diff --git a/client/cli/cmd/deploy.go b/client/cli/cmd/deploy.go index 5bc9707..f59d173 100644 --- a/client/cli/cmd/deploy.go +++ b/client/cli/cmd/deploy.go @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import ( var deployContractCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "deploy", Aliases: []string{"deploy-contract"}, - Short: "Deploy the AlgoDID storage smart contract", + Short: "Deploy the DIDAlgoStorage smart contract", Example: "algoid deploy [wallet-name] [network]", RunE: runDeployContractCmd, } diff --git a/client/cli/cmd/utils.go b/client/cli/cmd/utils.go index 3be8e69..18e4319 100644 --- a/client/cli/cmd/utils.go +++ b/client/cli/cmd/utils.go @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func getStorageAppID(network string) (uint, error) { } // Get network client instance. -func getAlgoClient() (*internal.AlgoDIDClient, error) { +func getAlgoClient() (*internal.DIDAlgoStorageClient, error) { conf := new(internal.ClientSettings) if err := viper.UnmarshalKey("network", &conf); err != nil { return nil, err diff --git a/client/internal/contracts.go b/client/internal/contracts.go index 934e73b..3a1db8d 100644 --- a/client/internal/contracts.go +++ b/client/internal/contracts.go @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import ( // https://developer.algorand.org/docs/get-details/encoding/ // StorageContracts contains the pre-compiled smart contracts to -// support AlgoDID's on-chain storage. +// support DIDAlgoStorage's on-chain storage. var StorageContracts fs.FS //go:embed contracts @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ func init() { StorageContracts, _ = fs.Sub(dist, "contracts") // load approval program - approvalFile, err := StorageContracts.Open("AlgoDID.approval.teal") + approvalFile, err := StorageContracts.Open("DIDAlgoStorage.approval.teal") if err != nil { panic(err) } @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func init() { _ = approvalFile.Close() // load clear program - clearFile, err := StorageContracts.Open("AlgoDID.clear.teal") + clearFile, err := StorageContracts.Open("DIDAlgoStorage.clear.teal") if err != nil { panic(err) } @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ func init() { _ = clearFile.Close() } -// LoadContract loads the AlgoDID smart contract ABI from JSON file. +// LoadContract loads the DIDAlgoStorage smart contract ABI from JSON file. func LoadContract() *abi.Contract { - abiFile, _ := StorageContracts.Open("AlgoDID.abi.json") + abiFile, _ := StorageContracts.Open("DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json") abiContents, _ := io.ReadAll(abiFile) contract := &abi.Contract{} _ = json.Unmarshal(abiContents, contract) diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.clear.teal b/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.clear.teal deleted file mode 100644 index 6bbec50..0000000 --- a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.clear.teal +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -#pragma version 9 -int 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.json b/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2f2a1be..0000000 --- a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -{ - "hints": { - "startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void": { - "call_config": { - "no_op": "CALL" - } - }, - "upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void": { - "call_config": { - "no_op": "CALL" - } - }, - "finishUpload(address)void": { - "call_config": { - "no_op": "CALL" - } - }, - "startDelete(address)void": { - "call_config": { - "no_op": "CALL" - } - }, - "deleteData(address,uint64)void": { - "call_config": { - "no_op": "CALL" - } - }, - "updateApplication()void": { - "call_config": { - "update_application": "CALL" - } - }, - "dummy()void": { - "call_config": { - "no_op": "CALL" - } - }, - "createApplication()void": { - "call_config": { - "no_op": "CREATE" - } - } - }, - "bare_call_config": { - "no_op": "NEVER", - "opt_in": "NEVER", - "close_out": "NEVER", - "update_application": "NEVER", - "delete_application": "NEVER" - }, - "schema": { - "local": { - "declared": {}, - "reserved": {} - }, - "global": { - "declared": { - "currentIndex": { - "type": "uint64", - "key": "currentIndex" - } - }, - "reserved": {} - } - }, - "state": { - "global": { - "num_byte_slices": 0, - "num_uints": 1 - }, - "local": { - "num_byte_slices": 0, - "num_uints": 0 - } - }, - "source": { - "approval": "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- "clear": "I3ByYWdtYSB2ZXJzaW9uIDkKaW50IDE=" - }, - "contract": { - "name": "AlgoDID", - "desc": "", - "methods": [ - { - "name": "startUpload", - "args": [ - { - "name": "pubKey", - "type": "address", - "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" - }, - { - "name": "numBoxes", - "type": "uint64", - "desc": "The number of boxes that the data will take up" - }, - { - "name": "endBoxSize", - "type": "uint64", - "desc": "The size of the last box" - }, - { - "name": "mbrPayment", - "type": "pay", - "desc": "Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR" - } - ], - "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - } - }, - { - "name": "upload", - "args": [ - { - "name": "pubKey", - "type": "address", - "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" - }, - { - "name": "boxIndex", - "type": "uint64", - "desc": "The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to" - }, - { - "name": "offset", - "type": "uint64", - "desc": "The offset within the box to start writing the data" - }, - { - "name": "data", - "type": "byte[]", - "desc": "The data to write" - } - ], - "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - } - }, - { - "name": "finishUpload", - "args": [ - { - "name": "pubKey", - "type": "address", - "desc": "The address of the DID" - } - ], - "desc": "Mark uploading as false", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - } - }, - { - "name": "startDelete", - "args": [ - { - "name": "pubKey", - "type": "address", - "desc": "The address of the DID" - } - ], - "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - } - }, - { - "name": "deleteData", - "args": [ - { - "name": "pubKey", - "type": "address", - "desc": "The address of the DID" - }, - { - "name": "boxIndex", - "type": "uint64", - "desc": "The index of the box to delete" - } - ], - "desc": "Deletes a box of data", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - } - }, - { - "name": "updateApplication", - "args": [], - "desc": "Allow the contract to be updated by the creator", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - } - }, - { - "name": "dummy", - "args": [], - "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only include enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - } - }, - { - "name": "createApplication", - "desc": "", - "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - }, - "args": [] - } - ] - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.src_map.json b/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.src_map.json deleted file mode 100644 index f5badef..0000000 --- a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.src_map.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5784 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "teal": 1, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 2, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 5, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - 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"col": 53 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 635, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 179, - "col": 27 - }, - "end": { - "line": 179, - "col": 30 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 637, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 179, - "col": 11 - }, - "end": { - "line": 179, - "col": 53 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 638, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 178, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 180, - "col": 3 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 639, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 641, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 642, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 643, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 644, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 645, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 647, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 648, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 649, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 650, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 651, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 652, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 653, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 654, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 655, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 188, - "col": 2 - }, - "end": { - "line": 188, - "col": 18 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 656, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 658, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 659, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 660, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 661, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 662, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - }, - { - "teal": 1, - "source": { - "start": { - "line": 39, - "col": 0 - }, - "end": { - "line": 189, - "col": 1 - } - }, - "pc": 0 - } -] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.approval.teal b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.approval.teal similarity index 51% rename from client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.approval.teal rename to client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.approval.teal index 3af3889..186e5cc 100644 --- a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.approval.teal +++ b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.approval.teal @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -#pragma version 9 +#pragma version 10 -// This TEAL was generated by TEALScript v0.51.1 -// https://github.com/algorand-devrel/TEALScript +// This TEAL was generated by TEALScript v0.96.0 +// https://github.com/algorandfoundation/TEALScript // This contract is compliant with and/or implements the following ARCs: [ ARC4 ] @@ -9,31 +9,21 @@ // This pattern is used to make it easy for anyone to parse the start of the program and determine if a specific action is allowed // Here, action refers to the OnComplete in combination with whether the app is being created or called // Every possible action for this contract is represented in the switch statement -// If the action is not implmented in the contract, its repsective branch will be "NOT_IMPLMENTED" which just contains "err" +// If the action is not implemented in the contract, its respective branch will be "*NOT_IMPLEMENTED" which just contains "err" txn ApplicationID -int 0 -> +! int 6 * txn OnCompletion + -switch create_NoOp NOT_IMPLEMENTED NOT_IMPLEMENTED NOT_IMPLEMENTED NOT_IMPLEMENTED NOT_IMPLEMENTED call_NoOp NOT_IMPLEMENTED NOT_IMPLEMENTED NOT_IMPLEMENTED call_UpdateApplication +switch *call_NoOp *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *call_UpdateApplication *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *create_NoOp *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED -NOT_IMPLEMENTED: +*NOT_IMPLEMENTED: + // The requested action is not implemented in this contract. Are you using the correct OnComplete? Did you set your app ID? err -// startUpload(pay,uint64,uint64,address)void -// -// -// Allocate boxes to begin data upload process -// -// @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID -// @param numBoxes The number of boxes that the data will take up -// @param endBoxSize The size of the last box -// @param mbrPayment Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR -abi_route_startUpload: - byte 0x; dupn 3 // push empty bytes to fill the stack frame for this subroutine's local variables - +// startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void +*abi_route_startUpload: // mbrPayment: pay txn GroupIndex int 1 @@ -42,6 +32,8 @@ abi_route_startUpload: gtxns TypeEnum int pay == + + // argument 0 (mbrPayment) for startUpload must be a pay transaction assert // endBoxSize: uint64 @@ -58,97 +50,100 @@ abi_route_startUpload: len int 32 == + + // argument 3 (pubKey) for startUpload must be a address assert - // execute startUpload(pay,uint64,uint64,address)void + // execute startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void callsub startUpload int 1 return +// startUpload(pubKey: Address, numBoxes: uint64, endBoxSize: uint64, mbrPayment: PayTxn): void +// +// +// Allocate boxes to begin data upload process +// +// @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID +// @param numBoxes The number of boxes that the data will take up +// @param endBoxSize The size of the last box +// @param mbrPayment Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR startUpload: - proto 8 0 + proto 4 0 - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:64 + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x + dupn 3 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:63 // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) txn Sender global CreatorAddress == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:66 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:65 // startBox = this.currentIndex.value byte 0x63757272656e74496e646578 // "currentIndex" app_global_get - frame_bury -5 // startBox: uint64 + frame_bury 0 // startBox: uint64 - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:67 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:66 // endBox = startBox + numBoxes - 1 - frame_dig -5 // startBox: uint64 + frame_dig 0 // startBox: uint64 frame_dig -2 // numBoxes: uint64 + int 1 - - frame_bury -6 // endBox: uint64 + frame_bury 1 // endBox: uint64 - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:69 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:68 // metadata: Metadata = { - // start: startBox, - // end: endBox, - // status: UPLOADING, - // endSize: endBoxSize, - // lastDeleted: 0, + // start: startBox, end: endBox, status: UPLOADING, endSize: endBoxSize, lastDeleted: 0, // } - frame_dig -5 // startBox: uint64 + frame_dig 0 // startBox: uint64 itob - frame_dig -6 // endBox: uint64 + frame_dig 1 // endBox: uint64 itob concat byte 0x00 - byte 0x00 - bitlen - int 8 - <= - assert - byte 0xFF - b& concat frame_dig -3 // endBoxSize: uint64 itob concat byte 0x0000000000000000 concat - frame_bury -7 // metadata: Metadata + frame_bury 2 // metadata: Metadata - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:77 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:72 // assert(!this.metadata(pubKey).exists) - frame_dig -1 // pubKey: address + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address box_len swap pop ! assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:79 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:74 // this.metadata(pubKey).value = metadata - frame_dig -1 // pubKey: address - frame_dig -7 // metadata: Metadata + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_dig 2 // metadata: Metadata box_put - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:81 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:76 // this.currentIndex.value = endBox + 1 byte 0x63757272656e74496e646578 // "currentIndex" - frame_dig -6 // endBox: uint64 + frame_dig 1 // endBox: uint64 int 1 + app_global_put - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:83 - // totalCost = numBoxes * COST_PER_BOX + // cost of data boxes - // (numBoxes - 1) * MAX_BOX_SIZE * COST_PER_BYTE + // cost of data - // numBoxes * 8 * COST_PER_BYTE + // cost of data keys - // endBoxSize * COST_PER_BYTE + // cost of last data box - // COST_PER_BOX + - // (8 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 32 + 8) * COST_PER_BYTE + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:78 + // totalCost = numBoxes * COST_PER_BOX // cost of data boxes + // + (numBoxes - 1) * MAX_BOX_SIZE * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data + // + numBoxes * 8 * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data keys + // + endBoxSize * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of last data box + // + COST_PER_BOX + (8 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 32 + 8) * COST_PER_BYTE frame_dig -2 // numBoxes: uint64 int 2500 * @@ -174,37 +169,27 @@ startUpload: + int 26000 + - frame_bury -8 // totalCost: uint64 + frame_bury 3 // totalCost: uint64 - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:90 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:84 // assert(mbrPayment.amount === totalCost) - frame_dig -4 // mbrPayment: pay + frame_dig -4 // mbrPayment: PayTxn gtxns Amount - frame_dig -8 // totalCost: uint64 + frame_dig 3 // totalCost: uint64 == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:91 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:85 // assert(mbrPayment.receiver === this.app.address) - frame_dig -4 // mbrPayment: pay + frame_dig -4 // mbrPayment: PayTxn gtxns Receiver global CurrentApplicationAddress == assert retsub -// upload(bytes,uint64,uint64,address)void -// -// -// Upload data to a specific offset in a box -// -// @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID -// @param boxIndex The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to -// @param offset The offset within the box to start writing the data -// @param data The data to write -abi_route_upload: - byte 0x // push empty bytes to fill the stack frame for this subroutine's local variables - +// upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void +*abi_route_upload: // data: byte[] txna ApplicationArgs 4 extract 2 0 @@ -223,99 +208,113 @@ abi_route_upload: len int 32 == + + // argument 3 (pubKey) for upload must be a address assert - // execute upload(bytes,uint64,uint64,address)void + // execute upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void callsub upload int 1 return +// upload(pubKey: Address, boxIndex: uint64, offset: uint64, data: bytes): void +// +// +// Upload data to a specific offset in a box +// +// @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID +// @param boxIndex The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to +// @param offset The offset within the box to start writing the data +// @param data The data to write upload: - proto 5 0 + proto 4 0 + + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:104 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:98 // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) txn Sender global CreatorAddress == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:106 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:100 // metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value - frame_dig -1 // pubKey: address - frame_bury -5 // storage key//metadata + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_bury 0 // storage key//metadata - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:107 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:101 // assert(metadata.status === UPLOADING) - frame_dig -5 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 16 1 - byte 0x0000000000000000 - b== + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset + int 1 + box_extract + btoi + int 0 + == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:108 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:102 // assert(metadata.start <= boxIndex && boxIndex <= metadata.end) - frame_dig -5 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 0 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 0 + int 8 + box_extract btoi frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 <= dup - bz skip_and0 + bz *skip_and0 frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 - frame_dig -5 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 8 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract btoi <= && -skip_and0: +*skip_and0: assert - // if0_condition - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:110 + // *if0_condition + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:104 // offset === 0 frame_dig -3 // offset: uint64 int 0 == - bz if0_end + bz *if0_end - // if0_consequent - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:111 - // this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).create( - // boxIndex === metadata.end ? metadata.endSize : MAX_BOX_SIZE, - // ) + // *if0_consequent + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:105 + // this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).create(boxIndex === metadata.end ? metadata.endSize : MAX_BOX_SIZE) frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 itob frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 - frame_dig -5 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 8 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract btoi == - bz ternary0_false - frame_dig -5 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 17 8 + bz *ternary0_false + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 17 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract btoi - b ternary0_end + b *ternary0_end -ternary0_false: +*ternary0_false: int 32768 -ternary0_end: +*ternary0_end: box_create + pop -if0_end: - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:116 +*if0_end: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:108 // this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).replace(offset, data) frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 itob @@ -325,18 +324,15 @@ if0_end: retsub // finishUpload(address)void -// -// -// Mark uploading as false -// -// @param pubKey The address of the DID -abi_route_finishUpload: +*abi_route_finishUpload: // pubKey: address txna ApplicationArgs 1 dup len int 32 == + + // argument 0 (pubKey) for finishUpload must be a address assert // execute finishUpload(address)void @@ -344,38 +340,40 @@ abi_route_finishUpload: int 1 return +// finishUpload(pubKey: Address): void +// +// +// Mark uploading as false +// +// @param pubKey The address of the DID finishUpload: proto 1 0 - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:126 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:118 // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) txn Sender global CreatorAddress == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:128 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:120 // this.metadata(pubKey).value.status = READY - frame_dig -1 // pubKey: address - int 16 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset byte 0x01 box_replace retsub // startDelete(address)void -// -// Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID -// -// @param pubKey The address of the DID -abi_route_startDelete: - byte 0x // push empty bytes to fill the stack frame for this subroutine's local variables - +*abi_route_startDelete: // pubKey: address txna ApplicationArgs 1 dup len int 32 == + + // argument 0 (pubKey) for startDelete must be a address assert // execute startDelete(address)void @@ -383,52 +381,50 @@ abi_route_startDelete: int 1 return +// startDelete(pubKey: Address): void +// +// Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID +// +// @param pubKey The address of the DID startDelete: - proto 2 0 + proto 1 0 + + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:137 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:129 // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) txn Sender global CreatorAddress == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:139 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:131 // metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value - frame_dig -1 // pubKey: address - frame_bury -2 // storage key//metadata + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_bury 0 // storage key//metadata - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:140 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:132 // assert(metadata.status === READY) - frame_dig -2 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 16 1 - byte 0x0000000000000001 - b== + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset + int 1 + box_extract + btoi + int 1 + == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:142 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:134 // metadata.status = DELETING - frame_dig -2 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert + frame_dig 0 // storage key//metadata + int 16 // headOffset byte 0x02 - replace2 16 - frame_dig -2 // storage key//metadata - swap - box_put + box_replace retsub -// deleteData(uint64,address)void -// -// Deletes a box of data -// -// @param pubKey The address of the DID -// @param boxIndex The index of the box to delete -abi_route_deleteData: - byte 0x; dup // push empty bytes to fill the stack frame for this subroutine's local variables - +// deleteData(address,uint64)void +*abi_route_deleteData: // boxIndex: uint64 txna ApplicationArgs 2 btoi @@ -439,80 +435,93 @@ abi_route_deleteData: len int 32 == + + // argument 1 (pubKey) for deleteData must be a address assert - // execute deleteData(uint64,address)void + // execute deleteData(address,uint64)void callsub deleteData int 1 return +// deleteData(pubKey: Address, boxIndex: uint64): void +// +// Deletes a box of data +// +// @param pubKey The address of the DID +// @param boxIndex The index of the box to delete deleteData: - proto 4 0 + proto 2 0 + + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x + dup - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:152 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:144 // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) txn Sender global CreatorAddress == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:154 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:146 // metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value - frame_dig -1 // pubKey: address - frame_bury -3 // storage key//metadata + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_bury 0 // storage key//metadata - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:155 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:147 // assert(metadata.status === DELETING) - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 16 1 - byte 0x0000000000000002 - b== + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset + int 1 + box_extract + btoi + int 2 + == assert - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:156 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:148 // assert(metadata.start <= boxIndex && boxIndex <= metadata.end) - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 0 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 0 + int 8 + box_extract btoi frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 <= dup - bz skip_and1 + bz *skip_and1 frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 8 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract btoi <= && -skip_and1: +*skip_and1: assert - // if1_condition - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:158 + // *if1_condition + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:150 // boxIndex !== metadata.start frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 0 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 0 + int 8 + box_extract btoi != - bz if1_end + bz *if1_end - // if1_consequent - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:159 + // *if1_consequent + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:150 // assert(metadata.lastDeleted === boxIndex - 1) - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 25 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 25 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract btoi frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 int 1 @@ -520,54 +529,51 @@ skip_and1: == assert -if1_end: - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:162 +*if1_end: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:152 // preMBR = globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance global CurrentApplicationAddress acct_params_get AcctMinBalance - assert - frame_bury -4 // preMBR: uint64 + pop + frame_bury 1 // preMBR: uint64 - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:164 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:154 // this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).delete() frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 itob box_del - // if2_condition - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:166 + // *if2_condition + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:156 // boxIndex === metadata.end frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert - extract 8 8 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract btoi == - bz if2_else + bz *if2_else - // if2_consequent - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:166 + // *if2_consequent + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:156 // this.metadata(pubKey).delete() - frame_dig -1 // pubKey: address + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address box_del - b if2_end + b *if2_end -if2_else: - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:167 +*if2_else: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:157 // metadata.lastDeleted = boxIndex - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - box_get - assert + int 25 // headOffset frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 itob - replace2 25 - frame_dig -3 // storage key//metadata - swap - box_put + frame_dig 0 // storage key//metadata + cover 2 + box_replace -if2_end: - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:169 +*if2_end: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:159 // sendPayment({ // amount: preMBR - globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance, // receiver: this.txn.sender, @@ -576,16 +582,16 @@ if2_end: int pay itxn_field TypeEnum - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:170 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:160 // amount: preMBR - globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance - frame_dig -4 // preMBR: uint64 + frame_dig 1 // preMBR: uint64 global CurrentApplicationAddress acct_params_get AcctMinBalance - assert + pop - itxn_field Amount - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:171 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:161 // receiver: this.txn.sender txn Sender itxn_field Receiver @@ -599,18 +605,19 @@ if2_end: retsub // updateApplication()void -// -// Allow the contract to be updated by the creator -abi_route_updateApplication: +*abi_route_updateApplication: // execute updateApplication()void callsub updateApplication int 1 return +// updateApplication(): void +// +// Allow the contract to be updated by the creator updateApplication: proto 0 0 - // contracts/algo-did.algo.ts:179 + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:169 // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) txn Sender global CreatorAddress @@ -619,32 +626,35 @@ updateApplication: retsub // dummy()void -// -// Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData. -// Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only include enough references to read/write 8k -// at a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with box -// references to increase the total read/write budget to 32k. -abi_route_dummy: +*abi_route_dummy: // execute dummy()void callsub dummy int 1 return +// dummy(): void +// +// Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData. +// Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8k +// at a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with box +// references to increase the total read/write budget to 32k. dummy: proto 0 0 retsub -abi_route_createApplication: +*abi_route_createApplication: int 1 return -create_NoOp: +*create_NoOp: method "createApplication()void" txna ApplicationArgs 0 - match abi_route_createApplication + match *abi_route_createApplication + + // this contract does not implement the given ABI method for create NoOp err -call_NoOp: +*call_NoOp: method "startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void" method "upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void" method "finishUpload(address)void" @@ -652,11 +662,15 @@ call_NoOp: method "deleteData(address,uint64)void" method "dummy()void" txna ApplicationArgs 0 - match abi_route_startUpload abi_route_upload abi_route_finishUpload abi_route_startDelete abi_route_deleteData abi_route_dummy + match *abi_route_startUpload *abi_route_upload *abi_route_finishUpload *abi_route_startDelete *abi_route_deleteData *abi_route_dummy + + // this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call NoOp err -call_UpdateApplication: +*call_UpdateApplication: method "updateApplication()void" txna ApplicationArgs 0 - match abi_route_updateApplication + match *abi_route_updateApplication + + // this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call UpdateApplication err \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc32.json b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc32.