is the command-line tool which provides access to Theia network flow
visibility capabilities.
binaries are published for different OS/CPU Architecture combionations.
For Linux, we also publish binaries for Arm-based systems. Refer to the
releases page and
download the appropriate one for your machine. For example:
On Mac & Linux:
curl -Lo ./theia "<TAG>/theia-$(uname)-x86_64"
chmod +x ./theia
mv ./theia /some-dir-in-your-PATH/theia
theia help
On Windows, using PowerShell:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri<TAG>/theia-windows-x86_64.exe -Outfile theia.exe
Move-Item .\theia.exe c:\some-dir-in-your-PATH\theia.exe
theia help
To see the list of available commands and options, run theia help
We currently have 5 commands for NetworkPolicy Recommendation:
theia policy-recommendation run
theia policy-recommendation status
theia policy-recommendation retrieve
theia policy-recommendation list
theia policy-recommendation delete
For details, please refer to NetworkPolicy recommendation doc
We currently have 5 commands for Throughput Anomaly Detection:
theia throughput-anomaly-detection run
theia throughput-anomaly-detection status
theia throughput-anomaly-detection retrieve
theia throughput-anomaly-detection list
theia throughput-anomaly-detection delete
For details, please refer to Throughput Anomaly Detection doc
From Theia v0.2, we introduce one command for ClickHouse:
theia clickhouse status [flags]
The --diskInfo
flag will list disk usage information of each ClickHouse shard. Shard
, DatabaseName
, Path
, Free
, Total
and Used_Percentage
of each ClickHouse shard will be displayed in table format. For example:
$ theia clickhouse status --diskInfo
Shard DatabaseName Path Free Total Used_Percentage
1 default /var/lib/clickhouse/ 1.84 GiB 1.84 GiB 0.04 %
The --tableInfo
flag will list basic table information of each ClickHouse shard. Shard
, DatabaseName
, TableName
, TotalBytes
and TotalCol
of tables in each ClickHouse shard will be displayed in table format. For example:
$ theia clickhouse status --tableInfo
Shard DatabaseName TableName TotalRows TotalBytes TotalCols
1 default .inner.flows_node_view 7 2.84 KiB 16
1 default .inner.flows_pod_view 131 5.00 KiB 20
1 default .inner.flows_policy_view 131 6.28 KiB 27
1 default flows 267 18.36 KiB 49
The --insertRate
flag will list the insertion rate of each ClickHouse shard. Shard
, RowsPerSecond
, and
of each ClickHouse shard will be displayed in table format. For example:
$ theia clickhouse status --insertRate
Shard RowsPerSecond BytesPerSecond
1 230 6.31 KiB
If ClickHouse is busy with something, and you don’t know what’s happening, you can check the stacktraces of all the threads which are working.
The --stackTraces
flag will list the stacktraces of each ClickHouse shard. Shard
, trace_function
, and
of each ClickHouse shard will be displayed in table format. For example:
$ theia clickhouse status --stackTraces
Row 1:
Shard: 1
trace_functions: pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2\nPoco::EventImpl::waitImpl(long)\nPoco::NotificationQueue::
worker(std::__1::__list_iterator<std::__1::thread, void*>)\n\nstart_thread\n__clone
count(): 128
Row 2:
Shard: 1
trace_functions: __poll\nPoco::Net::SocketImpl::pollImpl(Poco::Timespan&, int)\nPoco::Net::SocketImpl::poll(Poco::
Timespan const&, int)\nPoco::Net::TCPServer::run()\nPoco::ThreadImpl::runnableEntry(void*)\nstart_thread\n__clone
count(): 5