- Fix of scenario runner status
- Added static markers for carla environment objects.
- Added hybrid ROS1/ROS2 bridge.
- Added passive mode. Wordl configuration and ticking are performed by other clients.
- Support spawning of pseudo-actors through service
- Use new spawning service to combine carla_infrastructure and carla_ego_vehicle into carla_spawn_objects
- Reworked ROS topics
- rework tf in sync mode to represent attachment of sensors to a vehicle
- Updated debian packaging pipeline
- Support noetic and python 3
- Have all sensor types in sensors.json
- Update ad-demo rviz config to visualize more sensor types
- Remove CarlaRadarMeasurement message publishing (radar data is published as PointCloud2 only)
- Remove sensors.json from carla_ad_demo. Use example from carla_ego_vehicle instead
- Add radar PointCloud2 publisher
- Add DVS camera sensor
- Fix rgb camera attributes
- Add intensity value to point cloud message
- Fixed wrong TF for ego_vehicle
- Improve version check
- Fix cleanup
- Rework tf frame names
- ObjectSensor: Fix object twist
- Support loading OpenDRIVE map
- Traffic Lights: Only publish to /carla/traffic_lights on change
- Traffic Lights: Publish /carla/traffic_lights_info, containing the location and the trigger volume
- Added ROS Parameter to set the CARLA client timeout value for all nodes consistently
- change Lidar range in meters
- add new attributes for Gnss and Camera sensor
- add IMU and Radar sensor
- Fix tf publishing in synchronous mode
- Add node to convert a twist to a vehicle control command
- Add node carla_spectator_camera
- Update carla_waypoint_publisher
- Add carla_ros_scenario_runner
- Add rviz_carla_plugin
- Add carla_ad_agent
- Add carla_ad_demo
- remove launchfile check from rqt_carla_control
- Add roslaunch check to all nodes
- support kinetic and melodic
- added possibility to connect to an existing ego vehicle
- support different ego vehicle rolenames in pclrecorder
- publish odometry for all traffic participants
- support drawing markers in CARLA
- replace /carla/map (msg: CarlaMapInfo) by /carla/world_info (msg: CarlaWorldInfo)
- added option to reload the CARLA world
- added node to spawn infrastructure sensors
- rename /carla/vehicle_marker to /carla/marker (and include walkers)
- support walkers
- create rqt plugin to control synchronous mode
- support synchronous mode
- publish CarlaStatus
- remove global_id mapping
- publish /carla/actor_list
- carla_ego_vehicle: support sensor_tick within camera/lidar definition
- support twist_cmd to set velocity of ego vehicle (without respecting the vehicle constraints)
- add id to CarlaEgoVehicleInfo datatype
- rename carla_ros_bridge_msgs to carla_msgs
- remove 'challenge' mode
- rename gnss topic from '../gnss' to '../fix'
- Add lane invasion sensor
- Add collision sensor
- Rename CarlaVehicleControl to CarlaEgoVehicleControl (and add some more message types)
- move PID controller into separate ROS node
- Add challenge mode
- Split actor-monitoring + data publishing
- Use sensor data timestamp
- support simple-pid 0.1.5
- Send vehicle commands to CARLA, only when a ROS command provider is available
- Added interface for GNSS sensor
- Updated ROS-bridge to PythonAPI of CARLA 0.9.x
- Supported sensors: LiDAR, RGB camera, depth camera, segmentation camera
- Vehicle control options: Ackermann-command or Throttle/Brake/Steering
- Added PID controller to convert Ackermann-command into Throttle/Brake/Steering
- RViz support
- Publish TF tree, map, CARLA clock
- Separate ROS topic for each vehicle