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c72c61e --- /dev/null +++ b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc32.json @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +{ + "hints": { + "startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "finishUpload(address)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "startDelete(address)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "deleteData(address,uint64)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "updateApplication()void": { + "call_config": { + "update_application": "CALL" + } + }, + "dummy()void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "createApplication()void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CREATE" + } + } + }, + "bare_call_config": { + "no_op": "NEVER", + "opt_in": "NEVER", + "close_out": "NEVER", + "update_application": "NEVER", + "delete_application": "NEVER" + }, + "schema": { + "local": { + "declared": {}, + "reserved": {} + }, + "global": { + "declared": { + "currentIndex": { + "type": "uint64", + "key": "currentIndex" + } + }, + "reserved": {} + } + }, + "state": { + "global": { + "num_byte_slices": 0, + "num_uints": 1 + }, + "local": { + "num_byte_slices": 0, + "num_uints": 0 + } + }, + "source": { + "approval": "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+ "clear": "I3ByYWdtYSB2ZXJzaW9uIDEw" + }, + "contract": { + "name": "DIDAlgoStorage", + "desc": "", + "methods": [ + { + "name": "startUpload", + "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "numBoxes", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The number of boxes that the data will take up" + }, + { + "name": "endBoxSize", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The size of the last box" + }, + { + "name": "mbrPayment", + "type": "pay", + "desc": "Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "upload", + "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to" + }, + { + "name": "offset", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The offset within the box to start writing the data" + }, + { + "name": "data", + "type": "byte[]", + "desc": "The data to write" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "finishUpload", + "desc": "Mark uploading as false", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "startDelete", + "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "deleteData", + "desc": "Deletes a box of data", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to delete" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "updateApplication", + "desc": "Allow the contract to be updated by the creator", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "dummy", + "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "createApplication", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + } + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.abi.json b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json similarity index 85% rename from client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.abi.json rename to client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json index 0b24dea..9fc6009 100644 --- a/client/internal/contracts/AlgoDID.abi.json +++ b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ { - "name": "AlgoDID", + "name": "DIDAlgoStorage", "desc": "", "methods": [ { "name": "startUpload", + "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", "args": [ { "name": "pubKey", @@ -26,14 +27,13 @@ "desc": "Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR" } ], - "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" + "type": "void" } }, { "name": "upload", + "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", "args": [ { "name": "pubKey", @@ -56,14 +56,13 @@ "desc": "The data to write" } ], - "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" + "type": "void" } }, { "name": "finishUpload", + "desc": "Mark uploading as false", "args": [ { "name": "pubKey", @@ -71,14 +70,13 @@ "desc": "The address of the DID" } ], - "desc": "Mark uploading as false", "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" + "type": "void" } }, { "name": "startDelete", + "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", "args": [ { "name": "pubKey", @@ -86,14 +84,13 @@ "desc": "The address of the DID" } ], - "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" + "type": "void" } }, { "name": "deleteData", + "desc": "Deletes a box of data", "args": [ { "name": "pubKey", @@ -106,38 +103,32 @@ "desc": "The index of the box to delete" } ], - "desc": "Deletes a box of data", "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" + "type": "void" } }, { "name": "updateApplication", - "args": [], "desc": "Allow the contract to be updated by the creator", + "args": [], "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" + "type": "void" } }, { "name": "dummy", + "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", "args": [], - "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only include enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" + "type": "void" } }, { "name": "createApplication", - "desc": "", + "args": [], "returns": { - "type": "void", - "desc": "" - }, - "args": [] + "type": "void" + } } ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc56_draft.json b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc56_draft.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f017ac --- /dev/null +++ b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc56_draft.json @@ -0,0 +1,3189 @@ +{ + "name": "DIDAlgoStorage", + "desc": "", + "methods": [ + { + "name": "startUpload", + "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "numBoxes", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The number of boxes that the data will take up" + }, + { + "name": "endBoxSize", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The size of the last box" + }, + { + "name": "mbrPayment", + "type": "pay", + "desc": "Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "upload", + "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to" + }, + { + "name": "offset", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The offset within the box to start writing the data" + }, + { + "name": "data", + "type": "byte[]", + "desc": "The data to write" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "finishUpload", + "desc": "Mark uploading as false", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "startDelete", + "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "deleteData", + "desc": "Deletes a box of data", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to delete" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "updateApplication", + "desc": "Allow the contract to be updated by the creator", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "UpdateApplication" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "dummy", + "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "createApplication", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [ + "NoOp" + ], + "call": [] + } + } + ], + "arcs": [ + 4, + 56 + ], + "structs": { + "Metadata": { + "start": "uint64", + "end": "uint64", + "status": "uint8", + "endSize": "uint64", + "lastDeleted": "uint64" + } + }, + "state": { + "schema": { + "global": { + "bytes": 0, + "ints": 1 + }, + "local": { + "bytes": 0, + "ints": 0 + } + }, + "keys": { + "global": { + "currentIndex": { + "key": "Y3VycmVudEluZGV4", + "keyType": "bytes", + "valueType": "uint64" + } + }, + "local": {}, + "box": {} + }, + "maps": { + "global": {}, + "local": {}, + "box": { + "dataBoxes": { + "keyType": "uint64", + "valueType": "bytes" + }, + "metadata": { + "keyType": "address", + "valueType": "Metadata" + } + } + } + }, + "bareActions": { + "create": [], + "call": [] + }, + "sourceInfo": [ + { + "teal": 1, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 13, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 32, + 33 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 14, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 34 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 15, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 35, + 36 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 16, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 37 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 17, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 38, + 39 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 18, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 40 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 19, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + 64, + 65, + 66 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 23, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "The requested action is not implemented in this contract. Are you using the correct OnComplete? Did you set your app ID?", + "pc": [ + 67 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 28, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 68, + 69 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 29, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 70 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 30, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 71 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 31, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 72 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 32, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 73, + 74 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 33, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 75 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 34, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 76 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 37, + "source": 61, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (mbrPayment) for startUpload must be a pay transaction", + "pc": [ + 77 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 40, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 78, + 79, + 80 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 41, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 81 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 44, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 82, + 83, + 84 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 45, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 85 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 48, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 86, + 87, + 88 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 49, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 89 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 50, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 90 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 51, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 91 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 52, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 92 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 55, + "source": 58, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for startUpload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 93 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 58, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 94, + 95, + 96 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 59, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 97 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 60, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 98 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 72, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 99, + 100, + 101 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 75, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 102 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 76, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 103, + 104 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 80, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 105, + 106 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 81, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 107, + 108 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 82, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 109 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 83, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 110 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 87, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 111 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 88, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 112 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 89, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 113, + 114 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 93, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 115, + 116 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 94, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 117, + 118 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 95, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 119 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 96, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 120 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 97, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 121 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 98, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 122, + 123 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 104, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 124, + 125 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 105, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 126 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 106, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 127, + 128 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 107, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 129 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 108, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 130 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 109, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 131, + 132, + 133 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 110, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 134 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 111, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 135, + 136 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 112, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 137 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 113, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 138 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 114, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 139, + 140, + 141, + 142, + 143, + 144, + 145, + 146, + 147, + 148 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 115, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 149 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 116, + "source": 68, + "pc": [ + 150, + 151 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 120, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 152, + 153 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 121, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 154 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 122, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 155 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 123, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 156 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 124, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 157 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 125, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 158 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 129, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 159, + 160 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 130, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 161, + 162 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 131, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 163 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 135, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 164 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 136, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 165, + 166 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 137, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 167 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 138, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 168 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 139, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 169 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 147, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 170, + 171 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 148, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 172, + 173 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 149, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 174 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 150, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 175, + 176 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 151, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 177 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 152, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 178 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 153, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 179, + 180 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 154, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 181 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 155, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 182, + 183 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 156, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 184 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 157, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 185 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 158, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 186, + 187 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 159, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 188 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 160, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 189 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 161, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 190, + 191 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 162, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 192 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 163, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 193 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 164, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 194, + 195 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 165, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 196, + 197 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 166, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 198 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 167, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 199 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 168, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 200, + 201 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 169, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 202 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 170, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 203, + 204, + 205, + 206 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 171, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 207 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 172, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 208, + 209 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 176, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 210, + 211 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 177, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 212, + 213 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 178, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 214, + 215 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 179, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 216 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 180, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 217 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 184, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 218, + 219 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 185, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 220, + 221 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 186, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 222, + 223 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 187, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 224 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 188, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 225 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 189, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 226 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 194, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 227, + 228, + 229 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 195, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 230, + 231, + 232 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 198, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 233, + 234, + 235 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 199, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 236 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 202, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 237, + 238, + 239 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 203, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 240 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 206, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 241, + 242, + 243 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 207, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 244 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 208, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 245 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 209, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 246 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 210, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 247 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 213, + "source": 97, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for upload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 248 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 216, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 249, + 250, + 251 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 217, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 252 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 218, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 253 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 230, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 254, + 255, + 256 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 233, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 257 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 237, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 258, + 259 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 238, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 260, + 261 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 239, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 262 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 240, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 263 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 244, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 264, + 265 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 245, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 266, + 267 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 249, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 268, + 269 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 250, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 270, + 271 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 251, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 272 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 252, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 273 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 253, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 274 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 254, + "source": 26, + "pc": [ + 275 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 255, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 276 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 256, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 277 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 260, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 278, + 279 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 261, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 280 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 262, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 281 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 263, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 282 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 264, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 283 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 265, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 284, + 285 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 266, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 286 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 267, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 287 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 268, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 288, + 289, + 290 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 269, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 291, + 292 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 270, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 293, + 294 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 271, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 295 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 272, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 296 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 273, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 297 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 274, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 298 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 275, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 299 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 276, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 300 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 279, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 301 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 284, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 302, + 303 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 285, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 304 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 286, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 305 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 287, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 306, + 307, + 308 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 292, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 309, + 310 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 293, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 311 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 294, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 312, + 313 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 295, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 314, + 315 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 296, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 316 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 297, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 317 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 298, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 318 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 299, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 319 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 300, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 320 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 301, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 321, + 322, + 323 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 302, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 324, + 325 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 303, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 326, + 327 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 304, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 328 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 305, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 329 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 306, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 330 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 307, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 331, + 332, + 333 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 310, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 334, + 335 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 313, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 336 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 314, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 337 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 319, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 338, + 339 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 320, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 340 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 321, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 341, + 342 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 322, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 343, + 344 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 323, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 345 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 324, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 346 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 329, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 347, + 348, + 