diff --git a/src/config.yaml b/src/config.yaml
index 1d30025..5baa2af 100644
--- a/src/config.yaml
+++ b/src/config.yaml
@@ -1,96 +1,89 @@
+# This is default and very simple configuration file for Yasb.
+# For more information about configuration options, please visit the Wiki https://github.com/amnweb/yasb/wiki
watch_stylesheet: true
watch_config: true
-debug: false # Enable debug mode to see more logs
-# This komorebi setting will be used for tray context menu.
-# If you don't use komorebi, you can remove this section.
+debug: false
start_command: "komorebic start --whkd"
stop_command: "komorebic stop --whkd"
- reload_command: "komorebic reload-configuration"
-# This is the main configuration file for Yet Another Status Bar (YASB)
+ reload_command: "komorebic stop --whkd && komorebic start --whkd"
- status-bar:
+ primary-bar:
enabled: true
- #screens: ['DELL P2419H (1)'] # If you want to show on specific screen
- screens: ['*']
+ screens: ["*"]
class_name: "yasb-bar"
position: "top"
center: false
- enabled: false # Blur effect will be applied to the bar
- acrylic: false # Acrylic effect will be applied to the bar
- dark_mode: false # Dark mode will add more shadow to the bar
- round_corners: false # Default radius from OS
- border_color: System # None, System or HEX color (this option is related to round_corners=true)
+ enabled: false
+ acrylic: false
+ dark_mode: false
+ round_corners: false
+ border_color: System
always_on_top: false
windows_app_bar: true
width: "100%"
- height: 36
+ height: 32
top: 4
- left: 0
- bottom: 4
- right: 0
+ left: 6
+ bottom: 0
+ right: 6
- left:
- [
- "win_button",
- "komorebi_workspaces",
- "komorebi_active_layout",
- "active_window"
- ]
+ left: [
+ "home",
+ "komorebi_workspaces",
+ "komorebi_active_layout",
+ "active_window",
+ ]
center: [
- "clock",
- "apps"
- ]
- right:
- [
- "media",
- "wifi",
- "cpu",
- "weather",
- "memory",
- "volume",
- "power_menu"
+ "clock",
+ "apps"
+ ]
+ right: [
+ "media",
+ "taskbar",
+ "weather",
+ "microphone",
+ "volume",
+ "power_menu"
- disk:
- type: "yasb.disk.DiskWidget"
- options:
- label: "{volume_label} {space[used][percent]}"
- label_alt: "{volume_label} {space[used][gb]} / {space[total][gb]}"
- volume_label: "C"
- update_interval: 60 # Update interval in seconds
- callbacks:
- on_middle: "do_nothing"
- on_right: "exec explorer C:\\" # Open disk C in file explorer
+ home:
+ type: "yasb.home.HomeWidget"
+ options:
+ label: "\udb81\udf17"
+ menu_list:
+ - { title: "User Home", path: "~" }
+ - { title: "Download", path: "~\\Downloads" }
+ - { title: "Documents", path: "~\\Documents" }
+ - { title: "Pictures", path: "~\\Pictures" }
+ system_menu: true
+ power_menu: true
+ blur: false
type: "yasb.media.MediaWidget"
- label: "{title} - {artist}"
- label_alt: "{title}"
+ label: "{title}"
+ label_alt: "{artist}"
- label: 20
- label_alt: 30
+ label: 64
+ label_alt: 24
show_thumbnail: true
controls_only: false
controls_left: true
hide_empty: true
- thumbnail_alpha: 80
+ thumbnail_alpha: 150
thumbnail_padding: 8
- thumbnail_corner_radius: 16 # Set to 0 for square corners
+ thumbnail_corner_radius: 0
- prev_track: "\udb81\udcae"
- next_track: "\udb81\udcad"
- play: "\udb81\udc0d"
- pause: "\udb80\udfe6"
+ prev_track: "\ue892"
+ next_track: "\ue893"
+ play: "\ue768"
+ pause: "\ue769"
type: "yasb.active_window.ActiveWindowWidget"
@@ -98,90 +91,49 @@ widgets:
label_alt: "[class_name='{win[class_name]}' exe='{win[process][name]}' hwnd={win[hwnd]}]"
label_no_window: ""
label_icon: true
- label_icon_size: 16
+ label_icon_size: 14
max_length: 56
max_length_ellipsis: "..."
