- Azure Subscription
- Azure DevOps account
- Dockerhub account
- GitHub
- SonarCloud account
- Trivy
- Slack
- TMDB account
Step 1: Clone the Code
Update all the packages on the OS and then clone the repo
Clone the application code repository onto the local machine
git clone https://github.com/alentoholj/DevSecOps-Project-Netflix.git
Step 2: Install Docker and Run the application locally
Set up Docker on your instance
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker.io -y sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # Replace with your system's username, e.g., 'ubuntu' newgrp docker sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
Build and run the application locally using a Docker container
docker build -t netflix . docker run -d --name netflix -p 8081:80 netflix:latest #to delete docker stop <containerid> docker rmi -f netflix
After you run the container, you will not be able to see films, series, etc. The reason for that is that you need to have an API key to fetch The Movie Database from TMDB.
Create an account on https://www.themoviedb.org and get the API key
How to get an API key:
- Go to your profile and select Settings
- Click on "API" from the left side panel.
- Click on "Create" and accept the terms and conditions
- Before you click on the "Submit" button, fill out the required properties.
- After Submit, you will receive your API key
Recreate Docker image but with API key which you get from TMDB
docker build --build-arg TMDB_V3_API_KEY=<your-api-key> -t netflix .
Again, run the Docker container but in this case, you will be able to see the Netflix app with films, series, etc.
Create a SonarCloud account
- Go to SonarCloud.io
- Login into SonarCloud with GitHub
- Click on "Analyze new project"
- Than "Import a new organization"
- Put the name of the organization
- Choose a Free Plan for SonarCloud
- Import the repo
- Disable Automatic analysis
Install Trivy on your local machine
sudo apt-get update sudo snap install trivy
Test Trivy
trivy image carpel/netflix
To add service connections you will need to go to the Project settings --> Service Connections.
In this section, you must add the connection to:
- GitHub account
- Dockerhub
- Azure Subscription
- SonarCloud
The explanation of the service connections on the Azure DevOps, you have on the link below:
To create an agent pool:
- Go to Azure DevOps
- On the bottom left, go to Project Settings
- Click on the Agent Pools
- Create an agent pool
- Open the newly created agent pool
- On the right side, click on "New agent"
- Run the script, on the machine where you want to have your agent
Of course, you don't need to create an agent pool and the agent, because you can use a default one on the Azure DevOps.
Before you create a Web App Service, you will need to push a docker image to the Dockerhub.
Create Azure Pipeline:
- Login into Azure DevOps
- Go to Azure Pipelines
- On the top-right side, click "New Pipeline"
- Choose GitHub
- Select repo
- Fetching azure-pipelines.yml
- Save and run
After you create a pipeline, go to the Azure Portal to create an App Web Service:
- Create a Resource Group
- Create a Service plan for the App Web Service. Choose a Free pricing plan and Linux OS.
- Create an App Service. In the section Publish, choose Docker Container, OS Linux, and Service Plan which you created previously, and go to the Docker section where you will choose DockerHub as a registry.
When the creation is finished, go to the Azure DevOps and run the Pipeline.
- Go to Slack and create a channel
- Add Azure pipelines application to the Slack:
- Add App
- Search Azure Pipelines
- Install
- Go to the channel and type /azpipelines subscribe [pipeline url/ project url]
- Go to Azure Portal
- Delete resources inside the Resource Group where you have App service
- Delete the Resource Group