349 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 330, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 350 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 331, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 351 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 332, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 352 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 333, + "source": 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+ 399 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 400, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 400 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 404, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 401, + 402 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 405, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 403, + 404 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 409, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 405, + 406 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 410, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 407, + 408 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 411, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 409 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 412, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 410 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 413, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 411 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 414, + "source": 29, + "pc": [ + 412 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 415, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 413 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 416, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 414 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 420, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 415, + 416 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 421, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 417, + 418 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 422, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 419, + 420, + 421 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 423, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 422 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 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+ { + "teal": 486, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 469 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 487, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 470 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 488, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 471 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 489, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 472 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 490, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 473, + 474 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 491, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 475 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 492, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 476 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 493, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 477, + 478, + 479 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 494, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 480, + 481 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 495, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 482, + 483 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 496, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 484 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 497, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 485 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 498, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 486 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 499, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 487 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 500, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 488 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 501, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 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+ "teal": 554, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 534 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 555, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 535 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 556, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 536, + 537, + 538 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 561, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 539, + 540 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 562, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 541 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 563, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 542, + 543, + 544 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 568, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 545, + 546 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 569, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 547, + 548 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 570, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 549 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 571, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 550, + 551 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 572, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 552, + 553 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 573, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 554 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 581, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 555 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 582, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 556 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 583, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 557, + 558 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 587, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 559, + 560 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 588, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 561, + 562 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 589, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 563, + 564 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 590, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 565 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 591, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 566 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 592, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 567, + 568 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 596, + "source": 161, + "pc": [ + 569, + 570 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 597, + "source": 161, + "pc": [ + 571, + 572 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 600, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 573 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 601, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 574, + 575 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 604, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 576 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 605, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 577 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 610, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 578, + 579, + 580 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 611, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 581 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 612, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 582 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 618, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 583, + 584, + 585 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 622, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 586, + 587 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 623, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 588, + 589 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 624, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 590 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 625, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 591 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 626, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 592 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 631, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 593, + 594, + 595 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 632, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 596 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 633, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 597 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 642, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 598, + 599, + 600 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 643, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 601 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 646, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 602 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 647, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 603 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 650, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 604, + 605, + 606, + 607, + 608, + 609 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 651, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 610, + 611, + 612 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 652, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 613, + 614, + 615, + 616 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 655, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for create NoOp", + "pc": [ + 617 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 658, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 618, + 619, + 620, + 621, + 622, + 623 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 659, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 624, + 625, + 626, + 627, + 628, + 629 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 660, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 630, + 631, + 632, + 633, + 634, + 635 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 661, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 636, + 637, + 638, + 639, + 640, + 641 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 662, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 642, + 643, + 644, + 645, + 646, + 647 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 663, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 648, + 649, + 650, + 651, + 652, + 653 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 664, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 654, + 655, + 656 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 665, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 657, + 658, + 659, + 660, + 661, + 662, + 663, + 664, + 665, + 666, + 667, + 668, + 669, + 670 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 668, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call NoOp", + "pc": [ + 671 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 671, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 672, + 673, + 674, + 675, + 676, + 677 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 672, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 678, + 679, + 680 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 673, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 681, + 682, + 683, + 684 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 676, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call UpdateApplication", + "pc": [ + 685 + ] + } + ], + "source": { + "approval": 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+ "clear": "I3ByYWdtYSB2ZXJzaW9uIDEw" + }, + "byteCode": { + "approval": "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", + "clear": "Cg==" + }, + "compilerInfo": { + "compiler": "algod", + "compilerVersion": { + "major": 3, + "minor": 24, + "patch": 0, + "commitHash": "5c2cf06d" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.clear.teal b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.clear.teal new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9f1d65 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.clear.teal @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#pragma version 10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.src_map.json b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.src_map.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8128601 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/internal/contracts/DIDAlgoStorage.src_map.json @@ -0,0 +1,2936 @@ +[ + { + "teal": 1, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 13, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 32, + 33 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 14, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 34 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 15, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 35, + 36 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 16, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 37 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 17, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 38, + 39 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 18, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 40 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 19, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + 64, + 65, + 66 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 23, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "The requested action is not implemented in this contract. Are you using the correct OnComplete? Did you set your app ID?", + "pc": [ + 67 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 28, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 68, + 69 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 29, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 70 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 30, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 71 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 31, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 72 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 32, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 73, + 74 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 33, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 75 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 34, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 76 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 37, + "source": 61, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (mbrPayment) for startUpload must be a pay transaction", + "pc": [ + 77 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 40, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 78, + 79, + 80 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 41, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 81 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 44, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 82, + 83, + 84 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 45, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 85 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 48, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 86, + 87, + 88 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 49, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 89 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 50, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 90 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 51, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 91 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 52, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 92 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 55, + "source": 58, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for startUpload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 93 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 58, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 94, + 95, + 96 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 59, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 97 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 60, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 98 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 72, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 99, + 100, + 101 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 75, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 102 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 76, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 103, + 104 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 80, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 105, + 106 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 81, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 107, + 108 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 82, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 109 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 83, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 110 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 87, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 111 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 88, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 112 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 89, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 113, + 114 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 93, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 115, + 116 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 94, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 117, + 118 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 95, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 119 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 96, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 120 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 97, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 121 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 98, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 122, + 123 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 104, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 124, + 125 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 105, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 126 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 106, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 127, + 128 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 107, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 129 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 108, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 130 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 109, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 131, + 132, + 133 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 110, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 134 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 111, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 135, + 136 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 112, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 137 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 113, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 138 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 114, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 139, + 140, + 141, + 142, + 143, + 144, + 145, + 146, + 147, + 148 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 115, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 149 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 116, + "source": 68, + "pc": [ + 150, + 151 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 120, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 152, + 153 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 121, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 154 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 122, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 155 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 123, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 156 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 124, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 157 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 125, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 158 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 129, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 159, + 160 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 130, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 161, + 162 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 131, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 163 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 135, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 164 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 136, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 165, + 166 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 137, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 167 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 138, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 168 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 139, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 169 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 147, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 170, + 171 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 148, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 172, + 173 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 149, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 174 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 150, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 175, + 176 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 151, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 177 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 152, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 178 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 153, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 179, + 180 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 154, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 181 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 155, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 182, + 183 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 156, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 184 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 157, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 185 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 158, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 186, + 187 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 159, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 188 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 160, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 189 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 161, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 190, + 191 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 162, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 192 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 163, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 193 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 164, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 194, + 195 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 165, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 196, + 197 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 166, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 198 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 167, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 199 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 168, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 200, + 201 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 169, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 202 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 170, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 203, + 204, + 205, + 206 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 171, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 207 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 172, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 208, + 209 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 176, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 210, + 211 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 177, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 212, + 213 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 178, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 214, + 215 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 179, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 216 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 180, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 217 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 184, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 218, + 219 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 185, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 220, + 221 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 186, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 222, + 223 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 187, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 224 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 188, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 225 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 189, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 226 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 194, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 227, + 228, + 229 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 195, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 230, + 231, + 232 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 198, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 233, + 234, + 235 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 199, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 236 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 202, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 237, + 238, + 239 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 203, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 240 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 206, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 241, + 242, + 243 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 207, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 244 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 208, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 245 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 209, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 246 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 210, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 247 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 213, + "source": 97, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for upload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 248 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 216, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 249, + 250, + 251 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 217, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 252 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 218, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 253 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 230, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 254, + 255, + 256 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 233, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 257 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 237, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 258, + 259 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 238, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 260, + 261 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 239, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 262 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 240, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 263 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 244, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 264, + 265 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 245, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 266, + 267 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 249, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 268, + 269 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 250, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 270, + 271 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 251, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 272 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 252, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 273 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 253, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 274 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 254, + "source": 26, + "pc": [ + 275 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 255, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 276 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 256, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 277 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 260, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 278, + 279 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 261, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 280 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 262, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 281 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 263, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 282 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 264, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 283 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 265, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 284, + 285 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 266, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 286 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 267, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 287 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 268, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 288, + 289, + 290 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 269, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 291, + 292 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 270, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 293, + 294 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 271, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 295 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 272, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 296 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 273, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 297 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 274, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 298 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 275, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 299 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 276, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 300 