- monitor_exclusive: true
- battery:
- type: "yasb.battery.BatteryWidget"
- options:
- label: "{icon}{percent}%"
- label_alt: "{icon} {percent}% | time: {time_remaining}"
- charging_options:
- icon_format: "{charging_icon}"
+ monitor_exclusive: false
type: "yasb.clock.ClockWidget"
- label: "{%a %d, %b %H:%M}"
- label_alt: "{%A %d %B %Y, %H:%M}"
- #locale: 'en_EN' # Langugae for date, you can set your own, example fr_FR
- timezones: [] #Looking up time zone info from registry
- #timezones: ["America/Montreal"]
- cpu:
- type: "yasb.cpu.CpuWidget"
- options:
- label: "\uf4bc {info[percent][total]}%"
- label_alt: "\uf437 {info[histograms][cpu_percent]}"
- update_interval: 2000
- histogram_icons:
- - '\u2581' # 0%
- - '\u2581' # 10%
- - '\u2582' # 20%
- - '\u2583' # 30%
- - '\u2584' # 40%
- - '\u2585' # 50%
- - '\u2586' # 60%
- - '\u2587' # 70%
- - '\u2588' # 80%+
- histogram_num_columns: 8
- callbacks:
- on_right: "exec cmd /c Taskmgr"
- memory:
- type: "yasb.memory.MemoryWidget"
- options:
- label: "\uf4bc {virtual_mem_free}"
- label_alt: "\uf4bc {virtual_mem_percent}%"
- update_interval: 10000
- callbacks:
- on_right: "exec cmd /c Taskmgr"
- language:
- type: "yasb.language.LanguageWidget"
- options:
- label: "\uf1ab {lang[language_code]}-{lang[country_code]}"
- label_alt: " {lang[full_name]}"
- update_interval: 5 # 5 seconds
- callbacks:
- on_left: "toggle_label"
+ label: "{%a, %d %b %H:%M}"
+ label_alt: "{%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M}"
+ timezones: []
type: "komorebi.workspaces.WorkspaceWidget"
- label_offline: "Komorebi Offline"
- label_workspace_btn: "\udb81\udc3d"
- label_workspace_active_btn: "\udb81\udc3e"
- label_workspace_populated_btn: "\udb81\udc3d"
- label_default_name: "{index}"
- label_zero_index: false
- hide_empty_workspaces: false
- hide_if_offline: false
- animation: false
- container_padding:
- top: 0
- left: 8
- bottom: 0
- right: 8
+ label_offline: "\u23fc Offline"
+ label_workspace_btn: "\udb81\udc3d"
+ label_workspace_active_btn: ""
+ label_workspace_populated_btn: "\udb81\udc3e"
+ label_default_name: "{index}"
+ label_zero_index: false
+ hide_empty_workspaces: false
+ hide_if_offline: true
+ animation: true
+ container_padding:
+ top: 0
+ left: 8
+ bottom: 0
+ right: 8
type: "komorebi.active_layout.ActiveLayoutWidget"
hide_if_offline: true
label: "{icon}"
- layouts: ['bsp', 'columns', 'rows', 'grid', 'vertical_stack', 'horizontal_stack', 'ultrawide_vertical_stack','right_main_vertical_stack']
+ layouts:
+ [
+ "bsp",
+ "columns",
+ "rows",
+ "grid",
+ "vertical_stack",
+ "horizontal_stack",
+ "ultrawide_vertical_stack",
