","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista update \\\n'/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/peer-groups/peer-group[peer-group-name=XYZ]' \\\n'{\"config\": {\"peer-group-name\":\"XYZ\", \"local-as\": 114}}'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#update-the-peer-as","title":"Update the peer AS","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as' \\\n'110'\n
gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \\\n'{\"config\": {\"peer-as\": 110}}'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#update-the-peer-group","title":"Update the peer group","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-group' \\\n'XYZ'\n
gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \\\n'{\"config\": {\"peer-group\": \"XYZ\",\"peer-as\": 143}}'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#update-bgp-config-using-json-file","title":"Update BGP config using json file","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp' bgp.json\n
cat bgp.json\n
Reveal output
{\n\"neighbors\": {\n\"neighbor\": [\n{\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": true,\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"peer-group\": \"XYZ\"\n},\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\"\n},\n{\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": true,\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\",\n\"peer-group\": \"XYZ\"\n},\n\"neighbor-address\": \"\"\n}\n]\n},\n\"peer-groups\": {\n\"peer-group\": [\n{\n\"config\": {\n\"peer-as\": 65002,\n\"peer-group-name\": \"ABC\"\n},\n\"peer-group-name\": \"ABC\"\n}\n]\n}\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#create-an-acl","title":"Create an ACL","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin -password arista \\\nupdate /acl/acl-sets acl2.json\n
cat acl2.json\n
Reveal output
{\n\"acl-set\": [\n{\n\"config\": {\n\"name\": \"test\",\n\"type\": \"ACL_IPV4\"\n},\n\"name\": \"test\",\n\"type\": \"ACL_IPV4\",\n\"acl-entries\": {\n\"acl-entry\": [\n{\n\"sequence-id\": 10,\n\"actions\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"forwarding-action\": \"DROP\"\n}\n},\n\"config\": {\n\"sequence-id\": 10\n},\n\"ipv4\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"destination-address\": \"\",\n\"source-address\": \"\"\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
This creates
ip access-list test\n 10 deny ip any\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#shutdown-an-interface","title":"Shutdown an interface","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \\\n'false'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#bring-up-an-interface","title":"Bring up an interface","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \\\n'true'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#gnmi-subscribe-rpc-examples","title":"gNMI SUBSCRIBE RPC Examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#openconfig-paths_2","title":"OpenConfig paths","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#subscribe-to-all-bgp-neighbor-states","title":"Subscribe to all BGP neighbor states","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nsubscribe '/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#subscribe-to-specific-bgp-neighbor-state","title":"Subscribe to specific BGP neighbor state","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nsubscribe '/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#subscribe-with-stream-mode-sample-and-interval","title":"Subscribe with stream mode sample and interval","text":"gnmi -addr -username admin -password arista \\\n-sample_interval 5s -stream_mode sample \\\nsubscribe \\\n'/network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#cli-origin","title":"CLI origin","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#changing-the-maximum-routes-for-a-bgp-neighbor","title":"Changing the maximum-routes for a BGP neighbor","text":"gnmi -addr -username arista -password arista \\\nupdate origin=cli \"\" \"router bgp 65101\n neighbor IPv4-UNDERLAY-PEERS maximum-routes 12500\"\n
NOTE the neighbor
command has to be on a new line, so the previous line should not end in \\
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#show-version","title":"show version","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\nget origin=cli \"show version\"\n
Reveal output
/show version:\n{\n\"architecture\": \"i686\",\n\"bootupTimestamp\": 1626291561.0,\n\"configMacAddress\": \"00:00:00:00:00:00\",\n\"hardwareRevision\": \"\",\n\"hwMacAddress\": \"00:00:00:00:00:00\",\n\"imageFormatVersion\": \"1.0\",\n\"internalBuildId\": \"ed275a6c-1771-482d-829b-125e9c6ba677\",\n\"internalVersion\": \"4.26.2F-23035564.riorel\",\n\"isIntlVersion\": false,\n\"memFree\": 2422124,\n\"memTotal\": 4002356,\n\"mfgName\": \"Arista\",\n\"modelName\": \"vEOS-lab\",\n\"serialNumber\": \"BAD032986065E8DC14CBB6472EC314A6\",\n\"systemMacAddress\": \"50:08:00:a7:ca:c3\",\n\"uptime\": 1814877.63,\n\"version\": \"4.26.2F-23035564.riorel (engineering build)\"\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#running-unconverted-show-commands-that-use-text-format","title":"Running unconverted show commands that use 'text' format","text":"To run show commands that are not converted to JSON and require format=\"text\"
encoding can be used from EOS 4.29.2F or newer.
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/arista-gnmi/#show-platform-fap-interrupts","title":"show platform fap interrupts","text":"gnmi -addr -username cvpadmin -password arista get encoding=ascii origin=cli \"show platform fap interrupts\"\n
Reveal output
/show platform fap interrupts:\nJericho0\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n| Interrupt Bit | Count | First Occurrence | Last Occurrence |\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_12[0] | 55 | 2023-10-05 00:02:22 | 2023-10-20 10:29:21 |\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_13[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:21 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_14[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:23 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_15[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:22 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_20[0] | 67 | 2023-10-05 00:02:26 | 2023-10-24 00:44:24 |\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_21[0] | 56 | 2023-10-05 00:02:25 | 2023-10-24 00:44:24 |\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_22[0] | 53 | 2023-10-05 00:02:25 | 2023-10-24 00:45:15 |\n| NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_23[0] | 55 | 2023-10-05 00:02:24 | 2023-10-24 00:45:15 |\n| IPS_QueueEnteredDel[1] | 6 | 2023-10-11 14:00:20 | 2023-10-11 14:12:02 |\n| EPNI_PP_NewDaErr[0] | 255206 | 2023-10-05 15:06:43 | 2023-10-25 21:42:04 |\n| EPNI_PP_VsiMembershipDeny[1] | 2 | 2023-10-11 02:27:16 | 2023-10-11 14:11:46 |\n| EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc[0] | 255206 | 2023-10-05 15:06:43 | 2023-10-25 21:42:04 |\n| EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc[1] | 47299 | 2023-10-05 13:33:12 | 2023-10-23 16:16:04 |\n| FMAC_FMAC_2_RxLostOfSync_0[32] | 883547 | 2023-10-05 00:02:34 | 2023-10-25 21:42:08 |\n<ommitted>\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/","title":"gNMIC examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#overview","title":"overview","text":"The following examples are used to find openconfig paths within Arista EOS using the gNMIC binary. There will be some commands which will specify one liners which will have the address of the gNMI target and some commands which will use the .gnmic.yaml
file which will have the target information inside declared. All outputs will be redirected to the outputs file with the .json extension so they are easier to view within a text editor.
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#download-install-gnmic","title":"Download && install gnmic","text":"To install run:
bash -c \"$(curl -sL https://get-gnmic.openconfig.net)\"\n
To get the version run:
gnmi_stuff$ gnmic version\n
version : 0.27.0\n commit : cc5759c\n date : 2022-10-10T06:40:26Z\n gitURL : https://github.com/openconfig/gnmic\n docs : https://gnmic.openconfig.net\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#device-config","title":"Device config","text":"management api gnmi\n transport grpc default\n no shutdown\n provider eos-native\n\nceos3# show management api gnmi\nOcta: enabled\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6030\nSSL Profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nAuthorization Required:No\n
gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure capabilities \\\n>> outputs/capabilities.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#gnmi-get-rpc-examples","title":"gNMI GET RPC Examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#openconfig-paths","title":"OpenConfig paths","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-all-information","title":"Get all information","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \"/\"\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-bgp-configuration-in-the-default-vrf","title":"Get the BGP configuration in the default VRF","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-bgp-neighbors","title":"Get BGP neighbors","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure get --path \\\n'/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-all-interface-descriptions","title":"Get all interface descriptions","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'/interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-an-interfaces-description","title":"Get an interface's description","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description'\n
[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626293671204274106,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:14:31.204274106+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/subinterfaces/subinterface[index=0]/state/description\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/description\": \"To-SPINE1\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-operational-status-of-all-interfaces","title":"Get the operational status of all interfaces","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'interfaces/interface/state/oper-status'\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626293641102904713,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:14:01.102904713+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Management1]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet5]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet4]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet3]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet2]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Port-Channel4]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Port-Channel3]/state/oper-status\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-all-states-of-an-interface","title":"Get all states of an interface","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/'\n
Reveal output
[[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626293429376469348,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:10:29.376469348+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state\": {\n\"arista-intf-augments:inactive\": false,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:admin-status\": \"UP\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:counters\": {\n\"in-broadcast-pkts\": \"0\",\n\"in-discards\": \"0\",\n\"in-errors\": \"0\",\n\"in-fcs-errors\": \"0\",\n\"in-multicast-pkts\": \"48\",\n\"in-octets\": \"111398\",\n\"in-unicast-pkts\": \"1460\",\n\"out-broadcast-pkts\": \"1\",\n\"out-discards\": \"0\",\n\"out-errors\": \"0\",\n\"out-multicast-pkts\": \"49\",\n\"out-octets\": \"117389\",\n\"out-unicast-pkts\": \"1457\"\n},\n\"openconfig-interfaces:description\": \"To-SPINE1\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:ifindex\": 1,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:last-change\": \"1626292006733589760\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:mtu\": 0,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:name\": \"Ethernet1\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:oper-status\": \"UP\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\",\n\"openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port\": \"Port1\"\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-an-interfaces-operational-status","title":"Get an interface's operational status","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet24]/state/oper-status'\n
[\n {\n \"timestamp\": 1626293414057239130,\n \"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:10:14.05723913+01:00\",\n \"updates\": [\n {\n \"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet2]/state/oper-status\",\n \"values\": {\n \"interfaces/interface/state/oper-status\": \"UP\"\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-an-interfaces-admin-status","title":"Get an interface's admin status","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/admin-status'\n
[\n {\n \"timestamp\": 1626293085257457373,\n \"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:04:45.257457373+01:00\",\n \"updates\": [\n {\n \"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/admin-status\",\n \"values\": {\n \"interfaces/interface/state/admin-status\": \"UP\"\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-dom-metrics-of-all-interfaces","title":"Get the DOM metrics of all interfaces","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n\"components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/\"\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626293085257457373,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:04:45.257457373+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=Ethernet49 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state\": {\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:index\": 0,\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power\": {\n\"instant\": \"1.15\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current\": {\n\"instant\": \"0.0\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power\": {}\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=Ethernet50 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state\": {\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:index\": 0,\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power\": {\n\"instant\": \"1.11\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current\": {\n\"instant\": \"0.0\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power\": {}\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-dom-metrics-of-an-interface","title":"Get the DOM metrics of an interface","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n\"components/component[name=Ethernet49 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/\"\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"time\": \"1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=Ethernet49 transceiver]/transceiver/physical-channels/channel[index=0]/state\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state\": {\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:index\": 0,\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:input-power\": {\n\"instant\": \"1.08\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:laser-bias-current\": {\n\"instant\": \"0.0\"\n},\n\"openconfig-platform-transceiver:output-power\": {}\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-per-core-cpu-utilization","title":"Get per core CPU utilization","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'components/component/cpu'\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626294810779644595,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:33:30.779644595+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=CPU1]/cpu\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/cpu\": {\n\"openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"avg\": 6,\n\"instant\": 6,\n\"interval\": \"1000000000000\",\n\"max\": 14,\n\"max-time\": \"3252585270429488128\",\n\"min\": 2,\n\"min-time\": \"3252586330424618496\"\n}\n}\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=CPU0]/cpu\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/cpu\": {\n\"openconfig-platform-cpu:utilization\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"avg\": 5,\n\"instant\": 7,\n\"interval\": \"1000000000000\",\n\"max\": 13,\n\"max-time\": \"3252586170423993344\",\n\"min\": 1,\n\"min-time\": \"3252585340433252352\"\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-availableutilized-memory","title":"Get the available/utilized memory","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'components/component/state/memory/'\n
[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626294846423115892,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:34:06.423115892+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=Chassis]/state/memory\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/memory\": {\n\"openconfig-platform:available\": \"4098412544\",\n\"openconfig-platform:utilized\": \"4018016256\"\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-system-environment-temperatures","title":"Get the system environment temperatures","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'components/component/state/temperature/instant'\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626294876186613578,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T21:34:36.186613578+01:00\"\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor50]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 2709375,\n\"precision\": 5\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=DomTemperatureSensor49]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 27140625,\n\"precision\": 6\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor7]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 41168000000000006,\n\"precision\": 15\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor8]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 4225279999999998,\n\"precision\": 14\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor9]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 4062560000000002,\n\"precision\": 14\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor1]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 39141723894742796,\n\"precision\": 15\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor6]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 23875,\n\"precision\": 3\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor3]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 21\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor4]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 1725,\n\"precision\": 2\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor5]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 29\n}\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"components/component[name=TempSensor2]/state/temperature/instant\",\n\"values\": {\n\"components/component/state/temperature/instant\": {\n\"digits\": 32\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-information-about-connected-gnmi-clients","title":"Get the information about connected gNMI clients","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'/telemetry-system/subscriptions'\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"timestamp\": 1723202310565051604,\n\"time\": \"2024-08-09T16:48:30.565051604+05:30\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"telemetry-system/subscriptions\",\n\"values\": {\n\"telemetry-system/subscriptions\": {\n\"openconfig-telemetry:dynamic-subscriptions\": {\n\"dynamic-subscription\": [\n{\n\"id\": \"2\",\n\"sensor-paths\": {\n\"sensor-path\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"/components/component/state/memory\",\n\"state\": {\n\"path\": \"/components/component/state/memory\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"path\": \"/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total\",\n\"state\": {\n\"path\": \"/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total\"\n}\n}\n]\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"destination-address\": \"\",\n\"destination-port\": 51478,\n\"encoding\": \"openconfig-telemetry-types:ENC_PROTO3\",\n\"id\": \"2\",\n\"protocol\": \"openconfig-telemetry-types:STREAM_GRPC\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"id\": \"3\",\n\"sensor-paths\": {\n\"sensor-path\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"/components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state\",\n\"state\": {\n\"path\": \"/components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state\"\n}\n}\n]\n},\n\"state\": {\n\"destination-address\": \"\",\n\"destination-port\": 57928,\n\"encoding\": \"openconfig-telemetry-types:ENC_PROTO3\",\n\"id\": \"3\",\n\"protocol\": \"openconfig-telemetry-types:STREAM_GRPC\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#gnmi-subscribe-rpc-examples","title":"gNMI SUBSCRIBE RPC Examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#openconfig-paths_1","title":"OpenConfig paths","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#subscribe-to-all-bgp-neighbor-states","title":"Subscribe to all BGP neighbor states","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip subscribe --path \\\n'/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state'\n
Reveal output
{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1626302647\",\n\"timestamp\": 1626292010055258009,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T20:46:50.055258009+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE\",\n\"values\": {\n\"network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state/messages/sent/UPDATE\": 8\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1626302647\",\n\"timestamp\": 1626292008053994815,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T20:46:48.053994815+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions\",\n\"values\": {\n\"network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state/established-transitions\": 1\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#subscribe-to-specific-bgp-neighbor-state","title":"Subscribe to specific BGP neighbor state","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip subscribe --path \\\n'network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state'\n
Reveal output
{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1626303017\",\n\"timestamp\": 1626302991598465536,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T23:49:51.598465536+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established\",\n\"values\": {\n\"network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state/last-established\": 1626302991563603200\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#subscribe-with-stream-mode-sample-and-interval","title":"Subscribe with stream mode sample and interval","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip --sample-interval 5s --stream-mode sample subscribe --path \\\n'/network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received'\n
Reveal output
{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1626303393\",\n\"timestamp\": 1626303158135414182,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T23:52:38.135414182+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received\",\n\"values\": {\n\"network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/state/prefixes/received\": 5\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1626303393\",\n\"timestamp\": 1626303158135414182,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T23:52:38.135414182+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=Tenant_A_WEB_Zone]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/received\",\n\"values\": {\n\"network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/state/prefixes/received\": 5\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#subscribe-to-interface-counters-and-save-them-to-a-file","title":"Subscribe to interface counters and save them to a file","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure subscribe --path \\\n\"/interfaces/interface/state/counters\" >> outputs/interface_state.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#gnmi-set-rpc-examples","title":"gNMI SET RPC Examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#openconfig-paths_2","title":"OpenConfig paths","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#configure-bgp-neighbor-address-and-peer-as","title":"Configure BGP neighbor address and peer AS","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \\\n--update-file value.json\n
{\"config\": {\"neighbor-address\":\"\", \"peer-as\": 123}}\n
{\n\"timestamp\": 1626305876151537555,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-15T00:37:56.151537555+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#configure-bgp-neighbor-address-peer-as-and-send-community","title":"Configure BGP neighbor address, peer AS and send-community","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]' \\\n--update-file value.json\n
{\"config\": {\"neighbor-address\":\"\", \"peer-as\": 123, \"enabled\": true, \"send-community\": \"EXTENDED\"}}\n
{\n\"timestamp\": 1626305480401353997,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-15T00:31:20.401353997+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#create-bgp-peer-group","title":"Create BGP peer group","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/peer-groups/peer-group[peer-group-name=XYZ]' \\\n--update-file value.json\n
{\"config\": {\"peer-group-name\":\"XYZ\", \"local-as\": 114}}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#update-bgp-peer-as","title":"Update BGP peer AS","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as' \\\n--update-value '110'\n
{\n\"timestamp\": 1626306067189329813,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-15T00:41:07.189329813+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#update-bgp-peer-group","title":"Update BGP peer group","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-group' \\\n--update-value 'XYZ'\n
{\n\"timestamp\": 1626306067189329813,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-15T00:41:07.189329813+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/config/peer-as\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#create-an-acl","title":"Create an ACL","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path /acl/acl-sets \\\n--update-file acl2.json\n
{\n\"timestamp\": 1626307972085688242,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-15T01:12:52.085688242+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"acl/acl-sets\"\n}\n]\n}\n
{\n\"acl-set\": [\n{\n\"config\": {\n\"name\": \"test\",\n\"type\": \"ACL_IPV4\"\n},\n\"name\": \"test\",\n\"type\": \"ACL_IPV4\",\n\"acl-entries\": {\n\"acl-entry\": [\n{\n\"sequence-id\": 10,\n\"actions\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"forwarding-action\": \"DROP\"\n}\n},\n\"config\": {\n\"sequence-id\": 10\n},\n\"ipv4\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"destination-address\": \"\",\n\"source-address\": \"\"\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
This creates
ip access-list test\n 10 deny ip any\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#shutdown-an-interface","title":"Shutdown an interface","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \\\n--update-value 'false'\n
{\n\"timestamp\": 1626309145489047571,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-15T01:32:25.489047571+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#bring-up-an-interface","title":"Bring up an interface","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--update-path '/interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled' \\\n--update-value 'true'\n
{\n\"timestamp\": 1626309156607307596,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-15T01:32:36.607307596+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/enabled\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#eos-native-paths","title":"EOS Native paths","text":"To get EOS native paths, OCTA has to be enabled as mentioned in the configuration section. Performing GET/SUBSCRIBE actions using EOS native paths require changing the origin to eos_native
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#commonly-used-paths","title":"Commonly used paths","text":" MAC table: /Smash/bridging/status/smashFdbStatus
ARP table: /Smash/arp/status/arpEntry
Neighbor table: /Smash/arp/status/neighborEntry
IPv4 RIB: /Smash/routing/status/route
IPv6 RIB: /Smash/routing6/status/route
IPv4 next-hop table: /Smash/routing/status/nexthop
IPv6 next-hop table: /Smash/routing6/status/nexthop
CPU info: /Kernel/proc/cpu
Process statistics: /Kernel/proc/stat
System info: /Kernel/sysinfo
EOS version: /Eos/image
Interface counters: /Smash/counters/ethIntf/<agent>/current/counter
Values for <agent>
are: 7500-family, 7280-family, 7020-family (Arad/Jericho ASICs): SandCounters
7300-family, 7250-family, 7050-family, 7010 products, 720-family (Trident ASICs): StrataCounters
For 7060-family, 7260-family (Tomahawk): Strata-FixedSystem
or StrataCounters
from 4.22+ 7150-family products (Alta ASICs): FocalPointV2
7160-family products (Cavium/Xpliant ASICs): XpCounters
7170-family products (Barefoot ASIC): BfnCounters
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-cpu-utilization","title":"Get CPU utilization","text":" gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip get --path \\\n'eos_native:/Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total'\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"timestamp\": 1626291721294738334,\n\"time\": \"2021-07-14T20:42:01.294738334+01:00\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:Kernel/proc/cpu/utilization/total\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"name\",\n\"values\": {\n\"name\": \"total\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"nice\",\n\"values\": {\n\"nice\": 28845\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"util\",\n\"values\": {\n\"util\": 41\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"user\",\n\"values\": {\n\"user\": 32058347\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"system\",\n\"values\": {\n\"system\": 4597389\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"idle\",\n\"values\": {\n\"idle\": 76373566\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-transceiver-dom-temperature","title":"Get transceiver DOM temperature","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip get --path \\\neos_native:/Sysdb/hardware/archer/xcvr/status >> outputs/doms.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-eos-image-version","title":"Get EOS image version","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip get \\\n--path eos_native:/Eos/image >> outputs/eos_image.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-lanz-data-streaming","title":"Get LANZ Data Streaming","text":"In addition to Octa, LANZ and LANZ Data Streaming also needs to be enabled on the switch.