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 279, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 301 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 284, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 302, + 303 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 285, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 304 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 286, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 305 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 287, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 306, + 307, + 308 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 292, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 309, + 310 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 293, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 311 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 294, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 312, + 313 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 295, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 314, + 315 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 296, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 316 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 297, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 317 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 298, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 318 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 299, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 319 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 300, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 320 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 301, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 321, + 322, + 323 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 302, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 324, + 325 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 303, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 326, + 327 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 304, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 328 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 305, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 329 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 306, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 330 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 307, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 331, + 332, + 333 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 310, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 334, + 335 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 313, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 336 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 314, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 337 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 319, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 338, + 339 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 320, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 340 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 321, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 341, + 342 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 322, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 343, + 344 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 323, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 345 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 324, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 346 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 329, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 347, + 348, + 349 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 330, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 350 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 331, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 351 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 332, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 352 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 333, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 353 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 336, + "source": 117, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (pubKey) for finishUpload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 354 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 339, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 355, + 356, + 357 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 340, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 358 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 341, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 359 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 350, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 360, + 361, + 362 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 354, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 363, + 364 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 355, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 365, + 366 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 356, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 367 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 357, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 368 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 361, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 369, + 370 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 362, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 371, + 372 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 363, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 373, + 374, + 375 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 364, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 376 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 365, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 377 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 370, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 378, + 379, + 380 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 371, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 381 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 372, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 382 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 373, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 383 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 374, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 384 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 377, + "source": 128, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (pubKey) for startDelete must be a address", + "pc": [ + 385 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 380, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 386, + 387, + 388 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 381, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 389 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 382, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 390 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 390, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 391, + 392, + 393 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 393, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 394 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 397, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 395, + 396 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 398, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 397, + 398 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 399, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 399 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 400, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 400 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 404, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 401, + 402 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 405, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 403, + 404 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 409, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 405, + 406 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 410, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 407, + 408 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 411, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 409 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 412, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 410 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 413, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 411 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 414, + "source": 29, + "pc": [ + 412 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 415, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 413 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 416, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 414 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 420, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 415, + 416 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 421, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 417, + 418 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 422, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 419, + 420, + 421 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 423, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 422 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 424, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 423 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 429, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 424, + 425, + 426 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 430, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 427 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 433, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 428, + 429, + 430 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 434, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 431 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 435, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 432 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 436, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 433 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 437, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 434 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 440, + "source": 143, + "errorMessage": "argument 1 (pubKey) for deleteData must be a address", + "pc": [ + 435 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 443, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 436, + 437, + 438 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 444, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 439 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 445, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 440 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 454, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 441, + 442, + 443 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 457, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 444 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 458, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 445 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 462, + "source": 144, + "pc": [ + 446, + 447 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 463, + "source": 144, + "pc": [ + 448, + 449 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 464, + "source": 144, + "pc": [ + 450 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 465, + "source": 144, + "pc": [ + 451 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 469, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 452, + 453 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 470, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 454, + 455 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 474, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 456, + 457 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 475, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 458, + 459 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 476, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 460 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 477, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 461 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 478, + "source": 147, + "pc": [ + 462 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 479, + "source": 32, + "pc": [ + 463, + 464 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 480, + "source": 147, + "pc": [ + 465 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 481, + "source": 147, + "pc": [ + 466 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 485, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 467, + 468 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 486, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 469 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 487, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 470 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 488, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 471 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 489, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 472 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 490, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 473, + 474 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 491, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 475 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 492, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 476 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 493, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 477, + 478, + 479 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 494, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 480, + 481 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 495, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 482, + 483 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 496, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 484 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 497, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 485 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 498, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 486 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 499, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 487 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 500, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 488 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 501, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 489 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 504, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 490 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 509, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 491, + 492 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 510, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 493, + 494 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 511, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 495 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 512, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 496 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 513, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 497 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 514, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 498 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 515, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 499 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 516, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 500, + 501, + 502 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 521, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 503, + 504 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 522, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 505, + 506 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 523, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 507 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 524, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 508 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 525, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 509 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 526, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 510, + 511 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 527, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 512 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 528, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 513 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 529, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 514 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 530, + "source": 150, + "pc": [ + 515 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 535, + "source": 152, + "pc": [ + 516, + 517 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 536, + "source": 152, + "pc": [ + 518, + 519 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 537, + "source": 152, + "pc": [ + 520 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 538, + "source": 152, + "pc": [ + 521, + 522 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 542, + "source": 154, + "pc": [ + 523, + 524 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 543, + "source": 154, + "pc": [ + 525 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 544, + "source": 154, + "pc": [ + 526 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 549, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 527, + 528 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 550, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 529, + 530 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 551, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 531 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 552, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 532 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 553, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 533 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 554, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 534 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 555, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 535 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 556, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 536, + 537, + 538 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 561, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 539, + 540 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 562, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 541 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 563, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 542, + 543, + 544 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 568, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 545, + 546 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 569, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 547, + 548 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 570, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 549 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 571, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 550, + 551 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 572, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 552, + 553 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 573, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 554 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 581, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 555 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 582, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 556 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 583, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 557, + 558 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 587, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 559, + 560 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 588, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 561, + 562 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 589, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 563, + 564 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 590, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 565 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 591, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 566 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 592, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 567, + 568 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 596, + "source": 161, + "pc": [ + 569, + 570 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 597, + "source": 161, + "pc": [ + 571, + 572 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 600, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 573 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 601, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 574, + 575 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 604, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 576 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 605, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 577 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 610, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 578, + 579, + 580 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 611, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 581 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 612, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 582 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 618, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 583, + 584, + 585 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 622, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 586, + 587 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 623, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 588, + 589 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 624, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 590 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 625, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 591 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 626, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 592 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 631, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 593, + 594, + 595 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 632, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 596 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 633, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 597 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 642, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 598, + 599, + 600 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 643, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 601 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 646, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 602 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 647, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 603 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 650, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 604, + 605, + 606, + 607, + 608, + 609 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 651, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 610, + 611, + 612 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 652, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 613, + 614, + 615, + 616 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 655, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for create NoOp", + "pc": [ + 617 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 658, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 618, + 619, + 620, + 621, + 622, + 623 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 659, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 624, + 625, + 626, + 627, + 628, + 629 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 660, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 630, + 631, + 632, + 633, + 634, + 635 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 661, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 636, + 637, + 638, + 639, + 640, + 641 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 662, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 642, + 643, + 644, + 645, + 646, + 647 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 663, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 648, + 649, + 650, + 651, + 652, + 653 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 664, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 654, + 655, + 656 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 665, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 657, + 658, + 659, + 660, + 661, + 662, + 663, + 664, + 665, + 666, + 667, + 668, + 669, + 670 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 668, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call NoOp", + "pc": [ + 671 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 671, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 672, + 673, + 674, + 675, + 676, + 677 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 672, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 678, + 679, + 680 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 673, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 681, + 682, + 683, + 684 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 676, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call UpdateApplication", + "pc": [ + 685 + ] + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/internal/driver.go b/client/internal/driver.go index 6b1ffbf..e7c53ac 100644 --- a/client/internal/driver.go +++ b/client/internal/driver.go @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ( // Read a DID document from the Algorand network. The method complies // with the `resolver.Provider` interface. -func (c *AlgoDIDClient) Read(id string) (*did.Document, *did.DocumentMetadata, error) { +func (c *DIDAlgoStorageClient) Read(id string) (*did.Document, *did.DocumentMetadata, error) { if _, err := did.Parse(id); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.New(resolver.ErrInvalidDID) } diff --git a/client/internal/main.go b/client/internal/main.go index 94b7d84..65d7224 100644 --- a/client/internal/main.go +++ b/client/internal/main.go @@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ import ( ) // ClientSettings defines the configuration options available when -// interacting with an AlgoDID network agent. +// interacting with an DIDAlgoStorage network agent. type ClientSettings struct { Profiles []*NetworkProfile `json:"profiles" yaml:"profiles" mapstructure:"profiles"` } // NetworkProfile defines the configuration options to connect to a -// specific AlgoDID network agent. +// specific DIDAlgoStorage network agent. type NetworkProfile struct { // Profile name. Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name" mapstructure:"name"` @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type NetworkProfile struct { // Algod node access token. NodeToken string `json:"node_token,omitempty" yaml:"node_token,omitempty" mapstructure:"node_token"` - // Application ID for the AlgoDID storage smart contract. + // Application ID for the DIDAlgoStorage smart contract. AppID uint `json:"app_id" yaml:"app_id" mapstructure:"app_id"` // Storage contract provider server, if any. @@ -51,21 +51,21 @@ type NetworkClient struct { algod *algod.Client } -// AlgoDIDClient provides a simplified interface to interact with the +// DIDAlgoStorageClient provides a simplified interface to interact with the // Algorand network. -type AlgoDIDClient struct { +type DIDAlgoStorageClient struct { log xlog.Logger httpC *http.Client Networks map[string]*NetworkClient } // NewAlgoClient creates a new instance of the AlgoClient. -func NewAlgoClient(profiles []*NetworkProfile, log xlog.Logger) (*AlgoDIDClient, error) { +func NewAlgoClient(profiles []*NetworkProfile, log xlog.Logger) (*DIDAlgoStorageClient, error) { if len(profiles) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no network profile provided") } - client := &AlgoDIDClient{ + client := &DIDAlgoStorageClient{ log: log, httpC: &http.Client{}, Networks: make(map[string]*NetworkClient), @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func NewAlgoClient(profiles []*NetworkProfile, log xlog.Logger) (*AlgoDIDClient, return client, nil } -// StorageAppID returns the application ID for the AlgoDID storage. +// StorageAppID returns the application ID for the DIDAlgoStorage. func (c *NetworkClient) StorageAppID() uint { return c.profile.AppID } @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func (c *NetworkClient) Ready() bool { return c.algod.HealthCheck().Do(context.TODO()) == nil } -// DeployContract creates a new instance of the AlgoDID storage smart contract +// DeployContract creates a new instance of the DIDAlgoStorage smart contract // on the network. func (c *NetworkClient) DeployContract(sender *crypto.Account) (uint64, error) { contract := LoadContract() @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func (c *NetworkClient) DeployContract(sender *crypto.Account) (uint64, error) { // PublishDID sends a new DID document to the network // fot on-chain storage. -func (c *AlgoDIDClient) PublishDID(id *did.Identifier, sender *crypto.Account) error { +func (c *DIDAlgoStorageClient) PublishDID(id *did.Identifier, sender *crypto.Account) error { c.log.WithFields(map[string]interface{}{ "did": id.String(), }).Info("publishing DID document") @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func (c *AlgoDIDClient) PublishDID(id *did.Identifier, sender *crypto.Account) e } // DeleteDID removes a DID document from the network. -func (c *AlgoDIDClient) DeleteDID(id *did.Identifier, sender *crypto.Account) error { +func (c *DIDAlgoStorageClient) DeleteDID(id *did.Identifier, sender *crypto.Account) error { c.log.WithFields(map[string]interface{}{ "did": id.String(), }).Info("deleting DID document") @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (c *AlgoDIDClient) DeleteDID(id *did.Identifier, sender *crypto.Account) er } // Resolve retrieves a DID document from the network. -func (c *AlgoDIDClient) Resolve(id string) (*did.Document, error) { +func (c *DIDAlgoStorageClient) Resolve(id string) (*did.Document, error) { c.log.WithField("did", id).Info("retrieving DID document") // Parse the DID @@ -188,7 +188,13 @@ func (c *AlgoDIDClient) Resolve(id string) (*did.Document, error) { return doc, nil } -func (c *AlgoDIDClient) submitToProvider(network string, pub []byte, appID uint64, method string, doc []byte) error { +func (c *DIDAlgoStorageClient) submitToProvider( + network string, + pub []byte, + appID uint64, + method string, + doc []byte, +) error { networkClient := c.Networks[network] c.log.Warning("using provider: ", networkClient.profile.StoreProvider) diff --git a/client/internal/utils.go b/client/internal/utils.go index 90138ed..90a5be3 100644 --- a/client/internal/utils.go +++ b/client/internal/utils.go @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const ( betanetGenesisHash = "mFgazF+2uRS1tMiL9dsj01hJGySEmPN28B/TjjvpVW0=" ) -// CreateApp is used to deploy the AlgoDID storage smart contract to the +// CreateApp is used to deploy the DIDAlgoStorage smart contract to the // Algorand network. func CreateApp( algodClient *algod.Client, @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func CreateApp( return confirmedTxn.ApplicationIndex, nil } -// publishDID is used to upload a new DID document to the AlgoDID +// publishDID is used to upload a new DID document to the DIDAlgoStorage // storage smart contract. func publishDID( algodClient *algod.Client, @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ func checkNetwork(network string, algodClient *algod.Client) error { return nil } -// ResolveDID is used to read the DID document from the AlgoDID storage smart +// ResolveDID is used to read the DID document from the DIDAlgoStorage smart // contract. func ResolveDID(appID uint64, pubKey []byte, algodClient *algod.Client, network string) ([]byte, error) { err := checkNetwork(network, algodClient) @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ func ResolveDID(appID uint64, pubKey []byte, algodClient *algod.Client, network return data, nil } -// DeleteDID is used to delete the DID document from the AlgoDID +// DeleteDID is used to delete the DID document from the DIDAlgoStorage // storage smart contract. func deleteDID( appID uint64, diff --git a/client/ui/api.go b/client/ui/api.go index b0c3d8e..9c2522d 100644 --- a/client/ui/api.go +++ b/client/ui/api.go @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type LocalAPI struct { } // LocalAPIServer creates a new instance of the local API server. -func LocalAPIServer(st *store.LocalStore, client *internal.AlgoDIDClient, log xlog.Logger) (*LocalAPI, error) { +func LocalAPIServer(st *store.LocalStore, client *internal.DIDAlgoStorageClient, log xlog.Logger) (*LocalAPI, error) { // provider instances p := &Provider{ st: st, diff --git a/client/ui/api_test.go b/client/ui/api_test.go index f9b64fa..041ca2f 100644 --- a/client/ui/api_test.go +++ b/client/ui/api_test.go @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) { // // Algod node access token. // NodeToken string `json:"node_token,omitempty" yaml:"node_token,omitempty" mapstructure:"node_token"` - // // Application ID for the AlgoDID storage smart contract. + // // Application ID for the DIDAlgoStorage smart contract. // AppID uint `json:"app_id" yaml:"app_id" mapstructure:"app_id"` // // Storage contract provider server, if any. diff --git a/client/ui/provider.go b/client/ui/provider.go index 4eb4501..b885cf3 100644 --- a/client/ui/provider.go +++ b/client/ui/provider.go @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import ( type Provider struct { st *store.LocalStore log xlog.Logger - client *internal.AlgoDIDClient + client *internal.DIDAlgoStorageClient } // LocalEntry represents a DID instance stored in the local diff --git a/reference_contract/.eslintrc.js b/reference_contract/.eslintrc.