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07. Troubleshooting Tips
When there is an editor of a volume, add their name following the title before the publisher info.
- For example: In Music for piano. II, edited by Sylvia Glickman. Bryn Mawr, Pa.: Hildegard Pub., 1997.
- View this example
When hyperlinking in a md file include target="_blank" in the link so the page will open in a new window.
- For example:
<a href="http://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/d/d5/IMSLP364818-PMLP23855-Carreno_-_Gottschalck_Waltz.pdf" target="_blank">IMSLP.org</a>
- Open the MEI XML file and check if there is a double barline at the end
- You will see a line that includes the word "end":
<measure xml:id="measure-0000001354129631" right="end" n="6">
- The "end" should be changed to "single":
<measure xml:id="measure-0000001354129631" right="single" n="6">
If an incipit does not require a time signature open the MEI file and find the line (or lines if multiple staves) that start contain the meter.count and meter.unit
`<scoreDef key.sig="3f" meter.count="4" meter.sym="common" meter.unit="4"/>`
Delete the line (or lines) from the MEI file and the time signature will no longer appear at the beginning of your incipit
To keep the spacing between tempo text and the tempo marking combine the content between the two elements:
`<rend xml:id="r1ah3ahc" fontweight="bold">Grazioso <rend xml:id="rk8vuqh" glyph.auth="smufl" fontsize="small"> </rend> = 56</rend>`
If there should be a tempo marking in the score, but it does not appear in the MEI XML file, you can add one in based on the original score used for the transcription. In the metadata header of the MEI XML you will add the <tempo>
element after the final </staff>
element and before the </measure>
element for the measure n="1" section. If there is a <dir>
element before the </measure>
element, place the <tempo>
section above the <dir>
element, like this:
`<tempo place="above" staff="1" tstamp="1">
<rend fontname="VerovioText">Allegretto non troppo (M.M. Quarter Note = 108)</rend></tempo>`
`<dir xml:id="d8a2a75" place="below" staff="1" tstamp="1.000000" vgrp="40">
<rend xml:id="rzaahol" fontstyle="italic" fontweight="bold">pp</rend></dir>`
The tempo marking of "Allegretto non troppo (M.M. Quarter Note = 108)" should be updated based on your incipit's tempo marking.
Use the @stem.with attribute to indicate that a stem will join a note on an adjacent stave. Identify "above" or "below" depending on the direction of the stem. View more details at https://music-encoding.org/guidelines/v4/content/cmn.html#cmnChordsStems.
A slur or tie may have a curve above or below notes. To adjust the placement go to the tie or slur that needs adjusting and change the @curvedir to "below" or "above." For example:
`<tie xml:id="tie-0000001622465473" startid="#note-0000001544221469" endid="#note-0000001942707126" curvedir="below"/>`
When dynamics do not appear on the same plane it may be necessary to adjust the @tstamp and @vgrp elements. The first dynamic element, such as "p" should have a @tstamp that occurs sequentially before the next dynamic element, such as the crescendo. Both should have a @vgrp of "1." For example:
`<dir xml:id="dir-0000001114737751" place="above" staff="1" tstamp="1.000000">
<rend xml:id="rend-0000002079587357" rend="none" fontfam="FreeSerif" fontstyle="italic" fontweight="bold" vgrp="1">p</rend>
<hairpin xml:id="hairpin-0000000324552112" staff="1" tstamp="1.800000" tstamp2="0m+4.5000" form="cres" place="above"
If the dynamic marking and expressive text are not aligning after changing/adding @vgrp, change the expressive text to @dynam element (not @dir element). For example, change:
`<dir xml:id="dir-0000000688365937" place="below" staff="1" tstamp="1.000000" vgrp="40">
<rend xml:id="rend-0000001455521293" rend="none" fontstyle="italic">dolce</rend>
<dir xml:id="dir-0000000666516987" place="above" staff="2" tstamp="3.000000" vgrp="242">
<rend xml:id="rend-0000000395809410" rend="none" fontstyle="italic">espress.</rend>`
`<dynam xml:id="dir-0000000688365937" place="above" staff="2" tstamp="1.15" vgrp="1">
<rend xml:id="rend-0000001455521293" rend="none" fontstyle="italic">dolce</rend>
<dynam xml:id="dir-0000000666516987" place="above" staff="2" tstamp="3.000000" vgrp="1">
<rend xml:id="rend-0000000395809410" rend="none" fontstyle="italic">espress.</rend>`
Add matching @vgrp to pedal up and down elements so they align on the same plane. For example (Beach op. 15, no. 4), change:
`<pedal staff="2" tstamp="1" dir="down" place="below"/>
<pedal staff="2" tstamp="3" dir="up" place="below"/>
<pedal staff="2" tstamp="4" dir="down" place="below"/>
<pedal staff="2" tstamp="6" dir="up" place="below"/>`
`<pedal staff="2" tstamp="1" dir="down" place="below" vgrp="1"/>
<pedal staff="2" tstamp="3" dir="up" place="below" vgrp="1"/>
<pedal staff="2" tstamp="4" dir="down" place="below" vgrp="1"/>
<pedal staff="2" tstamp="6" dir="up" place="below" vgrp="1"/>`
Switch from tie to slur, correct @startid and @endid, and the slur will avoid going through things. For example Beach op. 60), change:
`<tie startid="#note-0000000776271432" endid="#note-0000002067897949" curvedir="above"/>`
`<slur startid="#note-0000000776271432" endid="#note-0000002067897949" curvedir="above"/>`
Make sure it is a tie element (not a slur) and correct @startid and @endid. For example (Beach op. 60), change
`<slur xml:id="slur-0000000912727500" startid="#note-0000000850084654" endid="#note-0000001834948503" curvedir="below" />
<slur xml:id="slur-0000001395184307" startid="#note-0000000850084654" endid="#note-0000001834948503" curvedir="below" />`
`<tie xml:id="slur-0000000912727500" startid="#note-0000000850084654" endid="#note-0000001834948503" curvedir="below" />
<tie xml:id="slur-0000001395184307" startid="#note-0000000172525003" endid="#note-0000000576646817" curvedir="below" />`