+ "right_main_vertical_stack",
+ ]
bsp: "BSP"
columns: "COLS"
@@ -201,85 +153,56 @@ widgets:
bottom: 0
right: 8
- on_left: 'next_layout'
- on_middle: 'toggle_monocle'
- on_right: 'prev_layout'
- wifi:
- type: "yasb.wifi.WifiWidget"
- options:
- label: "{wifi_icon}"
- label_alt: "{wifi_name} {wifi_strength}%"
- update_interval: 5000
- callbacks:
- on_left: "exec cmd.exe /c start ms-settings:network"
- on_middle: "do_nothing"
- on_right: "toggle_label"
- traffic:
- type: "yasb.traffic.TrafficWidget"
- options:
- label: "\udb86\uddb3{download_speed} | \udb86\uddb2{upload_speed}"
- label_alt: "Download {download_speed} \ue621 Upload {upload_speed}"
- update_interval: 1000 # Update interval should be a multiple of 1000
- callbacks:
- on_left: "toggle_label"
- on_right: "exec cmd /c Taskmgr"
- ip_info:
- type: "yasb.custom.CustomWidget"
- options:
- label: "\udb81\udd9f {data[ip]}"
- label_alt: "\uf450 {data[city]} {data[region]}, {data[country]}"
- class_name: "ip-info-widget"
- exec_options:
- run_cmd: "curl.exe https://ipinfo.io"
- run_interval: 120000 # every 5 minutes
- return_format: "json"
- callbacks:
- on_left: "toggle_label"
- on_middle: "exec cmd /c ncpa.cpl" # open network settings
- on_right: "exec cmd /c start https://ipinfo.io/{data[ip]} " # open ipinfo in browser
+ on_left: "next_layout"
+ on_middle: "toggle_monocle"
+ on_right: "prev_layout"
type: "yasb.weather.WeatherWidget"
label: "{icon} {temp_c}"
label_alt: "{location}: Min {min_temp_c}, Max {max_temp_c}, Humidity {humidity}"
- api_key: '3bf4cf9a7c3f40d6b31174128242807' # Get your free API key from https://www.weatherapi.com/
- update_interval: 600 # Update interval in seconds, Min 600 seconds
+ api_key: "3bf4cf9a7c3f40d6b31174128242807"
+ update_interval: 600
hide_decimal: true
- location: 'Los Angeles, CA, USA' # You can use "USA Los Angeles 90006" {COUNTRY CITY ZIP_CODE}, or just city.
+ location: "USA Los Angeles 90006"
on_left: "toggle_label"
- icons:
- sunnyDay: "\ue30d"
- clearNight: "\ue32b"
+ icons:
+ sunnyDay: "\udb81\udd99"
+ clearNight: "\udb81\udd99"
cloudyDay: "\udb81\udd99"
- cloudyNight: "\ue311"
- rainyDay: "\udb81\ude7e"
- rainyNight: "\udb81\ude7e"
- snowyIcyDay: "\udb81\udd98"
- snowyIcyNight: "\udb81\udd98"
- blizzard: "\uebaa"
- default: "\uebaa"
- # https://www.weatherapi.com/docs/
- # Usage {temp_c}, {min_temp_c}, {max_temp_c}, {temp_f}, {min_temp_f}, {max_temp_f}, {location}, {humidity}, {icon}, {conditions}
+ cloudyNight: "\udb81\udd99"
+ rainyDay: "\udb81\udd99"
+ rainyNight: "\udb81\udd99"
+ snowyIcyDay: "\udb81\udd99"
+ snowyIcyNight: "\udb81\udd99"
+ blizzard: "\udb81\udd99"
+ default: "\udb81\udd99"
