Random utilities around creating a better way to read books electronically.
This repository is kind of a mess as I haven't spent much time on it. Don't judge me yet please ;)
- stage files/assets is in the same directory as live files/assets (/usr/local)
- /usr/local/liberator_stage = staging site
- /usr/local/liberator_versions = git clones for live site
- /usr/local/liberator = live site
- the directories above (aka /site_root) are symlinked out all over the place
- /var/www/books and /var/www/books_stage point to /site_root/output
- /var/www/liberator_app and /var/www/liberator_app_stage point to /site_root/app
- nginx confs in /etc/openresty/sites-available/ link to live/stage confs
- api.conf and files.conf for live
- stage.x.conf for staging
- so to deploy... (eventually all of this should be handled by ansible)
- copy stage.x.confs over x.confs
- make sure to change the servernames and roots (search "root", "server_name", and "/var")
- git commit and push
- git clone on live site on server
- locally run ansible script to copy stage books -> live (preserves live bookmarks):
ansible-playbook -i deploy/hosts deploy/deploy.yml
- change /site_root/app/js/app.js to point to books.liberator.me instead of stagebooks.liberator.me
service openresty restart
- ??? profit ???
- copy stage.x.confs over x.confs