queue-monitor length\n!\nqueue-monitor streaming\n no shutdown\n
With Octa and LANZ Data Streaming enabled, LANZ metrics can be subscribed to:
gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip \\\nsubscribe --path 'eos_native:/LANZ'\n
Reveal output
{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1669906007\",\n\"timestamp\": 1669903438845029161,\n\"time\": \"2022-12-01T19:33:58.845029161+05:30\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:LANZ/config\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"name\",\n\"values\": {\n\"name\": \"config\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1669906007\",\n\"timestamp\": 1669903438845141433,\n\"time\": \"2022-12-01T19:33:58.845141433+05:30\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:LANZ/globalBufferUsage\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"name\",\n\"values\": {\n\"name\": \"globalBufferUsage\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"globalBufferUsageRecord\",\n\"values\": {\n\"globalBufferUsageRecord\": {\n\"bufferSize\": 0,\n\"duration\": 0,\n\"entryType\": \"\",\n\"timestamp\": 0\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1669906007\",\n\"timestamp\": 1669906008617947980,\n\"time\": \"2022-12-01T20:16:48.61794798+05:30\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:LANZ/congestion\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"congestionRecord\",\n\"values\": {\n\"congestionRecord\": {\n\"entryType\": \"POLLING\",\n\"fabricPeerIntfName\": \"\",\n\"intfName\": \"Ethernet6\",\n\"portID\": 105,\n\"qDropCount\": 0,\n\"queueSize\": 1998240,\n\"switchID\": 0,\n\"timeOfMaxQLen\": 0,\n\"timestamp\": 1669906008617720,\n\"trafficClass\": 1,\n\"txLatency\": 0\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1669906007\",\n\"timestamp\": 1669903438845107943,\n\"time\": \"2022-12-01T19:33:58.845107943+05:30\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:LANZ/congestion\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"name\",\n\"values\": {\n\"name\": \"congestion\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1669906007\",\n\"timestamp\": 1669905829532672732,\n\"time\": \"2022-12-01T20:13:49.532672732+05:30\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:LANZ/config/portConfigRecord\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"Ethernet6/intfName\",\n\"values\": {\n\"Ethernet6/intfName\": \"Ethernet6\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"Ethernet6/switchID\",\n\"values\": {\n\"Ethernet6/switchID\": 0\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"Ethernet6/portID\",\n\"values\": {\n\"Ethernet6/portID\": 105\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"Ethernet6/internalPort\",\n\"values\": {\n\"Ethernet6/internalPort\": false\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"Ethernet6/highThreshold\",\n\"values\": {\n\"Ethernet6/highThreshold\": 40962\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"Ethernet6/lowThreshold\",\n\"values\": {\n\"Ethernet6/lowThreshold\": 10241\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1669906007\",\n\"timestamp\": 1669905829532649815,\n\"time\": \"2022-12-01T20:13:49.532649815+05:30\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:LANZ/config\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"configRecord\",\n\"values\": {\n\"configRecord\": {\n\"globalUsageHighThreshold\": 0,\n\"globalUsageLowThreshold\": 0,\n\"globalUsageReportingEnabled\": true,\n\"lanzVersion\": 1,\n\"maxQueueSize\": 524288000,\n\"numOfPorts\": 121,\n\"segmentSize\": 16,\n\"timestamp\": 1669905829532490\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1669906007\",\n\"timestamp\": 1669903438845176033,\n\"time\": \"2022-12-01T19:33:58.845176033+05:30\",\n\"prefix\": \"eos_native:LANZ/error\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"name\",\n\"values\": {\n\"name\": \"error\"\n}\n},\n{\n\"Path\": \"errorRecord\",\n\"values\": {\n\"errorRecord\": {\n\"errorMessage\": \"\",\n\"timestamp\": 0\n}\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#cli-origin","title":"Cli origin","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-running-config","title":"Get the running config","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure get \\\n--path \"cli:/show running-config\" >> outputs/outputs.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#get-the-total-route-count","title":"Get the total route count","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure get \\\n--path \"cli:/show ip route summary\" \\\n| jq '.[0].updates[0].values.\"show ip route summary\".totalRoutes'\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#changing-the-running-config","title":"Changing the running-config","text":"There are multiple ways to change the configuration using the cli
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#using-json","title":"Using JSON","text":"Multiple config sections can be change at a time, for instance in the below example vlan 304 is created and the description of Ethernet1 is changed:
gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure --gzip set \\\n--request-file intf.json\n
Reveal output
{\n\"timestamp\": 1628103804792021864,\n\"time\": \"2021-08-04T20:03:24.792021864+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"cli:\"\n},\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"cli:\"\n},\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"cli:\"\n},\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"cli:\"\n}\n]\n}\n
cat intf.json\n
{\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"cli:\",\n\"value\": \"interface Ethernet 1\",\n\"encoding\": \"ascii\"\n},\n{\n\"path\": \"cli:\",\n\"value\": \"description arista-openmgmt\",\n\"encoding\": \"ascii\"\n},\n{\n\"path\": \"cli:\",\n\"value\": \"vlan 304\",\n\"encoding\": \"ascii\"\n},\n{\n\"path\": \"cli:\",\n\"value\": \"name test\",\n\"encoding\": \"ascii\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#using-yaml","title":"Using YAML","text":"Changing the maximum-routes for a BGP neighbor:
gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip set \\\n--request-file bgp.yaml\n
Reveal output
{\n \"timestamp\": 1628091791855672771,\n \"time\": \"2021-08-04T16:43:11.855672771+01:00\",\n \"results\": [\n {\n \"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n \"path\": \"cli:\"\n },\n {\n \"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n \"path\": \"cli:\"\n }\n ]\n}\n
cat bgp.yaml\n
updates:\n- path: \"cli:\"\nvalue: router bgp 65101\nencoding: ascii\n- path: \"cli:\"\nvalue: neighbor IPv4-UNDERLAY-PEERS maximum-routes 15500\nencoding: ascii\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#using-imperative-commands","title":"Using imperative commands","text":"gnmic -a -u cvpadmin -p arista --insecure --gzip \\\n--encoding ASCII set \\\n--update-path \"cli:\" \\\n--update-value \"router bgp 65101\" \\\n--update-path \"cli:\" \\\n--update-value \"neighbor IPv4-UNDERLAY-PEERS maximum-routes 13500\"\n
Reveal output
{\n\"timestamp\": 1628091405938523430,\n\"time\": \"2021-08-04T16:36:45.93852343+01:00\",\n\"results\": [\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"cli:\"\n},\n{\n\"operation\": \"UPDATE\",\n\"path\": \"cli:\"\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#running-unconverted-show-commands-that-use-text-format","title":"Running unconverted show commands that use 'text' format","text":"To run show commands that are not converted to JSON and require format=\"text\"
encoding can be used from EOS 4.29.2F or newer.
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#show-platform-fap-interrupts","title":"show platform fap interrupts","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure get --gzip --encoding ASCII --path \"cli:/show platform fap interrupts\"\n
Reveal output
[\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"timestamp\": 1698270415643755294,\n\"time\": \"2023-10-25T22:46:55.643755294+01:00\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"cli:show platform fap interrupts\",\n\"values\": {\n\"show platform fap interrupts\": \" Jericho0\\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\n\n | Interrupt Bit | Count | First Occurrence | Last Occurrence |\\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_12[0] | 55 | 2023-10-05 00:02:22 | 2023-10-20 10:29:21 |\\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_13[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:21 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_14[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:23 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_15[0] | 39 | 2023-10-05 00:02:22 | 2023-10-16 19:00:15 |\\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_20[0] | 67 | 2023-10-05 00:02:26 | 2023-10-24 00:44:24 |\\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_21[0] | 56 | 2023-10-05 00:02:25 | 2023-10-24 00:44:24 |\\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_22[0] | 53 | 2023-10-05 00:02:25 | 2023-10-24 00:45:15 |\\n\n | NBIH_LINK_STATUS_CHANGE_LinkStatusChangeInterruptRegister_23[0] | 55 | 2023-10-05 00:02:24 | 2023-10-24 00:45:15 |\\n\n | IPS_QueueEnteredDel[1] | 6 | 2023-10-11 14:00:20 | 2023-10-11 14:12:02 |\\n\n | EPNI_PP_NewDaErr[0] | 255279 | 2023-10-05 15:06:43 | 2023-10-25 21:46:52 |\\n\n | EPNI_PP_VsiMembershipDeny[1] | 2 | 2023-10-11 02:27:16 | 2023-10-11 14:11:46 |\\n\n | EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc[0] | 255279 | 2023-10-05 15:06:43 | 2023-10-25 21:46:52 |\\n\n | EPNI_PP_EesLastActionNotAc[1] | 47299 | 2023-10-05 13:33:12 | 2023-10-23 16:16:04 |\\n\n | FMAC_FMAC_2_RxLostOfSync_0[32] | 883687 | 2023-10-05 00:02:34 | 2023-10-25 21:46:54 |\\n\n | FMAC_FMAC_2_RxLostOfSync_1[33]\n <ommitted>\n \\n\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#misc","title":"Misc","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#save-all-status-states-to-a-file","title":"Save all status states to a file","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure get \\\n--path \".../state/...\" >> outputs/states.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#save-all-config-states-to-a-file","title":"Save all config states to a file","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure get \\\n--path \".../config/...\" >> outputs/configs.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#save-network-instance-states-to-a-file","title":"Save network instance states to a file","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure get --path \\\n/network-instances/network-instance >> outputs/network-instances.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-clients/gnmic/#save-bgp-states-to-a-file","title":"Save BGP states to a file","text":"gnmic -a -u admin -p admin --insecure get --path \\\n/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]\\\n>> outputs/bgp.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-gateway/","title":"gNMI-Gateway","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnmi-gateway/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"gNMI gateway is an opensource project created by Netflix. Conceptually, gNMI gateway sits as a proxy for multiple gNMI targets. A gNMI client speaks to a common gNMI service endpoint within the network (gNMI gateway) and specifies a gNMI target with an accompanying path. The gNMI gateway will in turn initiate the connection to the target device and stream the contents to the originating proxy.
gNMI gateway documentation NANOG demonstration This demo will start the gNMI gateway binary and use gNMIC to stream to a target which is managed by the gNMI gateway. Please make adjustments to the targets.json
file to match your environment.
The demo is dependent on the following files:
gnmi-gateway - The binary to activate gNMI gateway. This must be built for the platform that it will run on. Details regarding generation of the binary for the target platform can be found in the gNMI gateway documentation. server.crt / server.key - the certificate and key for gNMI gateway. These can be generated through a CA. Additional details may be found here. targets.json - This file specifies the targets. gNMI-gateway supports hot reloading of the files. So if changes are made within targets.json it will reload automatically with new targets and or new paths. sample: targets.json
{\n\"request\": {\n\"default\": {\n\"subscribe\": {\n\"prefix\": {\n},\n\"subscription\": [\n{\n\"path\": {\n\"elem\": [\n{\n\"name\": \"interfaces\"\n}\n]\n}\n}\n]\n}\n}\n},\n\"target\": {\n\"DC2-SP02\": {\n\"addresses\": [\n\"\"\n],\n\"credentials\": {\n\"username\": \"ansible\",\n\"password\": \"ansible\"\n},\n\"request\": \"default\",\n\"meta\": {\n\"NoTLS\": \"yes\"\n}\n},\n\"DC2-LEAF1A\": {\n\"addresses\": [\n\"\"\n],\n\"credentials\": {\n\"username\": \"ansible\",\n\"password\": \"ansible\"\n},\n\"request\": \"default\",\n\"meta\": {\n\"NoTLS\": \"yes\"\n}\n},\n\"DC2-LF70\": {\n\"addresses\": [\n\"\"\n],\n\"credentials\": {\n\"username\": \"ansible\",\n\"password\": \"ansible\"\n},\n\"request\": \"default\",\n\"meta\": {\n\"NoTLS\": \"yes\"\n}\n}\n}\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-gateway/#eos-configuration","title":"EOS Configuration","text":"gNMI will need to be enabled on the target which is managed by gNMI gateway and a certificate will need to be installed to use TLS-based authentication. Additional details regarding enabling gnmi on EOS devices can be found here. Additional details regarding certificate management and configuration can be found here.
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-gateway/#start-gnmi-gateway","title":"Start gNMI gateway","text":"Note, the server.crt
must be signed by a CA that the switch can resolve.
gnmi-gateway -EnableGNMIServer -ServerTLSCert=server.crt \\\n-ServerTLSKey=server.key -TargetLoaders=json -TargetJSONFile=targets.json\n
Reveal Output
{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Starting GNMI Gateway.\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Clustering is NOT enabled. No locking or cluster coordination will happen.\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Starting connection manager.\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Starting gNMI server on\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Connection manager received a target control message: 3 inserts 0 removes\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Initializing target DC2-SP02 ([]) map[NoTLS:yes].\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Initializing target DC2-LEAF1A ([]) map[NoTLS:yes].\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-SP02: Connecting\"}\n{\"level\":\"warn\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"DEPRECATED: The 'NoTLS' target flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'NoTLSVerify' instead.\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-SP02: Subscribing\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Initializing target DC2-LF70 ([]) map[NoTLS:yes].\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Connecting\"}\n{\"level\":\"warn\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"DEPRECATED: The 'NoTLS' target flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'NoTLSVerify' instead.\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Subscribing\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LF70: Connecting\"}\n{\"level\":\"warn\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"DEPRECATED: The 'NoTLS' target flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'NoTLSVerify' instead.\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LF70: Subscribing\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:35-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-SP02: Connected\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:36-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LF70: Connected\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:36-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Connected\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:37-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LF70: Synced\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:37-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-SP02: Synced\"}\n{\"level\":\"info\",\"time\":\"2021-03-19T08:47:38-04:00\",\"message\":\"Target DC2-LEAF1A: Synced\"}\n
The output indicates that gNMI-gateway has started and will now serve gNMI requests to the /interfaces/interface
path on behalf of any external gNMI client.
"},{"location":"examples/gnmi-gateway/#requesting-a-target-managed-by-gnmi-gateway","title":"Requesting a target managed by gNMI gateway","text":"gnmic subscribe -a -u ansible -p ansible --port=9339 \\\n--skip-verify --target=DC2-SP02 --path=/interfaces\n
{\n\"source\": \"\",\n\"subscription-name\": \"default-1616158143\",\n\"timestamp\": 1605208845740882713,\n\"time\": \"2020-11-12T14:20:45.740882713-05:00\",\n\"target\": \"DC2-SP02\",\n\"updates\": [\n{\n\"Path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet54/1]/state/tpid\",\n\"values\": {\n\"interfaces/interface/state/tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n
Since the gNMI gateway is running locally a query can be issued to the service on port 9339 passing in the target value of DC2-SP02
and telemetry will start to stream data back to the client.
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/","title":"gNOI","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/#about-grpc","title":"About gRPC","text":"gRPC - Google Remote Procedure Call
gRPC uses protobuf and HTTP/2
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/#about-gnoi","title":"About gNOI","text":"gNOI - gRPC Network Operations Interface
gNOI defines a set of gRPC-based microservices for executing operational commands on network devices.
gNOI github repository
As example, this gNOI proto file defines the service System
with the RPC Traceroute
and Ping
Ping executes the ping command on the target and streams back the results Traceroute executes the traceroute command on the target and streams back the results As you can see in the proto file, the field VRF is not defined for these messages "},{"location":"examples/gnoi/#about-gnoi-support-on-eos","title":"About gNOI support on EOS","text":"Please refer to this link for the gNOI support by EOS.
gNOI ping gNOI traceroute gNOI Support "},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/","title":"gNOIc examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoic-overview","title":"gNOIc overview","text":"gNOIc is a gNOI CLI client:
source code documentation The following examples shows various gNOIc commands with Arista EOS devices.
