Let's take a closer look at the NetflixMovieCatalog service. Currently, the service provides movies catalog content from a JSON files located in the source code. Obviously, this is not a good approach since we want the content to be dynamically stored and retrieved from a strong database engine.
In this tutorial you'll configure the NetflixMovieCatalog app to retrieve content from a DynamoDb table.
- Open the DynamoDB console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/
- In the navigation pane on the left side of the console, choose Dashboard.
- On the right side of the console, choose Create Table.
- Enter the table details as follows:
- For the table name, enter a unique table name.
- For the partition key, enter
, type Number. - Enter
as the sort key, type String. - Choose Customize settings.
- On Read/write capacity settings choose Provisioned mode with autoscale capacity with a minimum capacity of 1 and maximum of 10.
- Choose Create to create the table.
Try the below script to write an item to your DynamoDB table:
import boto3
client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
item = {
"adult": {'BOOL': False},
"backdrop_path": {'S': "/tdkCqOQ87ns39bWtzjJYsGTloH9.jpg"},
"genre_ids": {'NS': ["28", "80", "9648", "53"]},
"id": {'N': "996154"},
"original_language": {'S': "en"},
"original_title": {'S': "Black Lotus"},
"overview": {'S': "An ex-special forces operative wages a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate."},
"popularity": {'N': "1070.023"},
"poster_path": {'S': "/y3AeW200hqGLxoPyHMDHpzudylz.jpg"},
"release_date": {'S': "2023-04-12"},
"title": {'S': "Black Lotus"},
"video": {'BOOL': False},
"vote_average": {'N': "6.559"},
"vote_count": {'N': "85"}
response = client.put_item(
TableName='<your-table>', # Change <your-table> accordingly
aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name <table-name> \
--item '{ "adult": {"BOOL": false}, "backdrop_path": {"S": "/jnE1GA7cGEfv5DJBoU2t4bZHaP4.jpg"}, "genre_ids": {"NS": ["28", "878"]}, "id": {"N": "1094844"}, "original_language": {"S": "en"}, "original_title": {"S": "Ape vs. Mecha Ape"}, "overview": {"S": "Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago."}, "popularity": {"N": "877.18"}, "poster_path": {"S": "/dJaIw8OgACelojyV6YuVsOhtTLO.jpg"}, "release_date": {"S": "2023-03-24"}, "title": {"S": "Ape vs. Mecha Ape"}, "video": {"BOOL": false}, "vote_average": {"N": "5.689"}, "vote_count": {"N": "190"} }'
Query the data by:
aws dynamodb get-item --consistent-read --table-name <table-name> --key '{ "id": {"N": "1094844"}, "title": {"S": "Ape vs. Mecha Ape"}}'
Let's say you need to query items according to vote_count
and vote_average
Since those fields aren't part the primary key, there is a need to create a secondary index, otherwise,
queries will be inefficient and slow, and the cost of scanning the database will be significantly higher.
- In the navigation pane on the left side of the console, choose Tables.
- Choose your table from the table list.
- Choose the Indexes tab for your table.
- Choose Create index.
- For the Partition key, enter
. - For the Sort key, enter
. - For Index name, enter
. - Leave the other settings on their default values and choose Create index.
Once done, use boto3
or awscli
to query all movies with vote_count > 100
and vote_average > 6
In this exercise you'll make the NetflixMovieCatalog app to retrieve and serve movies data from a DynamoDB table (instead a JSON file as it's configured now).
In the NetflixMovieCatalog repo, under
you'll find the JSON used by the server in responses data. Create a Python script to emit all data into your Dynamo table. Note that there are two JSON files:data_tv.json
, you should think how to store the data in DynamoDB (either in a separate tables, or in the same table while differentiating tv and movies data). -
As the NetflixMovieCatalog queries movies by
, and a single movie can belong to multiple genres, there is no efficient way to retrieve the data (thegenre_ids
field is a set of numbers, thus cannot be part of a primary key). The solution is to create another DynamoDB table as follows:- Partition Key: genre_id (Number)
- Sort Key: movie_id (Number)
Each item corresponds to one of the genres of a given movie. This allows efficient querying by genre ID:
import boto3 dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = dynamodb.Table('MoviesByGenre') response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=boto3.dynamodb.conditions.Key('genre_id').eq(27) ) for item in response['Items']: print(item)
Modify the code of
to query data from DynamoDB instead the JSON files. -
Deploy the NetflixMovieCatalog app as a new Docker image version.
Restore your table to how it was looking like a few minutes ago.