diff --git a/.github/workflows/beam_StressTests_Java_PubSubIO.yml b/.github/workflows/beam_StressTests_Java_PubSubIO.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fb4b19aa3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/beam_StressTests_Java_PubSubIO.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+name: StressTests Java PubSubIO
+ schedule:
+ - cron: '0 22 * * 6'
+ workflow_dispatch:
+#Setting explicit permissions for the action to avoid the default permissions which are `write-all` in case of pull_request_target event
+ actions: write
+ pull-requests: read
+ checks: read
+ contents: read
+ deployments: read
+ id-token: none
+ issues: read
+ discussions: read
+ packages: read
+ pages: read
+ repository-projects: read
+ security-events: read
+ statuses: read
+# This allows a subsequently queued workflow run to interrupt previous runs
+ group: '${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.event.issue.number || github.sha || github.head_ref || github.ref }}-${{ github.event.schedule || github.event.comment.id || github.event.sender.login }}'
+ cancel-in-progress: true
+ beam_StressTests_Java_PubSubIO:
+ if: |
+ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' ||
+ (github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository == 'apache/beam') ||
+ github.event.comment.body == 'Run Stress Tests Java PubSubIO'
+ runs-on: [self-hosted, ubuntu-20.04, highmem]
+ timeout-minutes: 720
+ name: ${{ matrix.job_name }} (${{ matrix.job_phrase }})
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ job_name: ["beam_StressTests_Java_PubSubIO"]
+ job_phrase: ["Run Stress Tests Java PubSubIO"]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Setup repository
+ uses: ./.github/actions/setup-action
+ with:
+ comment_phrase: ${{ matrix.job_phrase }}
+ github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ github_job: ${{ matrix.job_name }} (${{ matrix.job_phrase }})
+ - name: Setup environment
+ uses: ./.github/actions/setup-environment-action
+ - name: run PubSub StressTest Large
+ uses: ./.github/actions/gradle-command-self-hosted-action
+ with:
+ gradle-command: :it:google-cloud-platform:PubSubStressTestLarge --info -DinfluxHost="" -DinfluxDatabase="beam_test_metrics" -DinfluxMeasurement="java_stress_test_pubsub"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/it/google-cloud-platform/build.gradle b/it/google-cloud-platform/build.gradle
index b6b3512a10f2..1a7e21e4a79a 100644
--- a/it/google-cloud-platform/build.gradle
+++ b/it/google-cloud-platform/build.gradle
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ dependencies {
testRuntimeOnly library.java.slf4j_simple
"GCSPerformanceTest", IoPerformanceTestUtilities.IoPerformanceTest, project, 'google-cloud-platform', 'FileBasedIOLT',
['configuration':'large','project':'apache-beam-testing', 'artifactBucket':'io-performance-temp']
@@ -147,3 +148,11 @@ tasks.register(
['configuration':'large','project':'apache-beam-testing', 'artifactBucket':'io-performance-temp']
+ System.properties
+ "PubSubStressTestMedium", IoPerformanceTestUtilities.IoPerformanceTest, project, 'google-cloud-platform', 'PubSubIOST',
+ ['configuration':'medium','project':'apache-beam-testing', 'artifactBucket':'io-performance-temp']
+ + System.properties)
+ "PubSubStressTestLarge", IoPerformanceTestUtilities.IoPerformanceTest, project, 'google-cloud-platform', 'PubSubIOST',
+ ['configuration':'large','project':'apache-beam-testing', 'artifactBucket':'io-performance-temp']
+ + System.properties)
diff --git a/it/google-cloud-platform/src/test/java/org/apache/beam/it/gcp/pubsub/PubSubIOST.java b/it/google-cloud-platform/src/test/java/org/apache/beam/it/gcp/pubsub/PubSubIOST.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cb96db40b749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/it/google-cloud-platform/src/test/java/org/apache/beam/it/gcp/pubsub/PubSubIOST.java
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.beam.it.gcp.pubsub;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
+import com.google.pubsub.v1.SubscriptionName;
+import com.google.pubsub.v1.TopicName;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.time.Duration;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineLauncher;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineOperator;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.TestProperties;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.ResourceManagerUtils;
+import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.IOStressTestBase;
+import org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.options.DataflowPipelineWorkerPoolOptions;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.protobuf.Proto3SchemaMessages.Primitive;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.Read;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.pubsub.PubsubIO;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.pubsub.PubsubMessage;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.pubsub.PubsubOptions;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.synthetic.SyntheticSourceOptions;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.synthetic.SyntheticUnboundedSource;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.TestPipeline;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.TestPipelineOptions;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.testutils.publishing.InfluxDBSettings;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.DoFn;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.Reshuffle;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.KV;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
+import org.apache.beam.vendor.guava.v32_1_2_jre.com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
+import org.apache.beam.vendor.guava.v32_1_2_jre.com.google.common.base.Strings;
+import org.apache.beam.vendor.guava.v32_1_2_jre.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
+import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+ * PubSubIO stress test. The test is designed to assess the performance of PubSubIO under various
+ * conditions.