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#download-install-gnoic","title":"Download & install gNOIc","text":"To install run:
bash -c \"$(curl -sL https://get-gnoic.kmrd.dev)\"\n
To get the version run:
gnoic version\n
version : 0.0.5\n commit : 26c6248\n date : 2021-05-12T10:12:55Z\n gitURL : https://github.com/karimra/gnoic\n docs : https://gnoic.kmrd.dev\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#device-config","title":"Device config","text":"interface Management1\n description oob_management\n vrf MGMT\n ip address\n\nusername arista secret 0 arista\n\nmanagement api gnmi\n transport grpc def\n vrf MGMT\n
DC1-L2LEAF2A#show management api gnmi\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in MGMT VRF\nSSL Profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nDC1-L2LEAF2A#\n
Before to use gNOI ping and traceroute, lets run these commands locally:
$ ssh arista@\nPassword:\nLast login: Thu Jun 3 12:06:25 2021 from\nDC1-L2LEAF2A>en\nDC1-L2LEAF2A#bash\n\nArista Networks EOS shell\n\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$ ping -c 2\nPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.\n64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=24.6 ms\n64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=18.8 ms\n\n--- ping statistics ---\n2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms\nrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18.861/21.738/24.616/2.881 ms\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$ traceroute -A\ntraceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets\n 1 ( [!!] 26.636 ms 29.420 ms 32.113 ms\n 2 ( [!!] 52.764 ms 53.881 ms 63.213 ms\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$ exit\nlogout\nDC1-L2LEAF2A#exit\nConnection to closed.\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-demo-with-arista-using-gnoic","title":"gNOI demo with Arista using gNOIc","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-ping","title":"gNOI Ping","text":"gnoic -a -u arista -p arista --insecure system ping \\\n--destination --count 2 --do-not-resolve\n
WARN[0000] \"\" could not lookup hostname: lookup on no such host\nsource: \"\"\ntime: 31200000\nbytes: 64\nsequence: 1\nttl: 63\nsource: \"\"\ntime: 33900000\nbytes: 64\nsequence: 2\nttl: 63\nsource: \"\"\ntime: 1001000000\nsent: 2\nreceived: 2\nmin_time: 31251000\navg_time: 32590000\nmax_time: 33930000\nstd_dev: 1351000\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-traceroute","title":"gNOI Traceroute","text":" gnoic -a -u arista -p arista --insecure system traceroute \\\n--destination --do-not-resolve\n
WARN[0000] \"\" could not lookup hostname: lookup on no such host\ndestination_name: \"\"\ndestination_address: \"\"\nhops: 30\npacket_size: 60\nhop: 1\naddress: \"\"\nrtt: 21440000\nhop: 1\naddress: \"\"\nrtt: 23011000\nhop: 1\naddress: \"\"\nrtt: 31135000\nhop: 2\naddress: \"\"\nrtt: 62216000\nhop: 2\naddress: \"\"\nrtt: 63213000\nhop: 2\naddress: \"\"\nrtt: 71079000\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-cert","title":"gNOI cert","text":"gnoic -a -u arista -p arista --insecure cert can-generate-csr\n
WARN[0000] \"\" could not lookup hostname: lookup on no such host\nINFO[0000] \"\" key-type=KT_RSA, cert-type=CT_X509, key-size=2048: can_generate: true\n+------------------+------------------+\n| Target Name | Can Generate CSR |\n+------------------+------------------+\n| | true |\n+------------------+------------------+\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#upgrading-eos-using-gnoi","title":"Upgrading EOS using gNOI","text":"EOS supports gNOI OS Install/Activate/Verification (4.24.2F+) and gNOI System Reboot/Reboot/RebootStatus (4.27.0F+) that can be used to upload the EOS image, activate that image (set the boot-config) so that it boots with it next time, verify the image activation was successful and lastly to reboot the device to perform the upgrade.
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-os-install","title":"gNOI OS Install","text":"To upload an EOS SWI image to a switch we can use the gnoi.os.OS/Installation
gnoic -a --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin \\\nos install \\\n--version 4.29.1F \\\n--pkg EOS.swi\n
INFO[0000] starting install RPC\nINFO[0000] target \"\": starting Install stream\nINFO[0003] target \"\": TransferProgress bytes_received:5242880\nINFO[0003] target \"\": TransferProgress bytes_received:10485760\n...\nINFO[0411] target \"\": TransferProgress bytes_received:1030750208\nINFO[0413] target \"\": sending TransferEnd\nINFO[0413] target \"\": TransferProgress bytes_received:1035993088\nINFO[0413] target \"\": TransferContent done...\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-os-activate","title":"gNOI OS Activate","text":"To activate the new EOS image (equivalent to running boot system flash:EOS.swi
on the CLI) we can use the /gnoi.os.OS/Activation
gnoic -a --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin \\\nos activate \\\n--version 4.29.1F \\\n--no-reboot\n
INFO[0034] target \"\" activate response \"activate_ok:{}\"\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-os-verify","title":"gNOI OS Verify","text":"gnoic -a --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin os verify\n
+-------------------+---------+---------------------+\n| Target Name | Version | Activation Fail Msg |\n+-------------------+---------+---------------------+\n| | 4.29.1F | |\n+-------------------+---------+---------------------+\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#gnoi-system-reboot","title":"gNOI System Reboot","text":"To reboot the device we can use gnoi.system.System/Reboot
RPC and the COLD
gnoic -a --insecure --gzip -u admin -p admin \\\nsystem reboot \\\n--method COLD\n
Note on older EOS versions you may get the following error message:
ERRO[0009] \"\" System Reboot failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = error reading from server: EOF\nError: there was 1 error(s)\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoic/#references","title":"References","text":"gNOI Support
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/","title":"gNOI in Golang","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/#gnoi-review","title":"gNOI review","text":"These are a few examples leveraging golang and gNOI using the gNOI protobuf specifically the System service
The following examples show how to leverage the ping rpc and traceroute rpc
All code can be found within the src directory under gnoi
We will be leveraging the gNOI godocs which module can be imported as github.com/openconfig/gnoi
Each one of the examples has the following default flags which can be changed based on the environment.
-username = \"admin\"\n-password = \"admin\"\n-target = \"\"\n-destination = \"\"\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/#test-device-configuration","title":"Test Device configuration","text":"management api gnmi\n transport grpc default\n provider eos-native\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/#cd-into-srcgnoi","title":"cd into src/gnoi","text":"cd src/gnoi\n
The directory should include the go.mod/go.sum for the correct packages so nothing needs installed on the system at the current time.
ls\ngo.mod go.sum pinggnoi.go traceroutegnoi.go\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/#run-pinggo","title":"Run ping.go","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/#srcgnoipinggo","title":"src/gnoi/ping.go","text":"Reveal output
package main\nimport (\n\"context\"\n\"flag\"\n\"fmt\"\n\"os\"\n\"time\"\nlog \"github.com/golang/glog\"\nsystem \"github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system\"\n\"google.golang.org/grpc\"\n\"google.golang.org/grpc/metadata\"\n)\nfunc checkflags(flag ...string) {\nfor _, f := range flag {\nif f == \"\" {\nfmt.Printf(\"You have an empty flag please fix.\")\nos.Exit(1)\n}\n}\n}\nfunc main() {\n// Add input parameters\nusername := flag.String(\"username\", \"admin\", \"username for connection to gNOI\")\npassword := flag.String(\"password\", \"admin\", \"password for connection to gNOI\")\ntarget := flag.String(\"target\", \"\", \"Target ip or hostname of the device running gNOI\")\ndestination := flag.String(\"destination\", \"\", \"Destination of the address to ping to\")\nflag.Parse()\n// Check for empty flags.\ncheckflags(*username, *password, *target, *destination)\nconn, err := grpc.Dial(*target, grpc.WithInsecure())\nif err != nil {\nlog.Exitf(\"Failed to %s Error: %v\", target, err)\n}\ndefer conn.Close()\n// Create the new grpc service connection\nSys := system.NewSystemClient(conn)\n// pass in context blank information with the timeout.\nctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)\n// cancel when the function is over.\ndefer cancel()\n// Since Metadata needs a map to pass into the header of gRPC request create a map for it.\nmetamap := make(map[string]string)\n// Set the username and password\nmetamap[\"username\"] = *username\nmetamap[\"password\"] = *password\n// Set the metadata needed in the metadata package\nmd := metadata.New(metamap)\n// set the ctx to use the metadata in every update.\nctx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md)\n// Try to ping 10 times with a loop\nfor i := 0; i < 10; i++ {\nresponse, err := Sys.Ping(ctx, &system.PingRequest{Destination: *destination})\nif err != nil {\nlog.Fatalf(\"Error trying to ping: %v\", err)\n}\nfmt.Println(response.Recv())\n}\n}\n
go run ping/ping.go -username admin -password admin -target -destination\nsource:\"\" time:38000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:44000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:37000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:41000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:40000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:38000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:40000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:36000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:44000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\nsource:\"\" time:66000 bytes:64 sequence:1 ttl:64 <nil>\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/#run-traceroutego","title":"Run traceroute.go","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/gnoicode/#srcgnoitraceroutego","title":"src/gnoi/traceroute.go","text":"Reveal output
package main\nimport (\n\"context\"\n\"flag\"\n\"fmt\"\n\"os\"\n\"time\"\nlog \"github.com/golang/glog\"\nsystem \"github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system\"\n\"google.golang.org/grpc\"\n\"google.golang.org/grpc/metadata\"\n)\nfunc checkflags(flag ...string) {\nfor _, f := range flag {\nif f == \"\" {\nfmt.Printf(\"You have an empty flag please fix.\")\nos.Exit(1)\n}\n}\n}\nfunc main() {\n// Add input parameters\nusername := flag.String(\"username\", \"\", \"username for connection to gNOI\")\npassword := flag.String(\"password\", \"\", \"password for connection to gNOI\")\ntarget := flag.String(\"target\", \"\", \"Target ip or hostname of the device running gNOI\")\ndestination := flag.String(\"destination\", \"\", \"Destination of the address to traceroute to\")\nflag.Parse()\nconn, err := grpc.Dial(*target, grpc.WithInsecure())\nif err != nil {\nlog.Exitf(\"Failed to %s Error: %v\", target, err)\n}\ndefer conn.Close()\n// Check for empty flags.\ncheckflags(*username, *password, *target, *destination)\n// Create the new grpc service connection\nSys := system.NewSystemClient(conn)\n// pass in context blank information with the timeout.\nctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)\n// cancel when the function is over.\ndefer cancel()\n// Since Metadata needs a map to pass into the header of gRPC request create a map for it.\nmetamap := make(map[string]string)\n// Set the username and password\nmetamap[\"username\"] = *username\nmetamap[\"password\"] = *password\n// Set the metadata needed in the metadata package\nmd := metadata.New(metamap)\n// set the ctx to use the metadata in every update.\nctx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md)\nresponse, err := Sys.Traceroute(ctx, &system.TracerouteRequest{Destination: *destination})\nif err != nil {\nlog.Fatalf(\"Cannot trace path: %v\", err)\n}\nfmt.Println(response.Recv())\n}\n
go run traceroute/traceroute.go -username admin -password admin -target -destination\ndestination_name:\"\" destination_address:\"\" hops:30 packet_size:60 <nil>\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/","title":"gRPCurl examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#grpcurl-overview","title":"gRPCurl overview","text":"gRPCurl is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers:
The following examples shows various gRPCurl commands to interact with Arista EOS devices.
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#install-grpcurl","title":"Install gRPCurl","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#install-go","title":"Install GO","text":"$ go version\ngo version go1.16.4 linux/amd64\n
go env | grep 'GOROOT\\|GOPATH'\n
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go\nexport GOPATH=$HOME/go\nexport PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#get-gnoi-repository","title":"Get gNOI repository","text":"mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/openconfig\ngit clone https://github.com/openconfig/gnoi.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/openconfig/gnoi\n
$ ls $GOPATH/src/github.com/openconfig\ngnoi\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#install-grpcurl_1","title":"Install gRPCurl","text":"go get github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl\n
ls $GOPATH/pkg/mod/github.com/fullstorydev/\ngrpcurl@v1.8.1\n
go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl@latest\n
ls $GOPATH/bin/\ngrpcurl\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#device-config","title":"Device config","text":"interface Management1\n description oob_management\n vrf MGMT\n ip address\n\nusername arista secret 0 arista\n\nmanagement api gnmi\n transport grpc def\n vrf MGMT\n
DC1-L2LEAF2A#show management api gnmi\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in MGMT VRF\nSSL Profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nDC1-L2LEAF2A#\n
Before to use gNOI ping and traceroute, let's run these commands locally:
$ ssh arista@\nPassword:\nLast login: Thu Jun 3 12:06:25 2021 from\nDC1-L2LEAF2A>en\nDC1-L2LEAF2A#bash\n\nArista Networks EOS shell\n\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$ ping -c 2\nPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.\n64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=24.6 ms\n64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=18.8 ms\n\n--- ping statistics ---\n2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms\nrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18.861/21.738/24.616/2.881 ms\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$ traceroute -A\ntraceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets\n 1 ( [!!] 26.636 ms 29.420 ms 32.113 ms\n 2 ( [!!] 52.764 ms 53.881 ms 63.213 ms\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$\n[arista@DC1-L2LEAF2A ~]$ exit\nlogout\nDC1-L2LEAF2A#exit\nConnection to closed.\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#use-grpcurl","title":"Use gRPCurl","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#describe-from-a-proto-file","title":"Describe from a proto file","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#describe-cancelreboot-method","title":"Describe CancelReboot method","text":"grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${GOPATH}/src --proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \\\ndescribe gnoi.system.System.CancelReboot\n
gnoi.system.System.CancelReboot is a method:\n// CancelReboot cancels any pending reboot request.\nrpc CancelReboot ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootResponse );\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#describe-system-service","title":"Describe System service","text":"$ grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${GOPATH}/src --proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \\\ndescribe gnoi.system.System\n
gnoi.system.System is a service:\n// The gNOI service is a collection of operational RPC's that allow for the\n// management of a target outside of the configuration and telemetry pipeline.\nservice System {\n// CancelReboot cancels any pending reboot request.\n rpc CancelReboot ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.CancelRebootResponse );\n// Ping executes the ping command on the target and streams back\n // the results. Some targets may not stream any results until all\n // results are in. If a packet count is not explicitly provided,\n // 5 is used.\n rpc Ping ( .gnoi.system.PingRequest ) returns ( stream .gnoi.system.PingResponse );\n// Reboot causes the target to reboot, possibly at some point in the future.\n // If the method of reboot is not supported then the Reboot RPC will fail.\n // If the reboot is immediate the command will block until the subcomponents\n // have restarted.\n // If a reboot on the active control processor is pending the service must\n // reject all other reboot requests.\n // If a reboot request for active control processor is initiated with other\n // pending reboot requests it must be rejected.\n rpc Reboot ( .gnoi.system.RebootRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.RebootResponse );\n// RebootStatus returns the status of reboot for the target.\n rpc RebootStatus ( .gnoi.system.RebootStatusRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.RebootStatusResponse );\n// SetPackage places a software package (possibly including bootable images)\n// on the target. The file is sent in sequential messages, each message\n // up to 64KB of data. A final message must be sent that includes the hash\n// of the data sent. An error is returned if the location does not exist or\n // there is an error writing the data. If no checksum is received, the target\n // must assume the operation is incomplete and remove the partially\n // transmitted file. The target should initially write the file to a temporary\n // location so a failure does not destroy the original file.\n rpc SetPackage ( stream .gnoi.system.SetPackageRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.SetPackageResponse );\n// SwitchControlProcessor will switch from the current route processor to the\n // provided route processor. If the current route processor is the same as the\n // one provided it is a NOOP. If the target does not exist an error is\n // returned.\n rpc SwitchControlProcessor ( .gnoi.system.SwitchControlProcessorRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.SwitchControlProcessorResponse );\n// Time returns the current time on the target. Time is typically used to\n // test if a target is actually responding.\n rpc Time ( .gnoi.system.TimeRequest ) returns ( .gnoi.system.TimeResponse );\n// Traceroute executes the traceroute command on the target and streams back\n // the results. Some targets may not stream any results until all\n // results are in. If a hop count is not explicitly provided,\n // 30 is used.\n rpc Traceroute ( .gnoi.system.TracerouteRequest ) returns ( stream .gnoi.system.TracerouteResponse );\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#list","title":"List","text":""},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#list-from-a-proto-file","title":"List from a proto file","text":"Example 1)
grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${GOPATH}/src \\\n--proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto list\n
Example 2)
grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${GOPATH}/src \\\n--proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \\\nlist gnoi.system.System\n
Example 3)
grpcurl --plaintext --import-path ${GOPATH}/src \\\n--proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/os/os.proto list gnoi.os.OS\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#list-from-a-grpc-server-eos-device","title":"List from a gRPC server (EOS device)","text":"$ grpcurl --plaintext list\ngnmi.gNMI\ngnoi.certificate.CertificateManagement\ngnoi.system.System\ngrpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection\n
"},{"location":"examples/gnoi/grpcurl/#execute-gnoi-rpc-with-eos","title":"Execute gNOI RPC with EOS","text":"grpcurl -H 'username: arista' -H 'password: arista' \\\n-d '{\"destination\": \"\", \"count\": 2, \"do_not_resolve\":true}' \\\n-import-path ${GOPATH}/src -proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \\\n-plaintext gnoi.system.System/Ping\n
{\n\"source\": \"\",\n \"time\": \"29800000\",\n \"bytes\": 64,\n \"sequence\": 1,\n \"ttl\": 63\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n \"time\": \"25200000\",\n \"bytes\": 64,\n \"sequence\": 2,\n \"ttl\": 63\n}\n{\n\"source\": \"\",\n \"time\": \"1001000000\",\n \"sent\": 2,\n \"received\": 2,\n \"minTime\": \"25210000\",\n \"avgTime\": \"27510000\",\n \"maxTime\": \"29810000\",\n \"stdDev\": \"2300000\"\n}\n
grpcurl -H 'username: arista' -H 'password: arista' \\\n-d '{\"destination\": \"\", \"max_ttl\": 50, \"do_not_resolve\":true}' \\\n-import-path ${GOPATH}/src -proto github.com/openconfig/gnoi/system/system.proto \\\n-plaintext gnoi.system.System/Traceroute\n
{\n\"destinationName\": \"\",\n \"destinationAddress\": \"\",\n \"hops\": 50,\n \"packetSize\": 60\n}\n{\n\"hop\": 1,\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"rtt\": \"16589000\"\n}\n{\n\"hop\": 1,\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"rtt\": \"17886000\"\n}\n{\n\"hop\": 1,\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"rtt\": \"23219000\"\n}\n{\n\"hop\": 2,\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"rtt\": \"46537000\"\n}\n{\n\"hop\": 2,\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"rtt\": \"47873000\"\n}\n{\n\"hop\": 2,\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"rtt\": \"55376000\"\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/golang/","title":"golang","text":""},{"location":"examples/golang/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"The following example uses the goarista go module for gNMI to interact with a device. Within this very simplistic getting started example main.go will simply perform a get method to the device for all paths.
