UPDATE: 17/09/2021
I decided to stop this challenge after having done 60 days. In short the reason is, I went away on holiday and basically broke my own rules outlined below.
My priorities have shifted after coming back from holiday and also I think it is much better to focus on a more specific area I want to learn/build-skill in.
Failure is actually an option! Failure is part of the human condition and thus the learning process. I am not going to beat myself up over this since I have already completed 2 other 100 Day challenges and already proved to myself what I needed to learn about myself.
Original: 21 June 2021
This is my 3rd challenge of doing a "100 Days of X" habbit building.
What do I want to learn or make?
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics:
- Major focus is going to be on Electronics & Mathematics.
- I want to continue keeping my iOS development skills up to date.
- I want to dedicate some time to learning Physics, Chemistry etc.
- Learn about a topic for minimum an hour a day.
- Take notes if possible and update this log.
- Tweet daily progress with the hashtag: #100DaysOfSTEM
The challenge would be a failure if I have gone 3 consecutive days without following the rules.