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Releases: apache/skywalking-java


15 Apr 07:45
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Changes by Version

  • [Important] Namespace represents a subnet, such as kubernetes namespace, or 172.10... Make namespace concept as a
    part of service naming format.
  • [Important] Add cluster concept, also as a part of service naming format. The cluster name would be
    1. Add as {@link #SERVICE_NAME} suffix.
    2. Add as exit span's peer, ${CLUSTER} / original peer
    3. Cross Process Propagation Header's value addressUsedAtClient[index=8] (Target address of this request used on the
      client end).
  • Support Undertow thread pool metrics collecting.
  • Support Tomcat thread pool metric collect.
  • Remove plugin for ServiceComb Java Chassis 0.x
  • Add Guava EventBus plugin.
  • Fix Dubbo 3.x plugin's tracing problem.
  • Fix the bug that maybe generate multiple trace when invoke http request by spring webflux webclient.
  • Support Druid Connection pool metrics collecting.
  • Support HikariCP Connection pool metrics collecting.
  • Support Dbcp2 Connection pool metrics collecting.
  • Ignore the synthetic constructor created by the agent in the Spring patch plugin.
  • Add witness class for vertx-core-3.x plugin.
  • Add witness class for graphql plugin.
  • Add vertx-core-4.x plugin.
  • Renamed graphql-12.x-plugin to graphql-12.x-15.x-plugin and graphql-12.x-scenario to graphql-12.x-15.x-scenario.
  • Add graphql-16plus plugin.
  • [Test] Support to configure plugin test base images.
  • [Breaking Change] Remove deprecated agent.instance_properties configuration.
    Recommend agent.instance_properties_json.
  • The namespace and cluster would be reported as instance properties, keys are namespace and cluster. Notice, if
    instance_properties_json includes these two keys, they would be overrided by the agent core.
  • [Breaking Change] Remove the namespace from cross process propagation key.
  • Make sure the parent endpoint in tracing context from existing first ENTRY span, rather than first span only.
  • Fix the bug that maybe causing memory leak and repeated traceId when use gateway-2.1.x-plugin or gateway-3.x-plugin.
  • Fix Grpc 1.x plugin could leak context due to gRPC cancelled.
  • Add JDK ThreadPoolExecutor Plugin.
  • Support default database(not set through JDBC URL) in mysql-5.x plugin.


  • Add link about java agent injector.
  • Update configurations doc, remove agent.instance_properties[key]=value.
  • Update configurations doc, add agent.cluster and update agent.namespace.

All issues and pull requests are here


30 Jan 02:29
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Happy Chinese New Year! 🎆🎆🎆🎁



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Please follow build document, if you want to build source codes by yourself.

Changes by Version

  • Support Transaction and fix duplicated methods enhancements for jedis-2.x plugin.
  • Add ConsumerWrapper/FunctionWrapper to support CompletableFuture.x.thenAcceptAsync/thenApplyAsync.
  • Build CLI from Docker instead of source codes, add alpine based Docker image.
  • Support set instance properties in json format.
  • Upgrade grpc-java to 1.42.1 and protoc to 3.17.3 to allow using native Mac osx-aarch_64 artifacts.
  • Add doc about system environment variables to
  • Avoid ProfileTaskChannelService.addProfilingSnapshot throw IllegalStateException(Queue full)
  • Increase ProfileTaskChannelService.snapshotQueue default size from 50 to 4500
  • Support 2.8 and 2.9 of pulsar client.
  • Add dubbo 3.x plugin.
  • Fix TracePathMatcher should match pattern "**" with paths end by "/"
  • Add support returnedObj expression for apm-customize-enhance-plugin
  • Fix the bug that httpasyncclient-4.x-plugin puts the dirty tracing context in the connection context
  • Compatible with the versions after dubbo-2.7.14
  • Follow protocol grammar fix GCPhrase -> GCPhase.
  • Support ZGC GC time and count metric collect. (Require 9.0.0 OAP)
  • Support configuration for collecting redis parameters for jedis-2.x and redisson-3.x plugin.
  • Migrate base images to Temurin and add images for ARM.
  • (Plugin Test) Fix compiling issues in many plugin tests due to they didn't lock the Spring version, and Spring 3 is
    incompatible with 2.x APIs and JDK8 compiling.
  • Support ShardingSphere 5.0.0
  • Bump up gRPC to 1.44.0, fix relative CVEs.


  • Add a FAQ, Why is -Djava.ext.dirs not supported?.

All issues and pull requests are here


31 Oct 01:59
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Don't download source codes from this page.
Please follow build document, if you want to build source codes by yourself.

Changes by Version

  • Split Java agent from the main monorepo. It is a separate repository and going to release separately since 8.8.0.
  • Support JDK 8-17 through upgrading byte-buddy to 1.11.18.
  • Upgrade JDK 11 in dockerfile and remove unused java_opts.
  • DataCarrier changes a #consume API to add properties as a parameter to initialize consumer when
    use Class<? extends IConsumer<T>> consumerClass.
  • Support Multiple DNS period resolving mechanism
  • Modify Tags.STATUS_CODE field name to Tags.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE and type from StringTag to IntegerTag, add Tags.RPC_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE field to hold rpc response code value.
  • Fix kafka-reporter-plugin shade package conflict
  • Add all config items to agent.conf file for convenient containerization use cases.
  • Advanced Kafka Producer configuration enhancement.
  • Support mTLS for gRPC channel.
  • fix the bug that plugin record wrong time elapse for lettuce plugin
  • fix the bug that the wrong db.instance value displayed on Skywalking-UI when existing multi-database-instance on same host port pair.
  • Add thrift plugin support thrift TMultiplexedProcessor.
  • Add benchmark result for exception-ignore plugin and polish plugin guide.
  • Provide Alibaba Druid database connection pool plugin.
  • Provide HikariCP database connection pool plugin.
  • Fix NumberFormat exception in jdbc-commons plugin when MysqlURLParser parser jdbcurl
  • Provide Alibaba Fastjson parser/generator plugin.
  • Provide Jackson serialization and deserialization plugin.
  • Fix a tracing context leak of SpringMVC plugin, when an internal exception throws due to response can't be found.
  • Make GRPC log reporter sharing GRPC channel with other reporters of agent. Remove config items of agent.conf, plugin.toolkit.log.grpc.reporter.server_host, plugin.toolkit.log.grpc.reporter.server_port, and plugin.toolkit.log.grpc.reporter.upstream_timeout.
    rename plugin.toolkit.log.grpc.reporter.max_message_size to log.max_message_size.
  • Implement Kafka Log Reporter. Add config item of agnt.conf, plugin.kafka.topic_logging.
  • Add plugin to support Apache HttpClient 5.
  • Format SpringMVC & Tomcat EntrySpan operation name to METHOD:URI.
  • Make HTTP method in the operation name according to runtime, rather than previous code-level definition, which used to have possibilities including multiple HTTP methods.
  • Fix the bug that httpasyncclient-4.x-plugin does not take effect every time.
  • Add plugin to support ClickHouse JDBC driver.
  • Fix version compatibility for JsonRPC4J plugin.
  • Add plugin to support Apache Kylin-jdbc 2.6.x 3.x 4.x
  • Fix instrumentation v2 API doesn't work for constructor instrumentation.
  • Add plugin to support okhttp 2.x
  • Optimize okhttp 3.x 4.x plugin to get span time cost precisely
  • Adapt message header properties of RocketMQ 4.9.x

All issues and pull requests are here