package main\nimport (\n\"context\"\n\"fmt\"\n\"github.com/aristanetworks/glog\"\n\"github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmi\"\npb \"github.com/openconfig/gnmi/proto/gnmi\"\n)\nvar cfg = &gnmi.Config{\nAddr: \"\",\nUsername: \"ansible\",\nPassword: \"ansible\",\n}\nfunc main() {\npaths := []string{\"/\"}\nvar origin = \"openconfig\"\n//var origin = \"eos_native\"\nctx := gnmi.NewContext(context.Background(), cfg)\nclient, err := gnmi.Dial(cfg)\nif err != nil {\nglog.Fatal(err)\n}\nreq, err := gnmi.NewGetRequest(gnmi.SplitPaths(paths), origin)\nif err != nil {\nglog.Fatal(err)\n}\nif cfg.Addr != \"\" {\nif req.Prefix == nil {\nreq.Prefix = &pb.Path{}\n}\nreq.Prefix.Target = cfg.Addr\n}\nerr = gnmi.GetWithRequest(ctx, client, req)\nif err != nil {\nglog.Fatal(err)\n}\nfmt.Println(err)\n}\n
Copy the above code into a file and run via the following command.
go run main.go\n
"},{"location":"examples/golang/#truncated-output","title":"Truncated output","text":"{\n\"openconfig-acl:acl\": {\n\"state\": {\n\"counter-capability\": \"AGGREGATE_ONLY\"\n}\n},\n\"arista-exp-eos:arista\": {\n\"eos\": {\n\"arista-exp-eos-igmpsnooping:bridging\": {\n\"igmpsnooping\": {\n\"config\": {}\n}\n},\n\"arista-exp-eos-mlag:mlag\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"dual-primary-action\": \"action-none\",\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/","title":"About NETCONF","text":""},{"location":"examples/netconf/#about-netconf","title":"About NETCONF","text":"NETCONF is a protocol defined in the RFC 6241
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/","title":"ncclient examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#install-ncclient","title":"Install ncclient","text":"pip install ncclient\n
pip3 freeze | grep ncclient\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#requirements-on-the-eos-device","title":"Requirements on the EOS device","text":"switch1#show running-config section netconf\nmanagement api netconf\n transport ssh test\nvrf MGMT\n
switch1#sh management api netconf\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 830, in MGMT VRF\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#ncclient-demo","title":"ncclient demo","text":""},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#interactive-python-session","title":"interactive python session","text":">>> from ncclient import manager\n>>> eos=manager.connect(host=\"\", port=\"830\", timeout=30, username=\"arista\", password=\"arista\", hostkey_verify=False)\n>>>\n>>> eos.connected\nTrue\n>>> eos.timeout\n30\n>>> eos.session_id\n'1292406600'\n>>>\n>>> assert(\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-monitoring\" in eos.server_capabilities), \"NetConf server not compliant with https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6022\"\n>>>\n>>> conf = '''\n... <config>\n... <system xmlns=\"http://openconfig.net/yang/system\">\n... <config>\n... <domain-name>abc.xyz</domain-name>\n... </config>\n... </system>\n... </config>\n... '''\n>>>\n>>> eos.edit_config(target = \"running\", config = conf, default_operation=\"merge\")\n<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"urn:uuid:33ca18d3-43b5-4277-a6ce-9a751f74cada\"><ok></ok></rpc-reply>\n>>>\n>>> domain_name='''\n... <system xmlns=\"http://openconfig.net/yang/system\">\n... <config>\n... <domain-name>\n... </domain-name>\n... </config>\n... </system>\n... '''\n>>>\n>>> domain_name_conf = eos.get_config(source=\"running\", filter=(\"subtree\", domain_name))\n>>> print (domain_name_conf)\n<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"urn:uuid:a43cfae5-3215-4f99-97ce-ff61ca1e285c\"><data time-modified=\"2021-07-11T12:29:49.133333939Z\"><system xmlns=\"http://openconfig.net/yang/system\"><config><domain-name>abc.xyz</domain-name></config></system></data></rpc-reply>\n>>>\n>>> eos.close_session()\n<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"urn:uuid:1841896a-9c97-467d-aef8-9a405b51d298\"><ok></ok></rpc-reply>\n>>>\n>>> eos.connected\nFalse\n>>>\n>>> exit()\n
>>> from lxml import etree\n>>>\n>>> system_e = etree.Element(\"system\")\n>>> dns_e = etree.SubElement(system_e, \"dns\")\n>>> servers_e = etree.SubElement(dns_e, \"servers\")\n>>> server_e = etree.SubElement(servers_e, \"server\")\n>>> address_e = etree.SubElement(server_e, \"address\")\n>>> config_e = etree.SubElement(server_e, \"config\")\n>>> address_e.text = \"\"\n>>>\n>>> address_e.text\n''\n>>>\n>>> etree.tostring(system_e)\nb'<system><dns><servers><server><address></address><config/></server></servers></dns></system>'\n>>>\n>>> etree.tostring(system_e, pretty_print = True)\nb'<system>\\n <dns>\\n <servers>\\n <server>\\n <address></address>\\n <config/>\\n </server>\\n </servers>\\n </dns>\\n</system>\\n'\n>>>\n>>> etree.dump(system_e)\n<system>\n<dns>\n<servers>\n<server>\n<address></address>\n<config/>\n</server>\n</servers>\n</dns>\n</system>\n>>>\n>>> from ncclient import manager\n>>> eos=manager.connect(host=\"\", port=\"830\", timeout=30, username=\"arista\", password=\"arista\", hostkey_verify=False)\n>>> eos.connected\nTrue\n>>>\n>>> print(eos.get_config(source=\"running\", filter=(\"subtree\", system_e)))\n<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"urn:uuid:ab16e734-04df-4d4f-8efe-27963ece586c\"><data time-modified=\"2021-07-11T12:29:49.138275819Z\"><system xmlns=\"http://openconfig.net/yang/system\"><dns><servers><server><address></address><config><address></address></config></server></servers></dns></system></data></rpc-reply>\n>>>\n>>> eos.close_session()\n<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"urn:uuid:2eed88ee-106b-44d1-b196-f79611512b25\"><ok></ok></rpc-reply>\n>>>\n>>> exit()\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#other-demos","title":"Other demos","text":"There are many python scripts using ncclient in this directory.
To execute one of these scripts, run as example this command:
python3 print_server_capabilities.py\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#capabilities","title":"Capabilities","text":" print_client_capabilities.py prints the NETCONF client capabilities. print_server_capabilities.py prints the NETCONF server capabilities. "},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#get-operation","title":"get operation","text":" get.py uses the get
operation to retrieve the configuration and state data. It uses a filter to specify the portion of the configuration and state data to retrieve. "},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#get-config-operation","title":"get-config operation","text":" get_config.py uses the get-config
operation with a filter to retrieve part of the configuration. "},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#edit-config-operation","title":"edit-config operation","text":" edit_config_merge.py uses the edit-config
operation with the merge
operation (which is the default operation for edit-config
) edit_config_replace.py uses the edit-config
operation with the replace
operation edit_config_delete.py uses the edit-config
operation with the delete
operation EOS_commands_with_NETCONF.py configures a device using the edit-config
operation and EOS data model candidate_configuration_commit.py uses the edit-config
operation with the candidate
configuration datastore. It uses a lock
operation and commit
operation. candidate_configuration_discard_changes.py. uses the edit-config
operation with the candidate
configuration datastore. It uses a lock
operation and discard_change
operation to revert the candidate configuration to the current running configuration (insteaf of commiting the candidate configuration). #### XML output parsing
parse_xml_output.py uses the get
operation to retrieve data from the device and then parse this data.
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/ncclient/#rpc","title":"RPC","text":" rpc.py sends RPCs to configure EOS devices. "},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/","title":"NETCONF over SSH","text":""},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#requirements-on-the-eos-device","title":"Requirements on the EOS device","text":"switch1#show running-config section netconf\nmanagement api netconf\n transport ssh test\nvrf MGMT\n
switch1#sh management api netconf\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 830, in MGMT VRF\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#about-netconf-over-ssh","title":"About NETCONF over SSH","text":" NETCONF over SSH is discussed in the RFC 6242 In order to open a NETCONF session inside an SSH connection, there are two options:
we can invoke the NETCONF subsystem using the following SSH command ssh username@device -s netconf
we can establish an SSH connection to an EOS device (NETCONF server), and then run the EOS command "},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#netconf-over-ssh-demo","title":"NETCONF over SSH demo","text":""},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#start-a-netconf-over-ssh-session","title":"Start a NETCONF over SSH session","text":"s70515#netconf start-client\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#advertise-the-client-capabilities","title":"Advertise the client capabilities","text":"Once the NETCONF session is open, the NETCONF server (EOS device) advertises its capabilities.
You must advertise the client capabilities. Example:
<hello xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">\n<capabilities>\n<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0</capability>\n<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:candidate:1.0</capability>\n<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:confimed-commit:1.0</capability>\n<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:writable-running:1.0</capability>\n<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:validate:1.0</capability>\n</capabilities>\n</hello>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#get-all-configuration-and-state-data","title":"Get all configuration and state data","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"1\">\n<get>\n</get>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#get-the-operational-status-of-an-interface","title":"Get the operational status of an Interface","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"2\">\n<get>\n<filter type=\"subtree\">\n<interfaces>\n<interface>\n<name>Ethernet3</name>\n<state>\n<oper-status>\n</oper-status>\n</state>\n</interface>\n</interfaces>\n</filter>\n</get>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#get-the-whole-running-configuration","title":"Get the whole running configuration","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"3\">\n<get-config>\n<source>\n<running/>\n</source>\n</get-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#get-the-running-configuration-of-an-interface","title":"Get the running configuration of an interface","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"4\">\n<get-config>\n<source>\n<running/>\n</source>\n<filter>\n<interfaces>\n<interface>\n<name>Ethernet3</name>\n</interface>\n</interfaces>\n</filter>\n</get-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#get-the-interface-description-from-the-running-configuration","title":"Get the interface description from the running configuration","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"5\">\n<get-config>\n<source>\n<running/>\n</source>\n<filter>\n<interfaces>\n<interface>\n<name>Ethernet3</name>\n<config>\n<description>\n</description>\n</config>\n</interface>\n</interfaces>\n</filter>\n</get-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#lock-the-running-configuration","title":"Lock the running configuration","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"6\">\n<lock>\n<target>\n<running/>\n</target>\n</lock>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#edit-the-running-configuration-using-eos-native-data-model","title":"Edit the running configuration using EOS native data model","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"7\">\n<edit-config>\n<target>\n<running/>\n</target>\n<default-operation>merge</default-operation>\n<commands>\n<command>vlan 198</command>\n<command>name test198</command>\n<command>interface ethernet6</command>\n<command>description test</command>\n<command>switchport access vlan 98</command>\n</commands>\n</edit-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#edit-the-running-configuration-using-openconfig-data-model","title":"Edit the running configuration using OpenConfig data model","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"8\">\n<edit-config>\n<target>\n<running/>\n</target>\n<default-operation>merge</default-operation>\n<config>\n<interfaces>\n<interface>\n<name>Ethernet4</name>\n<config>\n<description>This is the best interface</description>\n</config>\n</interface>\n</interfaces>\n</config>\n</edit-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#edit-the-running-configuration-to-delete-an-existing-existing-data","title":"Edit the running configuration to delete an existing existing data","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"9\">\n<edit-config>\n<target>\n<running/>\n</target>\n<default-operation>none</default-operation>\n<config>\n<system xmlns=\"http://arista.com/yang/openconfig/system/\">\n<dns>\n<servers>\n<server>\n<address operation=\"delete\"></address>\n</server>\n</servers>\n</dns>\n</system>\n</config>\n</edit-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#unlock-the-running-configuration","title":"Unlock the running configuration","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"10\">\n<unlock>\n<target>\n<running/>\n</target>\n</unlock>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#save-running-configuration-on-the-flash","title":"Save running configuration on the flash","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"11\">\n<copy-config>\n<target>\n<url>\nflash:/test.cfg\n </url>\n</target>\n<source>\n<running/>\n</source>\n</copy-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#copy-the-running-configuration-datastore-to-the-startup-configuration-datastore","title":"Copy the running configuration datastore to the startup configuration datastore","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"12\">\n<copy-config>\n<target>\n<startup/>\n</target>\n<source>\n<running/>\n</source>\n</copy-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#lock-the-candidate-configuration","title":"Lock the candidate configuration","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"13\">\n<lock>\n<target>\n<candidate/>\n</target>\n</lock>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#edit-the-candidate-configuration-edit-interface-description","title":"Edit the candidate configuration - edit interface description","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"14\">\n<edit-config>\n<target>\n<candidate/>\n</target>\n<default-operation>merge</default-operation>\n<config>\n<interfaces>\n<interface>\n<name>Ethernet5/1</name>\n<config>\n<description>This is the best interface</description>\n</config>\n</interface>\n</interfaces>\n</config>\n</edit-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#commit-the-configuration-change-from-the-candidate-to-the-running-configuration","title":"Commit the configuration change (from the candidate to the running configuration)","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"15\">\n<commit/>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#unlock-the-candidate-configuration","title":"Unlock the candidate configuration","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"20\">\n<unlock>\n<target>\n<candidate/>\n</target>\n</unlock>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#edit-the-candidate-configuration-set-hostname","title":"Edit the candidate configuration - set hostname","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"21\">\n<edit-config>\n<target>\n<candidate/>\n</target>\n<default-operation>merge</default-operation>\n<config>\n<system>\n<config>\n<hostname>test</hostname>\n</config>\n</system>\n</config>\n</edit-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#get-part-of-the-candidate-configuration","title":"Get part of the candidate configuration","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"5\">\n<get-config>\n<source>\n<candidate/>\n</source>\n<filter>\n<system>\n<config>\n<hostname></hostname>\n</config>\n</system>\n</filter>\n</get-config>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#revert-the-candidate-configuration-to-the-current-running-configuration","title":"Revert the candidate configuration to the current running configuration","text":"If you decide to not commit the candidate configuration, you can revert the candidate configuration to the current running configuration
<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"90\">\n<discard-changes/>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/netconf/netconf_over_ssh/#close-the-session","title":"Close the session","text":"<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"100\">\n<close-session>\n</close-session>\n</rpc>\n]]>]]>\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/","title":"pyang examples","text":""},{"location":"examples/pyang/#about-pyang","title":"About Pyang","text":"pyang is a python program.
We can use it to:
Validate YANG modules against YANG RFCs Convert YANG modules into equivalent YIN module (XML) Generate a tree representation of YANG models for quick visualization "},{"location":"examples/pyang/#install-pyang","title":"Install Pyang","text":"pip install pyang\npip3 freeze | grep pyang\n
pip3 freeze | grep pyang\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#get-yang-modules","title":"Get YANG modules","text":"We need YANG modules so we can use Pyang.
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#create-a-directory","title":"Create a directory","text":"mkdir yang_modules\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#clone-the-openconfig-repository","title":"Clone the OpenConfig repository","text":"git clone https://github.com/openconfig/public.git\n
ls public\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#copy-all-the-yang-files-from-openconfig-to-the-yang_modules-directory","title":"Copy all the YANG files from OpenConfig to the yang_modules directory","text":"cp public/release/models/*.yang yang_modules/.\ncp -R public/release/models/*/*.yang yang_modules/.\ncp public/third_party/ietf/*.yang yang_modules/.\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#move-to-the-yang_modules-directory","title":"Move to the yang_modules directory","text":"It has all the YANG files published on the OpenConfig repository
cd yang_modules/\nls\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#validate-yang-modules","title":"Validate YANG modules","text":"pyang openconfig-bgp.yang\npyang openconfig-interfaces.yang\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#convert-a-yang-module-into-an-equivalent-yin-module","title":"Convert a YANG module into an equivalent YIN module","text":"A YANG module can be translated into an XML syntax called YIN. The translated module is called a YIN module. The YANG and YIN formats contain equivalent information using different notations: YIN is YANG in XML. A YANG module can be translated into YIN syntax without losing any information.
