What's Changed
- modify hapi-waf to block bot and tc by @shsingh in #147
- remove gpg and add sops encrypted secret by @shsingh in #149
- modify zap to not fail on warnings by @shsingh in #151
- fix zap api scan badge url by @shsingh in #156
- udpate issue labeler permissions by @shsingh in #158
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to 7aca34c by @renovate in #157
- Update zaproxy/action-api-scan action to v0.3.0 by @renovate in #159
- Update zaproxy/action-full-scan action to v0.5.0 by @renovate in #160
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to 5ed676a by @renovate in #161
- Update zaproxy/action-baseline action to v0.8.0 by @renovate in #162
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to a2d7fbb by @renovate in #163
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to 59b262d by @renovate in #164
- Update github/codeql-action action to v2.20.2 by @renovate in #165
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to fab935b by @renovate in #166
- Update zaproxy/action-baseline action to v0.8.1 by @renovate in #167
- add files waf and k6 files for bank app by @shsingh in #168
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to fab935b by @renovate in #169
- shsingh/add waf to bank app by @shsingh in #170
- change check error rate for bank k6 test by @shsingh in #171
- Update zaproxy/action-baseline action to v0.8.2 by @renovate in #172
- update encrypteddata for github secret in bank app by @shsingh in #173
- update pat sealed-secret by @shsingh in #174
- Update zaproxy/action-api-scan action to v0.3.1 by @renovate in #175
- Update zaproxy/action-full-scan action to v0.5.1 by @renovate in #176
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to 98b6b52 by @renovate in #177
- Update github/codeql-action action to v2.20.3 by @renovate in #178
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to fe5019e by @renovate in #179
- Update github/issue-labeler action to v3.2 by @renovate in #183
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to f7d0b06 by @renovate in #184
- enable dos and waf on bank app by @shsingh in #186
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #185
- add dos-abitrator manifest, rename nic manifests by @shsingh in #187
- shsingh/install dos arb svc to nginx ingress by @shsingh in #188
- comment out dos-abitrator in nginx argo app by @shsingh in #189
- rename files in nginx argo app helm manifests by @shsingh in #190
- uncomment dos-arbitrator for nginx-ingress by @shsingh in #191
- Update kustomization.yaml by @shsingh in #192
- update typo in dos arbitrator helm manifest by @shsingh in #193
- update dos-arbitrator version by @shsingh in #194
- add appprotectdos settings to ingress by @shsingh in #195
- correct dos config in virtual-server manifests by @shsingh in #196
- remove waf policy on bank app by @shsingh in #197
- add maxWorkers to apdos by @shsingh in #198
- debug dos and rename protected-resource manifest by @shsingh in #199
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #200
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #201
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #202
- shsingh/modify k6 and newman tests by @shsingh in #203
- shsingh/modify k6 and newman tests by @shsingh in #204
- shsingh/modify k6 and newman tests by @shsingh in #205
- shsingh/modify k6 and newman tests by @shsingh in #206
- update dos values and configmap by @shsingh in #207
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #208
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #209
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #210
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #211
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #212
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #213
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #214
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #215
- test default site by removing routes by @shsingh in #216
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #217
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #220
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #221
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #222
- shsingh/fix dos in virtual server manifests by @shsingh in #223
- enable localhost for dashboard by @shsingh in #224
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #225
- change bank waf policy to default blocking by @shsingh in #226
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #227
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #228
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #229
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #232
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #233
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #234
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #235
- shsingh/enhance waf for bank app by @shsingh in #236
- custom responsepage works - change back to default by @shsingh in #237
- shsingh/enhance waf for hapi by @shsingh in #238
- block malicious bot for hapi by @shsingh in #239
- shsingh/enhance waf for hapi by @shsingh in #240
- shsingh/enhance waf for hapi by @shsingh in #244
- Update github/codeql-action action to v2.20.4 by @renovate in #241
- Update returntocorp/semgrep-action digest to 5f52783 by @renovate in #242
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to dbafed5 by @renovate in #243
- enable ingress virtual server for dashboard by @shsingh in #249
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #250
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #251
- merge conflict fix for nginx helm values by @shsingh in #252
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #253
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #254
- rename dashboard vs and svc by @shsingh in #255
- change dashboard svc to nodeport by @shsingh in #256
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #257
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #258
- shsingh/enable nginx dashboards by @shsingh in #259
- modify dos-arbitrator to run inside nginx-ingress by @shsingh in #262
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to 4a4e175 by @renovate in #260
- fix issues with configmap merge for nginx-ingress by @shsingh in #263
- move dos-arbitrator back to its own directory by @shsingh in #264
- rollback dos-arbitrator and nginx-ingress changes by @shsingh in #265
- add zap scan workflow files for bank, update README by @shsingh in #269
- shsingh/add zap tests to gql by @shsingh in #270
- Update github/codeql-action action to v2.21.0 by @renovate in #275
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to ae0a0ba by @renovate in #276
- first test at kube-prometheus by @shsingh in #277
- shsingh/install prometheus and grafana by @shsingh in #278
- shsingh/install prometheus and grafana by @shsingh in #279
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to bb9abeb by @renovate in #287
- remove kube-prometheus argo-app by @shsingh in #288
- shsingh/install prometheus and grafana by @shsingh in #289
- shsingh/install prometheus and grafana by @shsingh in #290
- Update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to d4f92f0 by @renovate in #291
- Update step-security/harden-runner action to v2.5.0 by @renovate in #292
- shsingh/install prometheus and grafana by @shsingh in #294
- shsingh/install prometheus and grafana by @shsingh in #295
- shsingh/install prometheus and grafana by @shsingh in #296
- shsingh/create ingress for grafana by @shsingh in #297
- fix: grafana values.yaml by @shsingh in #298
- chore(deps): update quay.io/prometheus/prometheus docker tag to v2.46.0 by @renovate in #299
- fix(kube-prometheus): add ServerSideApply to argo by @shsingh in #303
- fix: typo in argocd app by @shsingh in #304
- chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v2.21.1 by @renovate in #300
- chore(deps): update myrotvorets/set-commit-status-action digest to 91ebef9 by @renovate in #301
- chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v2.21.2 by @renovate in #305
- shsingh/302 bug kube prometheus argocd errors when deploying via helm by @shsingh in #307
- shsingh/302 bug kube prometheus argocd errors when deploying via helm by @shsingh in #308
- chore(deps): update helm release kube-prometheus-stack to v48 by @renovate in #310
- shsingh/302 bug kube prometheus argocd errors when deploying via helm by @shsingh in #311
- Update README.md by @shsingh in #312
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3