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2022_r2 Patch1

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@SRaus SRaus released this 10 Apr 09:10


  1. Supported tools version for this release are:

    • Xilinx Vivado 2022.2
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition 22.4 / Quartus Prime Standard Edition 21.1*
  2. Changes in 2022_r2 Patch1:

    • Projects added: adrv9026 on zcu102 support
    • Different bug fixes
  3. Known issues:
    a. Versal based carriers (vck190) might not boot with 2022_r2 Patch1 image.

    The problem appears because some revisions of VCK190 or VPK may have the date/time set randomly or in 64bit format. To make them boot, it is enough to overwrite the date, following next steps:

    • when booting the board, hit any key to go into u-boot menu
    • type mw F12A0000 6613DE3D (this value is hexa of the date from Unix Converter webpage)
    • continue booting

    Another workaround is to boot it with GRHD files provided by Xilinx (doesn't matter if it's petalinux or yocto), and after is booting to type next commands:
    date -s "$(wget -qSO --max-redirect=0 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z" & hwclock --systohc
    After reboot, you should be able to boot also with Kuiper official image.

    b. Video output may not work.
    There are two scripts that can be run in Kuiper terminal: - which is used to create a display for zynq based boards and - which is used to create display for zynqmp based boards. Running the one for zynq on a zynqmp device or vice versa will broke video output. The solution is to delete the wrong created file if there exists (/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf is created by and /etc/X11/xorg.conf is created by

    c. SysID value returned by dmesg during booting may be older that the last commit from this branch.
    This is expected since HDL projects are not recompiled if there are no changes that affects them. Also, for Arria10 SOC sysid value is expected to not be returned.

  4. Reference links:
    HDL Testbenches repository
    Linux repository
    Kuiper repository
    NO-OS repository
    SD Card image