diff --git a/_episodes/01-introduction.md b/_episodes/01-introduction.md index 70376fb3..25529ce6 100644 --- a/_episodes/01-introduction.md +++ b/_episodes/01-introduction.md @@ -13,66 +13,9 @@ keypoints: In your cmslpc ssh session that was opened in the preliminary step in the README instructions, navigate to directory section1 and follow the instructions in the below notebooks. Please note that the code shown in the notebooks is just for you to understand what each python script is doing and there's minor differences in the actual scripts that you will execute and sometimes modify in your ssh session. +Covered notebooks: Basics (Ex 1.1) and Jet Types and Algorithms (Ex 1.2) -## Jet Basics - -This preliminary exercise will illustrate some of the basic properties of jets in CMS. Let's start by running the histogram-making code on some MC. While the script is running, take a look at the script and make sure you understand what it's doing. - -~~~ -python $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/JMEDAS/scripts/jmedas_make_histograms.py --files=$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/JMEDAS/data/MiniAODs/RunIIFall17MiniAODv2/ttjets2023.txt --outname=$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/JMEDAS/notebooks/files/ttjets.root --maxevents=2000 --maxjets=6 --maxFiles 2 -~~~ -{: .language-bash} - -Now let's plot the resulting histograms. Take a look at the simple plotting script below and execute it with - -~~~ -python basics.py -~~~ -{: .language-bash} - -~~~ -import os -import sys - -# Loads the ROOT environment and style -import ROOT -from collections import OrderedDict - -# Imports for running locally -sys.path.append(os.path.expandvars("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/JMEDAS/python")) - -# Disable pop-up windows for smoother running over ssh -ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) - -f = ROOT.TFile("$CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/JMEDAS/notebooks/files/ttjets.root") - -h_ptAK4 = f.Get("h_ptAK4") -h_etaAK4 = f.Get("h_etaAK4") -h_phiAK4 = f.Get("h_phiAK4") -h_mAK4 = f.Get("h_mAK4") - -c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 600) - -c.Divide(2,2) -c.cd(1) -ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() -h_ptAK4.Draw() -h_ptAK4.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1000) -c.cd(2) -h_etaAK4.Draw() -c.cd(3) -h_phiAK4.Draw() -h_phiAK4.SetMinimum(0) -c.cd(4) -ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() -h_mAK4.Draw() -h_mAK4.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 200) -ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() - -c.Draw() -c.SaveAs('plots1.pdf', 'pdf') -~~~ -{: .language-python} +Full set of intro slides: Slides 1-24 {% include links.md %} diff --git a/_episodes/02-Pileup.md b/_episodes/02-Pileup.md index 2e156c26..17d21830 100644 --- a/_episodes/02-Pileup.md +++ b/_episodes/02-Pileup.md @@ -1,15 +1,20 @@ --- -title: "Introduction" +title: "Pileup" teaching: 0 exercises: 0 questions: -- "Key question (FIXME)" +- "What is pileup and how does it afffect to jets?" objectives: -- "First learning objective. (FIXME)" +- "Learn about the pileup mitigation techniques used at CMS." keypoints: - "First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)" --- -FIXME + +Navigate to directory section2 and follow the instructions in the below notebooks. + +Covered notebooks: Pileup (Ex 2.1) and Pileup Reweighting (Ex 2.2) + +Full set of intro slides: Slides 30-44 {% include links.md %} diff --git a/_episodes/03-JEC_JER.md b/_episodes/03-JEC_JER.md index 2e156c26..811d1949 100644 --- a/_episodes/03-JEC_JER.md +++ b/_episodes/03-JEC_JER.md @@ -1,15 +1,21 @@ --- -title: "Introduction" +title: "JEC and JER" teaching: 0 exercises: 0 questions: -- "Key question (FIXME)" +- "What are jet energy correction?" +- "What is jet energy resolution?" objectives: - "First learning objective. (FIXME)" keypoints: - "First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)" --- -FIXME + +Navigate to directory section3 and follow the instructions in the below notebooks. + +Covered notebooks: Jet energy corrections (Ex 3.1) and Jet energy resolution (Ex 3.2) + +(Following slides 27-38 from these slides) {% include links.md %} diff --git a/_episodes/04-Jet_Substructure.md b/_episodes/04-Jet_Substructure.md index 2e156c26..307810f1 100644 --- a/_episodes/04-Jet_Substructure.md +++ b/_episodes/04-Jet_Substructure.md @@ -1,15 +1,21 @@ --- -title: "Introduction" +title: "Jet Substructure" teaching: 0 exercises: 0 questions: -- "Key question (FIXME)" +- "What is jet substructure?" objectives: -- "First learning objective. (FIXME)" +- "Learn how to identify the origin of jets with high pt" keypoints: - "First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)" --- -FIXME + +Navigate to directory section4 and follow the instructions in the below notebooks. + +Covered notebooks: Jets in CMS (Ex 4.1), Jet Substructure (Ex 4.2) and W and Top Tagging (Ex 4.3) + +Full set of intro slides: Slides 58-76 + {% include links.md %} diff --git a/reference.md b/reference.md index 8c826167..708c8a8c 100644 --- a/reference.md +++ b/reference.md @@ -4,6 +4,18 @@ layout: reference ## Glossary -FIXME + - [JERC Subgroup Twiki Page](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/JetEnergyScale) + - [JEC and JER Reference Sample Page](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/JERCReference) + - [WorkBook Page on Jet Energy Corrections](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/WorkBookJetEnergyCorrections?redirectedfrom=CMS.WorkBookJetEnergyCorrections) + - [WorkBook Page on Jet Energy Resolution](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/WorkBookJetEnergyResolution) + - [JetMET/JERC/JMAR Weekly Meetings](https://indico.cern.ch/categoryDisplay.py?categId=1308) + - [Run2 Weekly Discussion Group](https://indico.cern.ch/category/7082/) + - Every other week there is a meeting on jets and pileup + - SQLite files, text files, and tarballs + - [JEC Database](https://github.com/cms-jet/JECDatabase) + - [JER Database](https://github.com/cms-jet/JRDatabase) + - [JetToolbox Twiki Page](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/JetToolbox) + - [2017 MiniAOD Twiki Page](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/WorkBookMiniAOD2017) + - {% include links.md %}