Currently, Apalache is not funded by any organization. As a result, it is de-facto funded by its current maintainers and contributors, including [Igor Konnov][], [Jure Kukovec][], and [Thomas Pani][]. If you would like to sponsor the project, please contact us, or simply sponsor us on GitHub by clicking the "Sponsor" button!
We are grateful to the following organizations for financially supporting the Apalache project (in the form of grants or employment) for a significant duration of time in the past:
- Informal Systems: 2020-2024
- Vienna Business Agency: 2021-2023
- Interchain Foundation: 2019-2023
- WWTF (Austria): Vienna Science and Technology Fund 2016-2020
- Inria Nancy and LORIA (France): 2018-2019
- TU Wien (Austria): 2016-2020