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69b3fcb --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/.eslintrc.js @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +module.exports = { + env: { + browser: true, + es2021: true, + }, + extends: [ + 'airbnb-base', + 'plugin:import/errors', + 'plugin:import/warnings', + 'plugin:import/typescript', + ], + parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', + parserOptions: { + ecmaVersion: 'latest', + sourceType: 'module', + }, + plugins: [ + '@typescript-eslint', + ], + rules: { + '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'error', + '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': 'warn', + 'import/prefer-default-export': 'off', + 'import/extensions': [ + 'error', + 'ignorePackages', + { + js: 'never', + jsx: 'never', + ts: 'never', + tsx: 'never', + }, + ], + 'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [ + 'error', + { + devDependencies: [ + '**/*.test.ts', + ], + }, + ], + }, + overrides: [ + { + files: ['*.algo.ts'], + rules: { + 'object-shorthand': 'off', + 'class-methods-use-this': 'off', + 'no-undef': 'off', + 'max-classes-per-file': 'off', + 'no-bitwise': 'off', + 'operator-assignment': 'off', + 'prefer-template': 'off', + }, + }, + ], +}; diff --git a/reference_contract/.gitignore b/reference_contract/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40b878d --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +node_modules/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/reference_contract/README.md b/reference_contract/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee09a85 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Reference Contract + +This is the reference implementation of the contract that will be used to store the DIDDocuments for `did:algo`. This is the contract that is used by the CLI tool by default when deploying a new contract. + +It should be noted that the `did:algo` spec will work with any contract that implements the ABI interface defined in [the ARC4 JSON description](./contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json) and the `did:algo` [spec](../SPEC.md). + +## Tests + +Tests for the contract can be found at [here](./__test__/did-algo-storage.test.ts). + +## Interacting With Contract + +Golang code for interacting with this contract can be seen [here](../client/internal/main.go). + +TypeScript code for interacting with this contract can be seen [here](./src/index.ts). diff --git a/reference_contract/__test__/DIDocument.json b/reference_contract/__test__/DIDocument.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8e39b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/__test__/DIDocument.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "@context": [ + "https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1", + "https://w3id.org/security/suites/ed25519-2020/v1", + "https://w3id.org/security/suites/x25519-2020/v1" + ], + "id": "did:algo:testnet:app:683630753:98e39ab73670526e13a0ef4a64cca7792bf1d418b9ff8dc44121b1c61dae9526", + "verificationMethod": [ + { + "id": "did:algo:testnet:app:683630753:98e39ab73670526e13a0ef4a64cca7792bf1d418b9ff8dc44121b1c61dae9526#master", + "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020", + "controller": "did:algo:testnet:app:683630753:98e39ab73670526e13a0ef4a64cca7792bf1d418b9ff8dc44121b1c61dae9526", + "publicKeyMultibase": "zBHpGLoenrbXcHhsJW5htp8VDpmWgMcCEHJdaEA6rVmxq" + } + ], + "authentication": [ + "did:algo:testnet:app:683630753:98e39ab73670526e13a0ef4a64cca7792bf1d418b9ff8dc44121b1c61dae9526#master" + ] +} diff --git a/reference_contract/__test__/TEAL.pdf b/reference_contract/__test__/TEAL.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb56c4a Binary files /dev/null and b/reference_contract/__test__/TEAL.pdf differ diff --git a/reference_contract/__test__/common.ts b/reference_contract/__test__/common.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aeb4955 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/__test__/common.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +/* eslint-disable func-names */ +import algosdk from 'algosdk'; + +export const indexerClient = new algosdk.Indexer('a'.repeat(64), 'http://localhost', 8980); +export const algodClient = new algosdk.Algodv2('a'.repeat(64), 'http://localhost', 4001); +export const kmdClient = new algosdk.Kmd('a'.repeat(64), 'http://localhost', 4002); diff --git a/reference_contract/__test__/did-algo-storage.test.ts b/reference_contract/__test__/did-algo-storage.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6adeb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/__test__/did-algo-storage.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +/* eslint-disable no-plusplus */ +import * as algokit from '@algorandfoundation/algokit-utils'; +import fs from 'fs'; +import { ApplicationClient } from '@algorandfoundation/algokit-utils/types/app-client'; +import { + describe, expect, beforeAll, it, jest, +} from '@jest/globals'; +import algosdk from 'algosdk'; +import { algodClient, kmdClient } from './common'; +import appSpec from '../contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc32.json'; +import { + resolveDID, uploadDIDDocument, deleteDIDDocument, updateDIDDocument, +} from '../src/index'; + +jest.setTimeout(20000); + +describe('Algorand DID', () => { + /** + * Large data (> 32k) to simulate a large DID Document + * that needs to be put into multiple boxes + */ + const bigData = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/TEAL.pdf`); + + /** + * Small data (< 32k) to simulate a small DID Document + * that can fit into a single box + */ + const smallJSONObject = { keyOne: 'foo', keyTwo: 'bar' }; + + /** The public key for the user in the tests that has a big DID Document */ + const bigDataUserKey = algosdk.decodeAddress(algosdk.generateAccount().addr).publicKey; + + /** The public key for the user in the tests that has a small DID Document */ + const smallDataUserKey = algosdk.decodeAddress(algosdk.generateAccount().addr).publicKey; + + /** The public key for the user in the tests that updates their DID Document */ + const updateDataUserKey = algosdk.decodeAddress(algosdk.generateAccount().addr).publicKey; + + /** algokti appClient for interacting with the contract */ + let appClient: ApplicationClient; + + /** The account that will be used to create and call the contract */ + let sender: algosdk.Account; + + /** The ID of the contract */ + let appId: number; + + beforeAll(async () => { + sender = await algokit.getDispenserAccount(algodClient, kmdClient); + + appClient = new ApplicationClient({ + resolveBy: 'id', + id: 0, + sender, + app: JSON.stringify(appSpec), + }, algodClient); + + await appClient.create({ method: 'createApplication', methodArgs: [], sendParams: { suppressLog: true } }); + + await appClient.fundAppAccount({ + amount: algokit.microAlgos(100_000), + sendParams: { suppressLog: true }, + }); + + appId = Number((await appClient.getAppReference()).appId); + }); + + describe('uploadDIDDocument and Resolve', () => { + it('(LARGE) DIDocument upload and resolve', async () => { + const { appId } = await appClient.getAppReference(); + const pubkeyHex = Buffer.from(bigDataUserKey).toString('hex'); + + // Large upload + await uploadDIDDocument(bigData, Number(appId), bigDataUserKey, sender, algodClient); + + // Reconstruct DID from several boxes + const resolvedData: Buffer = await resolveDID(`did:algo:custom:app:${appId}:${pubkeyHex}`, algodClient); + expect(resolvedData.toString('hex')).toEqual(bigData.toString('hex')); + }); + + it('(SMALL) DIDocument upload and resolve', async () => { + const { appId } = await appClient.getAppReference(); + const pubkeyHex = Buffer.from(smallDataUserKey).toString('hex'); + + // Small upload + await uploadDIDDocument( + Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(smallJSONObject)), + Number(appId), + smallDataUserKey, + sender, + algodClient, + ); + + // Reconstruct DID from several boxes + const resolvedData: Buffer = await resolveDID(`did:algo:custom:app:${appId}:${pubkeyHex}`, algodClient); + expect(resolvedData.toString('hex')).toEqual(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(smallJSONObject)).toString('hex')); + }); + }); + + describe('deleteDIDDocument', () => { + const deleteDIDDocumentTest = async (userKey: Uint8Array) => { + await deleteDIDDocument(appId, userKey, sender, algodClient); + const pubkeyHex = Buffer.from(userKey).toString('hex'); + + await expect(resolveDID(`did:algo:custom:app:${appId}:${pubkeyHex}`, algodClient)).rejects.toThrow(); + }; + + it('deletes big (multi-box) data', async () => { + await deleteDIDDocumentTest(bigDataUserKey); + }); + + it('deletes small (single-box) data', async () => { + await deleteDIDDocumentTest(smallDataUserKey); + }); + + it('returns MBR', async () => { + const { appAddress } = await appClient.getAppReference(); + const appAmount = (await algodClient.accountInformation(appAddress).do()).amount; + + expect(appAmount).toBe(100_000); + }); + }); + + describe('updateDocument', () => { + beforeAll(async () => { + // Initially upload the big data as the DID Document + await uploadDIDDocument( + bigData, + appId, + updateDataUserKey, + sender, + algodClient, + ); + }); + + it('uploads and resolves new data', async () => { + // Update the DID Document to be the small data + const data = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(smallJSONObject)); + await updateDIDDocument( + data, + appId, + updateDataUserKey, + sender, + algodClient, + ); + + const pubkeyHex = Buffer.from(updateDataUserKey).toString('hex'); + const resolvedData = await resolveDID(`did:algo:custom:app:${appId}:${pubkeyHex}`, algodClient); + + expect(resolvedData.toString()).toEqual(JSON.stringify(smallJSONObject)); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/.gitkeep b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.approval.teal b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.approval.teal new file mode 100644 index 0000000..186e5cc --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.approval.teal @@ -0,0 +1,676 @@ +#pragma version 10 + +// This TEAL was generated by TEALScript v0.96.0 +// https://github.com/algorandfoundation/TEALScript + +// This contract is compliant with and/or implements the following ARCs: [ ARC4 ] + +// The following ten lines of TEAL handle initial program flow +// This pattern is used to make it easy for anyone to parse the start of the program and determine if a specific action is allowed +// Here, action refers to the OnComplete in combination with whether the app is being created or called +// Every possible action for this contract is represented in the switch statement +// If the action is not implemented in the contract, its respective branch will be "*NOT_IMPLEMENTED" which just contains "err" +txn ApplicationID +! +int 6 +* +txn OnCompletion ++ +switch *call_NoOp *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *call_UpdateApplication *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *create_NoOp *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED *NOT_IMPLEMENTED + +*NOT_IMPLEMENTED: + // The requested action is not implemented in this contract. Are you using the correct OnComplete? Did you set your app ID? + err + +// startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void +*abi_route_startUpload: + // mbrPayment: pay + txn GroupIndex + int 1 + - + dup + gtxns TypeEnum + int pay + == + + // argument 0 (mbrPayment) for startUpload must be a pay transaction + assert + + // endBoxSize: uint64 + txna ApplicationArgs 3 + btoi + + // numBoxes: uint64 + txna ApplicationArgs 2 + btoi + + // pubKey: address + txna ApplicationArgs 1 + dup + len + int 32 + == + + // argument 3 (pubKey) for startUpload must be a address + assert + + // execute startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void + callsub startUpload + int 1 + return + +// startUpload(pubKey: Address, numBoxes: uint64, endBoxSize: uint64, mbrPayment: PayTxn): void +// +// +// Allocate boxes to begin data upload process +// +// @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID +// @param numBoxes The number of boxes that the data will take up +// @param endBoxSize The size of the last box +// @param mbrPayment Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR +startUpload: + proto 4 0 + + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x + dupn 3 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:63 + // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) + txn Sender + global CreatorAddress + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:65 + // startBox = this.currentIndex.value + byte 0x63757272656e74496e646578 // "currentIndex" + app_global_get + frame_bury 0 // startBox: uint64 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:66 + // endBox = startBox + numBoxes - 1 + frame_dig 0 // startBox: uint64 + frame_dig -2 // numBoxes: uint64 + + + int 1 + - + frame_bury 1 // endBox: uint64 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:68 + // metadata: Metadata = { + // start: startBox, end: endBox, status: UPLOADING, endSize: endBoxSize, lastDeleted: 0, + // } + frame_dig 0 // startBox: uint64 + itob + frame_dig 1 // endBox: uint64 + itob + concat + byte 0x00 + concat + frame_dig -3 // endBoxSize: uint64 + itob + concat + byte 0x0000000000000000 + concat + frame_bury 2 // metadata: Metadata + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:72 + // assert(!this.metadata(pubKey).exists) + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + box_len + swap + pop + ! + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:74 + // this.metadata(pubKey).value = metadata + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_dig 2 // metadata: Metadata + box_put + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:76 + // this.currentIndex.value = endBox + 1 + byte 0x63757272656e74496e646578 // "currentIndex" + frame_dig 1 // endBox: uint64 + int 1 + + + app_global_put + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:78 + // totalCost = numBoxes * COST_PER_BOX // cost of data boxes + // + (numBoxes - 1) * MAX_BOX_SIZE * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data + // + numBoxes * 8 * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data keys + // + endBoxSize * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of last data box + // + COST_PER_BOX + (8 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 32 + 8) * COST_PER_BYTE + frame_dig -2 // numBoxes: uint64 + int 2500 + * + frame_dig -2 // numBoxes: uint64 + int 1 + - + int 32768 + * + int 400 + * + + + frame_dig -2 // numBoxes: uint64 + int 8 + * + int 400 + * + + + frame_dig -3 // endBoxSize: uint64 + int 400 + * + + + int 2500 + + + int 26000 + + + frame_bury 3 // totalCost: uint64 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:84 + // assert(mbrPayment.amount === totalCost) + frame_dig -4 // mbrPayment: PayTxn + gtxns Amount + frame_dig 3 // totalCost: uint64 + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:85 + // assert(mbrPayment.receiver === this.app.address) + frame_dig -4 // mbrPayment: PayTxn + gtxns Receiver + global CurrentApplicationAddress + == + assert + retsub + +// upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void +*abi_route_upload: + // data: byte[] + txna ApplicationArgs 4 + extract 2 0 + + // offset: uint64 + txna ApplicationArgs 3 + btoi + + // boxIndex: uint64 + txna ApplicationArgs 2 + btoi + + // pubKey: address + txna ApplicationArgs 1 + dup + len + int 32 + == + + // argument 3 (pubKey) for upload must be a address + assert + + // execute upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void + callsub upload + int 1 + return + +// upload(pubKey: Address, boxIndex: uint64, offset: uint64, data: bytes): void +// +// +// Upload data to a specific offset in a box +// +// @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID +// @param boxIndex The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to +// @param offset The offset within the box to start writing the data +// @param data The data to write +upload: + proto 4 0 + + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:98 + // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) + txn Sender + global CreatorAddress + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:100 + // metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_bury 0 // storage key//metadata + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:101 + // assert(metadata.status === UPLOADING) + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset + int 1 + box_extract + btoi + int 0 + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:102 + // assert(metadata.start <= boxIndex && boxIndex <= metadata.end) + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 0 + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + <= + dup + bz *skip_and0 + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + <= + && + +*skip_and0: + assert + + // *if0_condition + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:104 + // offset === 0 + frame_dig -3 // offset: uint64 + int 0 + == + bz *if0_end + + // *if0_consequent + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:105 + // this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).create(boxIndex === metadata.end ? metadata.endSize : MAX_BOX_SIZE) + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + itob + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + == + bz *ternary0_false + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 17 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + b *ternary0_end + +*ternary0_false: + int 32768 + +*ternary0_end: + box_create + pop + +*if0_end: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:108 + // this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).replace(offset, data) + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + itob + frame_dig -3 // offset: uint64 + frame_dig -4 // data: bytes + box_replace + retsub + +// finishUpload(address)void +*abi_route_finishUpload: + // pubKey: address + txna ApplicationArgs 1 + dup + len + int 32 + == + + // argument 0 (pubKey) for finishUpload must be a address + assert + + // execute finishUpload(address)void + callsub finishUpload + int 1 + return + +// finishUpload(pubKey: Address): void +// +// +// Mark uploading as false +// +// @param pubKey The address of the DID +finishUpload: + proto 1 0 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:118 + // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) + txn Sender + global CreatorAddress + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:120 + // this.metadata(pubKey).value.status = READY + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset + byte 0x01 + box_replace + retsub + +// startDelete(address)void +*abi_route_startDelete: + // pubKey: address + txna ApplicationArgs 1 + dup + len + int 32 + == + + // argument 0 (pubKey) for startDelete must be a address + assert + + // execute startDelete(address)void + callsub startDelete + int 1 + return + +// startDelete(pubKey: Address): void +// +// Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID +// +// @param pubKey The address of the DID +startDelete: + proto 1 0 + + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:129 + // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) + txn Sender + global CreatorAddress + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:131 + // metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_bury 0 // storage key//metadata + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:132 + // assert(metadata.status === READY) + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset + int 1 + box_extract + btoi + int 1 + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:134 + // metadata.status = DELETING + frame_dig 0 // storage key//metadata + int 16 // headOffset + byte 0x02 + box_replace + retsub + +// deleteData(address,uint64)void +*abi_route_deleteData: + // boxIndex: uint64 + txna ApplicationArgs 2 + btoi + + // pubKey: address + txna ApplicationArgs 1 + dup + len + int 32 + == + + // argument 1 (pubKey) for deleteData must be a address + assert + + // execute deleteData(address,uint64)void + callsub deleteData + int 1 + return + +// deleteData(pubKey: Address, boxIndex: uint64): void +// +// Deletes a box of data +// +// @param pubKey The address of the DID +// @param boxIndex The index of the box to delete +deleteData: + proto 2 0 + + // Push empty bytes after the frame pointer to reserve space for local variables + byte 0x + dup + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:144 + // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) + txn Sender + global CreatorAddress + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:146 + // metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + frame_bury 0 // storage key//metadata + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:147 + // assert(metadata.status === DELETING) + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 16 // headOffset + int 1 + box_extract + btoi + int 2 + == + assert + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:148 + // assert(metadata.start <= boxIndex && boxIndex <= metadata.end) + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 0 + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + <= + dup + bz *skip_and1 + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + <= + && + +*skip_and1: + assert + + // *if1_condition + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:150 + // boxIndex !== metadata.start + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 0 + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + != + bz *if1_end + + // *if1_consequent + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:150 + // assert(metadata.lastDeleted === boxIndex - 1) + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 25 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + int 1 + - + == + assert + +*if1_end: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:152 + // preMBR = globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance + global CurrentApplicationAddress + acct_params_get AcctMinBalance + pop + frame_bury 1 // preMBR: uint64 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:154 + // this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).delete() + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + itob + box_del + + // *if2_condition + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:156 + // boxIndex === metadata.end + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + int 8 // headOffset + int 8 + box_extract + btoi + == + bz *if2_else + + // *if2_consequent + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:156 + // this.metadata(pubKey).delete() + frame_dig -1 // pubKey: Address + box_del + b *if2_end + +*if2_else: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:157 + // metadata.lastDeleted = boxIndex + int 25 // headOffset + frame_dig -2 // boxIndex: uint64 + itob + frame_dig 0 // storage key//metadata + cover 2 + box_replace + +*if2_end: + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:159 + // sendPayment({ + // amount: preMBR - globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance, + // receiver: this.txn.sender, + // }) + itxn_begin + int pay + itxn_field TypeEnum + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:160 + // amount: preMBR - globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance + frame_dig 1 // preMBR: uint64 + global CurrentApplicationAddress + acct_params_get AcctMinBalance + pop + - + itxn_field Amount + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:161 + // receiver: this.txn.sender + txn Sender + itxn_field Receiver + + // Fee field not set, defaulting to 0 + int 0 + itxn_field Fee + + // Submit inner transaction + itxn_submit + retsub + +// updateApplication()void +*abi_route_updateApplication: + // execute updateApplication()void + callsub updateApplication + int 1 + return + +// updateApplication(): void +// +// Allow the contract to be updated by the creator +updateApplication: + proto 0 0 + + // contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts:169 + // assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress) + txn Sender + global CreatorAddress + == + assert + retsub + +// dummy()void +*abi_route_dummy: + // execute dummy()void + callsub dummy + int 1 + return + +// dummy(): void +// +// Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData. +// Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8k +// at a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with box +// references to increase the total read/write budget to 32k. +dummy: + proto 0 0 + retsub + +*abi_route_createApplication: + int 1 + return + +*create_NoOp: + method "createApplication()void" + txna ApplicationArgs 0 + match *abi_route_createApplication + + // this contract does not implement the given ABI method for create NoOp + err + +*call_NoOp: + method "startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void" + method "upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void" + method "finishUpload(address)void" + method "startDelete(address)void" + method "deleteData(address,uint64)void" + method "dummy()void" + txna ApplicationArgs 0 + match *abi_route_startUpload *abi_route_upload *abi_route_finishUpload *abi_route_startDelete *abi_route_deleteData *abi_route_dummy + + // this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call NoOp + err + +*call_UpdateApplication: + method "updateApplication()void" + txna ApplicationArgs 0 + match *abi_route_updateApplication + + // this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call UpdateApplication + err \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc32.json b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc32.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c72c61e --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc32.json @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +{ + "hints": { + "startUpload(address,uint64,uint64,pay)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "upload(address,uint64,uint64,byte[])void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "finishUpload(address)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "startDelete(address)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "deleteData(address,uint64)void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "updateApplication()void": { + "call_config": { + "update_application": "CALL" + } + }, + "dummy()void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CALL" + } + }, + "createApplication()void": { + "call_config": { + "no_op": "CREATE" + } + } + }, + "bare_call_config": { + "no_op": "NEVER", + "opt_in": "NEVER", + "close_out": "NEVER", + "update_application": "NEVER", + "delete_application": "NEVER" + }, + "schema": { + "local": { + "declared": {}, + "reserved": {} + }, + "global": { + "declared": { + "currentIndex": { + "type": "uint64", + "key": "currentIndex" + } + }, + "reserved": {} + } + }, + "state": { + "global": { + "num_byte_slices": 0, + "num_uints": 1 + }, + "local": { + "num_byte_slices": 0, + "num_uints": 0 + } + }, + "source": { + "approval": 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+ "clear": "I3ByYWdtYSB2ZXJzaW9uIDEw" + }, + "contract": { + "name": "DIDAlgoStorage", + "desc": "", + "methods": [ + { + "name": "startUpload", + "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "numBoxes", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The number of boxes that the data will take up" + }, + { + "name": "endBoxSize", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The size of the last box" + }, + { + "name": "mbrPayment", + "type": "pay", + "desc": "Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "upload", + "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to" + }, + { + "name": "offset", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The offset within the box to start writing the data" + }, + { + "name": "data", + "type": "byte[]", + "desc": "The data to write" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "finishUpload", + "desc": "Mark uploading as false", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "startDelete", + "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "deleteData", + "desc": "Deletes a box of data", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to delete" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "updateApplication", + "desc": "Allow the contract to be updated by the creator", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "dummy", + "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "createApplication", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + } + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fc6009 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc4.json @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +{ + "name": "DIDAlgoStorage", + "desc": "", + "methods": [ + { + "name": "startUpload", + "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "numBoxes", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The number of boxes that the data will take up" + }, + { + "name": "endBoxSize", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The size of the last box" + }, + { + "name": "mbrPayment", + "type": "pay", + "desc": "Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "upload", + "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to" + }, + { + "name": "offset", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The offset within the box to start writing the data" + }, + { + "name": "data", + "type": "byte[]", + "desc": "The data to write" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "finishUpload", + "desc": "Mark uploading as false", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "startDelete", + "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "deleteData", + "desc": "Deletes a box of data", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to delete" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "updateApplication", + "desc": "Allow the contract to be updated by the creator", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "dummy", + "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + }, + { + "name": "createApplication", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc56_draft.json b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc56_draft.