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{% hint style='danger' %} This site has been deprecated: You can find the release notes of Lagoon over at Github: Lagoon Releases{% endhint %}

Hi there! As we are improving we started to release changelogs to highlight changes and new additions to the hosting stack.

2020-02-11 - SSL Cipher and SSL Version updates

As TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 start to get discouraged by most browsers druing 2020 we decided to update to the latest Mozilla SSL security guidelines. This means SSL connections run solely over TLS 1.2 as well as the most up to date ciphersuites

2019-12-10 - PHP 7.3

A very long awaited feature - With the deprecation of php 5.6/7.0 and 7.1 we started rolling out PHP 7.3 which is available on the legacy platform. PHP 7.3 Docker images will also be available soon

2019-11-20 - SFTP Fixes

We've rolled out fixes that under certain circumstances broke SFTP client access to the servers.

2019-01-21 - Supported PHP Versions

As of January 1st, PHP 5.6 and 7.0 are no longer supported. We encourage you to you upgrade your site to use 7.1 as soon as is convenient. If you wish to upgrade to PHP 7.2 or later, ask your support engineer if lagoon is right for you.

2017-08-29 - You asked, we answered: PHP 7.1 support starts today!

We had intended to release PHP 7.1 support along with our Drupal on Docker services, but then thought, why wait?

Starting today, your sites can now run on PHP 7.1. A fresh new Docker image has been pushed to the Docker Hub (amazeeio/drupal:php71-basic) for you to pull into your local environment. Ping us once your testing is complete and we’ll update your sites πŸ˜ƒ

We've also updated all of our Docker images to match production as of today's release, it is suggested that you docker-compose pull in your sites and docker-compose up --force -d to take advantage of the latest changes.

2017-07-04 - New Solr 3 Docker Images

We started rolling out the Support for Solr 5/6 around 2 months ago. Now we also support solr3 in a seperate Docker container. To set up your local environment, just grab the correct docker-compose.yml file, examples are in our repo.

2017-07-04 - Fixed Blackfire support on cluster environments

We rolled out an improvement for using blackfire with clustered environments behind a loadbalancer. πŸ‘

2017-06-09 - Node 8 Docker Images

Node 8 has just been released. And we are happy to provide support for it already! Find the Runtime Image on Dockerhub (Git Repo) and also the Build Image (Git Repo).

2017-06-09 - Cachalot & Pygmy HA Proxy: Support for all containers

We released a new version of the Local Development Environment HA Proxy (The small but powerfull tool that allows you to use Docker locally with nice URLs like instead of multiple ports). Now you can use the HA Proxy for all your proxy needs for all kind of Docker Images! Head over to the HA-Proxy Documentation to learn how to use it .

Don't forget to upgrade your local Docker images with either cachalot docker_update or pygmy update.

2017-05-16 - Cachalot update

Today we released a small update to Cachalot, it includes some behind the scene fixes, but most importantly we have introduced a sudoers file so that you no longer need to sudo with every start/stop of Cachalot. Update to the latest version, then run cachalot sudoers_configure to put it in place, or, it will be installed the next time you start Cachalot.

2017-03-14 - Support for Solr 5/6

Starting today, sites running on our compact tier have access to Solr 5/6. This also announces the first production service which we run in Docker. If you want your site to use this feature, please ping us and we will enable it for you. To set up your local environment, just grab the correct docker-compose.yml file, examples are in our repo.

2017-03-14 - New Drush Aliases PHP File

Since today there are more robust aliases.drushrc.php files available, this file tells Drush how to communicate with our API and we're switching from file_get_contents() to curl. Additionally the file included within is now hosted on our own servers instead of Github. You can find the new files here aliases.drushrc.php. For the next couple of weeks we keep the old file on github available but will start to notify customers about the update during a drush command.

How to upgrade In order to use the new aliases.drushrc.php file just replace the existing file with this updated version: aliases.drushrc.php (It's the same for Drupal 6, 7 and 8).

Make sure this file is updated on all branches.