type: "yasb.volume.VolumeWidget"
label: "{icon} {level}"
label_alt: "{volume}"
- - "\ueee8" # Icon for muted
- - "\uf026" # Icon for 0-10% volume
- - "\uf027" # Icon for 11-30% volume
- - "\uf027" # Icon for 31-60% volume
- - "\uf028" # Icon for 61-100% volume
+ - "\ueee8"
+ - "\uf026"
+ - "\uf027"
+ - "\uf027"
+ - "\uf028"
+ callbacks:
+ on_right: "exec cmd.exe /c start ms-settings:sound"
+ microphone:
+ type: "yasb.microphone.MicrophoneWidget"
+ options:
+ label: "{icon} {level}"
+ label_alt: "{icon} {level}%"
+ icons:
+ normal: "\udb80\udf6c"
+ muted: "\udb80\udf6d"
+ on_left: "toggle_mute"
+ on_middle: "toggle_label"
on_right: "exec cmd.exe /c start ms-settings:sound"
type: "yasb.power_menu.PowerMenuWidget"
@@ -287,64 +210,32 @@ widgets:
uptime: True
blur: False
blur_background: True
- animation_duration: 300 # Milisecond
- button_row: 3 # Number of buttons in row, min 1 max 5
+ animation_duration: 200
+ button_row: 5
- lock: ["\uea75","Lock"]
- signout: ["\udb80\udf43","Sign out"]
- #sleep: ["\u23fe","Sleep"]
- shutdown: ["\uf011","Shut Down"]
- restart: ["\uead2","Restart"]
- hibernate: ["\uf28e","Hibernate"]
- cancel: ["\udb81\udf3a","Cancel"]
- #force_shutdown: ["\uf011","Force Shut Down"]
- #force_restart: ["\uead2","Force Restart"]
+ shutdown: ["\uf011", "Shut Down"]
+ restart: ["\uead2", "Restart"]
+ signout: ["\udb80\udf43", "Sign out"]
+ hibernate: ["\uf28e", "Hibernate"]
+ sleep: ["\u23fe", "Sleep"]
+ cancel: ["", "Cancel"]
type: "yasb.applications.ApplicationsWidget"
- label: "{data}"
top: 0
left: 8
bottom: 0
right: 8
+ label: "{data}"
- #- {icon: "\udb80\ude39", launch: "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"}
- - {icon: "\uf0a2", launch: "notification_center"}
- - {icon: "\ueb51", launch: "quick_settings"}
- #- {icon: "\uf46a", launch: "cmd.exe /c start ms-settings:windowsupdate"}
- - {icon: "\uf422", launch: "search"}
- #- {icon: "\udb84\udf55", launch: "widget"}
- # Currently available to use quick_settings, notification_center, search, widget, launcher (launcher will trigger ALT+A)
- github:
- type: "yasb.github.GithubWidget"
- options:
- label: "\ueba1"
- label_alt: "Notifications {data}" # {data} return number of unread notification
- token: ghp_xxxxxxxxxxx # GitHub Personal access tokens (classic) https://github.com/settings/tokens
- # You can set token: env, this means you have to set YASB_GITHUB_TOKEN in environment variable
- max_notification: 20 # Max number of notification displaying in menu max: 50
- only_unread: false # Show only unread or all notifications;
- max_field_size: 54 # Max characters in title before truncation.