Example (openconfig-bgp.yin is the YIN equivalent of openconfig-bgp.yang)
pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f yin -o openconfig-bgp.yin\nls *.yin\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyang/#generate-a-tree-representation-of-yang-modules-for-quick-visualization","title":"Generate a tree representation of YANG modules for quick visualization","text":"pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang -f tree\n
Reveal output
module: openconfig-interfaces\n +--rw interfaces\n +--rw interface* [name]\n+--rw name -> ../config/name\n +--rw config\n | +--rw name? string\n | +--rw type identityref\n | +--rw mtu? uint16\n | +--rw loopback-mode? boolean\n | +--rw description? string\n | +--rw enabled? boolean\n +--ro state\n | +--ro name? string\n | +--ro type identityref\n | +--ro mtu? uint16\n | +--ro loopback-mode? boolean\n | +--ro description? string\n | +--ro enabled? boolean\n | +--ro ifindex? uint32\n | +--ro admin-status enumeration\n | +--ro oper-status enumeration\n | +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64\n | +--ro logical? boolean\n | +--ro management? boolean\n | +--ro cpu? boolean\n | +--ro counters\n | +--ro in-octets? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-discards? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-unknown-protos? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro in-fcs-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro out-octets? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro out-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro out-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro out-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro out-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro out-discards? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro out-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro carrier-transitions? oc-yang:counter64\n | +--ro last-clear? oc-types:timeticks64\n +--rw hold-time\n | +--rw config\n | | +--rw up? uint32\n | | +--rw down? uint32\n | +--ro state\n | +--ro up? uint32\n | +--ro down? uint32\n +--rw subinterfaces\n +--rw subinterface* [index]\n+--rw index -> ../config/index\n +--rw config\n | +--rw index? uint32\n | +--rw description? string\n | +--rw enabled? boolean\n +--ro state\n +--ro index? uint32\n +--ro description? string\n +--ro enabled? boolean\n +--ro name? string\n +--ro ifindex? uint32\n +--ro admin-status enumeration\n +--ro oper-status enumeration\n +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64\n +--ro logical? boolean\n +--ro management? boolean\n +--ro cpu? boolean\n +--ro counters\n +--ro in-octets? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-discards? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-unknown-protos? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-fcs-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-octets? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-discards? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro carrier-transitions? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro last-clear? oc-types:timeticks64\n
pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang -f tree --tree-path=/interfaces/interface/state\n
Reveal output
module: openconfig-interfaces\n +--rw interfaces\n +--rw interface* [name]\n+--ro state\n +--ro name? string\n +--ro type identityref\n +--ro mtu? uint16\n +--ro loopback-mode? boolean\n +--ro description? string\n +--ro enabled? boolean\n +--ro ifindex? uint32\n +--ro admin-status enumeration\n +--ro oper-status enumeration\n +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64\n +--ro logical? boolean\n +--ro management? boolean\n +--ro cpu? boolean\n +--ro counters\n +--ro in-octets? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-discards? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-unknown-protos? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro in-fcs-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-octets? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-unicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-broadcast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-multicast-pkts? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-discards? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro out-errors? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro carrier-transitions? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro last-clear? oc-types:timeticks64\n
pyang openconfig-interfaces.yang -f tree --tree-depth=4\n
Reveal output
module: openconfig-interfaces\n +--rw interfaces\n +--rw interface* [name]\n+--rw name -> ../config/name\n +--rw config\n | +--rw name? string\n | +--rw type identityref\n | +--rw mtu? uint16\n | +--rw loopback-mode? boolean\n | +--rw description? string\n | +--rw enabled? boolean\n +--ro state\n | +--ro name? string\n | +--ro type identityref\n | +--ro mtu? uint16\n | +--ro loopback-mode? boolean\n | +--ro description? string\n | +--ro enabled? boolean\n | +--ro ifindex? uint32\n | +--ro admin-status enumeration\n | +--ro oper-status enumeration\n | +--ro last-change? oc-types:timeticks64\n | +--ro logical? boolean\n | +--ro management? boolean\n | +--ro cpu? boolean\n | +--ro counters\n | ...\n +--rw hold-time\n | +--rw config\n | | ...\n | +--ro state\n | ...\n +--rw subinterfaces\n +--rw subinterface* [index]\n...\n
pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path=/bgp/neighbors --tree-depth=4\n
Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp\n +--rw bgp\n +--rw neighbors\n +--rw neighbor* [neighbor-address]\n+--rw neighbor-address -> ../config/neighbor-address\n +--rw config\n | ...\n +--ro state\n | ...\n +--rw timers\n | ...\n +--rw transport\n | ...\n +--rw error-handling\n | ...\n +--rw graceful-restart\n | ...\n +--rw logging-options\n | ...\n +--rw ebgp-multihop\n | ...\n +--rw route-reflector\n | ...\n +--rw as-path-options\n | ...\n +--rw use-multiple-paths\n | ...\n +--rw apply-policy\n | ...\n +--rw afi-safis\n | ...\n +--rw enable-bfd\n
pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path=/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/config\n
Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp\n +--rw bgp\n +--rw neighbors\n +--rw neighbor* [neighbor-address]\n+--rw config\n +--rw peer-group? -> ../../../../peer-groups/peer-group/peer-group-name\n +--rw neighbor-address? oc-inet:ip-address\n +--rw enabled? boolean\n +--rw peer-as? oc-inet:as-number\n +--rw local-as? oc-inet:as-number\n +--rw peer-type? oc-bgp-types:peer-type\n +--rw auth-password? oc-types:routing-password\n +--rw remove-private-as? oc-bgp-types:remove-private-as-option\n +--rw route-flap-damping? boolean\n +--rw send-community? oc-bgp-types:community-type\n +--rw description? string\n
pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path=/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/state \\\n--tree-depth=5\n
Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp\n +--rw bgp\n +--rw neighbors\n +--rw neighbor* [neighbor-address]\n+--ro state\n +--ro peer-group? -> ../../../../peer-groups/peer-group/peer-group-name\n +--ro neighbor-address? oc-inet:ip-address\n +--ro enabled? boolean\n +--ro peer-as? oc-inet:as-number\n +--ro local-as? oc-inet:as-number\n +--ro peer-type? oc-bgp-types:peer-type\n +--ro auth-password? oc-types:routing-password\n +--ro remove-private-as? oc-bgp-types:remove-private-as-option\n +--ro route-flap-damping? boolean\n +--ro send-community? oc-bgp-types:community-type\n +--ro description? string\n +--ro session-state? enumeration\n +--ro last-established? oc-types:timeticks64\n +--ro established-transitions? oc-yang:counter64\n +--ro supported-capabilities* identityref\n +--ro messages\n | ...\n +--ro queues\n | ...\n +--ro dynamically-configured? boolean\n
pyang openconfig-bgp.yang -f tree --tree-path=/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis \\\n--tree-depth=6\n
Reveal output
module: openconfig-bgp\n +--rw bgp\n +--rw neighbors\n +--rw neighbor* [neighbor-address]\n+--rw afi-safis\n +--rw afi-safi* [afi-safi-name]\n+--rw afi-safi-name -> ../config/afi-safi-name\n +--rw config\n | ...\n +--ro state\n | ...\n +--rw graceful-restart\n | ...\n +--rw add-paths\n | ...\n +--rw apply-policy\n | ...\n +--rw ipv4-unicast\n | ...\n +--rw ipv6-unicast\n | ...\n +--rw ipv4-labeled-unicast\n | ...\n +--rw ipv6-labeled-unicast\n | ...\n +--rw l3vpn-ipv4-unicast\n | ...\n +--rw l3vpn-ipv6-unicast\n | ...\n +--rw l3vpn-ipv4-multicast\n | ...\n +--rw l3vpn-ipv6-multicast\n | ...\n +--rw l2vpn-vpls\n | ...\n +--rw l2vpn-evpn\n | ...\n +--rw srte-policy-ipv4\n | ...\n +--rw srte-policy-ipv6\n | ...\n +--rw use-multiple-paths\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/","title":"Pyangbind","text":"PyangBind is a pyang plugin.
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#about-pyang","title":"About Pyang","text":"Please visit this link if you need help about Pyang.
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#about-pyangbind","title":"About PyangBind","text":"It generates Python classes from a YANG module.
It converts YANG module into a Python module. This Python module can be then used to generate data which conforms with the data model defined in YANG.
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#install-pyang-and-pyangbind","title":"Install Pyang and Pyangbind","text":"pip install pyang\npip install pyangbind\n
pip3 freeze | grep pyang\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#get-yang-modules","title":"Get YANG modules","text":"We need YANG modules so we can use Pyang and Pyangbind.
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#create-a-directory","title":"Create a directory","text":"mkdir yang_modules\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#clone-the-openconfig-repository","title":"Clone the OpenConfig repository","text":"git clone https://github.com/openconfig/public.git\n
Run this command to verify
ls public\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#copy-all-the-yang-files-from-openconfig-to-the-yang_modules-directory","title":"Copy all the YANG files from OpenConfig to the yang_modules directory","text":"cp public/release/models/*.yang yang_modules/.\ncp -R public/release/models/*/*.yang yang_modules/.\ncp public/third_party/ietf/*.yang yang_modules/.\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#move-to-the-yang_modules-directory","title":"Move to the yang_modules directory","text":"cd yang_modules/\n
Verify it has all the YANG files published on the OpenConfig repository
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#use-pyangbind-to-generate-a-python-module-from-a-yang-module","title":"Use Pyangbind to generate a Python module from a YANG module","text":"pyang --plugindir $HOME/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyangbind/plugin/ -f pybind -o oc_bgp.py openconfig-bgp.yang\n
The above command generated the python module oc_bgp.py
from the openconfig-bgp.yang
file. Run this command to verify:
ls oc_bgp.py\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#use-the-new-python-module-to-generate-an-openconfig-configuration-file","title":"Use the new python module to generate an OpenConfig configuration file","text":"The file pyangbind_demo.py uses the new python module oc_bgp.py
and generates this OpenConfig configuration file demo.json
python3 pyangbind_demo.py\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#use-gnmi-set-rpc-to-configure-a-device","title":"Use gNMI SET RPC to configure a device","text":"This OpenConfig configuration file demo.json can be loaded on a switch using the gNMI Set RPC
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#install-gnmic","title":"Install gNMIc","text":"Please visit this link if you need help with gNMIc installation
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#required-device-configuration","title":"Required device configuration","text":"Please visit this link if you need help to configure EOS for gNMI
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#use-gnmic-to-configure-the-swicth","title":"Use gNMIc to configure the swicth","text":""},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#check-the-device-configuration-before","title":"Check the device configuration before","text":"gnmic -a --insecure -u arista -p arista get \\\n--path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp'\n
show run section bgp\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#use-gnmic-to-configure-the-swicth_1","title":"Use gNMIc to configure the swicth","text":"gnmic -a --insecure -u arista -p arista set \\\n--replace-path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp' \\\n--replace-file demo.json\n
"},{"location":"examples/pyangbind/#check-the-device-configuration-after","title":"Check the device configuration after","text":"gnmic -a --insecure -u arista -p arista get \\\n--path '/network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP]/bgp'\n
show run section bgp\n
"},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/","title":"pygnmi","text":""},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"The following example uses the pygnmi python module to talk to gNMI devices.
# Modules\nfrom pygnmi.client import gNMIclient\nimport json\n# Variables\nhost = ('', '6030')\n# Body\nif __name__ == '__main__':\nwith gNMIclient(target=host, username='ansible', password='ansible', insecure=True) as gc:\nresult = gc.get(path=['openconfig:interfaces'])\nprint(json.dumps(result, indent=4))\n
Assuming that the pygnmi
module has been installed, this can be executed via the following command.
python3 gnmi_example.py\n
The following will simply run the gnmi_example.py
file using python3 to get the openconfig interfaces.
Truncated output
{\n\"notification\": [\n{\n\"timestamp\": 0,\n\"update\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"interfaces\",\n\"json_ietf_val\": {\n\"openconfig-interfaces:interface\": [\n{\n\"config\": {\n\"enabled\": true,\n\"arista-intf-augments:load-interval\": 300,\n\"loopback-mode\": false,\n\"mtu\": 0,\n\"name\": \"Ethernet1\",\n\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\",\n\"type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\"\n},\n
"},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#gnmi-capabilities-rpc","title":"gNMI Capabilities RPC","text":"The file capabilities.py uses the pygnmi python module to get the gNMI capabilities.
python3 capabilities.py\n
Reveal output
{'gnmi_version': '0.7.0',\n'supported_encodings': ['json', 'json_ietf', 'ascii'],\n'supported_models': [{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-varp-net-inst',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-acl',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '1.1.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-system-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-system-management',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-isis-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-rib-bgp-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.5.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-platform-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '1.0.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-network-instance',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.13.2'},\n{'name': 'arista-bgp-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-igmpsnooping',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'ietf-netconf',\n'organization': 'IETF NETCONF (Network Configuration) '\n'Working Group',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-policy-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-rib-bgp',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.6.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-local-routing-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-varp-intf',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-interfaces-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-rpc-netconf',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-platform-psu',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-packet-match-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '1.0.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-platform-fan',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-inet-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.3.3'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-igmp',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-aaa-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.4.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-lldp',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-relay-agent-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-intf-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-qos-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'ietf-yang-types',\n'organization': 'IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling '\n'Language) Working Group',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-openflow',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.2'},\n{'name': 'iana-if-type',\n'organization': 'IANA',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-vxlan-config',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-routing-policy-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-aaa',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.4.3'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-if-ip',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.0.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-srte-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-local-routing-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-lacp-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-bgp-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-multicast',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-interfaces',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '2.4.3'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-extensions',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-system-terminal',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.3.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-bgp-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '5.0.2'},\n{'name': 'arista-netinst-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-system-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-segment-routing',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.0.4'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-platform',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.12.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-pf-srte',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-vlan-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-bfd',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-if-tunnel',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-alarms',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.3.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-if-aggregate',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '2.4.2'},\n{'name': 'arista-acl-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-acl-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-messages-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-network-instance-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.8.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.6.0'},\n{'name': 'ietf-interfaces',\n'organization': 'IETF NETMOD (Network Modeling) Working '\n'Group',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-procmon',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.4.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-qos',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-qos-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-aft',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.4.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-isis-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-packet-match',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '1.1.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-lldp-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-if-ethernet',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '2.7.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-mpls-sr',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.0.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-policy-forwarding',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-intf-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-isis-lsdb-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.4.2'},\n{'name': 'vlan-translation',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-gnoi-cert',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-network-instance-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-bfd-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-vlan-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-hercules-interfaces',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig Hercules Working Group',\n'version': '0.2.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-lacp-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-srte-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-igmp-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-lacp',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '1.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-routing-policy',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.1.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-lacp-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-system-logging',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.3.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-aft-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig Working Group',\n'version': '0.3.3'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-network-instance-l3',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.11.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-bgp-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-rpol-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-eos-types',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-qos-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-openflow-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-mpls-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.1.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-hercules-qos',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig Hercules Working Group',\n'version': '0.1.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-bgp',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '6.0.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-platform-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-system-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-mlag',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-system',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.8.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-isis',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.4.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-lldp-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-vlan',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.2.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-if-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-relay-agent',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-lldp-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-aft-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-vlan-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.1.0'},\n{'name': 'arista-mpls-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-mpls-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-alarm-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-hercules-platform',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig Hercules Working Group',\n'version': '0.2.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-ospfv2',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.2'},\n{'name': 'ietf-netconf-monitoring',\n'organization': 'IETF NETCONF (Network Configuration) '\n'Working Group',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-evpn',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-vxlan',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-platform-port',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.3.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-messages',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.0.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-platform-cpu',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-if-poe',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-pim',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-openflow-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-mpls',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.1.0'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-platform-linecard',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-mpls-ldp',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.0.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-bgp-policy',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '6.0.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-mpls-rsvp',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '3.0.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-qos-config',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-yang-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.1'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-qos',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.2.3'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-local-routing',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '1.0.2'},\n{'name': 'ietf-inet-types',\n'organization': 'IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling '\n'Language) Working Group',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-rpol-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-pim-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-pim-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.1'},\n{'name': 'arista-bfd-notsupported-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-lldp-augments',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'arista-exp-eos-qos-acl-config',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks <http://arista.com/>',\n'version': ''},\n{'name': 'openconfig-isis-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.4.2'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-ospf-policy',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.3'},\n{'name': 'openconfig-ospf-types',\n'organization': 'OpenConfig working group',\n'version': '0.1.3'},\n{'name': 'arista-bfd-deviations',\n'organization': 'Arista Networks, Inc.',\n'version': ''}]}\n
"},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#gnmi-get-rpc","title":"gNMI Get RPC","text":"The file get.py uses the pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI GET RPC
python3 get.py\n
Reveal output
{\n\"notification\": [\n{\n\"timestamp\": 0,\n \"update\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters\",\n \"val\": {\n\"openconfig-interfaces:in-broadcast-pkts\": \"2\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:in-discards\": \"0\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:in-errors\": \"0\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:in-fcs-errors\": \"0\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:in-multicast-pkts\": \"189439\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:in-octets\": \"48284395\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:in-unicast-pkts\": \"416884\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:out-broadcast-pkts\": \"14\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:out-discards\": \"0\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:out-errors\": \"0\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:out-multicast-pkts\": \"217232\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:out-octets\": \"51749355\",\n \"openconfig-interfaces:out-unicast-pkts\": \"416911\"\n}\n}\n]\n},\n {\n\"timestamp\": 0,\n \"update\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state\",\n \"val\": {\n\"openconfig-network-instance:enabled\": true,\n \"openconfig-network-instance:established-transitions\": \"0\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:last-established\": \"1625684802230601216\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:messages\": {\n\"received\": {\n\"UPDATE\": \"0\"\n},\n \"sent\": {\n\"UPDATE\": \"0\"\n}\n},\n \"openconfig-network-instance:neighbor-address\": \"\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:peer-group\": \"EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:send-community\": \"NONE\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:session-state\": \"ACTIVE\"\n}\n},\n {\n\"path\": \"network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state\",\n \"val\": {\n\"openconfig-network-instance:enabled\": true,\n \"openconfig-network-instance:established-transitions\": \"2\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:last-established\": \"1625740129181922304\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:messages\": {\n\"received\": {\n\"UPDATE\": \"2\"\n},\n \"sent\": {\n\"UPDATE\": \"24\"\n}\n},\n \"openconfig-network-instance:neighbor-address\": \"\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:peer-group\": \"EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:send-community\": \"NONE\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:session-state\": \"ACTIVE\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#gnmi-subscribe-rpc","title":"gNMI Subscribe RPC","text":"The file sub.py uses the pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI Subscribe RPC
python3 sub.py\n
Reveal output
{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-broadcast-pkts', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674581749}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-discards', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674597259}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674603747}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-fcs-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768672465216}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-multicast-pkts', 'val': 189439}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674588779}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-octets', 'val': 48284395}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674553338}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-unicast-pkts', 'val': 416884}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674571889}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-broadcast-pkts', 'val': 14}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674624983}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-discards', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674639908}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674645915}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-multicast-pkts', 'val': 217294}], 'timestamp': 1626599894372892660}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-octets', 'val': 51756949}], 'timestamp': 1626599894372858163}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-unicast-pkts', 'val': 416911}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674617475}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/enabled', 'val': True}], 'timestamp': 1626462768440845697}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768468632490}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established', 'val': 1625684802230601216}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469284793}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/received/UPDATE', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421128387}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421184402}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/neighbor-address', 'val': ''}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421876850}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/peer-group', 'val': 'EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768439035722}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/send-community', 'val': 'NONE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768419003214}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/session-state', 'val': 'ACTIVE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469145043}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/enabled', 'val': True}], 'timestamp': 1626462768428252812}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768470394508}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established', 'val': 1625740129181922304}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469974563}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/received/UPDATE', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768424768147}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE', 'val': 24}], 'timestamp': 1626462768424826346}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/neighbor-address', 'val': ''}], 'timestamp': 1626462768425586744}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/peer-group', 'val': 'EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768427044044}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/send-community', 'val': 'NONE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768423035498}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/session-state', 'val': 'ACTIVE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469536321}}\n{'sync_response': True}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-broadcast-pkts', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674581749}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-discards', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674597259}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674603747}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-fcs-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768672465216}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-multicast-pkts', 'val': 189439}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674588779}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-octets', 'val': 48284395}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674553338}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-unicast-pkts', 'val': 416884}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674571889}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-broadcast-pkts', 'val': 14}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674624983}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-discards', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674639908}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674645915}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-multicast-pkts', 'val': 217299}], 'timestamp': 1626599904372340631}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-octets', 'val': 51757564}], 'timestamp': 1626599904372302101}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-unicast-pkts', 'val': 416911}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674617475}}\n{'sync_response': True}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/enabled', 'val': True}], 'timestamp': 1626462768440845697}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768468632490}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established', 'val': 1625684802230601216}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469284793}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/received/UPDATE', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421128387}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421184402}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/neighbor-address', 'val': ''}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421876850}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/peer-group', 'val': 'EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768439035722}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/send-community', 'val': 'NONE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768419003214}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/session-state', 'val': 'ACTIVE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469145043}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/enabled', 'val': True}], 'timestamp': 1626462768428252812}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768470394508}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established', 'val': 1625740129181922304}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469974563}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/received/UPDATE', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768424768147}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE', 'val': 24}], 'timestamp': 1626462768424826346}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/neighbor-address', 'val': ''}], 'timestamp': 1626462768425586744}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/peer-group', 'val': 'EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768427044044}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/send-community', 'val': 'NONE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768423035498}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/session-state', 'val': 'ACTIVE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469536321}}\n{'sync_response': True}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-broadcast-pkts', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674581749}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-discards', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674597259}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674603747}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-fcs-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768672465216}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-multicast-pkts', 'val': 189439}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674588779}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-octets', 'val': 48284395}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674553338}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/in-unicast-pkts', 'val': 416884}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674571889}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-broadcast-pkts', 'val': 14}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674624983}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-discards', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674639908}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-errors', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674645915}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-multicast-pkts', 'val': 217304}], 'timestamp': 1626599914374756337}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-octets', 'val': 51758179}], 'timestamp': 1626599914374727204}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/state/counters/out-unicast-pkts', 'val': 416911}], 'timestamp': 1626462768674617475}}\n{'sync_response': True}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/enabled', 'val': True}], 'timestamp': 1626462768440845697}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768468632490}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established', 'val': 1625684802230601216}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469284793}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/received/UPDATE', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421128387}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE', 'val': 0}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421184402}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/neighbor-address', 'val': ''}], 'timestamp': 1626462768421876850}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/peer-group', 'val': 'EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768439035722}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/send-community', 'val': 'NONE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768419003214}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/session-state', 'val': 'ACTIVE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469145043}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/enabled', 'val': True}], 'timestamp': 1626462768428252812}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/established-transitions', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768470394508}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/last-established', 'val': 1625740129181922304}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469974563}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/received/UPDATE', 'val': 2}], 'timestamp': 1626462768424768147}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/messages/sent/UPDATE', 'val': 24}], 'timestamp': 1626462768424826346}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/neighbor-address', 'val': ''}], 'timestamp': 1626462768425586744}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/peer-group', 'val': 'EVPN-OVERLAY-PEERS'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768427044044}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/send-community', 'val': 'NONE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768423035498}}\n{'update': {'update': [{'path': 'network-instances/network-instance[name=default]/protocols/protocol[name=BGP][identifier=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/state/session-state', 'val': 'ACTIVE'}], 'timestamp': 1626462768469536321}}\n
"},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#gnmi-set-rpc","title":"gNMI Set RPC","text":""},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#update","title":"Update","text":"The file update.py uses the pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI SET RPC (update)
python3 update.py\n
"},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#output","title":"output","text":"GET RPC, interface Ethernet1 config, before the update
{\n\"notification\": [\n{\n\"timestamp\": 0,\n\"update\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config\",\n\"val\": {\n\"arista-intf-augments:load-interval\": 300,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:description\": \"test1234\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:enabled\": true,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode\": false,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:mtu\": 0,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:name\": \"Ethernet1\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\",\n\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n}\n
SET RPC, update, interface Ethernet1
{'response': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]', 'op': 'UPDATE'}]}\nGET RPC, interface Ethernet1 config, after the update\n{\n\"notification\": [\n{\n\"timestamp\": 0,\n\"update\": [\n{\n\"path\": \"interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config\",\n\"val\": {\n\"arista-intf-augments:load-interval\": 300,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:description\": \"Test\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:enabled\": true,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode\": false,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:mtu\": 0,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:name\": \"Ethernet1\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\",\n\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n]\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/pygnmi/#delete","title":"Delete","text":"The file delete.py uses the pygnmi python module and uses the gNMI SET RPC (delete)
python3 delete.py\n
{'response': [{'path': 'interfaces/interface[name=Ethernet1]/config/description', 'op': 'DELETE'}]}\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/","title":"RESTCONF","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/#about-restconf","title":"About RESTCONF","text":"RESTCONF is defined in the RFC 8040
The GET method is sent by the client to retrieve data for a resource. The HEAD method is sent by the client to retrieve just the header fields (which contain the metadata for a resource) that would be returned for the comparable GET method, without the response message-body. It is supported for all resources that support the GET method. The POST method is sent by the client to create a data resource. The PUT method is sent by the client to create or replace the target data resource. The DELETE method is used to delete the target resource. "},{"location":"examples/restconf/#eos-configuration","title":"EOS configuration","text":"Please refer to this link
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/#eos-control-plane-acl","title":"EOS Control plane ACL","text":"The default RESTCONF port on Arista devices is TCP 6020.
