This is a project management tool created in Ruby on Rails. Users can register, create their own projects, invite other users to a project. In the scope of a project, users can add attachments, create discussions, make tasks, and chat!
- you can sign in, log in and sign out
- you can edit profile or destroy it (within users/edit page)
- you can create, edit and destroy projects within your profile
- you can invite users to a project
- inside projects you can create, edit, destroy: discutions, attachments, todo list
- you can use a chatroom inside a project
- install yarn, npm, sqlite3, ruby, rails
- ruby version 2.6.6
- to run a server:
rails server
- for db migration:
rails db:migrate
$ heroku login
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "make it better"
$ git push heroku main
$ heroku run rails db:migrate
We deploy it on the main branch