- menu_width: 400
- menu_height: 400
- menu_offset: 240
- update_interval: 300 # Check for new notification in seconds
- wallpapers:
- type: "yasb.wallpapers.WallpapersWidget"
- options:
- label: "\udb83\ude09"
- image_path: "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Images" # Path to folder with images
- change_automatically: false # Automatically change wallpaper
- update_interval: 60 # If change_automatically is true, update interval in seconds
+ - { icon: "\uf422", launch: "search" }
+ - { icon: "\ueb03", launch: "cmd /c Taskmgr" }
+ - { icon: "\udb80\ude39",launch: "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe" }
type: "yasb.taskbar.TaskbarWidget"
- animation: false
+ animation: true
icon_size: 16
processes: []
@@ -354,70 +245,4 @@ widgets:
top: 0
left: 0
bottom: 0
- right: 0
- nvidia_temp:
- type: "yasb.custom.CustomWidget"
- options:
- label: "{data}\udb81\udd04"
- label_alt: "{data}"
- class_name: "system-widget"
- exec_options:
- run_cmd: "powershell nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader"
- run_interval: 10000 # run every 10 sec
- return_format: "string"
- win_button:
- type: "yasb.custom.CustomWidget"
- options:
- label: "\ue62a"
- label_alt: "\ue62a"
- class_name: "system-widget"
- callbacks:
- on_left: "exec start_menu"
- libre_monitor_widget:
- type: "yasb.libre_monitor.LibreHardwareMonitorWidget"
- options:
- # Available "info" keys: value, unit, min, max, histogram
- label: "\udb82\udcae {info[value]}{info[unit]}"
- label_alt: "\uf437 {info[histogram]} {info[value]} ({info[min]}/{info[max]}) {info[unit]}"
- sensor_id: "/gpu-nvidia/0/temperature/0" # "SensorId" from http://localhost:8085/data.json when the Libre HWM server is running.
- update_interval: 1000 # Update interval in milliseconds. Limited by the Libre HWM update interval.
- precision: 0
- histogram_num_columns: 10
- # Optional. Custom widget class name to customize multiple widgets. Default is libre-monitor-widget.
- class_name: "libre-monitor-widget"
- # Optional. A history of min and max values.
- # history_size: 50
- # Optional. Custom histogram icons. Must have exactly 9 icons.
- # histogram_icons:
- # - '\u2581'
- # - '\u2581'
- # - '\u2582'
- # - '\u2583'
- # - '\u2584'
- # - '\u2585'
- # - '\u2586'
- # - '\u2587'
- # - '\u2588'
- # Optional. Fixed min/max value range for the histogram. Actual {info[min]} and {info[max]} values are untouched.
- # histogram_fixed_min: 0.0
- # histogram_fixed_max: 100.0
- # Optional. Custom Libre HWM server host and port.
- # server_host: "localhost"
- # server_port: 8085
- # Optional. If you enable auth in Libre HWM, set username and password and restart the server.
- # server_username: "admin"
- # server_password: "password"
- callbacks:
- on_left: "toggle_label"
- on_middle: "do_nothing"
- on_right: "do_nothing"
+ right: 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/styles.css b/src/styles.css
index e695267..6d519e0 100644
--- a/src/styles.css
+++ b/src/styles.css
@@ -1,319 +1,282 @@
-.widget .label {} -> Global label for all
-.active-window-widget {} -> Styles specific to the active window widget
-.clock-widget {} -> Styles specific to the clock widget
-.cpu-widget {} -> Styles specific to the CPU widget
-.memory-widget {} -> Styles specific to the memory widget
-.weather-widget {} -> Styles specific to the weather widget
-.komorebi-workspaces {} -> Styles specific to komorebi workspaces
-.komorebi-active-layout {} -> Styles specific to komorebi active layout
-.volume-widget {} -> Styles specific to the volume widget
-.apps-widget {} -> Styles specific to the apps widget
-.power-menu-widget {} -> Styles for the power menu button widget
-.power-menu-popup {} -> Styles for the power menu popup widget
-.power-menu-popup > .button {} -> Styles for power buttons inside the popup
-.power-menu-popup > .button > .icon,
-.power-menu-popup > .button > .label {} -> Styles for power buttons icons and labels inside the popup
-.media-widget {} -> Styles specific to the media widget
-.github-widget {} -> Styles specific to the github widget
-.language-widget {} -> Styles specific to the language widget
-.disk-widget {} -> Styles specific to the disk widget
-.taskbar-widget {} -> Styles specific to the taskbar widget
-.libre-monitor-widget {} -> Styles specific to the Libre Hardware Monitor widget
+This is default and very simple styles file for Yasb.
