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Create a List

Alexis ROLLAND edited this page Jun 3, 2019 · 14 revisions

Click the Create List button from the home page or from the application header.

Create List

Give it a Name and a Description. It is recommended to have names in singular form and title case, ex: Star Wars Planet. Select a User Group, this will determine which users can see your list. Public user group means all users including anonymous users will see the list.

Create List

Creating a list automatically creates a new table in ListOf database public schema. The table name is the list name converted to snake case. For instance Star Wars Planet creates a table public.star_wars_planet.

Create List

The following columns are automatically created in the list table:

Column Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier of the record in the list, used as a primary key.
created_date Timestamp Record created date.
updated_date Timestamp Record last updated date.
created_by_id Integer Foreign key of the user table, to indicate which user created the record.
updated_by_id Integer Foreign key of the user table, to indicate which user updated the record.
user_group_id Integer Foreign key of the user_group table, to indicate to which user group the record belongs to. This is defaulted to the list user group.

Once the table is created, queries and mutations are instantly generated in the GraphQL API.

GraphQL Queries And Mutations