We need to change the default control-plane ACL on EOS in order to allow TCP 6020 (or the configured RESTCONF TCP port).
Please refer to this link
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/","title":"RESTCONF with cURL","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#requirement-on-the-restconf-client","title":"Requirement on the RESTCONF client","text":"sudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get -y upgrade\nsudo apt-get install curl jq -y\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#restconf-examples-using-curl","title":"RESTCONF examples using cURL","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#get","title":"GET","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#get-interface-description-for-ethernet1","title":"Get interface description for Ethernet1","text":"curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#get-interface-stats-for-ethernet1-and-output-the-in-octets-using-jq","title":"Get interface stats for Ethernet1 and output the \"in-octets\" using jq","text":"curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \\\n--insecure | jq .'\"openconfig-interfaces:state\".counters.\"in-octets\"'\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#get-interfaces-stats-and-output-the-name-of-the-second-third-index-using-jq","title":"Get interfaces stats and output the name of the second (third index) using jq","text":"curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \\\n--insecure | jq .'\"openconfig-interfaces:interface\"[2].name'\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#get-the-system-information-and-parse-the-hostname-using-jq","title":"Get the system information and parse the hostname using jq","text":"curl -X GET \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \\\n--insecure | jq .'\"openconfig-system:config\".hostname'\n
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current\n Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed\n100 66151 0 66151 0 0 284k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 284k\n\"switch1\"\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#get-pfxrcd-and-pfxacc-stats-from-a-bgp-neighbor","title":"Get PfxRcd and PfxAcc stats from a BGP neighbor","text":" curl -s GET ',BGP/bgp/neighbors/neighbor=' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u cvpadmin:arastra --insecure | jq\n
{\n\"openconfig-network-instance:afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\",\n \"openconfig-network-instance:config\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\"\n},\n \"openconfig-network-instance:state\": {\n\"afi-safi-name\": \"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\",\n \"prefixes\": {\n\"arista-bgp-augments:best-ecmp-paths\": 0,\n \"arista-bgp-augments:best-paths\": 0,\n \"installed\": 7,\n \"received\": 7,\n \"sent\": 7\n}\n}\n}\n
NOTE: The protocol must have multiple keys, i.e.: protocol=BGP,BGP
, in this case, it's the identifier
and the name
of the protocol, if either of these is omitted; on the switch side in the Octa/OpenConfig agent logs an error similar to the following would be generated:
handler.go:95] ERROR mismatch between number of keys in [identifier name] and values present [BGP]
or if are omitted the error message would be: handler.go:95] ERROR failed to find key values after element \"protocol\" in \"network-instances/network-instance=default/protocols/protocol
Tip: pyang can be useful to understand what keys each leaf requires, e.g:
pyang openconfig-network-instance.yang -f tree --tree-depth=4 | tail -n 4\n| ...\n +--rw protocols\n +--rw protocol* [identifier name]\n...\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#head","title":"HEAD","text":"curl --head '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure\n
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: application/yang.data+json\nDate: Sun, 04 Jul 2021 14:20:39 GMT\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#put","title":"PUT","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#interface-configuration-example","title":"Interface configuration example","text":"Let's check before the change
curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure\n
Let's use the file interface.json
more interface.json\n
{\"enabled\":true,\"name\":\"Ethernet4\", \"description\":\"restconf_test\"}\n
curl -X PUT \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista -d @interface.json --insecure\n
Let's verify after the change
curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure\n
curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure | jq .\n
{\n\"openconfig-interfaces:description\": \"restconf_test\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:enabled\": true,\n\"arista-intf-augments:load-interval\": 300,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode\": false,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:mtu\": 0,\n\"openconfig-interfaces:name\": \"Ethernet4\",\n\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\",\n\"openconfig-interfaces:type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\"\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#device-hostname-example","title":"Device hostname example","text":"Let's check before the change
curl -X GET \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure\n
curl -X GET \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \\\n--insecure | jq .'\"openconfig-system:config\".hostname'\n
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current\n Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed\n100 74748 0 74748 0 0 300k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 300k\n\"DC1-LEAF1A\"\n
curl -X PUT \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista \\\n-d '{\"openconfig-system:hostname\":\"test\"}' --insecure\n
Let's verify after the change
curl -X GET \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#post","title":"POST","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#interface-configuration-example_1","title":"Interface configuration example","text":"Let's check before the change
curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \\\n--insecure | jq .'\"openconfig-interfaces:config\"'\n
{\n\"description\": \"\",\n\"enabled\": true,\n\"arista-intf-augments:load-interval\": 300,\n\"loopback-mode\": false,\n\"mtu\": 0,\n\"name\": \"Ethernet4\",\n\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\",\n\"type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\"\n}\n
curl -X POST \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista \\\n-d '{\"openconfig-interfaces:description\":\"restconf_test\"}' --insecure\n
curl -X POST \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u arista:arista \\\n-d '{\"openconfig-interfaces:enabled\":false}' --insecure\n
Let's verify after the change
curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista \\\n--insecure | jq .'\"openconfig-interfaces:config\".description'\n
curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' \\\n-u arista:arista --insecure | jq .'\"openconfig-interfaces:config\"'\n
{\n\"description\": \"restconf_test\",\n\"enabled\": false,\n\"arista-intf-augments:load-interval\": 300,\n\"loopback-mode\": false,\n\"mtu\": 0,\n\"name\": \"Ethernet4\",\n\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\": \"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\",\n\"type\": \"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\"\n}\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/curl/#delete","title":"DELETE","text":"Let's check before the change
curl -s GET '' \\\n--header 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' -u arista:arista --insecure\n
curl -X DELETE \\\n-u arista:arista --insecure\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/python/","title":"RESTCONF with Python","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/python/#requirement-on-the-restconf-client","title":"Requirement on the RESTCONF client","text":"sudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get -y upgrade\npip install requests\n
pip3 freeze | grep requests\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/python/#restconf-examples-with-python","title":"RESTCONF examples with Python","text":""},{"location":"examples/restconf/python/#get","title":"GET","text":"$ python3\nPython 3.6.9 (default, Jan 26 2021, 15:33:00)\n[GCC 8.4.0] on linux\nType \"help\", \"copyright\", \"credits\" or \"license\" for more information.\n>>> import requests\n>>> from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth\n>>> import json\n>>> USER = 'arista'\n>>> PASS = 'arista'\n>>> requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()\n>>> headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/yang-data+json', 'Accept': 'application/yang-data+json'}\n>>> headers = {'Accept': 'application/yang-data+json'}\n>>> api_call = \"\"\n>>> result = requests.get(api_call, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USER, PASS), headers=headers, verify=False)\n>>> result.status_code\n200\n>>> result.ok\nTrue\n>>> result.url\n''\n>>> result.content\nb'{\"openconfig-interfaces:admin-status\":\"UP\",\"openconfig-interfaces:counters\":{\"in-broadcast-pkts\":\"0\",\"in-discards\":\"0\",\"in-errors\":\"0\",\"in-fcs-errors\":\"0\",\"in-multicast-pkts\":\"972\",\"in-octets\":\"116602\",\"in-unicast-pkts\":\"131\",\"out-broadcast-pkts\":\"1\",\"out-discards\":\"0\",\"out-errors\":\"0\",\"out-multicast-pkts\":\"1761\",\"out-octets\":\"199997\",\"out-unicast-pkts\":\"122\"},\"openconfig-interfaces:description\":\"restconf_test\",\"openconfig-interfaces:enabled\":true,\"openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port\":\"Port1\",\"openconfig-interfaces:ifindex\":1,\"arista-intf-augments:inactive\":false,\"openconfig-interfaces:last-change\":\"1624966430515012864\",\"openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode\":false,\"openconfig-interfaces:mtu\":0,\"openconfig-interfaces:name\":\"Ethernet1\",\"openconfig-interfaces:oper-status\":\"UP\",\"openconfig-vlan:tpid\":\"openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100\",\"openconfig-interfaces:type\":\"iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd\"}\\n'\n>>> result.json()\n{'openconfig-interfaces:admin-status': 'UP', 'openconfig-interfaces:counters': {'in-broadcast-pkts': '0', 'in-discards':\n'0', 'in-errors': '0', 'in-fcs-errors': '0', 'in-multicast-pkts': '972', 'in-octets': '116602', 'in-unicast-pkts':\n'131', 'out-broadcast-pkts': '1', 'out-discards': '0', 'out-errors': '0', 'out-multicast-pkts': '1761', 'out-octets':\n'199997', 'out-unicast-pkts': '122'}, 'openconfig-interfaces:description': 'restconf_test',\n'openconfig-interfaces:enabled': True, 'openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port': 'Port1',\n'openconfig-interfaces:ifindex': 1, 'arista-intf-augments:inactive': False, 'openconfig-interfaces:last-change':\n'1624966430515012864', 'openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode': False, 'openconfig-interfaces:mtu': 0,\n'openconfig-interfaces:name': 'Ethernet1', 'openconfig-interfaces:oper-status': 'UP', 'openconfig-vlan:tpid':\n'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100', 'openconfig-interfaces:type': 'iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd'}\n>>> result.json()['openconfig-interfaces:oper-status']\n'UP'\n>>> result.json()['openconfig-interfaces:counters']['out-octets']\n'199997'\n>>> exit()\n
Execute the python script get_eth1_status.py
python3 get_eth1_status.py\n
{'arista-intf-augments:inactive': False,\n'openconfig-interfaces:admin-status': 'UP',\n'openconfig-interfaces:counters': {'in-broadcast-pkts': '0',\n'in-discards': '0',\n'in-errors': '0',\n'in-fcs-errors': '0',\n'in-multicast-pkts': '1762',\n'in-octets': '202553',\n'in-unicast-pkts': '183',\n'out-broadcast-pkts': '1',\n'out-discards': '0',\n'out-errors': '0',\n'out-multicast-pkts': '2552',\n'out-octets': '284793',\n'out-unicast-pkts': '174'},\n'openconfig-interfaces:description': 'restconf_test',\n'openconfig-interfaces:enabled': True,\n'openconfig-interfaces:ifindex': 1,\n'openconfig-interfaces:last-change': '1624966430515012864',\n'openconfig-interfaces:loopback-mode': False,\n'openconfig-interfaces:mtu': 0,\n'openconfig-interfaces:name': 'Ethernet1',\n'openconfig-interfaces:oper-status': 'UP',\n'openconfig-interfaces:type': 'iana-if-type:ethernetCsmacd',\n'openconfig-platform-port:hardware-port': 'Port1',\n'openconfig-vlan:tpid': 'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100'}\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/python/#head","title":"HEAD","text":"Execute the python script head.py
python3 head.py\n
url is\nstatus_code is 200\nheaders are {'Content-Type': 'application/yang.data+json', 'Date': 'Sun, 18 Jul 2021 08:49:52 GMT'}\ncontent is b''\n
"},{"location":"examples/restconf/python/#delete","title":"DELETE","text":"Execute the python script delete_lo100.py
python3 delete_lo100.py\n
output (note the following has been formatted for readability.)
get int lo100\nstatus_code is 200\ncontent is\n{'openconfig-interfaces:config': {'description': '222', 'enabled': True, 'arista-intf-augments:load-interval': 300,\n'loopback-mode': True, 'name': 'Loopback100', 'openconfig-vlan:tpid': 'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100', 'type':\n'iana-if-type:softwareLoopback'}, 'openconfig-interfaces:hold-time': {'config': {'down': 0, 'up': 0}, 'state': {'down':\n0, 'up': 0}}, 'openconfig-interfaces:name': 'Loopback100', 'openconfig-interfaces:state': {'enabled': True,\n'loopback-mode': False, 'openconfig-vlan:tpid': 'openconfig-vlan-types:TPID_0X8100'},\n'openconfig-interfaces:subinterfaces': {'subinterface': [{'config': {'description': '222', 'enabled': True, 'index': 0},\n'index': 0, 'openconfig-if-ip:ipv4': {'config': {'dhcp-client': False, 'enabled': True, 'mtu': 1500}, 'state':\n{'dhcp-client': False, 'enabled': True, 'mtu': 1500}}, 'openconfig-if-ip:ipv6': {'config': {'dhcp-client': False,\n'enabled': False, 'mtu': 1500}, 'state': {'dhcp-client': False, 'enabled': False, 'mtu': 1500}}, 'state': {'enabled':\nTrue, 'index': 0}}]}}\ndeleting int lo100\nstatus_code is 200\n
"},{"location":"examples/ygot/","title":"ygot","text":""},{"location":"examples/ygot/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"ygot is a collection of Go utilities that can generate Go structures based off of YANG modules. In the demo we are going to generate go code based off of the openconfig-system model using ygot.
"},{"location":"examples/ygot/#demo-actions","title":"Demo Actions","text":" Import the necessary YANG files for openconfig-system to create a hostname. The hostname will be printed out and stored within the system.json file. Using the Arista gNMI binary we will configure a device with the ceos1 hostname. "},{"location":"examples/ygot/#clone-this-repo","title":"Clone this repo","text":"git clone https://github.com/aristanetworks/openmgmt && cd openmgmt/src/ygot\n
"},{"location":"examples/ygot/#install-ygot","title":"Install ygot","text":"go get github.com/openconfig/ygot\n
"},{"location":"examples/ygot/#check-to-see-if-all-of-the-current-yang-files-are-accurate","title":"Check to see if all of the current YANG files are accurate","text":"tree -f yang/\n
Reveal output
\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-aaa-radius.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-aaa-tacacs.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-aaa-types.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-aaa.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-alarms.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-alarm-types.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-extensions.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-inet-types.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-license.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-messages.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-platform-types.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-platform.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-procmon.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-system-logging.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-system-management.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-system-terminal.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-system.yang\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-types.yang\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 yang/openconfig-yang-types.yang\n
"},{"location":"examples/ygot/#run-ygot","title":"Run ygot","text":"go run $GOPATH/src/github.com/openconfig/ygot/generator/generator.go \\\n-path=yang -output_file=pkg/oc.go -package_name=oc -generate_fakeroot \\\n-fakeroot_name=device -compress_paths=true yang/openconfig-system.yang\n
"},{"location":"examples/ygot/#check-the-contents-of-pkgocgo","title":"Check the contents of pkg/oc.go","text":"pkg\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 oc.go\n
is the necessary go import / package for openconfig-system. Looking at the Device struct within pkg/oc.go
type Device struct {\nComponent map[string]*Component `path:\"components/component\" module:\"openconfig-platform\"`\nMessages *Messages `path:\"messages\" module:\"openconfig-messages\"`\nSystem *System `path:\"system\" module:\"openconfig-system\"`\n}\n
Looking at the System
struct we can see the Hostname
type System struct {\nHostname *string `path:\"config/hostname\" module:\"openconfig-system\"`\n}\n
We need to fill in the Hostname field and pass it through the EmitJSON function so we can render this model with the correct information which can be found in main.go
"},{"location":"examples/ygot/#run-the-go-code","title":"Run the go code","text":"go run main.go\n
Reveal output
{\n\"openconfig-system:system\": {\n\"config\": {\n\"hostname\": \"ceos1\"\n}\n}\n}\n
The output is also within `config/hostname.json` which is the same as the printed version. "},{"location":"examples/ygot/#change-the-hostname-on-a-device","title":"Change the hostname on a device","text":"gnmi -addr ${DEVICEIP}:6030 -username admin -password admin update '/' config/hostname.json\n
The device should now have the ceos1 hostname.
"},{"location":"models/","title":"Device Models","text":""},{"location":"models/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"What are YANG models and why should I care?
Models are structured representations of network elements and their associated configured and operational state.