Timeline of fadeout for old file 2017-03-14 - Releasing new aliases.drushrc.php file. 2017-03-21 - Starting to show a warning message when the old file is still used. 2017-05-01 - Disabling drush API functionality within old file with message to upgrade to the new version of aliases.drushrc.php

2017-03-07 - Custom domains for development sites

Launching today, we now support the use of your own FQDN on development sites. This now means you can have as your URL, instead of the server URLs. And as a bonus, if you use this you can utilized Let's Encrypt for these development sites. Want to put this in place for your site? Just reach out in Slack and we'll make it happen!

2017-03-07 - PostgreSQL PHP Module

We might not have PostgreSQL Databases yet (!), but we added the PHP Module for PostgreSQL to our Docker containers and production environments, so in case you would like to connect to an external PostgreSQL Server you can now perfectly do that. Wanna use this in your local docker? docker-compose pull

2017-01-31 - MailHog on Local Docker Environments and better Linux Docker support

TL;DR: Update our Docker Images and pygmy or cachalot

As promised in our 2017 Roadmap, we are continuously improving the Local Docker Environments. Today we are adding MailHog to the toolset. MailHog is a graphical interface for locally sent emails. As it is technically not possible to send emails from local systems, we now forward all mails generated within the Docker Container to a MailHog Docker Container where you can read them, inspect them and even have desktop notifications. The perfect tool for anybody who has to work with emails locally.

We also improved our support for running the Local Development Environment on Linux. In the past the drupal user within the Docker container was running as User-ID 3201. For Linux systems it is better to run them as User-ID 1000, which is the most common User-ID on Linux systems and with that generates less issues with the mounted files. In the past the workaround was to change the permissions of mounted files to 777, this should now not be necessary anymore.

Both changes involve new Docker Images and a new version of pygmy and cachalot, so read carefully how to upgrade:

Upgrade Docker Images

  1. docker-compose pull (run in each Drupal site)
  2. docker-compose up -d --force (restarts the container with the new image)
  3. In case you run into issues: docker-compose down -v and then docker-compose up -d - This will though remove the local database, so make sure you don't have any unsynced things in there.

Hint: as we have 4 different Docker Images (php7/php56, solr/basic). You don't need to run it in every project, just make sure you run it for each of the four images (you can see which one you use in docker-compose.yml under images:)

Update pygmy

  1. gem update pygmy
  2. gem uninstall pygmy (select the old version to deinstall)
  3. pygmy update
  4. pygmy restart
  5. pygmy version (it should show at least version 0.9.7)
  6. Visit and you should see MailHog loaded.

Update cachalot

  1. brew update
  2. brew upgrade cachalot
  3. cachalot docker_update
  4. cachalot restart
  5. cachalot version (it should show at least version 0.12.1)
  6. Visit and you should see MailHog loaded.


Join our Slack and we gonna help you :)

2017-01-31 - Drupal Console Launcher

Since the beginning we had support for running Drupal Console, but you had to run it via the a bit cumbersome command ./vendor/bin/drupal. Starting today every site and the local development environment has the Drupal Console Launcher installed. Which allows you to use the Drupal Console like you would expect, just with:


2016-10-12 - Welcome Yarn to the family

Using Node.js and it’s packages is almost a standard for frontend build systems, it allows developers to automate tasks that would take a lot of time or are not even possible. Installing all these packages, their dependencies with the correct versioning is not an easy task. Till yesterday the only way to do that was npm (Node Package Manager), but it was slow, sometimes very slow. This made deployments taking multiple minutes just to install all packages. So people tried to implement caching support on top of npm, but it never fully took off. Another problem was version and dependency handling: Npm had a possibility to lock packages to a specific version, but it was not enforced by default.

Yesterday Yarn was released. Yarn is a full replacement for npm (Node Package Manager). And it's a lot faster. It also has a built in local cache, plus brings its own (and enforced) lock file.

At our mission is to provide the best experience and tools to our developers. So we spared not time and rolled out Yarn on all servers and in our Docker images, in order for everybody out there to use it right away (see the official documentation on how to use it).

Happy knitting!

2016-09-14 - 🐳 Better support of Docker for Mac

Docker for Mac is out of Beta since a couple of weeks and there are still big improvements in speed released on every new version. So the team decided to wait a bit before we will deprecate cachalot and fully focus on pygmy, as we understand how important that a fast local development environment is.