+For more information about configuration options, please visit the Wiki https://github.com/amnweb/yasb/wiki
-* {
- font-size: 12px;
- color: #cdd6f4;
- font-weight: 500;
- font-family: "JetBrainsMono NFP";
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
+:root {
+ --rosewater: #f5e0dc;
+ --flamingo: #f2cdcd;
+ --pink: #f5c2e7;
+ --mauve: #cba6f7;
+ --red: #f38ba8;
+ --maroon: #eba0ac;
+ --peach: #fab387;
+ --yellow: #f9e2af;
+ --green: #a6e3a1;
+ --teal: #94e2d5;
+ --sky: #89dceb;
+ --sapphire: #74c7ec;
+ --blue: #89b4fa;
+ --lavender: #b4befe;
+ --text: #cdd6f4;
+ --subtext1: #bac2de;
+ --subtext0: #a6adc8;
+ --overlay2: #9399b2;
+ --overlay1: #7f849c;
+ --overlay0: #6c7086;
+ --surface2: #585b70;
+ --surface1: #45475a;
+ --surface0: #282936;
+ --base: #1e1e2e;
+ --mantle: rgba(24, 24, 37, 0.5);
+ --crust: rgba(17, 17, 27, 0.85);
+ --main: #10151d;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: var(--subtext0);
+ font-weight: 600;
+ font-family: "JetBrainsMono NFP";
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
.yasb-bar {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ background-color: var(--crust);
+ border-radius: 8px;
.widget {
- background-color: #1e1e2e;
- padding: 0 8px;
- margin: 0;
-.widget .label {
- padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px;
-.widget .label.alt {
- padding: 1px 8px 1px 8px;
+ padding: 0 12px;
+ margin: 0;
-.active-window-widget {
- border-radius: 18px;
- margin-left: 8px
-.container-right {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
+.icon {
+ font-size: 16px;
-.clock-widget {
- border-top-left-radius: 18px;
- border-bottom-left-radius: 18px;
+.widget .label {
+ padding: 0px 2px;
.komorebi-active-layout {
- border-top-right-radius: 18px;
- border-bottom-right-radius: 18px;
- padding: 0 4px 0 0;
+ padding: 0 4px 0 0;
.komorebi-active-layout .label {
- font-weight: 600;
- padding: 2px 0 0 0;
-.wifi-widget {
- padding: 0 4px 0 4px;
- border-top-left-radius: 18px;
- border-bottom-left-radius: 18px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ padding: 2px 0 0 0;
.apps-widget .widget-container,
.komorebi-workspaces .widget-container,
-.wifi-widget .widget-container,
-.komorebi-active-layout .widget-container {
- background-color: #313244;
- margin: 4px 0px 4px 0;
- border-radius: 14px;
-.apps-widget {
- padding: 0 4px 0 2px;
- border-top-right-radius: 18px;
- border-bottom-right-radius: 18px;
+.komorebi-active-layout .widget-container
+ background-color: var(--crust);
+ margin: 3px 0 3px 0;
+ border-radius: 12px;
+ border: 1px solid var(--surface0);
+.komorebi-workspaces .widget-container {
+ border-top-left-radius: 6px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
+ margin-left: 4px;
+.komorebi-workspaces {
+ border-top-right-radius: 14px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 14px;
+ padding: 0 4px 0 0;
+.komorebi-workspaces .offline-status {
+ color: var(--surface2);
+ font-size: 12px;
+ padding: 0 0 0 4px;
+ font-weight:600;
.komorebi-workspaces .ws-btn {
- font-size: 16px;
- background-color: transparent;
- margin: 0 4px 0 4px;
- color: #95a0ad;
border: none;
+ background-color:transparent;
+ margin:0;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: var(--overlay1);
+ height: 28px;
+ width: 18px;
+.komorebi-workspaces .ws-btn:hover {
+ color: var(--subtext1);
.komorebi-workspaces .ws-btn.populated {
- color: #a0c3ee;
+ color:transparent;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ background-color: var(--lavender);