YANG (Yet Another Next Generation - RFC6020) is a data modeling language. YANG is used to describe the configured and operational state of network elements. This allows for the consistent and structured representation of device and protocol attributes. The model definition typically includes the low level data types used to represent operational attributes as well as constraints that should be enforced in configuration.
These modeled representations provide a consistent mechanism for device configuration as well as validating the device state through streaming telemetry or other device interrogation methods. These modeled device representations can also be transformed into data structures that can be used by configuration systems to dynamically control device configuration or state.
YANG has been adopted as the official modeling language of the IETF and the OpenConfig group.
"},{"location":"models/#ietf-models","title":"IETF models","text":"The for the past few years the IETF has been providing models for previously standardized technologies as well as protocols and technologies which are under active standardization. These models are commonly used with complementary IETF standardized network management protocols (for example, NETCONF and RESTCONF) and have been selectively incorporated into other modeling initiatives.
"},{"location":"models/#openconfig-models","title":"OpenConfig models","text":"OpenConfig is an operator led group defining models for network devices. Their models have been widely adopted by a number of vendors including Arista and an ecosystem of open source tooling has emerged to utilize these models for telemetry and configuration applications.
In addition to defining device and protocol models the OpenConfig group has defined complementary network management protocols which leverage these models for telemetry (gNMI), configuration (gNMI), operational activities (gNOI) and RIB manipulation (gRIBI). Though it bears noting that OpenConfig models can also be used with NETCONF and RESTCONF protocols as well.
Details regarding the OpenConfig model support within Arista's EOS software can be found online.
"},{"location":"models/#vendor-specific-models","title":"Vendor-Specific Models","text":"While standard models provide a wide range of feature coverage there is commonly a need to model vendor-specific device or feature operation. Examples of this may include device specific behaviors (hardware configuration details) or pre-standard functionality that is deployed in operator networks that needs to be managed using the same tooling.
Vendors may opt to define all new models which are published independently. Alternately, vendors may choose to leverage an existing standardized model and add vendor-specific elements to the standard models these are known as model augments. These augments are commonly published to allow integration into operator tooling.
Arista publishes augments associated with a given EOS release on GitHub.
"},{"location":"models/#references-resources","title":"References / Resources","text":" YANG RFC Repository of OpenConfig YANG models Arista Networks YANG Repository "},{"location":"protocols/","title":"Management Protocols","text":""},{"location":"protocols/#overview","title":"Overview","text":""},{"location":"protocols/#ssh-cli","title":"ssh (CLI)","text":""},{"location":"protocols/#eapi","title":"eAPI","text":""},{"location":"protocols/#grpc","title":"gRPC","text":"gRPC is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that OpenConfig utilizes as a transport. Services built with gRPC are defined in .proto
files. They describe the RPCs supported by the service and the data types exchanged in those RPCs.
The OpenConfig group originally published openconfig.proto, but have since deprecated it in favor of gnmi.proto. The current EOS versions supports gnmi.proto v0.7 and includes support for Get, Subscribe, Set, and Capabilities RPCs.
Note: Support for openconfig.proto was dropped in EOS-4.23.0F+.
A client application is required to communicate with a gRPC service. A sample application can be found on the Arista GitHub account: gnmi. gnmi
is a simple command-line client for gNMI written in Go that can be used for testing and prototyping.
Another popular gnmi client is gnmic.
"},{"location":"protocols/#netconf","title":"NETCONF","text":"NETCONF provides mechanisms to install, manipulate and delete the configuration of network devices. It uses eXtensible Markup Language (XML) based data encoding for the configuration data as well as protocol messages. The NETCONF protocol operations are realized as RPCs over ssh transport.
"},{"location":"protocols/#restconf","title":"RESTCONF","text":""},{"location":"protocols/#references-resources","title":"References / Resources","text":" NETCONF RFC: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6241 RESTCONF RFC: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8040 "},{"location":"telemetry/","title":"Device Telemetry","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#overview","title":"overview","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#gnmi","title":"gNMI","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#eos-native-streaming-terminattr","title":"EOS native streaming (TerminAttr)","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#openconfig","title":"OpenConfig","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#openconfig-terminattr-octa","title":"OpenConfig + TerminAttr (Octa)","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#rpcs","title":"RPCs","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#subscription-types","title":"subscription types","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#once","title":"ONCE","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#stream","title":"STREAM","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#poll","title":"POLL","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/#references-resources","title":"References / Resources","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/","title":"gNMIReverse Examples","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"gNMIReverse is a Dial-Out gRPC service (available on our Github page) that reverses the direction of the dial for gNMI Subscriptions. The gNMIReverse client (running along with gNMI target) on the switch sends data to the gNMIReverse Server.
This article contains steps on how to build the gNMIReverse client and server binaries and examples on how to configure, the daemon to run the gNMIReverse client on EOS.
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#prerequisite","title":"Prerequisite","text":"The following tools are required to proceed with this setup including cloning the repository and compiling client binary for EOS.
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#installing-and-configuring-gnmireverse-client","title":"Installing and configuring gNMIReverse client","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#building-the-client-and-server-binaries","title":"Building the client and server binaries","text":"Pull the repository from GitHub (or you can use git clone)
go get -u github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse\n
Go to the gNMIReverse directory (or the directory to which you have cloned the repo using git clone)
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/\n
Compile the package for both server and client
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/client\nGOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build\n\ncd $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/server\nGOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build\n
NOTE: For EOS with x86_64 architecture, compile the package as follows for the client:
\ncd $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/client\nGOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build\n\ncd $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/server\nGOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build\n
Copy the client binary file to switch /mnt/flash/ directory
scp $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/client/client admin@<switch-MGMT-IP>:/mnt/flash/\n
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#gnmireverse-client-daemon-configuration","title":"gNMIReverse client daemon Configuration","text":"First enable gNMI server on the switch (Octa can be enabled if required, as discussed later in this article)
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#non-default-vrf","title":"Non-default VRF","text":"!\nmanagement api gnmi\n transport grpc def\n vrf management\n provider eos-native\n!
In the above example, we have the gNMI server running on default port 6030 in VRF management on the switch.
# show management api gnmi\nOcta: enabled\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in management VRF\nSSL Profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nAuthorization Required:No\n
gNMIReverse client daemon configuration (non-default VRF):
Note: The \\
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1\n exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\n -target_addr=management/ \\\n -collector_addr=management/ \\\n -collector_tls=false \\\n -target_value=gb421 \\\n -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@15s\n no shutdown\n
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#default-vrf","title":"Default VRF","text":"!\nmanagement api gnmi\n transport grpc def\n provider eos-native\n!\n
gNMI server running on default port 6030 in default VRF on the switch.
# show management api gnmi\nOcta: enabled\nEnabled: Yes\nServer: running on port 6030, in default VRF\nSSL Profile: none\nQoS DSCP: none\nAuthorization Required:No\n
gNMIReverse client daemon configuration (default VRF):
Note: The \\
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1\n exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\n -target_addr= \\\n -collector_addr= -collector_tls=false \\\n -target_value=gb421 -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@15s\n no shutdown\n
The gNMIReverse client flags are explained below.
flag description username Username to authenticate with the target (gNMI server) password Password to authenticate with the target (gNMI server) target_addr Address of the gNMI server running on the switch. [<vrf-name>/]address:port
collector_addr Address of the gNMIReverse server. [<vrf-name>/]host:port
collector_tls use TLS in connection with collector (default true) target_value To include the device name sample Path to subscribe with SAMPLE subscription mode. <path>@<time-interval>
Ex. -sample /interfaces/interface/state/counters@30s
subscribe Path to subscribe with TARGET_DEFINED subscription mode if there are any changes on the subscribe path"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#running-the-gnmireverse-server","title":"Running the gNMIReverse Server","text":"$ ./server -tls=false -addr=\n\n[2020-12-28T10:52:17.990029143Z] (gb421) /system/processes/process[pid=1919]/state/cpu-usage-system = 89538\n[2020-12-28T10:52:27.990635976Z] (gb421) /system/processes/process[pid=1919]/state/cpu-usage-user = 312674\n[2020-12-28T10:52:27.990681209Z] (gb421) /system/processes/process[pid=1919]/state/cpu-utilization = 0\n[2020-12-28T10:52:07.990565267Z] (gb421) /system/processes/process[pid=1919]/state/memory-usage = 403599360\n[2020-12-28T09:28:37.99397Z] (gb421) /system/processes/process[pid=1919]/state/name = ConfigAgent\n[2020-12-28T09:28:27.975545302Z] (gb421) /system/processes/process[pid=1919]/state/pid = 1919\n[2020-12-28T09:28:38.058955133Z] (gb421) /system/processes/process[pid=1919]/state/start-time = 1608564420584540928\n
We can see samples from switch gb421 (gNMIReverse client) for the path \u201c/system/processes/process[pid=*]/state\u201d which will be updated every 15 seconds based on the client daemon configuration.
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#subscribing-to-eos_native-paths","title":"Subscribing to eos_native paths","text":"Enable Octa
!\nmanagement api gnmi\n transport grpc def\n vrf management\n provider eos-native\n!\n
Configure the daemon to subscribe to the eos_native path as in following example:
Note: The \\
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1\n exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\n -target_addr=management/ \\\n -collector_addr=management/ \\\n -collector_tls=false -target_value=gb421 \\\n -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@30s \\\n -origin eos_native \\\n -subscribe /Kernel/proc/meminfo/\n no shutdown\n
On the server side we can see the updates from the same subscription path:
$ ./server -tls=false -addr=\n\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.29120758Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memFree = 2482671616\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.29121703Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memAvailable = 6465200128\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.29122834Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/active = 3750023168\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.291235635Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/activeAnon = 1048485888\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.291254147Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/anonPages = 991825920\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.291261051Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/slab = 398680064\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.291265299Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/sUnreclaim = 218755072\n[2020-12-29T06:55:15.291275563Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/committedAS = 3991588864\n[2020-12-29T06:55:25.290455551Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memFree = 2482679808\n[2020-12-29T06:55:25.29046483Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memAvailable = 6465232896\n[2020-12-29T06:55:25.290476436Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/active = 3750035456\n[2020-12-29T06:55:25.290486217Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/activeAnon = 1048498176\n[2020-12-29T06:55:25.290507211Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/anonPages = 991838208\n[2020-12-29T06:55:25.290517806Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/sReclaimable = 179949568\n[2020-12-29T06:55:25.290523744Z] (gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/sUnreclaim = 218730496\n
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/gnmireverse/#subscribing-to-smash-paths","title":"Subscribing to Smash paths","text":"Enable Smash paths for Octa under management api models as follows:
!\nmanagement api models\n provider smash\n path routing/status\n!\n
Configure the gNMIReverse client daemon:
Note: The \\
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1\n exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \\\n -target_addr=management/ \\\n -collector_addr=management/ \\\n -collector_tls=false -target_value=gb421 \\\n -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@30s \\\n -origin eos_native \\\n -subscribe /Kernel/proc/meminfo/ \\\n -subscribe /Smash/routing/status/\n no shutdown\n
On server side we can see updates as follows:
$ ./server -tls=false -addr=\n\n[2020-12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] (gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\\/32/storage = 4294967240\n[2020-12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] (gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\\/32/routeType = ebgp\n[2020-12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] (gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\\/32/fecId = {\"value\":12884901894}\n[2020-12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] (gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\\/32/key = \"\"\n[2020-12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] (gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\\/32/metric = {\"value\":0}\n
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/","title":"kafka-telegraf","text":""},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/#introduction","title":"Introduction","text":"Kafka is a popular message bus system that allows applications to communicate over a pub/sub bus as either a publisher or a consumer. A popular method of distributing streaming telemetry is to take the telemetry data and output it to a Kafka topic so it can be further reacted upon.
This lab will leverage the Telegraf container to take streaming telemetry from two cEOS lab devices from their gNMI interfaces and output the data to a Kafka topic.
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/#prerequisite","title":"Prerequisite","text":" cEOS lab will need to be downloaded from the arista software downloads and imported via docker with a tag of 4.29.2F
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/#environment","title":"Environment","text":"The Containerlab file
Reveal output
name: kafka\ntopology:\ndefaults:\nenv:\nETBA: 4\nnodes:\nceos1:\nkind: ceos\nimage: ceoslab:4.29.2F\nports:\n- 4001:6030\n- 4444:443\n- 888:80\n- 6040:6040\nstartup-config: configs/ceos1.conf\nmgmt_ipv4:\npublish:\n- tcp/4001\nceos2:\nkind: ceos\nimage: ceoslab:4.29.2F\nports:\n- 4002:6030\n- 4445:443\n- 889:80\n- 6041:6040\nstartup-config: configs/ceos2.conf\nmgmt_ipv4:\npublish:\n- tcp/4002\nkafka-server:\nkind: linux\nimage: bitnami/kafka:latest\nmgmt_ipv4:\nports:\n- 9092:9092\n- 9000:9000\nenv:\nKAFKA_CFG_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: PLAINTEXT://clab-kafka-kafka-server:9092\nALLOW_PLAINTEXT_LISTENER: \"yes\"\nJMX_PORT: 9000\nKAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: localhost\nKAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: clab-kafka-zookeeper-server:2181\nzookeeper-server:\nkind: linux\nimage: wurstmeister/zookeeper\nmgmt_ipv4:\nports:\n- 2181:2181\nenv:\nKAFKA_CFG_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: PLAINTEXT://clab-kafka-kafka-server:9092\nALLOW_PLAINTEXT_LISTENER: \"yes\"\nJMX_PORT: 9000\ntelegraf-server:\nkind: linux\nimage: telegraf:latest\nmgmt_ipv4:\nbinds:\n- telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf\nlinks:\n- endpoints: [\"ceos1:eth1\", \"ceos2:eth1\"]\n
Looking at the telegraf.conf file
Reveal output
[[inputs.gnmi]]\n## Address and port of the GNMI GRPC server\naddresses = [\"clab-kafka-ceos1:6030\", \"clab-kafka-ceos2:6030\"]\n## credentials\nusername = \"admin\"\npassword = \"admin\"\n## redial in case of failures after\nredial = \"10s\"\n[[inputs.gnmi.subscription]]\n## Name of the measurement\nname = \"ifcounters\"\norigin = \"openconfig\"\npath = \"/interfaces/interface/state/counters\"\nsubscription_mode = \"sample\"\nsample_interval = \"10s\"\n[[inputs.gnmi.subscription]]\n## Name of the measurement\nname = \"openconfig_bgp\"\norigin = \"openconfig\"\npath = \"/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/\"\nsubscription_mode = \"sample\"\nsample_interval = \"10s\"\n[[outputs.kafka]]\n## URLs of kafka brokers\n## The brokers listed here are used to connect to collect metadata about a\n## cluster. However, once the initial metadata collect is completed, telegraf\n## will communicate solely with the kafka leader and not all defined brokers.\nbrokers = [\"\"]\n## Kafka topic for producer messages\ntopic = \"telegraf\"\n
We can see that we are going to have Telegraf use the gnmi input plugin which will simply connect to the two cEOS nodes and start to stream their interface counters and BGP statistics. On the outputs portion we can see that we are going to take this gNMI data and send it to the Kafka broker on the subject of Telegraf. So any application that connects to the same Kafka broker will also be able to see this data. This Containerlab file will consist of the following Docker containers
cEOS (2) each running gNMI interface Kafka container Zookeeper Telegraf Binary for testing purposes "},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/#running-the-lab","title":"Running the lab","text":"cd src/kafka-telegraf/\ncontainerlab -t initial.yaml deploy\n
Our environment should look as the following
+---+-----------------------------+--------------+------------------------+-------+---------+------------------+----------------------+\n| # | Name | Container ID | Image | Kind | State | IPv4 Address | IPv6 Address |\n+---+-----------------------------+--------------+------------------------+-------+---------+------------------+----------------------+\n| 1 | clab-kafka-ceos1 | 81405697c609 | ceoslab:4.29.2F | ceos | running | | 2001:172:20:20::6/64 |\n| 2 | clab-kafka-ceos2 | 3b3cb2b23537 | ceoslab:4.29.2F | ceos | running | | 2001:172:20:20::5/64 |\n| 3 | clab-kafka-kafka-server | 25205108237e | bitnami/kafka:latest | linux | running | | 2001:172:20:20::3/64 |\n| 4 | clab-kafka-telegraf-server | 4c5c7e173a55 | telegraf:latest | linux | running | | 2001:172:20:20::4/64 |\n| 5 | clab-kafka-zookeeper-server | 9feea244597e | wurstmeister/zookeeper | linux | running | | 2001:172:20:20::7/64 |\n+---+-----------------------------+--------------+------------------------+-------+---------+------------------+----------------------+\n
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/#checking-telegraf","title":"Checking Telegraf","text":"docker logs clab-kafka-telegraf-server\n
Reveal output
2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.25.0\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Available plugins: 228 inputs, 9 aggregators, 26 processors, 21 parsers, 57 outputs, 2 secret-stores\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded inputs: gnmi\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded aggregators:\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded processors:\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded secretstores:\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded outputs: kafka\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! Tags enabled: host=telegraf-server\n2023-02-01T17:16:24Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:\"telegraf-server\", Flush Interval:10s\n2023-02-01T17:16:29Z E! [inputs.gnmi] Error in plugin: failed to setup subscription: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc\n2023-02-01T17:16:29Z E! [inputs.gnmi] Error in plugin: failed to setup subscription: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc\n
This is okay it reconnects but never tells you it is reconnecting.
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/#binary-for-testing","title":"Binary for testing","text":"Since all of our devices are accessible within the same machine there is a small binary that can subscribe to the same Telegraf topic and display information. Within the /bin
directory it is compiled for either darwin or linux/amd64.
cd /bin\n./kafakconsumer --kafka-brokers -kafka-topic telegraf\n
Reveal output
ifcounters,host=telegraf-server,name=Management0,path=openconfig:/interfaces/interface/state/counters,source=clab-kafka-ceos1\nin_broadcast_pkts=0i,in_discards=0i,in_errors=0i,in_fcs_errors=0i,\nin_multicast_pkts=0i,out_broadcast_pkts=0i,out_discards=0i,out_errors=0i,out_multicast_pkts=0i 1675272643699038728\nifcounters,host=telegraf-server,name=Management0,path=openconfig:/interfaces/interface/state/counters,source=clab-kafka-ceos1\nin_octets=6886i,in_pkts=65i,in_unicast_pkts=65i,out_octets=2273i,out_pkts=25i,out_unicast_pkts=25i 1675272646690338017\nopenconfig_bgp,/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/name=BGP,host=telegraf-server,identifier=BGP,\nname=default,source=clab-kafka-ceos2 global/state/router_id=\"\" 1675271796987568362\nopenconfig_bgp,/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/name=BGP,afi_safi_name=IPV4_UNICAST,host=telegraf-server,\nidentifier=BGP,name=default,neighbor_address=,source=clab-kafka-ceos2\nneighbors/neighbor/afi_safis/afi_safi/afi_safi_name=\"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\" 1675271796630909428\nopenconfig_bgp,/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/name=BGP,afi_safi_name=IPV4_UNICAST,host=telegraf-server,\nidentifier=BGP,name=default,neighbor_address=,source=clab-kafka-ceos2\nneighbors/neighbor/afi_safis/afi_safi/config/afi_safi_name=\"openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST\" 1675271796630909428\n
"},{"location":"telemetry/adapters/kafka/#lab-cleanup","title":"Lab Cleanup","text":"containerlab -t initial.yaml destroy\n
Reveal output
INFO[0000] Parsing & checking topology file: initial.yaml\nINFO[0000] Destroying lab: kafka\nINFO[0000] Removed container: clab-kafka-telegraf-server\nINFO[0000] Removed container: clab-kafka-zookeeper-server\nINFO[0001] Removed container: clab-kafka-kafka-server\nINFO[0001] Removed container: clab-kafka-ceos2\nINFO[0001] Removed container: clab-kafka-ceos1\nINFO[0001] Removing containerlab host entries from /etc/hosts file\n
The environment should be back to the way it was previously after deletion.