+ *
+ *
+ * - To run medium-scale stress tests: {@code gradle
+ * :it:google-cloud-platform:PubSubStressTestMedium} - To run large-scale stress tests: {@code
+ * gradle :it:google-cloud-platform:PubSubStressTestLarge}
+ */
+public class PubSubIOST extends IOStressTestBase {
+ private static final int NUMBER_OF_BUNDLES_FOR_MEDIUM = 20;
+ private static final int NUMBER_OF_BUNDLES_FOR_LARGE = 200;
+ private static final String READ_ELEMENT_METRIC_NAME = "read_count";
+ private static final String WRITE_ELEMENT_METRIC_NAME = "write_count";
+ private static final String MAP_RECORDS_STEP_NAME = "Map records";
+ private static final String WRITE_TO_PUBSUB_STEP_NAME = "Write to PubSub";
+ private static final Map TEST_CONFIGS_PRESET;
+ private static TopicName topicName;
+ private static String testConfigName;
+ private static Configuration configuration;
+ private static SubscriptionName subscription;
+ private static InfluxDBSettings influxDBSettings;
+ private static PubsubResourceManager resourceManager;
+ @Rule public transient TestPipeline writePipeline = TestPipeline.create();
+ @Rule public transient TestPipeline readPipeline = TestPipeline.create();
+ static {
+ try {
+ ImmutableMap.of(
+ "medium",
+ Configuration.fromJsonString(
+ "{\"numRecords\":2000000,\"rowsPerSecond\":25000,\"minutes\":10,\"valueSizeBytes\":1000,\"pipelineTimeout\":20,\"runner\":\"DataflowRunner\"}",
+ Configuration.class),
+ "large",
+ Configuration.fromJsonString(
+ "{\"numRecords\":20000000,\"rowsPerSecond\":25000,\"minutes\":40,\"valueSizeBytes\":1000,\"pipelineTimeout\":70,\"runner\":\"DataflowRunner\"}",
+ Configuration.class));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void setup() throws IOException {
+ resourceManager =
+ PubsubResourceManager.builder("io-pubsub-st", project, CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER).build();
+ topicName = resourceManager.createTopic("topic");
+ subscription = resourceManager.createSubscription(topicName, "subscription");
+ PipelineOptionsFactory.register(TestPipelineOptions.class);
+ // parse configuration
+ testConfigName =
+ TestProperties.getProperty("configuration", "local", TestProperties.Type.PROPERTY);
+ configuration = TEST_CONFIGS_PRESET.get(testConfigName);
+ if (configuration == null) {
+ try {
+ configuration = Configuration.fromJsonString(testConfigName, Configuration.class);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ String.format(
+ "Unknown test configuration: [%s]. Pass to a valid configuration json, or use"
+ + " config presets: %s",
+ testConfigName, TEST_CONFIGS_PRESET.keySet()));
+ }
+ }
+ // Explicitly set up number of bundles in SyntheticUnboundedSource since it has a bug in
+ // implementation where
+ // number of lost data in streaming pipeline equals to number of initial bundles.