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ margin: 0 4px;
+ font-size: 1px;
-.komorebi-workspaces .ws-btn:hover,
-.komorebi-workspaces .ws-btn.populated:hover,
.komorebi-workspaces .ws-btn.active {
- color: #c2daf7;
+ color: transparent;
+ background-color: var(--blue);
+ width: 36px;
+ max-width: 36px;
+ height: 10px;
+ margin: 0 4px;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+.apps-widget {
+ padding: 0 4px 0 2px;
.apps-widget .label {
- font-size: 14px;
- padding: 0 2px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ padding: 0 2px;
+ color: var(--subtext0);
.apps-widget .label:hover {
- color: #fff;
+ color: var(--text);
-.uptime {
- font-size: 14px;
- margin-bottom: 10px;
- color: #ffffff;
- font-weight: 600;
- font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
.power-menu-widget .label {
- color: #f38ba8;
- font-size: 13px;
+ color: #f38ba8;
+ font-size: 13px;
.power-menu-popup {
- background-color: rgba(24, 24, 37, 0.9);
- border-radius: 12px;
- border: 4px solid rgb(41, 42, 58);
+ background-color: transparent
.power-menu-popup .button {
- padding: 0;
- width: 240px;
- height: 120px;
- border-radius: 8px;
- background-color: rgb(41, 42, 58);
- font-family: "SegoeUI";
- color: white;
- border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
- margin: 8px;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 180px;
+ height: 230px;
+ border-radius: 8px;
+ background-color: var(--crust);
+ color:var(--text);
+ border-left: 4px solid rgba(58, 59, 83, 0);
+ border-right: 4px solid rgba(58, 59, 83, 0);
+ border-top: 4px solid rgba(58, 59, 83, 0);
+ border-bottom: 4px solid rgba(58, 59, 83, 0);
+ margin: 0px;
.power-menu-popup .button.hover {
- background-color: rgb(55, 56, 75);
- border: 1px solid rgb(55, 56, 75);
+ background-color:var(--base);
+ border-left: 4px solid var(--base);
+ border-right: 4px solid var(--base);
+ border-top: 4px solid var(--base);
+ border-bottom: 4px solid var(--base);
.power-menu-popup .button .label {
- margin-bottom: 8px;
- font-size: 16px;
- font-weight: 600;
- color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95);
- font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ color: var(--overlay2)
.power-menu-popup .button .icon {
- font-size: 48px;
- padding-top: 8px;
- color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
+ font-size: 64px;
+ padding-top: 32px;
+ color: var(--surface2)
.power-menu-popup .button.cancel .icon {
- color: rgba(243, 139, 168, 0.55);
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
.power-menu-popup .button.cancel .label {
- color: rgba(243, 139, 168, 0.95);
-.power-menu-popup .button.shutdown .icon {
- color: rgba(137, 180, 250, 0.55);
-.power-menu-popup .button.shutdown .label {
- color: rgba(137, 180, 250, 0.95);
-/* ICONS */
-.icon {
- font-size: 16px;
-.volume-widget .icon {
- color: #89b4fa;
- margin: 1px 2px 0 0;
-.cpu-widget .icon,
-.memory-widget .icon {
- font-size: 14px;
- color: #cba6f7;
- margin: 0 2px 1px 0;
-.memory-widget .icon {
- color: #a6c9f7;
-.wifi-widget .icon {
- color: #43d8d8;
- padding: 0 7px;
+ color: var(--red);
margin: 0;
-/* Memory widget usage colors. Uncomment if you want to color of the battery widget icon to change based on status */
-.memory-widget.status-low .icon {
- color: #a6e3a1;
-.memory-widget.status-medium .icon {
- color: #f9e2af;
-.memory-widget.status-high .icon {
- color: #fab387;
+.power-menu-popup .button.cancel {
+ height: 32px;
+ border-radius: 4px;
-.memory-widget.status-critical .icon {