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f017ac --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.arc56_draft.json @@ -0,0 +1,3189 @@ +{ + "name": "DIDAlgoStorage", + "desc": "", + "methods": [ + { + "name": "startUpload", + "desc": "Allocate boxes to begin data upload process", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "numBoxes", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The number of boxes that the data will take up" + }, + { + "name": "endBoxSize", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The size of the last box" + }, + { + "name": "mbrPayment", + "type": "pay", + "desc": "Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "upload", + "desc": "Upload data to a specific offset in a box", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The pubkey of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to" + }, + { + "name": "offset", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The offset within the box to start writing the data" + }, + { + "name": "data", + "type": "byte[]", + "desc": "The data to write" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "finishUpload", + "desc": "Mark uploading as false", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "startDelete", + "desc": "Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "deleteData", + "desc": "Deletes a box of data", + "args": [ + { + "name": "pubKey", + "type": "address", + "desc": "The address of the DID" + }, + { + "name": "boxIndex", + "type": "uint64", + "desc": "The index of the box to delete" + } + ], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "updateApplication", + "desc": "Allow the contract to be updated by the creator", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "UpdateApplication" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "dummy", + "desc": "Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData.Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8kat a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with boxreferences to increase the total read/write budget to 32k.", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [], + "call": [ + "NoOp" + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "createApplication", + "args": [], + "returns": { + "type": "void" + }, + "actions": { + "create": [ + "NoOp" + ], + "call": [] + } + } + ], + "arcs": [ + 4, + 56 + ], + "structs": { + "Metadata": { + "start": "uint64", + "end": "uint64", + "status": "uint8", + "endSize": "uint64", + "lastDeleted": "uint64" + } + }, + "state": { + "schema": { + "global": { + "bytes": 0, + "ints": 1 + }, + "local": { + "bytes": 0, + "ints": 0 + } + }, + "keys": { + "global": { + "currentIndex": { + "key": "Y3VycmVudEluZGV4", + "keyType": "bytes", + "valueType": "uint64" + } + }, + "local": {}, + "box": {} + }, + "maps": { + "global": {}, + "local": {}, + "box": { + "dataBoxes": { + "keyType": "uint64", + "valueType": "bytes" + }, + "metadata": { + "keyType": "address", + "valueType": "Metadata" + } + } + } + }, + "bareActions": { + "create": [], + "call": [] + }, + "sourceInfo": [ + { + "teal": 1, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 13, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 32, + 33 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 14, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 34 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 15, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 35, + 36 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 16, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 37 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 17, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 38, + 39 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 18, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 40 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 19, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + 64, + 65, + 66 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 23, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "The requested action is not implemented in this contract. Are you using the correct OnComplete? Did you set your app ID?", + "pc": [ + 67 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 28, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 68, + 69 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 29, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 70 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 30, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 71 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 31, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 72 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 32, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 73, + 74 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 33, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 75 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 34, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 76 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 37, + "source": 61, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (mbrPayment) for startUpload must be a pay transaction", + "pc": [ + 77 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 40, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 78, + 79, + 80 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 41, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 81 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 44, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 82, + 83, + 84 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 45, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 85 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 48, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 86, + 87, + 88 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 49, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 89 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 50, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 90 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 51, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 91 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 52, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 92 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 55, + "source": 58, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for startUpload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 93 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 58, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 94, + 95, + 96 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 59, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 97 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 60, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 98 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 72, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 99, + 100, + 101 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 75, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 102 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 76, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 103, + 104 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 80, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 105, + 106 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 81, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 107, + 108 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 82, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 109 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 83, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 110 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 87, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 111 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 88, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 112 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 89, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 113, + 114 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 93, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 115, + 116 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 94, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 117, + 118 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 95, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 119 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 96, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 120 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 97, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 121 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 98, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 122, + 123 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 104, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 124, + 125 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 105, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 126 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 106, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 127, + 128 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 107, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 129 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 108, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 130 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 109, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 131, + 132, + 133 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 110, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 134 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 111, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 135, + 136 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 112, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 137 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 113, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 138 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 114, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 139, + 140, + 141, + 142, + 143, + 144, + 145, + 146, + 147, + 148 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 115, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 149 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 116, + "source": 68, + "pc": [ + 150, + 151 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 120, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 152, + 153 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 121, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 154 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 122, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 155 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 123, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 156 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 124, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 157 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 125, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 158 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 129, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 159, + 160 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 130, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 161, + 162 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 131, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 163 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 135, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 164 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 136, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 165, + 166 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 137, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 167 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 138, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 168 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 139, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 169 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 147, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 170, + 171 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 148, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 172, + 173 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 149, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 174 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 150, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 175, + 176 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 151, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 177 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 152, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 178 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 153, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 179, + 180 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 154, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 181 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 155, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 182, + 183 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 156, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 184 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 157, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 185 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 158, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 186, + 187 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 159, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 188 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 160, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 189 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 161, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 190, + 191 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 162, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 192 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 163, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 193 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 164, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 194, + 195 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 165, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 196, + 197 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 166, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 198 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 167, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 199 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 168, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 200, + 201 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 169, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 202 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 170, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 203, + 204, + 205, + 206 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 171, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 207 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 172, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 208, + 209 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 176, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 210, + 211 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 177, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 212, + 213 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 178, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 214, + 215 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 179, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 216 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 180, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 217 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 184, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 218, + 219 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 185, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 220, + 221 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 186, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 222, + 223 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 187, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 224 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 188, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 225 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 189, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 226 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 194, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 227, + 228, + 229 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 195, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 230, + 231, + 232 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 198, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 233, + 234, + 235 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 199, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 236 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 202, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 237, + 238, + 239 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 203, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 240 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 206, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 241, + 242, + 243 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 207, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 244 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 208, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 245 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 209, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 246 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 210, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 247 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 213, + "source": 97, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for upload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 248 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 216, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 249, + 250, + 251 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 217, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 252 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 218, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 253 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 230, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 254, + 255, + 256 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 233, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 257 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 237, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 258, + 259 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 238, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 260, + 261 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 239, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 262 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 240, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 263 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 244, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 264, + 265 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 245, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 266, + 267 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 249, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 268, + 269 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 250, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 270, + 271 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 251, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 272 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 252, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 273 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 253, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 274 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 254, + "source": 26, + "pc": [ + 275 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 255, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 276 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 256, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 277 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 260, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 278, + 279 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 261, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 280 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 262, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 281 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 263, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 282 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 264, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 283 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 265, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 284, + 285 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 266, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 286 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 267, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 287 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 268, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 288, + 289, + 290 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 269, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 291, + 292 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 270, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 293, + 294 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 271, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 295 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 272, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 296 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 273, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 297 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 274, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 298 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 275, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 299 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 276, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 300 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 279, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 301 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 284, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 302, + 303 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 285, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 304 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 286, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 305 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 287, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 306, + 307, + 308 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 292, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 309, + 310 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 293, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 311 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 294, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 312, + 313 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 295, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 314, + 315 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 296, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 316 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 297, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 317 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 298, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 318 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 299, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 319 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 300, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 320 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 301, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 321, + 322, + 323 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 302, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 324, + 325 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 303, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 326, + 327 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 304, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 328 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 305, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 329 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 306, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 330 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 307, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 331, + 332, + 333 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 310, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 334, + 335 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 313, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 336 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 314, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 337 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 319, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 338, + 339 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 320, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 340 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 321, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 341, + 342 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 322, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 343, + 344 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 323, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 345 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 324, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 346 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 329, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 347, + 348, + 349 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 330, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 350 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 331, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 351 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 332, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 352 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 333, + "source": 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+ 399 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 400, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 400 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 404, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 401, + 402 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 405, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 403, + 404 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 409, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 405, + 406 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 410, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 407, + 408 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 411, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 409 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 412, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 410 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 413, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 411 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 414, + "source": 29, + "pc": [ + 412 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 415, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 413 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 416, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 414 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 420, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 415, + 416 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 421, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 417, + 418 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 422, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 419, + 420, + 421 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 423, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 422 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 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+ { + "teal": 486, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 469 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 487, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 470 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 488, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 471 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 489, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 472 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 490, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 473, + 474 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 491, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 475 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 492, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 476 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 493, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 477, + 478, + 479 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 494, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 480, + 481 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 495, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 482, + 483 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 496, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 484 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 497, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 485 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 498, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 486 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 499, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 487 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 500, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 488 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 501, + "source": 148, + "pc": [ + 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+ "teal": 554, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 534 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 555, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 535 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 556, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 536, + 537, + 538 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 561, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 539, + 540 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 562, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 541 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 563, + "source": 156, + "pc": [ + 542, + 543, + 544 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 568, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 545, + 