But there are already developers using pygmy and Docker for Mac on their machines and we want to provide them the best experience possible.

So we fixed two problems that were bothering ourselves:

  1. The git prompt is now around 20x faster while you are inside a docker container.

  2. Xdebug is now as easy as with cachalot: Just start a debugging session and done.

The second one was a bit a harder one. Unfortunately, the networking within Docker for Mac is not perfect yet, and there is currently no way for a Docker container to know how to talk to the Docker Host itself. This is a known issue and the suggested workaround is to create an alias on the loopback interface with an unused IP address.

So we are doing that now!

  • pygmy up is creating a new alias IP: (which is also cleaned up during pygmy down
  • During the start of the Docker containers a small script tries to ping the IP, if that succeeds, we are hard coding this IP in the X-Forwarded-For Header from Nginx, which then will be used by Xdebug to make the connection to the debugger. If this IP is not pingable, we are still using the regular X-Forwarded-For behavior, as for Linux, Windows and OS X with cachalot Docker environments, this works perfectly.

In order to profit from this new system, please:

If you have any questions or problems, please just ask in our Slack Channel.

Happy Debugging!

2016-08-09 - πŸ“¬ Mail Logfile

Did you ever wonder how many mails are sent out via your website? We do too! We implemented some logging for your outgoing mails. You'll find the mail.log in your homedirectory logs/mail.log

2016-08-09 - πŸ” HTTP Strict Transport Security Headers

HTTP Strict Transport Security Headers short HSTS is a security policy mechanism which instructs your browser to talk only via HTTPS to a Site which sends out this header.

We follow best-practices and send out a HSTS max-age of one year. If you need a shorter HSTS max-age you can dial it in for every of your production sites individually.

2016-07-27 - Naming consistency for production sites

As all sites are available via [sitename].[branchname].[server].[stack] Sadly the production URL's were not sticking to that naming schema. We rolled out a patch to include the branch name for production sites within the direct url.

Before: New :

2016-07-27 - selectable Node.js Versions, because one Node.js is not enough

We just launched our newest addition: selectable Node.js versions. You can now define exactly which Node.js version you would like to run your frontend build system with. In order to do so, just add these two lines:

  node: 4

to your .amazeeio.yml file. This will let know which Node.js version you would like. In this example the newest Node.js version 4. This version will be used whenever you run a command like npm or node.

If you need a specific minor or patch version (like 6.3.0), you can also define that.

You can choose from any of the available Node.js versions, but we strongly suggest to keep your code up to date with the newest one (currently 6.3.1).

This also applies to the Docker containers! Just make sure that you pull the newest containers, and whenever you connect to the container, your defined Node.js versions will be installed and used.

Happy Node.js-ing!

2016-07-27 - Updated Docker Images

With the launch of selectable Node.js versions, we finally updated our Docker Images as well, here some of the goodies:

  • Updated to Varnish 4 from Varnish 3
  • Updated nginx configurations
  • Nginx and PHP Logs are now inside ~/logs
  • Better TEMP environment variables
  • On connecting to a container, you land directly where the webroot is
  • Sqlite module for PHP added
  • and a lot more

How to get the newest images? Read here! And also specifically read the part about slow updates.

2016-07-13 - PHP and Nginx logs at your fingertips

Sometimes you just need to see the bare metal logs of what is happening on your Drupal site, and now you can!

Every site hosted on has now a new folder called ~/logs/nginx were we put all logs from the two nginx serving your site. So you know exactly what is going on on your site.

By default there are 4 files in there:

  • 10fe-[sitename].access.log - This is the access log from the frontend Nginx, which receives all requests to your site. Redirects are handled directly on this Nginx and not passed back, the same also for HTTP to HTTPS redirects. If this site is a production site it will pass the request to Varnish where the request might is cached. We actually use this file to generate the amount of hits per month.
  • 10fe-[sitename].error.log - If the frontend Nginx throws any errors or cannot handle a request, you will see them here. Usually this file stays empty.
  • 20be-[sitename].access.log - This is the access log from the backend Nginx, here you will see every request that has passed the frontend Nginx and Varnish. So these are requests that cannot be cached and will be handled by PHP.
  • 20be-[sitename].error.log - This is the error log from the backend Nginx, you will see here not only Nginx errors, but also any PHP and Drupal errors.