+ configuration.forceNumInitialBundles =
+ testConfigName.equals("medium")
+ // tempLocation needs to be set for DataflowRunner
+ if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(tempBucketName)) {
+ String tempLocation = String.format("gs://%s/temp/", tempBucketName);
+ writePipeline.getOptions().as(TestPipelineOptions.class).setTempRoot(tempLocation);
+ writePipeline.getOptions().setTempLocation(tempLocation);
+ readPipeline.getOptions().as(TestPipelineOptions.class).setTempRoot(tempLocation);
+ readPipeline.getOptions().setTempLocation(tempLocation);
+ }
+ writePipeline.getOptions().as(PubsubOptions.class).setProject(project);
+ readPipeline.getOptions().as(PubsubOptions.class).setProject(project);
+ if (configuration.exportMetricsToInfluxDB) {
+ configuration.influxHost =
+ TestProperties.getProperty("influxHost", "", TestProperties.Type.PROPERTY);
+ configuration.influxDatabase =
+ TestProperties.getProperty("influxDatabase", "", TestProperties.Type.PROPERTY);
+ configuration.influxMeasurement =
+ TestProperties.getProperty("influxMeasurement", "", TestProperties.Type.PROPERTY);
+ }
+ }
+ @After
+ public void tearDownClass() {
+ ResourceManagerUtils.cleanResources(resourceManager);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testStringWriteAndRead() throws IOException {
+ configuration.writeAndReadFormat = WriteAndReadFormat.STRING.toString();
+ testWriteAndRead();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAvroGenericClassWriteAndRead() throws IOException {
+ configuration.writeAndReadFormat = WriteAndReadFormat.AVRO.toString();
+ testWriteAndRead();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoPrimitiveWriteAndRead() throws IOException {
+ configuration.writeAndReadFormat = WriteAndReadFormat.PROTO.toString();
+ testWriteAndRead();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPubsubMessageWriteAndRead() throws IOException {
+ configuration.writeAndReadFormat = WriteAndReadFormat.PUBSUB_MESSAGE.toString();
+ testWriteAndRead();
+ }
+ public void testWriteAndRead() throws IOException {
+ if (configuration.exportMetricsToInfluxDB) {
+ influxDBSettings =
+ InfluxDBSettings.builder()
+ .withHost(configuration.influxHost)
+ .withDatabase(configuration.influxDatabase)
+ .withMeasurement(
+ configuration.influxMeasurement
+ + "_"
+ + testConfigName
+ + "_"
+ + configuration.writeAndReadFormat)
+ .get();
+ }
+ WriteAndReadFormat format = WriteAndReadFormat.valueOf(configuration.writeAndReadFormat);
+ PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo writeLaunchInfo = generateDataAndWrite(format);
+ PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo readLaunchInfo = testRead(format);
+ try {
+ PipelineOperator.Result readResult =
+ pipelineOperator.waitUntilDone(
+ createConfig(readLaunchInfo, Duration.ofMinutes(configuration.pipelineTimeout)));
+ // Check the initial launch didn't fail
+ assertNotEquals(PipelineOperator.Result.LAUNCH_FAILED, readResult);
+ // check metrics
+ double writeNumRecords =
+ pipelineLauncher.getMetric(
+ project,
+ region,
+ writeLaunchInfo.jobId(),
+ getBeamMetricsName(PipelineMetricsType.COUNTER, WRITE_ELEMENT_METRIC_NAME));
+ double readNumRecords =
+ pipelineLauncher.getMetric(
+ project,
+ region,
+ readLaunchInfo.jobId(),
+ getBeamMetricsName(PipelineMetricsType.COUNTER, READ_ELEMENT_METRIC_NAME));
+ // Assert that writeNumRecords equals or greater than readNumRecords since there might be
+ // duplicates when testing big amount of data
+ assertTrue(writeNumRecords >= readNumRecords);
+ // export metrics
+ MetricsConfiguration writeMetricsConfig =
+ MetricsConfiguration.builder()
+ .setInputPCollection("Map records.out0")
+ .setInputPCollectionV2("Map records/ParMultiDo(MapKVToPubSubType).out0")
+ .setOutputPCollection("Counting element.out0")
+ .setOutputPCollectionV2("Counting element/ParMultiDo(Counting).out0")
+ .build();
+ MetricsConfiguration readMetricsConfig =
+ MetricsConfiguration.builder()
+ .setOutputPCollection("Counting element.out0")
+ .setOutputPCollectionV2("Counting element/ParMultiDo(Counting).out0")
+ .build();
+ exportMetrics(
+ writeLaunchInfo,
+ writeMetricsConfig,
+ configuration.exportMetricsToInfluxDB,
+ influxDBSettings);
+ exportMetrics(
+ readLaunchInfo,
+ readMetricsConfig,
+ configuration.exportMetricsToInfluxDB,
+ influxDBSettings);
+ } finally {
+ cancelJobIfRunning(writeLaunchInfo);
+ cancelJobIfRunning(readLaunchInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The method creates a pipeline to simulate data generation and write operations to PubSub, based
+ * on the specified configuration parameters. The stress test involves varying the load
+ * dynamically over time, with options to use configurable parameters.