546 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 569, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 547, + 548 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 570, + "source": 157, + "pc": [ + 549 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 571, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 550, + 551 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 572, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 552, + 553 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 573, + "source": 146, + "pc": [ + 554 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 581, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 555 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 582, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 556 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 583, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 557, + 558 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 587, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 559, + 560 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 588, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 561, + 562 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 589, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 563, + 564 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 590, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 565 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 591, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 566 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 592, + "source": 160, + "pc": [ + 567, + 568 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 596, + "source": 161, + "pc": [ + 569, + 570 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 597, + "source": 161, + "pc": [ + 571, + 572 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 600, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 573 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 601, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 574, + 575 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 604, + "source": 159, + "pc": [ + 576 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 605, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 577 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 610, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 578, + 579, + 580 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 611, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 581 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 612, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 582 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 618, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 583, + 584, + 585 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 622, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 586, + 587 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 623, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 588, + 589 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 624, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 590 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 625, + "source": 169, + "pc": [ + 591 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 626, + "source": 168, + "pc": [ + 592 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 631, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 593, + 594, + 595 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 632, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 596 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 633, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 597 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 642, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 598, + 599, + 600 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 643, + "source": 178, + "pc": [ + 601 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 646, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 602 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 647, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 603 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 650, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 604, + 605, + 606, + 607, + 608, + 609 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 651, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 610, + 611, + 612 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 652, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 613, + 614, + 615, + 616 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 655, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for create NoOp", + "pc": [ + 617 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 658, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 618, + 619, + 620, + 621, + 622, + 623 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 659, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 624, + 625, + 626, + 627, + 628, + 629 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 660, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 630, + 631, + 632, + 633, + 634, + 635 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 661, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 636, + 637, + 638, + 639, + 640, + 641 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 662, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 642, + 643, + 644, + 645, + 646, + 647 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 663, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 648, + 649, + 650, + 651, + 652, + 653 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 664, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 654, + 655, + 656 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 665, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 657, + 658, + 659, + 660, + 661, + 662, + 663, + 664, + 665, + 666, + 667, + 668, + 669, + 670 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 668, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call NoOp", + "pc": [ + 671 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 671, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 672, + 673, + 674, + 675, + 676, + 677 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 672, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 678, + 679, + 680 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 673, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 681, + 682, + 683, + 684 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 676, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call UpdateApplication", + "pc": [ + 685 + ] + } + ], + "source": { + "approval": 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+ "clear": "I3ByYWdtYSB2ZXJzaW9uIDEw" + }, + "byteCode": { + "approval": "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", + "clear": "Cg==" + }, + "compilerInfo": { + "compiler": "algod", + "compilerVersion": { + "major": 3, + "minor": 24, + "patch": 0, + "commitHash": "5c2cf06d" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.clear.teal b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.clear.teal new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9f1d65 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.clear.teal @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#pragma version 10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.src_map.json b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.src_map.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8128601 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/contracts/artifacts/DIDAlgoStorage.src_map.json @@ -0,0 +1,2936 @@ +[ + { + "teal": 1, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 13, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 32, + 33 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 14, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 34 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 15, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 35, + 36 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 16, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 37 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 17, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 38, + 39 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 18, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 40 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 19, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + 64, + 65, + 66 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 23, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "The requested action is not implemented in this contract. Are you using the correct OnComplete? Did you set your app ID?", + "pc": [ + 67 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 28, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 68, + 69 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 29, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 70 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 30, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 71 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 31, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 72 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 32, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 73, + 74 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 33, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 75 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 34, + "source": 61, + "pc": [ + 76 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 37, + "source": 61, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (mbrPayment) for startUpload must be a pay transaction", + "pc": [ + 77 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 40, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 78, + 79, + 80 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 41, + "source": 60, + "pc": [ + 81 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 44, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 82, + 83, + 84 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 45, + "source": 59, + "pc": [ + 85 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 48, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 86, + 87, + 88 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 49, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 89 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 50, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 90 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 51, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 91 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 52, + "source": 58, + "pc": [ + 92 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 55, + "source": 58, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for startUpload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 93 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 58, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 94, + 95, + 96 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 59, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 97 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 60, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 98 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 72, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 99, + 100, + 101 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 75, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 102 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 76, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 103, + 104 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 80, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 105, + 106 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 81, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 107, + 108 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 82, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 109 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 83, + "source": 63, + "pc": [ + 110 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 87, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 111 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 88, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 112 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 89, + "source": 65, + "pc": [ + 113, + 114 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 93, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 115, + 116 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 94, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 117, + 118 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 95, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 119 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 96, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 120 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 97, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 121 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 98, + "source": 66, + "pc": [ + 122, + 123 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 104, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 124, + 125 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 105, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 126 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 106, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 127, + 128 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 107, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 129 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 108, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 130 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 109, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 131, + 132, + 133 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 110, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 134 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 111, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 135, + 136 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 112, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 137 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 113, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 138 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 114, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 139, + 140, + 141, + 142, + 143, + 144, + 145, + 146, + 147, + 148 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 115, + "source": 69, + "pc": [ + 149 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 116, + "source": 68, + "pc": [ + 150, + 151 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 120, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 152, + 153 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 121, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 154 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 122, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 155 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 123, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 156 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 124, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 157 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 125, + "source": 72, + "pc": [ + 158 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 129, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 159, + 160 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 130, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 161, + 162 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 131, + "source": 74, + "pc": [ + 163 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 135, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 164 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 136, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 165, + 166 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 137, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 167 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 138, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 168 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 139, + "source": 76, + "pc": [ + 169 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 147, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 170, + 171 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 148, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 172, + 173 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 149, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 174 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 150, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 175, + 176 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 151, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 177 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 152, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 178 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 153, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 179, + 180 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 154, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 181 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 155, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 182, + 183 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 156, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 184 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 157, + "source": 79, + "pc": [ + 185 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 158, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 186, + 187 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 159, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 188 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 160, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 189 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 161, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 190, + 191 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 162, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 192 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 163, + "source": 80, + "pc": [ + 193 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 164, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 194, + 195 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 165, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 196, + 197 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 166, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 198 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 167, + "source": 81, + "pc": [ + 199 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 168, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 200, + 201 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 169, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 202 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 170, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 203, + 204, + 205, + 206 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 171, + "source": 82, + "pc": [ + 207 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 172, + "source": 78, + "pc": [ + 208, + 209 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 176, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 210, + 211 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 177, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 212, + 213 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 178, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 214, + 215 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 179, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 216 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 180, + "source": 84, + "pc": [ + 217 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 184, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 218, + 219 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 185, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 220, + 221 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 186, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 222, + 223 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 187, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 224 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 188, + "source": 85, + "pc": [ + 225 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 189, + "source": 57, + "pc": [ + 226 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 194, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 227, + 228, + 229 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 195, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 230, + 231, + 232 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 198, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 233, + 234, + 235 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 199, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 236 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 202, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 237, + 238, + 239 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 203, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 240 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 206, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 241, + 242, + 243 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 207, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 244 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 208, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 245 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 209, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 246 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 210, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 247 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 213, + "source": 97, + "errorMessage": "argument 3 (pubKey) for upload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 248 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 216, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 249, + 250, + 251 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 217, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 252 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 218, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 253 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 230, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 254, + 255, + 256 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 233, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 257 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 237, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 258, + 259 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 238, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 260, + 261 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 239, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 262 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 240, + "source": 98, + "pc": [ + 263 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 244, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 264, + 265 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 245, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 266, + 267 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 249, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 268, + 269 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 250, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 270, + 271 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 251, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 272 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 252, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 273 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 253, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 274 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 254, + "source": 26, + "pc": [ + 275 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 255, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 276 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 256, + "source": 101, + "pc": [ + 277 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 260, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 278, + 279 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 261, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 280 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 262, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 281 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 263, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 282 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 264, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 283 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 265, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 284, + 285 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 266, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 286 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 267, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 287 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 268, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 288, + 289, + 290 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 269, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 291, + 292 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 270, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 293, + 294 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 271, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 295 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 272, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 296 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 273, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 297 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 274, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 298 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 275, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 299 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 276, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 300 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 279, + "source": 102, + "pc": [ + 301 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 284, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 302, + 303 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 285, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 304 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 286, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 305 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 287, + "source": 104, + "pc": [ + 306, + 307, + 308 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 292, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 309, + 310 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 293, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 311 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 294, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 312, + 313 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 295, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 314, + 315 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 296, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 316 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 297, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 317 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 298, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 318 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 299, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 319 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 300, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 320 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 301, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 321, + 322, + 323 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 302, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 324, + 325 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 303, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 326, + 327 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 304, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 328 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 305, + "source": 100, + "pc": [ + 329 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 306, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 330 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 307, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 331, + 332, + 333 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 310, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 334, + 335 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 313, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 336 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 314, + "source": 105, + "pc": [ + 337 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 319, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 338, + 339 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 320, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 340 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 321, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 341, + 342 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 322, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 343, + 344 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 323, + "source": 108, + "pc": [ + 345 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 324, + "source": 97, + "pc": [ + 346 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 329, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 347, + 348, + 349 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 330, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 350 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 331, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 351 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 332, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 352 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 333, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 353 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 336, + "source": 117, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (pubKey) for finishUpload must be a address", + "pc": [ + 354 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 339, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 355, + 356, + 357 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 340, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 358 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 341, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 359 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 350, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 360, + 361, + 362 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 354, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 363, + 364 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 355, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 365, + 366 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 356, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 367 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 357, + "source": 118, + "pc": [ + 368 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 361, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 369, + 370 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 362, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 371, + 372 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 363, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 373, + 374, + 375 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 364, + "source": 120, + "pc": [ + 376 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 365, + "source": 117, + "pc": [ + 377 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 370, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 378, + 379, + 380 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 371, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 381 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 372, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 382 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 373, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 383 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 374, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 384 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 377, + "source": 128, + "errorMessage": "argument 0 (pubKey) for startDelete must be a address", + "pc": [ + 385 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 380, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 386, + 387, + 388 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 381, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 389 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 382, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 390 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 390, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 391, + 392, + 393 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 393, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 394 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 397, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 395, + 396 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 398, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 397, + 398 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 399, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 399 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 400, + "source": 129, + "pc": [ + 400 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 404, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 401, + 402 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 405, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 403, + 404 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 409, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 405, + 406 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 410, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 407, + 408 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 411, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 409 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 412, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 410 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 413, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 411 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 414, + "source": 29, + "pc": [ + 412 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 415, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 413 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 416, + "source": 132, + "pc": [ + 414 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 420, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 415, + 416 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 421, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 417, + 418 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 422, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 419, + 420, + 421 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 423, + "source": 131, + "pc": [ + 422 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 424, + "source": 128, + "pc": [ + 423 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 429, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 424, + 425, + 426 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 430, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 427 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 433, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 428, + 429, + 430 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 434, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 431 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 435, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 432 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 436, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 433 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 437, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 434 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 440, + "source": 143, + "errorMessage": "argument 1 (pubKey) for deleteData must be a address", + "pc": [ + 435 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 443, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 436, + 437, + 438 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 444, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 439 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 445, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 440 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 454, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 441, + 442, + 443 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 457, + "source": 143, + "pc": [ + 444 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 458, + "source": 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+ }, + { + "teal": 668, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call NoOp", + "pc": [ + 671 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 671, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 672, + 673, + 674, + 675, + 676, + 677 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 672, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 678, + 679, + 680 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 673, + "source": 38, + "pc": [ + 681, + 682, + 683, + 684 + ] + }, + { + "teal": 676, + "source": 38, + "errorMessage": "this contract does not implement the given ABI method for call UpdateApplication", + "pc": [ + 685 + ] + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/reference_contract/contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts b/reference_contract/contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ddcd18 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/contracts/did-algo-storage.algo.ts @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies +import { Contract } from '@algorandfoundation/tealscript'; + +/** Metadata about DID Document data */ +type Metadata = { + /** start - The index of the box at which the data starts */ + start: uint64, + + /** end - The index of the box at which the data ends */ + end: uint64, + + /** status - 0 if uploading, 1 if ready, 2 if deleting */ + status: uint<8>, + + /** The size of the last box */ + endSize: uint64, + + /** + * The index of the last box that was deleted. Used to ensure all boxes are deleted in order + * To prevent any missed boxes (thus missed MBR refund) + */ + lastDeleted: uint64 +}; + +/** Indicates the data is still being uploaded */ +const UPLOADING = >0; + +/** Indicates the data is done uploading and can be safely read */ +const READY = >1; + +/** Indicates the data is currently being deleted */ +const DELETING = >2; + +const COST_PER_BYTE = 400; +const COST_PER_BOX = 2500; +const MAX_BOX_SIZE = 32768; + +export class DIDAlgoStorage extends Contract { + /** The boxes that contain the data, indexed by uint64 */ + dataBoxes = BoxMap(); + + /** Metadata for a given pubkey */ + metadata = BoxMap(); + + /** The index of the next box to be created */ + currentIndex = GlobalStateKey(); + + /** + * + * Allocate boxes to begin data upload process + * + * @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID + * @param numBoxes The number of boxes that the data will take up + * @param endBoxSize The size of the last box + * @param mbrPayment Payment from the uploader to cover the box MBR + */ + startUpload( + pubKey: Address, + numBoxes: uint64, + endBoxSize: uint64, + mbrPayment: PayTxn, + ): void { + assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress); + + const startBox = this.currentIndex.value; + const endBox = startBox + numBoxes - 1; + + const metadata: Metadata = { + start: startBox, end: endBox, status: UPLOADING, endSize: endBoxSize, lastDeleted: 0, + }; + + assert(!this.metadata(pubKey).exists); + + this.metadata(pubKey).value = metadata; + + this.currentIndex.value = endBox + 1; + + const totalCost = numBoxes * COST_PER_BOX // cost of data boxes + + (numBoxes - 1) * MAX_BOX_SIZE * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data + + numBoxes * 8 * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data keys + + endBoxSize * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of last data box + + COST_PER_BOX + (8 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 32 + 8) * COST_PER_BYTE; // cost of metadata box + + assert(mbrPayment.amount === totalCost); + assert(mbrPayment.receiver === this.app.address); + } + + /** + * + * Upload data to a specific offset in a box + * + * @param pubKey The pubkey of the DID + * @param boxIndex The index of the box to upload the given chunk of data to + * @param offset The offset within the box to start writing the data + * @param data The data to write + */ + upload(pubKey: Address, boxIndex: uint64, offset: uint64, data: bytes): void { + assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress); + + const metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value; + assert(metadata.status === UPLOADING); + assert(metadata.start <= boxIndex && boxIndex <= metadata.end); + + if (offset === 0) { + this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).create(boxIndex === metadata.end ? metadata.endSize : MAX_BOX_SIZE); + } + + this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).replace(offset, data); + } + + /** + * + * Mark uploading as false + * + * @param pubKey The address of the DID + */ + finishUpload(pubKey: Address): void { + assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress); + + this.metadata(pubKey).value.status = READY; + } + + /** + * Starts the deletion process for the data associated with a DID + * + * @param pubKey The address of the DID + */ + startDelete(pubKey: Address): void { + assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress); + + const metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value; + assert(metadata.status === READY); + + metadata.status = DELETING; + } + + /** + * Deletes a box of data + * + * @param pubKey The address of the DID + * @param boxIndex The index of the box to delete + */ + deleteData(pubKey: Address, boxIndex: uint64): void { + assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress); + + const metadata = this.metadata(pubKey).value; + assert(metadata.status === DELETING); + assert(metadata.start <= boxIndex && boxIndex <= metadata.end); + + if (boxIndex !== metadata.start) assert(metadata.lastDeleted === boxIndex - 1); + + const preMBR = globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance; + + this.dataBoxes(boxIndex).delete(); + + if (boxIndex === metadata.end) this.metadata(pubKey).delete(); + else metadata.lastDeleted = boxIndex; + + sendPayment({ + amount: preMBR - globals.currentApplicationAddress.minBalance, + receiver: this.txn.sender, + }); + } + + /** + * Allow the contract to be updated by the creator + */ + updateApplication(): void { + assert(this.txn.sender === globals.creatorAddress); + } + + /** + * Dummy function to add extra box references for deleteData. + * Boxes are 32k, but a single app call can only inlcude enough references to read/write 8k + * at a time. Thus when a box is deleted, we need to add additional dummy calls with box + * references to increase the total read/write budget to 32k. + */ + dummy(): void {} +} diff --git a/reference_contract/jest.config.js b/reference_contract/jest.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3745fc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/jest.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +/** @type {import('ts-jest').JestConfigWithTsJest} */ +module.exports = { + preset: 'ts-jest', + testEnvironment: 'node', +}; diff --git a/reference_contract/package-lock.json b/reference_contract/package-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0ea321 --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/package-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,11235 @@ +{ + "name": "did-algo-storage", + "version": "0.0.0", + "lockfileVersion": 2, + "requires": true, + "packages": { + "": { + "name": "did-algo-storage", + "version": "0.0.0", + "license": "MIT", + "dependencies": { + "@algorandfoundation/algokit-utils": "^5.1.3", + "@algorandfoundation/tealscript": 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+export type Metadata = {start: bigint, end: bigint, status: bigint, endSize: bigint}; + +export async function resolveDID(did: string, algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2): Promise { + const splitDid = did.split(':'); + + const idxOffset = splitDid.length === 6 ? 0 : 1; + + if (splitDid[0] !== 'did') { + throw new Error(`invalid protocol, expected 'did', got ${splitDid[0]}`); + } + if (splitDid[1] !== 'algo') { + throw new Error(`invalid DID method, expected 'algo', got ${splitDid[1]}`); + } + + const nameSpace = splitDid[3 - idxOffset]; + + if (nameSpace !== 'app') { + throw new Error(`invalid namespace, expected 'app', got ${nameSpace}`); + } + + const pubKey = Buffer.from(splitDid[5 - idxOffset], 'hex'); + + let appID: bigint; + + try { + appID = BigInt(splitDid[4 - idxOffset]); + algosdk.encodeUint64(appID); + } catch (e) { + throw new Error( + `invalid app ID, expected uint64, got ${splitDid[4 - idxOffset]}`, + ); + } + + const appClient = new ApplicationClient({ + resolveBy: 'id', + id: appID, + sender: algosdk.generateAccount(), + app: JSON.stringify(appSpec), + }, algodClient); + + const boxValue = (await appClient.getBoxValueFromABIType(pubKey, algosdk.ABIType.from('(uint64,uint64,uint8,uint64,uint64)'))).valueOf() as bigint[]; + + const metadata: Metadata = { + start: boxValue[0], end: boxValue[1], status: boxValue[2], endSize: boxValue[3], + }; + + if (metadata.status === BigInt(0)) throw new Error('DID document is still being uploaded'); + if (metadata.status === BigInt(2)) throw new Error('DID document is being deleted'); + + const boxPromises = []; + for (let i = metadata.start; i <= metadata.end; i += 1n) { + boxPromises.push(appClient.getBoxValue(algosdk.encodeUint64(i))); + } + + const boxValues = await Promise.all(boxPromises); + + return Buffer.concat(boxValues); +} + +/** + * + * @param algodClient + * @param abiMethod + * @param pubKey + * @param boxes + * @param boxIndex + * @param suggestedParams + * @param sender + * @param appID + * @param group + * @returns + */ +export async function sendTxGroup( + algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2, + abiMethod: ABIMethod, + bytesOffset: number, + pubKey: Uint8Array, + boxes: algosdk.BoxReference[], + boxIndex: bigint, + suggestedParams: SuggestedParamsWithMinFee, + sender: algosdk.Account, + appID: number, + group: Buffer[], +): Promise { + const atc = new algosdk.AtomicTransactionComposer(); + group.forEach((chunk, i) => { + atc.addMethodCall({ + method: abiMethod!, + methodArgs: [pubKey, boxIndex, BYTES_PER_CALL * (i + bytesOffset), chunk], + boxes, + suggestedParams, + sender: sender.addr, + signer: algosdk.makeBasicAccountTransactionSigner(sender), + appID, + }); + }); + + await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000)); + return (await atc.execute(algodClient, 3)).txIDs; +} + +/** + * + * @param atc + * @param algodClient + * @param retryCount + */ +async function tryExecute( + atc: algosdk.AtomicTransactionComposer, + algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2, + retryCount = 1, +): Promise { + try { + await atc.execute(algodClient, 3); + } catch (e) { + if (retryCount === 3) { + // TODO: SDK bugfix + // const execTraceConfig = new algosdk.modelsv2.SimulateTraceConfig({ + // enable: true, + // stackChange: true, + // stateChange: true, + // scratchChange: true, + // }); + + // const simReq = new algosdk.modelsv2.SimulateRequest({ + // txnGroups: [], + // execTraceConfig, + // }); + // const result = await atc.simulate(algodClient, simReq); + + // console.warn(result.simulateResponse.txnGroups[0].txnResults[0].execTrace); + throw e; + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line no-console + console.warn(`Failed to send transaction group. Retrying in ${500 * retryCount}ms (${retryCount / 3})`); + } +} + +/** + * + * @param data + * @param appID + * @param pubKey + * @param sender + * @param algodClient + * @returns + */ +export async function uploadDIDDocument( + data: Buffer, + appID: number, + pubKey: Uint8Array, + sender: algosdk.Account, + algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2, +): Promise { + const appClient = new ApplicationClient({ + resolveBy: 'id', + id: appID, + sender, + app: JSON.stringify(appSpec), + }, algodClient); + + const ceilBoxes = Math.ceil(data.byteLength / MAX_BOX_SIZE); + + const endBoxSize = data.byteLength % MAX_BOX_SIZE; + + const totalCost = ceilBoxes * COST_PER_BOX // cost of data boxes + + (ceilBoxes - 1) * MAX_BOX_SIZE * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data + + ceilBoxes * 8 * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of data keys + + endBoxSize * COST_PER_BYTE // cost of last data box + + COST_PER_BOX + (8 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 32 + 8) * COST_PER_BYTE; // cost of metadata box + + const mbrPayment = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({ + from: sender.addr, + to: (await appClient.getAppReference()).appAddress, + amount: totalCost, + suggestedParams: await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do(), + }); + + const appCallResult: AppCallTransactionResult = await appClient.call({ + method: 'startUpload', + methodArgs: [pubKey, ceilBoxes, endBoxSize, mbrPayment], + boxes: [ + pubKey, + ], + sendParams: { suppressLog: true }, + }); + expect(appCallResult).toBeDefined(); + + const boxValue = (await appClient.getBoxValueFromABIType(pubKey, algosdk.ABIType.from('(uint64,uint64,uint8,uint64,uint64)'))).valueOf() as bigint[]; + + const metadata: Metadata = { + start: boxValue[0], end: boxValue[1], status: boxValue[2], endSize: boxValue[3], + }; + + const numBoxes = Math.floor(data.byteLength / MAX_BOX_SIZE); + const boxData: Buffer[] = []; + + for (let i = 0; i < numBoxes; i += 1) { + const box = data.subarray(i * MAX_BOX_SIZE, (i + 1) * MAX_BOX_SIZE); + boxData.push(box); + } + + boxData.push(data.subarray(numBoxes * MAX_BOX_SIZE, data.byteLength)); + + const suggestedParams: SuggestedParamsWithMinFee = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do(); + + const boxPromises = boxData.map(async (box, boxIndexOffset) => { + const boxIndex = metadata.start + BigInt(boxIndexOffset); + const numChunks = Math.ceil(box.byteLength / BYTES_PER_CALL); + + const chunks: Buffer[] = []; + + for (let i = 0; i < numChunks; i += 1) { + chunks.push(box.subarray(i * BYTES_PER_CALL, (i + 1) * BYTES_PER_CALL)); + } + + const boxRef = { appIndex: 0, name: algosdk.encodeUint64(boxIndex) }; + const boxes: algosdk.BoxReference[] = new Array(7).fill(boxRef); + + boxes.push({ appIndex: 0, name: pubKey }); + + const firstGroup = chunks.slice(0, 8); + const secondGroup = chunks.slice(8); + + await sendTxGroup(algodClient, appClient.getABIMethod('upload')!, 0, pubKey, boxes, boxIndex, suggestedParams, sender, appID, firstGroup); + + if (secondGroup.length === 0) return; + + await sendTxGroup(algodClient, appClient.getABIMethod('upload')!, 8, pubKey, boxes, boxIndex, suggestedParams, sender, appID, secondGroup); + }); + + await Promise.all(boxPromises); + if (Buffer.concat(boxData).toString('hex') !== data.toString('hex')) throw new Error('Data validation failed!'); + + await appClient.call({ + method: 'finishUpload', + methodArgs: [pubKey], + boxes: [ + pubKey, + ], + sendParams: { suppressLog: true }, + }); + + return metadata; +} + +/* +export async function uploadDIDDocument( + data: Buffer, + appID: number, + pubKey: Uint8Array, + sender: algosdk.Account, + algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2, +): Promise { + */ +export async function deleteDIDDocument( + appID: number, + pubKey: Uint8Array, + sender: algosdk.Account, + algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2, +): Promise { + const appClient = new ApplicationClient({ + resolveBy: 'id', + id: appID, + sender: algosdk.generateAccount(), + app: JSON.stringify(appSpec), + }, algodClient); + + const boxValue = (await appClient.getBoxValueFromABIType(pubKey, algosdk.ABIType.from('(uint64,uint64,uint8,uint64,uint64)'))).valueOf() as bigint[]; + + const metadata: Metadata = { + start: boxValue[0], end: boxValue[1], status: boxValue[2], endSize: boxValue[3], + }; + + await appClient.call({ + method: 'startDelete', + methodArgs: [pubKey], + boxes: [ + pubKey, + ], + sender, + sendParams: { suppressLog: true }, + }); + + const suggestedParams = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do(); + + const atcs: {boxIndex: bigint, atc: algosdk.AtomicTransactionComposer}[] = []; + for (let boxIndex = metadata.start; boxIndex <= metadata.end; boxIndex += 1n) { + const atc = new algosdk.AtomicTransactionComposer(); + const boxIndexRef = { appIndex: appID, name: algosdk.encodeUint64(boxIndex) }; + atc.addMethodCall({ + appID, + method: appClient.getABIMethod('deleteData')!, + methodArgs: [pubKey, boxIndex], + boxes: [ + { appIndex: appID, name: pubKey }, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + ], + suggestedParams: { ...suggestedParams, fee: 2000, flatFee: true }, + sender: sender.addr, + signer: algosdk.makeBasicAccountTransactionSigner(sender), + }); + + for (let i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { + atc.addMethodCall({ + appID, + method: appClient.getABIMethod('dummy')!, + methodArgs: [], + boxes: [ + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + boxIndexRef, + ], + suggestedParams, + sender: sender.addr, + signer: algosdk.makeBasicAccountTransactionSigner(sender), + note: new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(`dummy ${i}`)), + }); + } + + atcs.push({ atc, boxIndex }); + } + + for await (const atcAndIndex of atcs) { + await tryExecute(atcAndIndex.atc, algodClient); + } +} + +export async function updateDIDDocument( + data: Buffer, + appID: number, + pubKey: Uint8Array, + sender: algosdk.Account, + algodClient: algosdk.Algodv2, +): Promise { + await deleteDIDDocument(appID, pubKey, sender, algodClient); + return uploadDIDDocument(data, appID, pubKey, sender, algodClient); +} diff --git a/reference_contract/tsconfig.json b/reference_contract/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a74f6dc --- /dev/null +++ b/reference_contract/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + /* Visit https://aka.ms/tsconfig to read more about this file */ + + /* Projects */ + // "incremental": true, /* Save .tsbuildinfo files to allow for incremental compilation of projects. */ + // "composite": true, /* Enable constraints that allow a TypeScript project to be used with project references. */ + // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./.tsbuildinfo", /* Specify the path to .tsbuildinfo incremental compilation file. */ + // "disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect": true, /* Disable preferring source files instead of declaration files when referencing composite projects. */ + // "disableSolutionSearching": true, /* Opt a project out of multi-project reference checking when editing. */ + // "disableReferencedProjectLoad": true, /* Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript. */ + + /* Language and Environment */ + "target": "es2020", /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */ + // "lib": [], /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */ + // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */ + "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enable experimental support for TC39 stage 2 draft decorators. */ + // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source files. */ + // "jsxFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX factory function used when targeting React JSX emit, e.g. 'React.createElement' or 'h'. */ + // "jsxFragmentFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX Fragment reference used for fragments when targeting React JSX emit e.g. 'React.Fragment' or 'Fragment'. */ + // "jsxImportSource": "", /* Specify module specifier used to import the JSX factory functions when using 'jsx: react-jsx*'. */ + // "reactNamespace": "", /* Specify the object invoked for 'createElement'. This only applies when targeting 'react' JSX emit. */ + // "noLib": true, /* Disable including any library files, including the default lib.d.ts. */ + // "useDefineForClassFields": true, /* Emit ECMAScript-standard-compliant class fields. */ + // "moduleDetection": "auto", /* Control what method is used to detect module-format JS files. */ + + /* Modules */ + "module": "commonjs", /* Specify what module code is generated. */ + // "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root folder within your source files. */ + // "moduleResolution": "node", /* Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier. */ + // "baseUrl": "./", /* Specify the base directory to resolve non-relative module names. */ + // "paths": {}, /* Specify a set of entries that re-map imports to additional lookup locations. */ + // "rootDirs": [], /* Allow multiple folders to be treated as one when resolving modules. */ + // "typeRoots": [], /* Specify multiple folders that act like './node_modules/@types'. */ + // "types": [], /* Specify type package names to be included without being referenced in a source file. */ + // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ + // "moduleSuffixes": [], /* List of file name suffixes to search when resolving a module. */ + "resolveJsonModule": true, /* Enable importing .json files. */ + // "noResolve": true, /* Disallow 'import's, 'require's or ''s from expanding the number of files TypeScript should add to a project. */ + + /* JavaScript Support */ + // "allowJs": true, /* Allow JavaScript files to be a part of your program. Use the 'checkJS' option to get errors from these files. */ + // "checkJs": true, /* Enable error reporting in type-checked JavaScript files. */ + // "maxNodeModuleJsDepth": 1, /* Specify the maximum folder depth used for checking JavaScript files from 'node_modules'. Only applicable with 'allowJs'. */ + + /* Emit */ + // "declaration": true, /* Generate .d.ts files from TypeScript and JavaScript files in your project. */ + // "declarationMap": true, /* Create sourcemaps for d.ts files. */ + // "emitDeclarationOnly": true, /* Only output d.ts files and not JavaScript files. */ + // "sourceMap": true, /* Create source map files for emitted JavaScript files. */ + // "outFile": "./", /* Specify a file that bundles all outputs into one JavaScript file. If 'declaration' is true, also designates a file that bundles all .d.ts output. */ + // "outDir": "./", /* Specify an output folder for all emitted files. */ + // "removeComments": true, /* Disable emitting comments. */ + // "noEmit": true, /* Disable emitting files from a compilation. */ + // "importHelpers": true, /* Allow importing helper functions from tslib once per project, instead of including them per-file. */ + // "importsNotUsedAsValues": "remove", /* Specify emit/checking behavior for imports that are only used for types. */ + // "downlevelIteration": true, /* Emit more compliant, but verbose and less performant JavaScript for iteration. */ + // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the root path for debuggers to find the reference source code. */ + // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ + // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Include sourcemap files inside the emitted JavaScript. */ + // "inlineSources": true, /* Include source code in the sourcemaps inside the emitted JavaScript. */ + // "emitBOM": true, /* Emit a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in the beginning of output files. */ + // "newLine": "crlf", /* Set the newline character for emitting files. */ + // "stripInternal": true, /* Disable emitting declarations that have '@internal' in their JSDoc comments. */ + // "noEmitHelpers": true, /* Disable generating custom helper functions like '__extends' in compiled output. */ + // "noEmitOnError": true, /* Disable emitting files if any type checking errors are reported. */ + // "preserveConstEnums": true, /* Disable erasing 'const enum' declarations in generated code. */ + // "declarationDir": "./", /* Specify the output directory for generated declaration files. */ + // "preserveValueImports": true, /* Preserve unused imported values in the JavaScript output that would otherwise be removed. */ + + /* Interop Constraints */ + // "isolatedModules": true, /* Ensure that each file can be safely transpiled without relying on other imports. */ + // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow 'import x from y' when a module doesn't have a default export. */ + "esModuleInterop": true, /* Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' for type compatibility. */ + // "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Disable resolving symlinks to their realpath. This correlates to the same flag in node. */ + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, /* Ensure that casing is correct in imports. */ + + /* Type Checking */ + "strict": true, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */ + // "noImplicitAny": true, /* Enable error reporting for expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ + // "strictNullChecks": true, /* When type checking, take into account 'null' and 'undefined'. */ + // "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* When assigning functions, check to ensure parameters and the return values are subtype-compatible. */ + // "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Check that the arguments for 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods match the original function. */ + // "strictPropertyInitialization": true, /* Check for class properties that are declared but not set in the constructor. */ + // "noImplicitThis": true, /* Enable error reporting when 'this' is given the type 'any'. */ + // "useUnknownInCatchVariables": true, /* Default catch clause variables as 'unknown' instead of 'any'. */ + // "alwaysStrict": true, /* Ensure 'use strict' is always emitted. */ + // "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Enable error reporting when local variables aren't read. */ + // "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Raise an error when a function parameter isn't read. */ + // "exactOptionalPropertyTypes": true, /* Interpret optional property types as written, rather than adding 'undefined'. */ + // "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Enable error reporting for codepaths that do not explicitly return in a function. */ + // "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Enable error reporting for fallthrough cases in switch statements. */ + // "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, /* Add 'undefined' to a type when accessed using an index. */ + // "noImplicitOverride": true, /* Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an override modifier. */ + // "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, /* Enforces using indexed accessors for keys declared using an indexed type. */ + // "allowUnusedLabels": true, /* Disable error reporting for unused labels. */ + // "allowUnreachableCode": true, /* Disable error reporting for unreachable code. */ + + /* Completeness */ + // "skipDefaultLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking .d.ts files that are included with TypeScript. */ + "skipLibCheck": true /* Skip type checking all .d.ts files. */ + } +}