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Required Technologies:

  • PostreSQL 9.4+ (Using 9.5.4)
  • Ruby 2.2.1+ (Using 2.2.4p230)
  • Rails 4.2.3+ (Using


Run setup.bat in order to install required gems, and initialize the postgreSQL database.


PostgreSQL is currently configured to use the user 'postgres'

Questions 2: Simple SQL Queries

Q1. All of the patients that their last_name contains the word "mit"

SELECT * FROM patients WHERE last_name like '%mit%';

id first_name middle_name last_name weight height mrn created_at updated_at
1 James John Smith 85 180 THC123 2016-09-30 01:11:22.46758 2016-09-30 01:11:22.46758

Q2. All of the patients have been discharged from the system. That is, all of the patient's encounters have a value in the discharged_at column

SELECT, patients.mrn, patients.first_name, patients.middle_name, patients.last_name, patients.weight, patients.height FROM patients LEFT JOIN encounters on = encounters.patient_id GROUP BY, patients.mrn, patients.first_name, patients.middle_name, patients.last_name, patients.weight, patients.height HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN encounters.discharged_at IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0;

| id | mrn | first_name | middle_name | last_name | weight | height| | ---| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 3 | THC125 | Bently | Frank | Lee | 90 | 178 |

Q3. All of the patient that have been admitted in between July 5th, 2014 and August 19, 2014

SELECT DISTINCT patients.* FROM patients LEFT JOIN encounters ON = encounters.patient_id WHERE '2014-07-05' <= encounters.admitted_at and encounters.admitted_at <= '2014-08-19';

id first_name middle_name last_name weight height mrn created_at updated_at
2 Sandy Aria Mits 55 145 THC124 2016-09-30 01:11:37.395434 2016-09-30 01:11:37.395434
3 Bently Frank Lee 90 178 THC125 2016-09-30 01:11:56.72654 2016-09-30 01:11:56.72654