Microsoft Engage 2020 \
Team : Aariv \
Team Members :
1.Ajay Bohra @
2.Amit Joshi @
3.Deepak Tiwari @
4.Kunal Khanra @ \
Base Project:
To find the shortest path from a starting node to ending node,considering obstacles also.
1.Single Source-Single Destination: \
i)Astar Algo
ii)Dijkstra Algo
2.Single Source-Multiple destinations:
i)Held-Karp Algo
Fun Ideas:
1.Used the concept of Mars Rover Battery.Each traversal will cost some battery power.If battery is low,you have to first recharge it!!
2.To show the farthest distance Mars Rover can travel considering the remaining battery power. \
Through this Project,we learned a lot!! \
“The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realizes, the less I know.” – Michel Legrand \