These files are logrotated, which means every week a new file is generated and the old file is renamed.

Btw if you would like to see real time logs, try:

tail -f ~/logs/nginx/10fe-$AMAZEEIO_SITENAME.access.log

and you will see the access logs of the frontend Nginx in realπŸ•”, woohoo!

2016-07-13 - New environment variables which makes your Drupal Life easier

Environment variables are awesome✌️: They allow us to define some defaults for you, which you then just can use and don't need to worry about configuring our Drupal correctly or securely.

Since the last maintenance last night we welcome a few more environment variables to the πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦:πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

  • AMAZEEIO_WEBROOT - Some Drupal installations run inside a subfolder like 'web'. To make the handling of such sites easier there is this new environment variable which contains the absolute path to this subfolder like: '/var/www/drupal/public_html/web'
  • AMAZEEIO_HASH_SALT - Drupal needs a hash salt to generate secure cookies and one-time-login links. In Drupal 7 this hash salt was generated by the credentials of the Database, which is okay but not great. In Drupal 8 it is now required to define the hash salt in the settings.php, this is great but sometimes cumbersome. So we're providing you a hash salt as an environment variable, which is great and easy to use. We even make sure that this hash salt is the same across multiple sites inside a sitegroup, so that your dev, staging and production sites all have the same hash salt. (Now I'm hungry). See our Drupal 8 example.
  • AMAZEEIO_TMP_PATH - Drupal needs a temporary directory which allows it to same files for a short time (like when you upload a file). This directory should not be accessible from the web and therefore not life inside the Drupal root. generates such a directory inside the home directory at ~/tmp. To use that easily in side Drupal, there is this environment variable, which tells Drupal where to put it's files. And btw, we also tell PHP and it's modules to use the same folder, so all the temporary files have a common place to have a party πŸŽ‰ See the Drupal 7 example and Drupal 8 example.
  • AMAZEEIO_PRODUCTION_URL - Files are a vital part of any website, without πŸ–Ό the world would just be half as pretty. But with many different development sites and even feature branch sites, these files can be a real pain. Drupal Stage File Proxy to the rescue! This awesome module removes the need to synchronize the files from the production site to development and your local Docker base site, whenever Drupal needs a file and it cannot find it, it will just go to the production site and download it from there. Easy as 🍰 ! But of course you need to know the URL of the production site for that to work, and this is exactly what this environment variable does: Give you the URL of the production site. See the Drupal 7 example and Drupal 8 example. In case you wonder how to use these environment variables: You can use them in the settings.php files and with that make sure that you never have to worry about them.

Check out our Drupal Settings Files, which contains complete Drupal and Drush settings starter files, they are using all the available environment variables. You can just copy them inside your Drupal and with that be fully ready on

Happy Drupaling!

2016-07-08 - Drupal in sub-πŸ“‚? Now with SSH support πŸ’ͺ!

More and more of our clients are using Drupal inside a subfolder of a Git repository. The reasons for this are multiple: Coming from other Drupal Hosters where this is required, using the Drupal Composer Project or just preference.

Since the beginning supported all ways of building your folder structure: Having Drupal directly in the root folder of Git, having it inside a subfolder or even in a deeper folder structure, full freedom πŸ†“!

Today we rolled out two small fixes to all sites:

  1. There is now a new environment variable called AMAZEEIO_WEBROOT which tells you the full path to where the Drupal lives, in case you need it anywhere

  2. When you ssh into any site, you land directly in the correct folder to run stuff like drush or other commands that expect you to be in the Drupal folder.

Improvements every week! -

2016-07-05 - New image processing and git improvements on backends

As part of this week's maintenance, we have installed GraphicsMagick on all our backend servers. If you would like to use this alternative to GD and ImageMagick, you will need the ImageMagick Drupal module, and to tell it the executable path for GraphicsMagick is at /usr/bin/gm.

