- Introduced to Noto
- Immediately robbed potion & weapon shop
- Reconvened to divvy up stuff, Clint nearly died to a potion
- Temple of Tyr + Learned about mysterious deaths
- Dispatched hag and minions
- Attempted to trick them, found a portal to the ethereal plane
- Robbed temple of Tyr and Kevin/Jay again
Event | Value |
Dealt with the Elemental Gems - Details Given | 400 |
Placed the Gems, Read the Placard | 400 |
Slept, Berbalang Spoke Prophecies | 100 |
Starlit, Orb | 100 |
Beholder was created and defeated | 250 |
Four Wisdoms, Left in the Dark | 300 |
Max's Grandfather's Friend Kel | 100 |
Party headed to Tirithomb | 50 |
Campaign Recap
Event | Value |
Chapter 1. | |
Discovered the Shard | 100 |
Blistermore Encountered, Several Times | 150 |
Lost the Stone | 200 |
Xanthas Departed | 150 |
Mission to Retrieve the Stone | 100 |
Origins of Blistermore, Viridell | 100 |
Given Name, Aven Morningsong | 100 |
Loss of a Loved One | 100 |
Party Could Give Up the Shard | 150 |
Compensated Greatly | 100 |
Chapter 2. | |
Headed to Tirithomb, to deal with the Orderwrought | 150 |
Max doesn't know his history, he's wiped his memory | 100 |
Town of Saldea | 100 |
- Continue towards Tirithomb
- Guuxbix Picture too small
- Max token re-work
- combat quickened
- assume banishment
- boost encounter danger
- hectic rp, add initiative tracker
- good fun