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Building and Running Docker Container for Ant Media Server

Selim Emre Toy edited this page Sep 21, 2020 · 12 revisions
  • First of all we create a text file with name of Dockerfile as follows:
# This docker file can be used in kubernetes. 
# It accepts all cluster related parameters at run time. 
# It means it's very easy to add new containers to the cluster 

FROM ubuntu:18.04

ARG AntMediaServer

# Keep this value ARGs for compatibility
ARG MongoDBServer=
ARG MongoDBUsername=
ARG MongoDBPassword=

#Running update and install makes the builder not to use cache which resolves some updates
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl libcap2 wget net-tools 

ADD ./${AntMediaServer} /home

RUN cd home \
    && pwd \
    && wget \
    && chmod 755

RUN cd home \
    && pwd \
    && ./ -i ${AntMediaServer} -s false

RUN update-java-alternatives -s java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64

# Keep this for compatibility
RUN /bin/bash -c 'if [ ! -z "${MongoDBServer}" ]; then \
                    /usr/local/antmedia/ cluster ${MongoDBServer} ${MongoDBUsername} ${MongoDBPassword}; \

ENTRYPOINT service antmedia restart && bash

# Options 
# -g: Use global(Public) IP in network communication. Its value can be true or false. Default value is false.
# -s: Use Public IP as server name. Its value can be true or false. Default value is false.
# -r: Replace candidate address with server name. Its value can be true or false. Default value is false
# -m: Server mode. It can be standalone or cluster. Its default value is standalone. If cluster mode is 
#     specified then mongodb host, username and password should also be provided
# -h: MongoDB host
# -u: MongoDB username
# -p: MongoDB password

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/antmedia/"]
  • Download or save <Ant Media Server installation zip> file in the same directory with Dockerfile. Then run the docker build command.

docker build --network=host -t antmediaserver --build-arg AntMediaServer=<Replace_With_Ant_Media_Server_Zip_File> .

  • Now we have a docker container with Ant Media Server. Let's run it.

docker run --network=host --privileged=true -it antmediaserver

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