Let's kick off the new year with another game. This is a little bit more complex than the Memory game and Rock Paper Scissors clones I implemented in Elm over the past few weeks. You might want to refer to those previous tutorials if you're not entirely familiar with Elm and how the Elm Architecture works. You can play with a live version here:
So Mastermind. We'll need some colors to play with:
type Color
= Red
| Green
| Blue
| Cyan
| Yellow
| Empty
Notice the Empty
constructor. It has essentially the same meaning as Nothing
in Maybe
and should make the code much easier to write and understand.
A Combination
is just a list of colors.
type alias Combination =
List Color
When the user makes a guess, we'll encode it with the Guess
type. We also need to give back some hints to the user (the black and white pegs).
type Hint
= CorrectPosition
| WrongPosition
type alias Guess =
( Combination, List Hint )
Our model is pretty simple. We have a correct
field which is the Combination
that the user has to guess. guesses
is the list of Guess
that the user has made so far and state
indicates if we're still playing or else.
The Playing
state holds the current guess (Combination
). Notice that thanks to Empty
as a Color
constructor, we can have a combination that looks like this [Red, Empty, Cyan, Cyan]
is only needed for the UI, it indicates which color in the current combination the user is choosing.
type alias Index =
type GameState
= Playing Combination (Maybe Index)
| GameOver
| Surrender
type alias Model =
{ correct : Combination
, guesses : List Guess
, state : GameState
Let's write some helper functions to generate a list of random colors that we'll use to create the Combination
the user has to guess.
randomList : (List Int -> Msg) -> Int -> Cmd Msg
randomList msg len =
Random.int 0 100
|> Random.list len
|> Random.generate msg
shuffle : List comparable -> List a -> List a
shuffle random list =
List.map2 (,) list random
|> List.sortBy Tuple.second
|> List.unzip
|> Tuple.first
randomCombination : Int -> List a -> List comparable -> List a
randomCombination size xs random =
List.map (List.repeat size) xs
|> List.concat
|> shuffle random
|> List.take size
This is very similar to the random number generation we've seen in the Memory Game. I suggest you read that post if you don't understand what's going on and/or you're still struggling with commands and the Elm architecture.
I think randomCombination
is pretty cool because it first creates a list of lists in this form [ [ Red, Red, Red ], [Cyan, Cyan, Cyan], …]
, it concatenates it so we get a flat list and then uses the other list we get as input (random
) to generate a shuffled version, of which we're only interested in the first size
The most interesting piece of this little game is the algorithm that takes a Combination
and returns a Guess
. I followed the guidelines found on a Stackoverflow post (How to count the “white” correctly in mastermind guessing game), here they are:
- Make two arrays,
, with a slot for each color.- For each color, populate
with the number of pegs of that color. Similarly forguess
.- Add up
min(ans[i], guess[i])
for eachi
. This is whites plus blacks.- Add up
max(ans[i] - guess[i], 0)
for eachi
. This is the number of whites.
We obviously need to convert them in a more functional style. This will be a good exercise if you find yourself thinking in imperative code and can't figure out how to write something in a functional manner. Let's go over each of these steps:
This one is easy, we'll just create a fixed List
with all of our colors.
colors : List Color
colors =
[ Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Yellow ]
Let's make a function populate
that does exactly that. It takes a Combination
(either ans
or guess
) and returns a list of tuples in the form ( Color, Int )
. The second value (Int
) is obviously the number of occurencies of that color in the Combination
populate : Combination -> List ( Color, Int )
populate combination =
countOccurrencies c =
List.filter ((==) c) combination
|> List.length
List.map (\c -> ( c, countOccurrencies c )) colors
We'll create a function processGuess
that takes two Combination
(the guess and the correct one). We'll employ the populate
function we just created.
processGuess : Combination -> Combination -> Guess
processGuess guess correct =
ans =
populate correct
gus =
populate guess
p ( _, count1 ) ( _, count2 ) =
min count1 count2
whiteBlacks =
List.sum <| List.map2 p ans gus
-- TODO...
is a helper function that takes two tuples in the form ( Color, Int )
and returns the minimum value between the two integers. whiteBlacks
is clearly the sum of the blacks and whites.
I found this to be very much unnecessary. Instead of counting the number of whites, it is much easier to count the number of blacks and then derive the whites by just subtracting the blacks from the total. Finding out the number of blacks is fairly straightforward:
blacks =
List.map2 (==) guess correct
|> List.filter identity
|> List.length
whites =
whiteBlacks - blacks
We're essentially creating a new list with the result of comparing the two colors at the same index. This will be a list like [True, False, False, False]
. All is left to do is to count the True
values, so we'll filter on identity
(recall that List.filter
expects a Bool
so we're already good) and take the length of the resulting list.
Here's the function in full:
tag : a -> Int -> List a
tag =
flip List.repeat
processGuess : Combination -> Combination -> Guess
processGuess guess correct =
ans =
populate correct
gus =
populate guess
p ( _, count1 ) ( _, count2 ) =
min count1 count2
whiteBlacks =
List.sum <| List.map2 p ans gus
blacks =
List.map2 (==) guess correct
|> List.filter identity
|> List.length
whites =
whiteBlacks - blacks
( guess, (tag CorrectPosition blacks) ++ (tag WrongPosition whites) )
Just for reference, we can use it in the update
function like this:
case model.state of
Playing combination _ ->
isOver =
combination == model.correct
guess =
processGuess combination model.correct
newModel =
{ model | guesses = model.guesses ++ [ guess ] }
if isOver then
{ newModel | state = GameOver }
{ newModel | state = Playing emptyCombination Nothing }
Super cool!
The view is fairly simple so I'm not going to touch on that. As always, I encourage you to go through the source code and play with it! I hope you got something out of this, if you enjoyed this article share it on Twitter and Maybe
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