Rapid, iterative code changes are commonplace in cloud native software deployments and Kubernetes copes well with these demands. You will now make a small change to your code, build a new container image and push this to ECR.
Version 2.0 of your app provides support for the use of a backend app which will be introduced in a later chapter.
Run the following snippet in the terminal to download the new source code and Dockerfile for your app.
mkdir -p ~/environment/echo-frontend/src/2.0/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${EKS_GITHUB_USER}/eks-demos/main/echo-frontend/src/2.0/main.go \
-O ~/environment/echo-frontend/src/2.0/main.go
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${EKS_GITHUB_USER}/eks-demos/main/echo-frontend/src/2.0/Dockerfile \
-O ~/environment/echo-frontend/src/2.0/Dockerfile
The target files will be in ~/environment/echo-frontend/src/2.0/
Open these files in Cloud9 IDE to review the updated code.
Observe that the Dockerfile is now using a multi-stage build.
This will help keep the container image size down to a minimum.
Use Docker to build and run your new container image.
docker build -t echo-frontend:2.0 ~/environment/echo-frontend/src/2.0/
container_id=$(docker run --detach --rm -p 8082:80 echo-frontend:2.0)
Give it a quick test then stop the running container.
curl http://localhost:8082
docker stop ${container_id}
Observe the new backend
attribute ("none" by default) and the value for the version
attribute which is set to 2.0.
Tag and push the Docker image to the ECR repository.
docker tag echo-frontend:2.0 ${EKS_ECR_REGISTRY}/echo-frontend:2.0
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${EKS_ECR_REGISTRY}
docker push ${EKS_ECR_REGISTRY}/echo-frontend:2.0
Review the version 1.0 and version 2.0 images, now side by side in ECR.
aws ecr list-images --repository-name echo-frontend
You may also like to visit https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ecr/repositories, open up the echo-frontend
repository and inspect your images via the console.
The version 2.0 image remains in ECR for later use.
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