All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
This file has been automatially generated with changelog-flow
- added support for conversation with assistant.
- added openAI powered assistant.
- using jpg instead of png.
- bug fixes.
- using Tippyjs for tooltips.
- improved sync.
- added fields to sections data structure.
- added createdAt and updatedAt to data structure.
- save shortcut.
- sticky toolbar for editor.
- editor default value.
- no projects page not redirecting.
- editor.
- sync process.
- sync icon.
- unused DB plugin.
- internal redirect.
- redirect uri.
- header buttons positioning and visibility.
- styles for lists.
- conflict.
- cloud ync with dropbox (experimental).
- support for rich text.
- add fields from list view.
- section name abbreviation for menu.
- link to new article on landing page.
- publication date.
- checkbox position in table.
- table sorting.
- close menu on click on mobile.
- duplicate field identifiers.
- updating partial element removes data not included in the update.
- show hide cols in table view.
- new deploy.
- added blog article.
- improved landing texts.
- updated landing example.
- improved landing description with typewriter.
- improved UI.
- update storage method in data file on project import.
- loading data for non existing section.
- reading id of null.
- debuggin.
- debug.
- removed store method radio in edit mode.
- debug.
- deleting project.
- enabled debug.
- centered icon.
- check if filehandle has content.
- log in production.
- debug info.
- error handling.
- link to create new project.
- installable pwa.
- manifest.
- manifest.
- grid view.
- section icons.
- ui improvements.
- deploy.
- export project to json.
- hover bg color.
- form components parsing.
- new types supported (color, time, week, month, email, url, tel, etc.).
- improved scrollbars.
- improved performance of forms.
- large tables now scrollable instead of overflowing.
- improved UI of project picker.
- added support for the delete function.
- added sqlite support in the PWA app.
- improved project picker layout.
- added project picker in sidebar.
- in mobile now the sidebar closes if the app background is touched.
- breaking changes: renamed dateCreation and lastModified to createdAt and updatedAt.
- added animations with animate.css.
- added animation on modal close.
- added support for IndexedDB.
- improved styling of form elements.
- minor UI improvements.
- fixed TailwindCSS purging.
- Added switch mode in project editor to activate/deactivate advanced editing mode.
- new fields with options now correctly initialize.
- fixed typos.
- complete rewrite of the entire app in React.
- BREAKING CHANGE: renamed Option prop txt to label.
- BREAKING CHANGE: removed the prop validators from FormModel and moved required to the main Object.
- using TailwindCSS.
- added meta description to index.html.
- properly formatting dates.
- landing navbar collapsable to prevent navbar from hiding hero text.
- added blog section and first post.
- added licenses page with all FOSS used by Anita.
- improved no-projects view with better spacing between buttons.
- added maskable icon to manifest.json for Android.
- updated roadmap in the README.
- support for child elements to link to parent elements of parent sections.
- changed fetch strategy in ngsw.json.
- fixed assets files for service worker.
- added ability to set parent sections in the project structure.
- BREAKING CHANGE: simplified project structure, now section fields are stored in a 1D Array.
- removed /index.html to link to app in get started button.
- set useHash to true in RouterModule.forRoot for compatibility with GitHub pages server.
- changed start_url in manifest to index.html.
- improved manifes.
- fixed script to publish to github pages.
- applied copy changes to index.html.
- added script to publish on github pages.
- changed out folder to the github pages repository.
- improved landing texts.
- created deploy pipe.