This directory contains the official validation dataset for DSTC10 Track 2 - Task 2. The evaluation dataset will be available later.
We are releasing the validation data with the following files:
- Validation set:
- logs.json: validation instances
- labels.json: ground-truths for validation instances
- Test set:
- logs.json: test instances
The ground-truth labels for Knowledge Selection task refer to the knowledge snippets in knowledge.json.
Participants will develop systems to take logs.json as an input and generates the outputs following the same format as labels.json.
The logs.json file includes the list of instances each of which is a partial conversation from the beginning to the target user turn. Each instance is a list of the following turn objects:
- speaker: the speaker of the turn (string: "U" for user turn/"S" for system turn)
- text: utterance text (string)
- nbest
- hyp: ASR hypothesis (string)
- score: language model score (float) ]
The labels.json file provides the ground-truth labels and human responses for the final turn of each instance in logs.json. It includes the list of the following objects in the same order as the input instances:
- target: whether the turn is knowledge-seeking or not (boolean: true/false)
- knowledge: [
- domain: the domain identifier referring to a relevant knowledge snippet in knowledge.json (string)
- entity_id: the entity identifier referring to a relevant knowledge snippet in knowledge.json (integer for entity-specific knowledge or string "*" for domain-wide knowledge)
- doc_id: the document identifier referring to a relevant knowledge snippet in knowledge.json (integer) ]
- response: knowledge-grounded system response (string)
NOTE: knowledge and response exist only for the target instances with true for the target value.
The knowledge.json contains the unstructured knowledge sources to be selected and grounded in the tasks. It includes the domain-wide or entity-specific knowledge snippets in the following format:
- domain_id: domain identifier (string: "hotel", "restaurant", "train", "taxi", etc.)
- entity_id: entity identifier (integer or string: "*" for domain-wide knowledge)
- name: entity name (string; only exists for entity-specific knowledge)
- docs
- doc_id: document identifier (integer)
- title: document title (string)
- body: document body (string)
- doc_id: document identifier (integer)
- entity_id: entity identifier (integer or string: "*" for domain-wide knowledge)