Releases: anarkrypto/confirmy-block
v4.0 - Efficient
- Uses the highest PoW among nodes
- Wait for confirm in x% of nodes before continue, value from: "min_consensus" (config.json) or arg --min-consensus [value 0 - 100]. The percentage is parallel to the default node.
- Allow sync wiht block as arg
- Change timeout from 30 to 10 seconds
- Skipping nodes offline for 15 minutes
- Dynamic PoW Fixed
- Fixed checking previous of open block
- nodes.txt updates: re-added trustwallet node, removed (not processing)
- Typos fixed
- Code and log improvements
v3.0 - Next level
In this version we have significant improvements:
Loop error fixed!
now the script search for pendings! Usefull parameters:
--only-pending: Confirm only pending blocks (unpocketed)
--all-pending: When finding pending blocks (unpocketed), do not ask the user, try to confirm all -
new parameter added: --help: Shows a short guide to the script
automatically check for updates on confirmy-block script!
Check if config.json is valid
New config.json parameter: min_pending_amount
update list nodes.txt
SAFE_MODE error fixed
Default rpc address fixed
multiple code and logs improvements
Donations: nano_37f4cm1tu94tteodph6xwwnoowhiae3q483kgfwzd75ns7tbp9uknot4qihe
v2.0 - Speeding up
- asynchronous broadcast between nodes
- async lowest_frontier
- enabled safe mode: prevents users from increasing PoW of blocks with previous unconfirmed
- enable active_difficulty from network: forces the proof of work to never be less than the network's dynamic PoW
- allow --force and --sync in linked_blocks
- use "raw" in account_history to get "change" blocks
- fix "first block delete" for only 1 time
- add timeout to requests
- update nodes list
- multiple bugs fixed
v1.0 - Sync other nodes
- broadcast for all public nodes (RPC) intead only one (nodes.txt)
- set as the default node to check if the block has been confirmed.
- cancel_work bug fix
- uses "blocks_info", if not allowerd uses "block_info"
new Args:
--sync: ask for public nodes the confirmed block, so we cab confirm the oldest one with --force
--follow: when it is a receive block and depends on the confirmation of blocks from another account, it continues following any previous unconfirmed chain
Without --follow, the script asks the user if you want to follow or not.
V.0.0 - First steps
First version of confirmy-nano. It includes the most elementary part: it detects the most delayed blocks through a node, increases its block and broadcasts to that same node.
Detect confirmation automatically and stop pow to continue to the next block
Optional arguments:
node src / index [block] --force
(Forces the increase in PoW even if the block is recognized as confirmed)
node src / index [account] [head_block]
(Starts the update from a certain block)