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Deploy TiDB, a distributed MySQL compatible database, to Kubernetes on Google Cloud
Tutorial for deploying TiDB on Google Cloud using Kubernetes.

Deploy TiDB, a distributed MySQL compatible database, to Kubernetes on Google Cloud


This tutorial is designed to be run in Google Cloud Shell. It takes you through these steps:

  • Launch a new 3-node Kubernetes cluster (optional)
  • Install the Helm package manager for Kubernetes
  • Deploy the TiDB Operator
  • Deploy your first TiDB cluster
  • Connect to the TiDB cluster
  • Scale out the TiDB cluster
  • Shut down the Kubernetes cluster (optional)

Select a project

This tutorial launches a 3-node Kubernetes cluster of n1-standard-1 machines. Pricing information can be found here.

Please select a project before proceeding:

Enable API access

This tutorial will require use of the Compute and Container APIs. Please enable them before proceeding:

Configure gcloud defaults

This step defaults gcloud to your preferred project and zone, which will simplify the commands used for the rest of this tutorial:

gcloud config set project {{project-id}} &&
gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-a

Launch a 3-node Kubernetes cluster

It's now time to launch a 3-node kubernetes cluster! The following command launches a 3-node cluster of n1-standard-1 machines.

It will take a few minutes to complete:

gcloud container clusters create tidb

Once the cluster has launched, set it to be the default:

gcloud config set container/cluster tidb

The last step is to verify that kubectl can connect to the cluster, and all three machines are running:

kubectl get nodes

If you see Ready for all nodes, congratulations! You've setup your first Kubernetes cluster.

Install Helm

Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes, and is what allows us to install all of the distributed components of TiDB in a single step. Helm requires both a server-side and a client-side component to be installed.

Download the helm installer:

curl >

Install helm:

chmod 700 && ./

Copy helm to your $HOME directory so that it will persist after the Cloud Shell reaches its idle timeout:

mkdir -p ~/bin &&
cp /usr/local/bin/helm ~/bin &&
echo 'PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc

Helm will also need a couple of permissions to work properly:

kubectl create serviceaccount tiller --namespace kube-system &&
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/tiller-rbac.yaml &&
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade

It takes a minute for helm to initialize tiller, its server component:

watch "kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system | grep tiller"

When you see Running, it's time to hit Control + C and proceed to the next step!

Deploy TiDB Operator

The first TiDB component we are going to install is the TiDB Operator, using a Helm Chart. TiDB Operator is the management system that works with Kubernetes to bootstrap your TiDB cluster and keep it running. This step assumes you are in the tidb-operator working directory:

KUBE_VERSION=$(kubectl version --short | awk '/Server/{print $NF}' | awk -F '-' '{print $1}') &&
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/crd.yaml &&
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/gke-storage.yml &&
helm install ./charts/tidb-operator -n tidb-admin --namespace=tidb-admin --set${KUBE_VERSION}

We can watch the operator come up with:

watch kubectl get pods --namespace tidb-admin -o wide

When you see Running, Control + C and proceed to launch a TiDB cluster!

Deploy your first TiDB cluster

Now with a single command we can bring-up a full TiDB cluster:

helm install ./charts/tidb-cluster -n tidb --namespace=tidb --set pd.storageClassName=pd-ssd,tikv.storageClassName=pd-ssd

It will take a few minutes to launch. You can monitor the progress with:

watch kubectl get pods --namespace tidb -o wide

The TiDB cluster includes 2 TiDB pods, 3 TiKV pods, and 3 PD pods. When you see all pods Running, it's time to Control + C and proceed forward!

Connect to the TiDB cluster

There can be a small delay between the pod being up and running, and the service being available. You can watch list services available with:

watch "kubectl get svc -n tidb"

When you see demo-tidb appear, you can Control + C. The service is ready to connect to!

You can connect to the clustered service within the Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl run -n tidb mysql-client --rm -i --tty --image mysql -- mysql -P 4000 -u root -h $(kubectl get svc demo-tidb -n tidb -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}') -p

Congratulations, you are now up and running with a distributed TiDB database compatible with MySQL!

In addition to connecting to TiDB within the Kubernetes cluster, you can also establish a tunnel between the TiDB service and your Cloud Shell. This is recommended only for debugging purposes, because the tunnel will not automatically be transferred if your Cloud Shell restarts. To establish a tunnel:

kubectl -n tidb port-forward demo-tidb-0 4000:4000 &>/tmp/port-forward.log &

From your Cloud Shell:

sudo apt-get install -y mysql-client &&
mysql -h -u root -P 4000 -p

Try out a MySQL command inside your MySQL terminal:

select tidb_version();

If you did not specify a password in helm, set one now:

SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'%' =

Scale out the TiDB cluster

With a single command we can easily scale out the TiDB cluster. To scale out TiKV:

helm upgrade tidb charts/tidb-cluster --set pd.storageClassName=pd-ssd,tikv.storageClassName=pd-ssd,tikv.replicas=5

Now the number of TiKV pods is increased from the default 3 to 5. You can check it with:

kubectl get po -n tidb

Destroy the TiDB cluster

When the TiDB cluster is not needed, you can delete it with the following command:

helm delete tidb --purge

The above commands only delete the running pods, the data is persistent. If you do not need the data anymore, you should run the following commands to clean the data and the dynamically created persistent disks:

kubectl delete pvc -n tidb -l, &&
kubectl get pv -l,, -o name | xargs -I {} kubectl patch {} -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}'

Shut down the Kubernetes cluster

Once you have finished experimenting, you can delete the Kubernetes cluster with:

gcloud container clusters delete tidb