"},{"location":"videos/","title":"OpenMgmt Videos","text":""},{"location":"videos/#overview","title":"Overview","text":"For folks that enjoy videos, you will likely find the following videos informative.
"},{"location":"videos/#openconfig-video-series","title":"OpenConfig video series","text":"follow the playlist.
"},{"location":"videos/#introduction-to-openconfig-and-gnmi","title":"Introduction to OpenConfig and gNMI","text":""},{"location":"videos/#introduction-to-the-yang-modeling-language","title":"Introduction to the YANG modeling language","text":""},{"location":"videos/#introduction-to-yang-part-2","title":"Introduction to YANG part 2","text":""},{"location":"videos/#netconf-and-restconf","title":"NETCONF and RESTCONF","text":""},{"location":"videos/#grpc","title":"gRPC","text":""},{"location":"videos/#automating-peering-with-openconfig","title":"Automating Peering with OpenConfig","text":""}]}
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+[data-md-color-scheme="slate"] {
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+ /* --block-code-bg-color: #e4e4e4; */
+[data-md-color-scheme="default"] {
+ /* Primary color shades */
+ --md-primary-fg-color: #27569B;
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+ --md-primary-bg-color--light: #FFFFFF;
+ /* Accent color shades */
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+ gNMIReverse Examples - Open Management
+ gNMIReverse
+gNMIReverse is a Dial-Out gRPC service (available on our
+Github page) that reverses the direction of the
+dial for gNMI Subscriptions. The gNMIReverse client (running along with gNMI target) on the switch sends data to the
+gNMIReverse Server.
+This article contains steps on how to build the gNMIReverse client and server binaries and examples on how to configure,
+the daemon to run the gNMIReverse client on EOS.
+The following tools are required to proceed with this setup including cloning the repository and compiling client binary
+for EOS.
+Installing and configuring gNMIReverse client
+Building the client and server binaries
+Pull the repository from GitHub (or you can use git clone)
+ go get -u github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse
+Go to the gNMIReverse directory (or the directory to which you have cloned the repo using git clone)
+cd $GOPATH /src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/
+Compile the package for both server and client
+cd $GOPATH /src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/client
+GOOS = linux GOARCH = 386 go build
+cd $GOPATH /src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/server
+GOOS = linux GOARCH = 386 go build
+NOTE : For EOS with x86_64 architecture, compile the package as follows for the client:
+cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/client
+GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
+cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/server
+GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
+Copy the client binary file to switch /mnt/flash/ directory
+ scp $GOPATH /src/github.com/aristanetworks/goarista/gnmireverse/client/client admin@<switch-MGMT-IP>:/mnt/flash/
+gNMIReverse client daemon Configuration
+First enable gNMI server on the switch (Octa can be
+enabled if required, as discussed later in this article)
+Non-default VRF
+management api gnmi
+ transport grpc def
+ vrf management
+ provider eos-native
+In the above example, we have the gNMI server running on default port 6030 in VRF management on the switch.
+# show management api gnmi
+Octa: enabled
+Enabled: Yes
+Server: running on port 6030, in management VRF
+SSL Profile: none
+QoS DSCP: none
+Authorization Required:No
+gNMIReverse client daemon configuration (non-default VRF):
+Note: The \
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
+daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1
+ exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ -target_addr=management/ \
+ -collector_addr=management/ \
+ -collector_tls=false \
+ -target_value=gb421 \
+ -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@15s
+ no shutdown
+Default VRF
+ !
+ management api gnmi
+ transport grpc def
+ provider eos-native
+ !
+gNMI server running on default port 6030 in default VRF on the switch.
+# show management api gnmi
+ Octa: enabled
+ Enabled: Yes
+ Server: running on port 6030 , in default VRF
+ SSL Profile: none
+ QoS DSCP: none
+ Authorization Required:No
+gNMIReverse client daemon configuration (default VRF):
+Note: The \
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
+daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1
+ exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ -target_addr= \
+ -collector_addr= -collector_tls=false \
+ -target_value=gb421 -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@15s
+ no shutdown
+The gNMIReverse client flags are explained below.
+Username to authenticate with the target (gNMI server)
+Password to authenticate with the target (gNMI server)
+Address of the gNMI server running on the switch. [<vrf-name>/]address:port
+Address of the gNMIReverse server. [<vrf-name>/]host:port
+use TLS in connection with collector (default true)
+To include the device name
+Path to subscribe with SAMPLE subscription mode. <path>@<time-interval>
Ex. -sample /interfaces/interface/state/counters@30s
+Path to subscribe with TARGET_DEFINED subscription mode if there are any changes on the subscribe path
+Running the gNMIReverse Server
+ $ ./server -tls= false -addr= 198 .51.100.115:6000
+[ 2020 -12-28T10:52:17.990029143Z] ( gb421) /system/processes/process[ pid = 1919 ] /state/cpu-usage-system = 89538
+[ 2020 -12-28T10:52:27.990635976Z] ( gb421) /system/processes/process[ pid = 1919 ] /state/cpu-usage-user = 312674
+[ 2020 -12-28T10:52:27.990681209Z] ( gb421) /system/processes/process[ pid = 1919 ] /state/cpu-utilization = 0
+[ 2020 -12-28T10:52:07.990565267Z] ( gb421) /system/processes/process[ pid = 1919 ] /state/memory-usage = 403599360
+[ 2020 -12-28T09:28:37.99397Z] ( gb421) /system/processes/process[ pid = 1919 ] /state/name = ConfigAgent
+[ 2020 -12-28T09:28:27.975545302Z] ( gb421) /system/processes/process[ pid = 1919 ] /state/pid = 1919
+[ 2020 -12-28T09:28:38.058955133Z] ( gb421) /system/processes/process[ pid = 1919 ] /state/start-time = 1608564420584540928
+We can see samples from switch gb421 (gNMIReverse client) for the path “/system/processes/process[pid=*]/state” which
+will be updated every 15 seconds based on the client daemon configuration.
+Subscribing to eos_native paths
+Enable Octa
+management api gnmi
+ transport grpc def
+ vrf management
+ provider eos-native
+Configure the daemon to subscribe to the eos_native path as in following example:
+Note: The \
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
+daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1
+ exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ -target_addr=management/ \
+ -collector_addr=management/ \
+ -collector_tls=false -target_value=gb421 \
+ -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@30s \
+ -origin eos_native \
+ -subscribe /Kernel/proc/meminfo/
+ no shutdown
+On the server side we can see the updates from the same subscription path:
+ $ ./server -tls= false -addr= 198 .51.100.115:6000
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.29120758Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memFree = 2482671616
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.29121703Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memAvailable = 6465200128
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.29122834Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/active = 3750023168
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.291235635Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/activeAnon = 1048485888
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.291254147Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/anonPages = 991825920
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.291261051Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/slab = 398680064
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.291265299Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/sUnreclaim = 218755072
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:15.291275563Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/committedAS = 3991588864
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:25.290455551Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memFree = 2482679808
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:25.29046483Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/memAvailable = 6465232896
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:25.290476436Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/active = 3750035456
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:25.290486217Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/activeAnon = 1048498176
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:25.290507211Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/anonPages = 991838208
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:25.290517806Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/sReclaimable = 179949568
+[ 2020 -12-29T06:55:25.290523744Z] ( gb421) /Kernel/proc/meminfo/sUnreclaim = 218730496
+Subscribing to Smash paths
+Enable Smash paths for Octa under management api models as follows:
+management api models
+ provider smash
+ path routing/status
+Configure the gNMIReverse client daemon:
+Note: The \
elements have been added to aid readability, these should be removed when entering the configuration.
+daemon gnmi_reverse_client_1
+ exec /mnt/flash/client -username cvpadmin -password arista \
+ -target_addr=management/ \
+ -collector_addr=management/ \
+ -collector_tls=false -target_value=gb421 \
+ -sample /system/processes/process[pid=*]/state@30s \
+ -origin eos_native \
+ -subscribe /Kernel/proc/meminfo/ \
+ -subscribe /Smash/routing/status/
+ no shutdown
+On server side we can see updates as follows:
+ $ ./server -tls= false -addr= 198 .51.100.115:6000
+[ 2020 -12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] ( gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\/ 32 /storage = 4294967240
+[ 2020 -12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] ( gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\/ 32 /routeType = ebgp
+[ 2020 -12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] ( gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\/ 32 /fecId = { "value" :12884901894}
+[ 2020 -12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] ( gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\/ 32 /key = ""
+[ 2020 -12-29T07:39:33.857345257Z] ( gb421) /Smash/routing/status/route/\/ 32 /metric = { "value" :0}
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index 00000000..95ceebd2
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+ kafka-telegraf - Open Management
+ kafka-telegraf
+Kafka is a popular message bus system that allows applications to communicate over a pub/sub bus
+as either a publisher or a consumer.
+A popular method of distributing streaming telemetry is to take the telemetry data and output it
+to a Kafka topic so it can be further reacted upon.
+This lab will leverage the Telegraf container to take streaming telemetry
+from two cEOS lab devices from their gNMI interfaces and output the data to a Kafka topic.
+cEOS lab will need to be downloaded from the arista software downloads
+and imported via docker with a tag of 4.29.2F
+The Containerlab file
+Reveal output
name : kafka
+topology :
+ defaults :
+ env :
+ ETBA : 4
+ nodes :
+ ceos1 :
+ kind : ceos
+ image : ceoslab:4.29.2F
+ ports :
+ - 4001:6030
+ - 4444:443
+ - 888:80
+ - 6040:6040
+ startup-config : configs/ceos1.conf
+ mgmt_ipv4 :
+ publish :
+ - tcp/4001
+ ceos2 :
+ kind : ceos
+ image : ceoslab:4.29.2F
+ ports :
+ - 4002:6030
+ - 4445:443
+ - 889:80
+ - 6041:6040
+ startup-config : configs/ceos2.conf
+ mgmt_ipv4 :
+ publish :
+ - tcp/4002
+ kafka-server :
+ kind : linux
+ image : bitnami/kafka:latest
+ mgmt_ipv4 :
+ ports :
+ - 9092:9092
+ - 9000:9000
+ env :
+ KAFKA_CFG_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS : PLAINTEXT://clab-kafka-kafka-server:9092
+ JMX_PORT : 9000
+ KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT : clab-kafka-zookeeper-server:2181
+ zookeeper-server :
+ kind : linux
+ image : wurstmeister/zookeeper
+ mgmt_ipv4 :
+ ports :
+ - 2181:2181
+ env :
+ KAFKA_CFG_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS : PLAINTEXT://clab-kafka-kafka-server:9092
+ JMX_PORT : 9000
+ telegraf-server :
+ kind : linux
+ image : telegraf:latest
+ mgmt_ipv4 :
+ binds :
+ - telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
+ links :
+ - endpoints : [ "ceos1:eth1" , "ceos2:eth1" ]
+Looking at the telegraf.conf file
+Reveal output
[[ inputs.gnmi]]
+ ## Address and port of the GNMI GRPC server
+ addresses = [ "clab-kafka-ceos1:6030" , "clab-kafka-ceos2:6030" ]
+ ## credentials
+ username = "admin"
+ password = "admin"
+ ## redial in case of failures after
+ redial = "10s"
+ [[ inputs.gnmi.subscription]]
+ ## Name of the measurement
+ name = "ifcounters"
+ origin = "openconfig"
+ path = "/interfaces/interface/state/counters"
+ subscription_mode = "sample"
+ sample_interval = "10s"
+ [[ inputs.gnmi.subscription]]
+ ## Name of the measurement
+ name = "openconfig_bgp"
+ origin = "openconfig"
+ path = "/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/"
+ subscription_mode = "sample"
+ sample_interval = "10s"
+[[ outputs.kafka]]
+ ## URLs of kafka brokers
+ ## The brokers listed here are used to connect to collect metadata about a
+ ## cluster. However, once the initial metadata collect is completed, telegraf
+ ## will communicate solely with the kafka leader and not all defined brokers.
+ brokers = [ "" ]
+ ## Kafka topic for producer messages
+ topic = "telegraf"
+We can see that we are going to have Telegraf use the
+gnmi input plugin
+which will simply connect to the two cEOS nodes and start to stream their interface counters and BGP statistics.
+On the outputs portion we can see that we are going to take this gNMI data and send it to the
+Kafka broker on the subject of Telegraf.
+So any application that connects to the same Kafka broker will also be able to see this data.
+This Containerlab file will consist of the following Docker containers
+cEOS (2) each running gNMI interface
+Kafka container
+Binary for testing purposes
+Running the lab
+cd src/kafka-telegraf/
+ containerlab -t initial.yaml deploy
+Our environment should look as the following
+ +---+-----------------------------+--------------+------------------------+-------+---------+------------------+----------------------+
+| # | Name | Container ID | Image | Kind | State | IPv4 Address | IPv6 Address |
+ +---+-----------------------------+--------------+------------------------+-------+---------+------------------+----------------------+
+| 1 | clab-kafka-ceos1 | 81405697c609 | ceoslab:4.29.2F | ceos | running | 172 .20.20.101/24 | 2001 :172:20:20::6/64 |
+| 2 | clab-kafka-ceos2 | 3b3cb2b23537 | ceoslab:4.29.2F | ceos | running | 172 .20.20.102/24 | 2001 :172:20:20::5/64 |
+| 3 | clab-kafka-kafka-server | 25205108237e | bitnami/kafka:latest | linux | running | 172 .20.20.103/24 | 2001 :172:20:20::3/64 |
+| 4 | clab-kafka-telegraf-server | 4c5c7e173a55 | telegraf:latest | linux | running | 172 .20.20.105/24 | 2001 :172:20:20::4/64 |
+| 5 | clab-kafka-zookeeper-server | 9feea244597e | wurstmeister/zookeeper | linux | running | 172 .20.20.104/24 | 2001 :172:20:20::7/64 |
+ +---+-----------------------------+--------------+------------------------+-------+---------+------------------+----------------------+
+Checking Telegraf
+ docker logs clab-kafka-telegraf-server
+Reveal output
2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Starting Telegraf 1 .25.0
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Available plugins: 228 inputs, 9 aggregators, 26 processors, 21 parsers, 57 outputs, 2 secret-stores
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded inputs: gnmi
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded aggregators:
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded processors:
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded secretstores:
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Loaded outputs: kafka
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! Tags enabled: host = telegraf-server
+2023 -02-01T17:16:24Z I! [ agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"telegraf-server" , Flush Interval:10s
+2023 -02-01T17:16:29Z E! [ inputs.gnmi] Error in plugin: failed to setup subscription: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc
+2023 -02-01T17:16:29Z E! [ inputs.gnmi] Error in plugin: failed to setup subscription: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc
+This is okay it reconnects but never tells you it is reconnecting.
+Binary for testing
+Since all of our devices are accessible within the same machine there is a small binary that can subscribe to the
+same Telegraf topic and display information.
+Within the /bin
directory it is compiled for either darwin or linux/amd64.
+cd /bin
+ ./kafakconsumer --kafka-brokers 172 .20.20.103:9092 -kafka-topic telegraf
+Reveal output
ifcounters,host= telegraf-server,name= Management0,path= openconfig:/interfaces/interface/state/counters,source= clab-kafka-ceos1
+in_broadcast_pkts = 0i,in_discards= 0i,in_errors= 0i,in_fcs_errors= 0i,
+in_multicast_pkts = 0i,out_broadcast_pkts= 0i,out_discards= 0i,out_errors= 0i,out_multicast_pkts= 0i 1675272643699038728
+ ifcounters,host= telegraf-server,name= Management0,path= openconfig:/interfaces/interface/state/counters,source= clab-kafka-ceos1
+in_octets = 6886i,in_pkts= 65i,in_unicast_pkts= 65i,out_octets= 2273i,out_pkts= 25i,out_unicast_pkts= 25i 1675272646690338017
+ openconfig_bgp,/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/name= BGP,host= telegraf-server,identifier= BGP,
+name = default,source= clab-kafka-ceos2 global/state/router_id= "" 1675271796987568362
+ openconfig_bgp,/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/name= BGP,afi_safi_name= IPV4_UNICAST,host= telegraf-server,
+identifier = BGP,name= default,neighbor_address= 10 .0.0.1,source= clab-kafka-ceos2
+ neighbors/neighbor/afi_safis/afi_safi/afi_safi_name= "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST" 1675271796630909428
+ openconfig_bgp,/network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/name= BGP,afi_safi_name= IPV4_UNICAST,host= telegraf-server,
+identifier = BGP,name= default,neighbor_address= 10 .0.0.1,source= clab-kafka-ceos2
+ neighbors/neighbor/afi_safis/afi_safi/config/afi_safi_name= "openconfig-bgp-types:IPV4_UNICAST" 1675271796630909428
+Lab Cleanup
+ containerlab -t initial.yaml destroy
+Reveal output
INFO[ 0000 ] Parsing & checking topology file: initial.yaml
+ INFO[ 0000 ] Destroying lab: kafka
+ INFO[ 0000 ] Removed container: clab-kafka-telegraf-server
+ INFO[ 0000 ] Removed container: clab-kafka-zookeeper-server
+ INFO[ 0001 ] Removed container: clab-kafka-kafka-server
+ INFO[ 0001 ] Removed container: clab-kafka-ceos2
+ INFO[ 0001 ] Removed container: clab-kafka-ceos1
+ INFO[ 0001 ] Removing containerlab host entries from /etc/hosts file
+The environment should be back to the way it was previously after deletion.
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+ Device Telemetry - Open Management
+ Device Telemetry
+EOS native streaming (TerminAttr)
+OpenConfig + TerminAttr (Octa)
+subscription types
+References / Resources
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+ OpenMgmt Videos - Open Management
+ Videos
+For folks that enjoy videos, you will likely find the following videos informative.
+OpenConfig video series
+follow the playlist .
+Introduction to OpenConfig and gNMI
+Introduction to the YANG modeling language
+Introduction to YANG part 2
+Automating Peering with OpenConfig
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