- color: #f38ba8;
-/* Battery widget value colors. Uncomment if you want to color of the battery widget icon to change based on status */
-.battery-widget.status-charging .icon {
- color: #74c7ec;
+.uptime {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ color: var(--surface2);
+ font-weight: 600;
-.battery-widget.status-full .icon {
- color: #94e2d5;
+.microphone-widget {
+ padding: 0 6px 0 6px;
-.battery-widget.status-high .icon {
- color: #a6e3a1;
+.microphone-widget .icon {
+ font-size: 18px;
-.battery-widget.status-medium .icon {
- color: #f9e2af;
+.microphone-widget .icon {
+ color: var(--mauve);
-.battery-widget.status-low .icon {
- color: #fab387;
+.volume-widget .icon {
+ color: var(--blue);
+ margin: 1px 2px 0 0;
-.battery-widget.status-critical .icon {
- color: #f38ba8;
+.volume-widget {
+ padding:0 6px;
.weather-widget .icon {
- font-size: 16px;
- margin: 0 2px 1px 0;
-.weather-widget .icon.sunnyDay {
- color: rgb(221, 210, 107);
-.weather-widget .icon.clearNight {
- color: rgb(107, 189, 221);
- font-size: 22px;
- margin: 1px 2px 0px 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ margin: 0 2px 1px 0;
+ color: var(--yellow);
-.weather-widget .icon.cloudyDay {}
-.weather-widget .icon.cloudyNight {}
-.weather-widget .icon.rainyDay {}
-.weather-widget .icon.rainyNight {}
-.weather-widget .icon.snowyIcyDay {}
-.weather-widget .icon.snowyIcyNight {}
-.weather-widget .icon.blizzard {}
-.weather-widget .icon.default {}
.media-widget {
- padding: 0;
- padding-left: 6px;
- margin: 0;
- border-radius: 18px;
- margin-right: 8px;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
.media-widget .label {
- background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
+ color: #bac2db;
+ background-color: rgba(24, 24, 37, 0.7);
+ padding: 0px;
+ padding-right: 4px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+.media-widget .label.maintext {
+ padding-top: 3px;
.media-widget .btn {
- color: #acb2c9;
- padding: 0;
- font-size: 18px;
+ color: #989caa;
+ padding:0 1px;
+ margin: 0;
+ font-family: Segoe Fluent Icons;
+ font-weight: 400;
.media-widget .btn:hover {
- color: #89b4fa;
+ color: #babfd3;
.media-widget .btn.play {
- font-size: 24px;
-.media-widget .btn.prev {
- padding: 0 4px 0 4px;
-.media-widget .btn.next {
- padding: 0 4px 0 4px;
+ font-size: 16px;
.media-widget .btn.disabled:hover,
.media-widget .btn.disabled {
- color: #4e525c;
+ color: #4e525c;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
-.github-widget {
- padding: 0 4px;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ border: none;
+.taskbar-widget .app-icon{
+ padding:0 6px;
+ border: none;
+ margin: 0;
-.github-widget .icon {
- font-size: 14px;
- color: #cdd6f4
+.home-widget {
+ padding: 0 4px 0 12px;
-.github-widget .icon.new-notification {
- color: #f38ba8;
+.home-widget .icon {
+ color: var(--lavender);
-.taskbar-widget {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
+.home-widget .icon:hover {
+ color: var(--text);
-.taskbar-widget .app-icon {
- padding: 0 6px;
+.home-menu {
+ background-color:var(--crust);
-.libre-monitor-widget .icon {
- font-size: 14px;
- color: #cba6f7;
- margin: 0 2px 1px 0;
+.home-menu .menu-item {
+ padding: 8px 48px 9px 16px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
+ color: var(--text);
+ font-weight: 600;
+.home-menu .menu-item:hover {
+ background-color:rgba(128, 130, 158, 0.15);
+ color: #fff;
+.home-menu:separator {
+ height: 1px;
+ background-color:rgba(128, 130, 158, 0.3);
\ No newline at end of file