Also updated today, the git command line tool on our backend servers now knows who it is! We are publishing a .gitconfig file to the home directory of your site, so that when git runs it can know what user it belongs to.

2016-06-28 - Higher Security by default πŸ”

Our whole stack has a strong focus on security, from the beginning we implemented a highly restrictive Linux User permissions system, which prevented a site to have access to any other site, not to code, not the database, not the files or anything else.

Today we go a step further: We have now AppArmor profiles running, which lock sites down even more.

Wanna try it out? Start trying out with a "ps aux".

Got any questions about AppArmor or problems with it? Shoot us a πŸ“§ to [email protected] or in Slack, we're happy to help.

2016-05-10 Varnish Configuration Improvements

Last week we upgraded to Varnish 4.0πŸŒͺ to make your site blazing fast . We optimized some portions of the configuration to make error handling more robust and also implemented some security measures. Go Varnish GoπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

2016-05-10 Fancy a, TMP Directory πŸ“‚

Drupal needs a directory to handle uploads or save data temporarily - the so-called tmp or temp directory. Our servers come with that pre-equipped now. You can now rely on using the Environment Variable AMAZEEIO_TMP_PATH for temporary files.

For more information about Environment Variables head over to the Documentation:

But how is that working for the cluster hosted sites you might ask? No worries we got you covered there too. The path is just slightly different for cluster sites but synchronized πŸ”ƒ across the backend web servers. It's easy as that!

2016-05-04 Security: ImageTragick / OpenSSL

Yesterday was quite intense regarding security updates:

First there was a OpenSSL PatchπŸ”’ released and applied to all our systems.

Later we saw that the ImageTragickπŸ–Ό remote code execution vulnerability was made public. Our engineers acted fast and came up with a patch to mitigate this threat to all servers.

2016-05-04 Varnish 4.0

Varnish 3 was the workhorse on our frontend servers and saved us many times from having to add more servers on the backend. Why? Because he does his job so very well! He withstands the biggest traffic spikes but now it's time to retire and make space for Varnish 4.0β˜„οΈ.

We rewrote the frontend caching configuration and polished everything to get the most OOMPHπŸŒͺ out of Varnish 4.0.

2016-04-26 PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 <3

Two PHP Versions on the same server? When we had this idea people said "This is not possible. Or at least it's crazy!" Then our engineers went to work. And we're happy to announce that we are able to support PHP 7.0 on all systems. Switching is done faster than you can say "I can compile php 7 from scratch". Send us a mail to [email protected] and we switch your sites over to PHP 7.0.πŸ‘Œ

PHP 7.0 comes with a huge performance boost and makes your Drupal Site faster than ever. And we all love fast websites.

🏼🏁 The future is here!

2016-04-12 Redirects : www and non-www

You might want to have your site prefixed with www. Or maybe you fancy not having it.

From the beginning we supported having a redirect from non-www to www ( β†’ but sadly not the other way around. There was a workaround tough. Workarounds should be temporary. On top of this we listened to our customers who demanded this feature.πŸ‘‚πŸ½

We're proud to announce that this feature has now rolled out to all AmazeeIO Infrastructure!πŸ™Œ

If you want to have the redirects put in place, talk to our engineers they’ll be happy to get you set up.πŸ‘·πŸ»

2016-04-12 New Deployment Infrastructure

Our deployment was great already. We set out to improve the rough edges and rewrote it from scratch based on the learnings of the previous version.

Features include:

  • User friendly Slack status messages, so you can see when something is on πŸ”₯ and why.
  • A nice deployment log which shows every single step that happens during a deployment, here an example 😎
  • A new structure in our yml files which allows the deployment scripts to run each deploy task by itself, because we like structure πŸ€“ Happy Deployments!

2016-04-12 IPv6 - Redirects and Resolver

IPv6 is gaining momentum but it looked like our server level redirect didn't support it right from the beginning β˜”οΈ. And visitors ended up seeing our splash-page 😾.

We fixed that by now and all domain redirects work now out of the box with IPv6 πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

Another issue lived within nginx and DNS resolving. Nginx had issues with the notation of the addresses we provided. Glad we fixed that! 😺

2016-04-05 Say 'Adios' to Database usernames and passwords

We went great lengths with making setting up a Drupal site as easy as possible by having everything configured with environment variables 🎯.

