Original Project from VDR Team.
MediaPortal forum : http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/forums/ambient-lighting-system.671/
MediaPortal binary : https://ambilight-4-mediaportal.googlecode.com/git/MPEI%20Release/Atmowin/
GitHub source : https://github.com/ambilight-4-mediaportal
Since Atmowin V :
Please before Update to this version, Make backup of your setting with screenshots All your setting are not lost, but are not used anymore with the rework of moving setting
On Error for launch Atmowin : Please install these package before use : VC++ 2012 x86 : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 VC++ 2013 x86 : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784