CRUD Operation using MicroServices Developement: UI(Swagger UI) =>
Spring BOOT ==> Cassandra (Save,Read,Delete,Update)
``` UI ==> Insert into Json Message to ==>Spring BOOT ==>Push to Kafka Producer (.send("json message")) ```
``` Backend System ==> Spring Boot/Spring Core /JavaCassandraClient Consume Kafka Message ===>
Kafka Consumer ===> Validate the data ==> Writ to cassandra DB
Use Spark Consumer read Json String data ==> Validate data ==>Write Into Cassandra
Develop the ValidateFramework or Utils classes for Validate the Input jsonString message and consume jsonString messages
java -jar avro-tools-1.8.1.jar compile schema ClickRecordV1.avsc .
It will generate
specific.avro.reader true ==>Setting code generation here ...