- Kubernetes is running locally
- Host docker is connected to th eK8s VM docker daemon
- Docker image is created for anair-service-rest
- K8s namespace anair is created (
kubectl create namespace anair
- Helm commands:
# Lint helm script
helm lint .
# Install
helm install demo . -n anair
# Verify
helm ls -a -n aap
helm history demo -n anair
# Upgrade with new changes
helm upgrade demo . -n anair
# Rollback version 2
helm rollback demo 2 -n anair
- Enable port forward. Get pod name and replace in:
kubectl port-forward {{PODNAME}} 8080:8080 -n anair
- Verify pod is created and running:
kubectl get all -n anair
- Open Kubernetes dashboard
- Select namespace "anair" and review components
- Go to
- Go to