Built By Amer Sulieman and Nolan Sherman An information system that can help optimize training programs, job assistance services, career planning, and company recruitment.
Explaining the directories:
app directory: Directory contain the java application built to interact with the user on what queries they would like to run. Important: The file CommanLineView.java contain the main method to run the program. To run the program, complie the java applications using javac -classpath ojdbc8.jar *.java, to include the oracle driver to run the program use : java -cp :ojdbc8.jar: CommandLineView Then your program will run and ask you for inputs on the queries
cl-tools: Contain a script that will convert google sheet to a sql script with insert statement. The script written by my project partner Nolan Sherman
inserts: sql insert to the database
queries: Contain each query in a sql file