Releases: alexarch21/history-explorer-card
- Added compass arrow graphs for displaying wind direction
- Adjustable tooltip sizes
- Time ticks below graphs can now be hidden
- Ctrl-mousewheel now zooms at current cursor position
- Improved database performance with Home Assistant 2022.4 and up
- Ctrl + Mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the history
- Hideable state color boxes in the tooltip popup
The card can now be used as a custom panel
Themeable close button and selector input fields
Header can now be entirely removed
Some more layout and spacing fixes
Raw entity data can now be exported as a CSV file
Added option to auto-group line graphs with same units
Improved entity selector dropdown for mobile browsers and companion app
Zoom now goes down to 1 minute time range
HOTFIX: fixed self-growing charts on Safari and app
Default time range can now be customized
Graphs will now properly auto resize on layout changes
Fixed an issue with timelines that sometimes wouldn't appear
Longer time ranges added
Up to 3 months of history can now be scrolled through
Customizable label area
Per entity or device class graph customization
Configurable y axis limits
CSS variables for colors
Better handling of multiple card instances
Fixed scale label color