Common Bundle has FixturesLoader which you can use to load your application fixtures.
Just extend AbstractFixtures. If your application is using autoconfiguration, it will autoconfigure your service with tag anzu_systems_common.data_fixtures
and fixtures loader will use your own fixture generator. In case you are not using autoconfiguration, tag your service on your own.
Each fixture generator should extend AbstractFixtures:
* @extends AbstractFixtures<User>
final class UserFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
public function __construct(
private UserManager $userManager,
) {
public static function getIndexKey(): string
return User::class;
public function load(ProgressBar $progressBar): void
/** @var User $user */
foreach ($progressBar->iterate($this->getData() as $user) {
$user = $this->userManager->create($user);
* @return iterable<User>
private function getData(): iterable
yield (new User())->setId(2);
can contain any identifier which you want to verbose during fixtures loading.
Fixtures generator can depend on other fixtures generators. Take this example of Blog fixtures generator:
* @extends AbstractFixtures<Blog>
final class BlogFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
public function __construct(
private BlogManager $blogManager,
private UserFixtures $userFixtures,
) {
public static function getIndexKey(): string
return User::class;
public static function getDependencies(): array
return [UserFixtures::class];
public function load(ProgressBar $progressBar): void
/** @var Blog $blog */
foreach ($progressBar->iterate($this->getData() as $blog) {
$blog = $this->blogManager->create($blog);
* @return iterable<Blog>
private function getData(): iterable
$user = $this->userFixtures->getRegistry()->get(2);
yield (new Blog())
will in this case first load UsersFixtures and then BlogFixtures, you can depend on multiple fixtures generators, priority will be resolved automatically.
It's useful to register some generated fixtures into fixtures registry (keep on mind memory usage). AbstractFixtures
provides for this some methods:
public function getRegistry(): ArrayCollection;
public function addToRegistry(BaseIdentifiableInterface $entity): self;
public function findOneRegistryRecord(Closure $filter): ?BaseIdentifiableInterface;
The example of usage this helper methods is shown above in BlogFixtures generator.
Basically, entities often use autogenerated strategy for primary identifiers. You can change that by using helper methods in AbstractFixtures
public function useCustomId(): bool;
public function configureAssignedGenerator(): void;
If you need to assign your own ids, just override the useCustomId
method and return true. Method configureAssignedGenerator
already implements configuration of Doctrine's AssignedGenerator