# The numbers used can be:
# * n : An integer
# * '*' : Every/Any option
# * n1-n2 : Ranges of numbers e.g 1-5 aka Monday to Friday in the day field
# +---------------- Minute when the process will be started [0-59]
# | +------------- Hour when the process will be started [0-23]
# | | +---------- Day of the month when the process will be started [1-31]
# | | | +------- Month of the year when the process will be started [1-12]
# | | | | +---- Weekday when the process will be started [0-6] [0|7 is Sunday]
# | | | | |
# * * * * * <command to be executed>
# Keywords:
# * Can be used as a shortcut to entering the numbers.
# * e.g.
# * @daily <command to be executed>
# @yearly = 0 0 1 1 *
# @annually = 0 0 1 1 *
# @monthly = 0 0 1 * *
# @weekly = 0 0 * * 0
# @daily = 0 0 * * *
# @midnight = 0 0 * * *
# @hourly = 0 * * * *
# @reboot = [Special setting, runs at startup]