This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and human-readable changelog.
- Bump arillso/action.molecule from 0.0.1 to 0.0.5
- Bump github/super-linter from 3 to 4.8.7
- Variables added for rocky linux support.
- role name.
- role name.
- Add snap to secure_path for Ubuntu
- Bump robertdebock/galaxy-action from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
- Added GitHub action for the integration tests.
- Added test scenario for different OS.
- Added compatibility for Ansible 2.10.
- Degreasing support for Ansible Version under 2.9.
- update min ansible version to 2.8
- changelog to your own file
- travis file has been updated
- Documentation has been improved
- molecule testing
- Always prepend OS defaults and privileges unless disabled
- fix variables files found
- rename role name
- add new tests
- Initial release