+ */
+ private PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo generateDataAndWrite(WriteAndReadFormat format)
+ throws IOException {
+ int startMultiplier =
+ Math.max(configuration.rowsPerSecond, DEFAULT_ROWS_PER_SECOND) / DEFAULT_ROWS_PER_SECOND;
+ List loadPeriods =
+ getLoadPeriods(configuration.minutes, DEFAULT_LOAD_INCREASE_ARRAY);
+ PCollection> dataFromSource =
+ writePipeline.apply(
+ "Read from source", Read.from(new SyntheticUnboundedSource(configuration)));
+ if (startMultiplier > 1) {
+ dataFromSource =
+ dataFromSource
+ .apply(
+ "One input to multiple outputs",
+ ParDo.of(new MultiplierDoFn<>(startMultiplier, loadPeriods)))
+ .apply("Reshuffle fanout", Reshuffle.of())
+ .apply("Counting element", ParDo.of(new CountingFn<>(WRITE_ELEMENT_METRIC_NAME)));
+ ;
+ }
+ switch (format) {
+ case STRING:
+ dataFromSource
+ .apply(MAP_RECORDS_STEP_NAME, ParDo.of(new MapKVtoString()))
+ .apply(WRITE_TO_PUBSUB_STEP_NAME, PubsubIO.writeStrings().to(topicName.toString()));
+ break;
+ case AVRO:
+ dataFromSource
+ .apply(MAP_RECORDS_STEP_NAME, ParDo.of(new MapKVtoGenericClass()))
+ .apply(
+ PubsubIO.writeAvros(GenericClass.class).to(topicName.toString()));
+ break;
+ case PROTO:
+ dataFromSource
+ .apply(MAP_RECORDS_STEP_NAME, ParDo.of(new MapKVtoPrimitiveProto()))
+ .apply(
+ PubsubIO.writeProtos(Primitive.class).to(topicName.toString()));
+ break;
+ dataFromSource
+ .apply(MAP_RECORDS_STEP_NAME, ParDo.of(new MapKVtoPubSubMessage()))
+ .apply(WRITE_TO_PUBSUB_STEP_NAME, PubsubIO.writeMessages().to(topicName.toString()));
+ break;
+ }
+ PipelineLauncher.LaunchConfig options =
+ PipelineLauncher.LaunchConfig.builder("write-pubsub")
+ .setSdk(PipelineLauncher.Sdk.JAVA)
+ .setPipeline(writePipeline)
+ .addParameter("runner", configuration.runner)
+ .addParameter(
+ "autoscalingAlgorithm",
+ DataflowPipelineWorkerPoolOptions.AutoscalingAlgorithmType.THROUGHPUT_BASED
+ .toString())
+ .addParameter("numWorkers", String.valueOf(configuration.numWorkers))
+ .addParameter("maxNumWorkers", String.valueOf(configuration.maxNumWorkers))
+ .addParameter("streaming", "true")
+ .addParameter("experiments", "use_runner_v2")
+ .build();
+ return pipelineLauncher.launch(project, region, options);
+ }
+ private PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo testRead(WriteAndReadFormat format) throws IOException {
+ PubsubIO.Read> read = null;
+ switch (format) {
+ case STRING:
+ read = PubsubIO.readStrings().fromSubscription(subscription.toString());
+ break;
+ case AVRO:
+ read = PubsubIO.readAvros(GenericClass.class).fromSubscription(subscription.toString());
+ break;
+ case PROTO:
+ read = PubsubIO.readProtos(Primitive.class).fromSubscription(subscription.toString());
+ break;
+ read = PubsubIO.readMessages().fromSubscription(subscription.toString());
+ break;
+ }
+ readPipeline
+ .apply("Read from PubSub", read)
+ .apply("Counting element", ParDo.of(new CountingFn<>(READ_ELEMENT_METRIC_NAME)));
+ PipelineLauncher.LaunchConfig readOptions =
+ PipelineLauncher.LaunchConfig.builder("read-pubsub")
+ .setSdk(PipelineLauncher.Sdk.JAVA)
+ .setPipeline(readPipeline)
+ .addParameter("runner", configuration.runner)
+ .addParameter("streaming", "true")
+ .addParameter("experiments", "use_runner_v2")
+ .addParameter("numWorkers", String.valueOf(configuration.numWorkers))
+ .addParameter("maxNumWorkers", String.valueOf(configuration.maxNumWorkers))
+ .build();
+ return pipelineLauncher.launch(project, region, readOptions);
+ }
+ private void cancelJobIfRunning(PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo pipelineLaunchInfo)
+ throws IOException {
+ if (pipelineLauncher.getJobStatus(project, region, pipelineLaunchInfo.jobId())
+ == PipelineLauncher.JobState.RUNNING) {
+ pipelineLauncher.cancelJob(project, region, pipelineLaunchInfo.jobId());
+ }
+ }
+ /** Mapper class to convert data from KV to String. */
+ private static class MapKVtoString extends DoFn, String> {
