These programs demonstrate various use cases that interact with Amazon Connect using the AWS SDK for Go.
These examples use Go modules to manage the dependency on the AWS SDK for Go.
GetQueueAvailableAgents: Returns all of the agents that are in the Available state in a certain call queue. Uses the GetCurrentMetricData API.
go run ./GetQueueAvailableAgents/main.go -r <aws-region> -q <queue-arn>
Example output:
There are 8 available agents in the queue.
StartOutboundVoiceContact: Begins an outbound call using the StartOutboundVoiceContact API.
go run ./StartOutboundVoiceContact/main.go -r <aws-region> -c <contact-flow-id> -p <phone-number-to-call> -i <connect-instance-id> -q <queue-id>
Example output:
2020/07/25 14:24:11 Got StartOutboundVoiceContactWithContext output: { ContactId: "e076e874-3e3e-4f27-93e0-23ed7f8ebcd1" }