- Farhad seifi https://ngrok.com/
- add db path to config.py.sample
- do more while normalizing, specially against SQLInjection. remove all non alpha numerical
- Atomic problem when I'm commiting every 10 inserts
- some health check url
- there is problem with JJ1000000 and JJ100
- create requirements.txt (pip freeze)
- the insert will fail if there is a ' or " in excel file
- another 10 % problem :D
- refactor name str in normalize function
- in normalize, convert AB001 to AB00001 (max len? say 15)
- dockerize (alpine? search for uwsgi)
- merge pull requests.. check I mean :)
- do proper inserts with INTO
- templating
- thanks H shafiee
- rate limit
- add call back token on kavenegar site