+ @ProcessElement
+ public void process(ProcessContext context) {
+ byte[] byteValue = Objects.requireNonNull(context.element()).getValue();
+ context.output(ByteString.copyFrom(byteValue).toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ }
+ }
+ /** Mapper class to convert data from KV to GenericClass. */
+ private static class MapKVtoGenericClass extends DoFn, GenericClass> {
+ @ProcessElement
+ public void process(ProcessContext context) {
+ byte[] byteValue = Objects.requireNonNull(context.element()).getValue();
+ GenericClass pojo = new GenericClass(byteValue);
+ context.output(pojo);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Mapper class to convert data from KV to Proto Primitive. */
+ private static class MapKVtoPrimitiveProto extends DoFn, Primitive> {
+ @ProcessElement
+ public void process(ProcessContext context) {
+ byte[] byteValue = Objects.requireNonNull(context.element()).getValue();
+ Primitive proto =
+ Primitive.newBuilder()
+ .setPrimitiveBytes(ByteString.copyFrom(byteValue))
+ .setPrimitiveInt32(ByteBuffer.wrap(byteValue).getInt())
+ .build();
+ context.output(proto);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Mapper class to convert data from KV to PubSubMessage. */
+ private static class MapKVtoPubSubMessage extends DoFn, PubsubMessage> {
+ @ProcessElement
+ public void process(ProcessContext context) {
+ byte[] byteValue = Objects.requireNonNull(context.element()).getValue();
+ PubsubMessage pubsubMessage = new PubsubMessage(byteValue, Collections.emptyMap());
+ context.output(pubsubMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Example of Generic class to test PubSubIO.writeAvros()/readAvros methods. */
+ static class GenericClass implements Serializable {
+ byte[] byteField;
+ public GenericClass() {}
+ public GenericClass(byte[] byteField) {
+ this.byteField = byteField;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass()).add("byteField", byteField).toString();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return Objects.hash(Arrays.hashCode(byteField));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
+ if (other == null || !(other instanceof GenericClass)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ GenericClass o = (GenericClass) other;
+ return Arrays.equals(byteField, o.byteField);
+ }
+ }
+ private enum WriteAndReadFormat {
+ }
+ /** Options for PubSub IO load test. */
+ static class Configuration extends SyntheticSourceOptions {
+ /** Pipeline timeout in minutes. Must be a positive value. */
+ @JsonProperty public int pipelineTimeout = 20;
+ /** Runner specified to run the pipeline. */
+ @JsonProperty public String runner = "DirectRunner";
+ /** PubSub write and read format: STRING/AVRO/PROTO/PUBSUB_MESSAGE. */
+ @JsonProperty public String writeAndReadFormat = "STRING";
+ /** Number of workers for the pipeline. */
+ @JsonProperty public int numWorkers = 20;
+ /** Maximum number of workers for the pipeline. */
+ @JsonProperty public int maxNumWorkers = 100;
+ /**
+ * Rate of generated elements sent to the source table. Will run with a minimum of 1k rows per
+ * second.
+ */
+ @JsonProperty public int rowsPerSecond = DEFAULT_ROWS_PER_SECOND;
+ /** Rows will be generated for this many minutes. */
+ @JsonProperty public int minutes = 15;
+ /**
+ * Determines the destination for exporting metrics. If set to true, metrics will be exported to
+ * InfluxDB and displayed using Grafana. If set to false, metrics will be exported to BigQuery
+ * and displayed with Looker Studio.
+ */
+ @JsonProperty public boolean exportMetricsToInfluxDB = true;
+ /** InfluxDB measurement to publish results to. * */
+ @JsonProperty public String influxMeasurement;
+ /** InfluxDB host to publish metrics. * */
+ @JsonProperty public String influxHost;
+ /** InfluxDB database to publish metrics. * */
+ @JsonProperty public String influxDatabase;
+ }