Still usernames and passwords for the database were generated when we created the vhost for the first time on the server. The best password is one you don't even need to think about, because it is generated in background and put in place automatically (and ideally it's long, cryptic and involves letters and numbers). By now all usernames and passwords for databases are automatically generated and can be rolled over across all servers if need would be πŸ’ͺ.


The AmazeeIO DevOps Team

2016-03-30 zh1.cluster: Good things like PHP 5.6 will take a while

Remember that we said three weeks ago, that we will wait with the PHP 5.6 rollout for the zh1.cluster another week? Well we lied πŸ˜…, just a bit πŸ˜‡

It took us a bit longer. Reasons are many, and one of them includes a πŸ¦„

We are very happy to announce that all servers have successfully been upgraded to PHP 5.6 πŸ’ͺ

Happy coding!

2016-03-24 No Access for You

Since the beginning, AmazeeIO kept non-productive sites hidden from search engines and crawlers πŸ’ͺ

It did that with sending the "X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow" Headers, which keeps the search engines from indexing the sites.

Unfortunately that is not enough in some cases, the data that the development sites contain are just too important πŸ™ˆ

Starting from today, it is now possible to set a Basic Auth for all sites (a simple username and password prompt, sometimes wrongly πŸ€“ refereed as "htaccess"), to keep the bad guys πŸ•΅ from spying πŸ‘€ πŸ‘»

2016-03-15 bye bye OCFS & CEPH, welcome NFS


You did a good job as a distributed and clustered file system on zh1.cluster.

Unfortunately it is time to say goodbye. You tried hard during big load and failovers, but we would have expected a better reliability. Maybe you where the wrong choice from the beginning.

We decided to move forward with NFS, which is much more experienced in handling big loads and a lot of files.

Bye Bye πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

All the best

The AmazeeIO DevOps Team

2016-03-08 Welcome

As promised last week, we're very pleased to have as a tool ready to be used within AmazeeIO ◾️πŸ”₯

There is not much to say about, just that it is the best profiling tool we've ever seen 😍

Not convinced? Check out a demo profiling of

Setup is easy:

2016-03-08 PHP 5.6 Rollout compact and single

Remember how we tested PHP 5.6 last week on dev1.compact? Looks like there where no issues and so we decided to roll it out to more Servers 😎

These servers are now running with a πŸƒπŸ†™πŸ’ͺ PHP 5.6:

  • dev1.compact
  • zh1.single
  • attribute1.compact
  • swisscom1.compact
  • sa1.compact
  • us1.compact

For zh1.cluster we decided that we gonna wait another week

2016-03-02 Improvement day!

  • MariaDB only allowed 200 connections at the same time, which with all the success of AmazeeIO was not enough anymore, MariaDB accepts now 400 connections πŸ’ͺ
  • Solr logged per default every single request to it's log file. Believe us, that was a lot of logs. Solr is now only logging what is really necessary πŸ“
  • We forgot that some sites just don't need a cron πŸ™ˆ, we implemented that non-possibility now 🐡

2016-03-02 Xhprof removed

Xhprof reached it's end of life and is not compatible to php 5.6 and php 7, fare well xhprof πŸ˜šπŸ‘‹

But we're already working on adding support! Stay tuned. 😎

2016-03-02 Solr Environment Variables

Solr environment variables where exposed to PHP even though Solr was maybe not enabled for this site. We know that we all like Solr, but this was too much. Solr Environment Variables behave now correctly and are only exposed if Solr is enabled.

2016-03-02 PHP 5.6 for dev1.compact

With the soon (July 2016) end of life of PHP 5.5, we thought it's a good idea to upgrade our PHP 5.5 to 5.6! πŸš€

In case some things break, we only rolled it out to so we all can test before it's rolled out to the production servers next week.

Please report any issues to @devops.

2016-02-24 Welcome :)

Welcome to our AmazeeIO changelog, where you will find the latest changes of AmazeeIO and all it's services.

Stay tuned!