v2.0.0alpha1 (21/05/2019)
- Allow to define specializations at the model level, and to assign a specialization to every element
- Change the JAR name to remove the unnecessary "v" before the version number
Planned in next alpha releases
- add characteristics in the specializations definitions (object size, color, font, alignment, opacity, ...)
- add specializations for relationships
- add export / import functionality
v1.0.12 (05/12/2020)
- compile against Archi 4.7
v1.0.11 (27/03/2019)
- fix exception when using magic connector to create new element
v1.0.10 (23/10/2018)
- fix compatibility issue with Archi 4.2 (the plugin is now compatible with Archi 4.3 and 4.2)
v1.0.9 (21/09/2018)
- fix default icon location
v1.0.8 (19/09/2018)
- allow access to ${view:xxx} variables from connections
v1.0.7.1 (07/08/2018)
- fix alignment and sizing options are missing in the action bar
v1.0.7 (07/08/2018)
- Add drill down functionality (open a view when double-click on a view object)
v1.0.6 (13/05/2018)
- Add ${properties:separator:regexp} and ${sortedproperties:separator:regexp} variables that concats properties
v1.0.5 (10/04/2018)
- Fix ${sum:xxx} recursion
- Update ${sum:xxx} variable to include the selected object in the sum
- Add ${sumx:xxx} variable that exclude the selected object from the sum
v1.0.4 (10/04/2018)
- Implement ${model:purpose} variable
- Implement ${sum:xxx} variable which is able to recursively sum numeric value (like ${view:sum:property:cost})
- Replace exception by simple error messages in variable expansion to avoid generating Archi misbehavior
- Fix ${view:xxx} variables
v1.0.3 (01/03/2018)
- fix an issue on the relationships labels
- replace "\t" string by a tab in labels
v1.0.2 (27/02/2018)
- Use CompoundCommands to change property values to allow undo/redo
- Manage adapters (notifications) to trap property update
- Changing the label of an element or a relationship now sets the model's dirty flag
v1.0.1 (08/01/2017)
- Replace "\n" string by newline in labels
- Expand variables ${name}, ${id}, ${property:xxx}; ...
v1.0 (19/12/2017)
- Better integration into Archi
- The image files can now be located outside Archi's editor folder
- The icon and label names can now contain variables (i.e. references to other properties)
- Add the ability to change the images size
- Add the ability to change the image location into the elements' rectangles
- Rewrite debug and trace messages
- Update inline help
- Various Fixes:
- Fix elements shape (square corners instead of round ones)
- Fix junction shape
- Do not replace the icon in the properties window anymore
v0.3 (07/12/2017)
- Add the ability to change the name of the property that contains the icon filename
- Add the ability to change the name of the property that contains the label text
- Add debug and trace messages
- Add a context menu to refresh the icon of all the elements of the model
v0.2 (12/10/2017)
- Icon replacement:
- Increase the number of supported elements
- Add an option on the preference page to use customized icons on all the views of those that have a "change icons" property set to "true"
- Add a context menu to switch icons from Archi's standard icons to customized ones and back
- Icon replacement:
- Add new functionality to change label on relationships and elements
- Add an option on the preference page to use customized icons on all the views of those that have a "change labels" property set to "true"
- Add a context menu to switch icons from Archi's standard labels to customized ones and back
- Add context menu "refresh view" to refresh the labels as they do not refresh automatically
- Icon replacement:
v0.1 (24/08/2017)
- First beta version
- Icons can be changed on few technical elements using the "icon" property