On this page I will keep a weekly record of what I have done for the CS102 group project. This page will be submitted together with the rest of the repository, in partial fulfillment of the CS102 course requirements.
I learned how to implement Google Maps in Android Studio and how to restrict the map to a certain location because in our app we aim to show the users only the Bilkent University vicinity.
Added the introduction screen, sorted out asking permissions from the user for receiving location and implemented methods to lock on user location when the app is opened
Added search bar on top of the map
Looked more at how to implement the map for our project
Added main menu buttons
We customized the search bar so it would autosuggest when something is searched. (It took us [mostly Arda] about 4-5 hrs.)
Added splash screen
Added tabs to bus schedule page
Added bus schedule button on the map
Fixed a minor bug that caused multiple pages to be opened when a button is clicked more than once
Added custom markers
Improved the search bar so when a suggestion is clicked you are taken to that location
Changed the map style to a dark theme
Looked at how to implement custom markers
Figured out how to display custom markers that show information about specific buildings
Added buildings to the map so they show up when searched
Added clear button to the AutoCompleteTextView so it is easier to delete what you've written on the search bar
Looked at how to display customized building names on the map
Added place names on the map
Fixed the map being too laggy
Added listeners on labels so when clicked the marker with custom info window is displayed
Worked more on labels
A message is displayed now when you are not in Bilkent Campus
Added a switch button to the settings screen for switching between light and dark map themes
Worked on the map