This folder contains solutions to tasks on the Rosalind platform - Bioinformatics Stronghold.
- Counting DNA Nucleotides - the function that counts the nucleotides present in the given DNA sequence.
- Transcribing DNA into RNA - the function that transcribed DNA sequence into RNA sequence.
- Complementing a Strand of DNA - the function that outputs the reverse complement of the given DNA sequence.
- Mendel's First Law - the function that returns the probability that two randomly selected mating organisms will produce an individual possessing a dominant allele.
- Counting point mutations - the function that calculates the Hamming distance between two sequences of equal length
- Computing GC Content - the function that opens .fasta files and then calculates the GC content of each sequence and returns the ID of the sequence with the highest GC content and its value
- Translating RNA into Protein - the function that return the protein string encoded by RNA sequence
- Finding a motif in DNA - the function that return all locations of sequence t as a substring of sequence s
- Enumerating Gene Orders - the function that return number of possible permutations and possible rearrangements of genes order