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温绍锦 edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 5 revisions

Test Platform

OS:Linux JVM:Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_333 CPU:null os-arch:null Cores (incl HT):4


This test focusses on en/decoding of a cyclefree data structure, but the featureset of the libraries compared differs a lot:

  • some serializers support cycle detection/object sharing others just write non-cyclic tree structures
  • some include full metadata in serialized output, some don't
  • some are cross platform, some are language specific
  • some are text based, some are binary,
  • some support versioning forward/backward, both, some don't

(See "ToolBehavior":wiki/ToolBehavior) Other test data will yield different results (e.g. adding a non ascii char to every string :-) ). However the results give a raw estimation of library performance.

Serializers (no shared refs)

Benchmarks serializers
  • Only cycle free tree structures. An object referenced twice will be serialized twice.
  • no manual optimizations.
  • schema is known in advance (pre registration or even class generation). (Not all might make use of that)
Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
jsonb-array/fastjson2/databind         58     364     421     785    227   145
protostuff                             73     495     730    1225    242   153
jsonb/fastjson2/databind               57     603     636    1240    366   235
protobuf                              265     821     443    1264    242   152
json-array/fastjson2/databind          57     613     731    1344    279   168
kryo-auto-flat                         56     732     785    1517    273   184
json/dsl-json/databind                 57     603     973    1576    488   271
json/fastjson2/databind                57     708     986    1695    454   247
msgpack/databind                       54     822    1128    1950    236   150
thrift-compact                         78    1279     701    1980    243   152
thrift                                 78    1403     691    2094    352   201
json/jackson+afterburner/databind      57    1150    1432    2582    488   271
json/jackson/databind                  57    1173    1728    2901    488   271
json-array/fastjson/databind           59    1296    1920    3215    284   171
json/fastjson/databind                 59    1806    2014    3819    489   271
json/gson/databind                     58    3744    2909    6653    489   268
java-built-in                          58    4985   20011   24995    892   520
json/json-lib/databind                 58   23863   70802   94665    488   273

Full Object Graph Serializers

Contains serializer(-configurations)
  • supporting full object graph write/read. Object graph may contain cycles. If an Object is referenced twice, it will be so after deserialization.
  • nothing is known in advance, no class generation, no preregistering of classes. Everything is captured at runtime using e.g. reflection.
  • note this usually cannot be used cross language, however JSON/XML formats may enable cross language deserialization.
Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
kryo-auto                              58    1208    1165    2373    291   198

Cross Lang Binary Serializers

Contains serializer(-configurations)
  • Only cycle free tree structures. An object referenced twice will be serialized twice.
  • schema is known in advance (pre registration, intermediate message description languages, class generation).
Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
jsonb-array/fastjson2/databind         58     364     421     785    227   145
jsonb/fastjson2/databind               57     603     636    1240    366   235
protobuf                              265     821     443    1264    242   152
msgpack/databind                       54     822    1128    1950    236   150
thrift-compact                         78    1279     701    1980    243   152
thrift                                 78    1403     691    2094    352   201

XML/JSon Serializers

  • text format based. Usually can be read by anybody. Frequently inline schema inside data.
  • Mixed regarding required preparation, object graph awareness (references).
Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
json-array/fastjson2/databind          57     613     731    1344    279   168
json/dsl-json/databind                 57     603     973    1576    488   271
json/fastjson2/databind                57     708     986    1695    454   247
json/jackson/databind                  57    1173    1728    2901    488   271
json-array/fastjson/databind           59    1296    1920    3215    284   171
json/fastjson/databind                 59    1806    2014    3819    489   271
json/gson/databind                     58    3744    2909    6653    489   268
json/json-lib/databind                 58   23863   70802   94665    488   273

Manually optimized Serializers

all flavours of manually optimized serializers. Handcoded and hardwired to exactly the benchmark's message structures.
  • illustrates what's possible, at what level generic approaches can be optimized in case
Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl

Cost of features

shows performance vs convenience of manually-selected libs.
  • cycle free, schema known at compile time, manual optimization: kryo-manual, msgpack/manual
  • cycle free, schema known at compile time: protostuff, fst-flat-pre, kryo-flat-pre. (note: protostuff uses class generation while the other two just require a list of classes to be written)
  • cycle free, schema UNKNOWN at compile time: fst-flat, kryo-flat, protostuff-runtime, msgpack/databind
  • full object graph awareness, schema UNKNOWN at compile time: fst, kryo.
Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
protostuff                             73     495     730    1225    242   153
msgpack/databind                       54     822    1128    1950    236   150

Full data

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
jsonb-array/fastjson2/databind         58     364     421     785    227   145
protostuff                             73     495     730    1225    242   153
jsonb/fastjson2/databind               57     603     636    1240    366   235
protobuf                              265     821     443    1264    242   152
json-array/fastjson2/databind          57     613     731    1344    279   168
kryo-auto-flat                         56     732     785    1517    273   184
json/dsl-json/databind                 57     603     973    1576    488   271
json/fastjson2/databind                57     708     986    1695    454   247
msgpack/databind                       54     822    1128    1950    236   150
thrift-compact                         78    1279     701    1980    243   152
thrift                                 78    1403     691    2094    352   201
kryo-auto                              58    1208    1165    2373    291   198
json/jackson+afterburner/databind      57    1150    1432    2582    488   271
json/jackson/databind                  57    1173    1728    2901    488   271
json-array/fastjson/databind           59    1296    1920    3215    284   171
json/fastjson/databind                 59    1806    2014    3819    489   271
json/gson/databind                     58    3744    2909    6653    489   268
java-built-in                          58    4985   20011   24995    892   520
json/json-lib/databind                 58   23863   70802   94665    488   273
                                   Effort          Format         Structure  Misc
jsonb-array/fastjson2/databind     ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
protostuff                         CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] generated code                                           
jsonb/fastjson2/databind           ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
protobuf                           CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json-array/fastjson2/databind      ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
kryo-auto-flat                     ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] no class registration, no references                     
json/dsl-json/databind             CLASSES_KNOWN   JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] Serializes all properties with exact names.              
json/fastjson2/databind            ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
msgpack/databind                   CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  [] uses positional (column) layout (instead of Maps std impl uses) to eliminate use of names
thrift-compact                     CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
thrift                             CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
kryo-auto                          ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] no class registration, references                        
json/jackson+afterburner/databind  ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] uses bytecode generation to reduce overhead              
json/jackson/databind              ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json-array/fastjson/databind       ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/fastjson/databind             ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/gson/databind                 ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
java-built-in                      ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/json-lib/databind             ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
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