With the clean and orthogonal implementation of the OSS Go SDK, it is rather straightforward to extend the API.
if the request's body is an XML, it can be sent via the oss.XMLBody option. You just have to define the struct type, like below:
type LifecycleConfiguration struct {
Rule []LifecycleRule
type LifecycleRule struct {
ID string
Prefix string
Status string
Expiration Expiration
The result type must satisfy oss.ResponseParser interface. For example:
func (r *LifecycleConfiguration) Parse(resp *http.Response) error {
return xml.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(r)
func (a *API) PutBucketLifecycle(bucket string, lifecycle *LifecycleConfiguration) error {
return a.Do("PUT", bucket, "?lifecycle", nil, XMLBody(lifecycle))
func (a *API) GetBucketLifecycle(bucket string) (res *LifecycleConfiguration, _ error) {
return res, a.Do("GET", bucket, "?lifecycle", &res)