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    A Python package and open-source project for modelling environmental data with neural processes

    release Tests Coverage Status Code style: black License: MIT

    NOTE: This package is a work in progress and breaking changes are likely. If you are interested in using DeepSensor, please get in touch first (

    For demonstrators, use cases, and videos showcasing the functionality of DeepSensor, check out the DeepSensor Gallery!

    Why neural processes?

    NPs are a highly flexible class of probabilistic models that can:

    • ingest multiple context sets (i.e. data streams) containing gridded or pointwise observations
    • handle multiple gridded resolutions
    • predict at arbitrary target locations
    • quantify prediction uncertainty

    These capabilities make NPs well suited to modelling spatio-temporal data, such as satellite observations, climate model output, and in-situ measurements. NPs have been used for range of environmental applications, including:

    • downscaling (i.e. super-resolution)
    • forecasting
    • infilling missing satellite data
    • sensor placement

    Why DeepSensor?

    DeepSensor aims to faithfully match the flexibility of NPs with a simple and intuitive interface. DeepSensor wraps around the powerful neuralprocessess package for the core modelling functionality, while allowing users to stay in the familiar xarray and pandas world and avoid the murky depths of tensors!

    Deep learning library agnosticism

    DeepSensor leverages the backends package to be compatible with either PyTorch or TensorFlow. Simply import deepsensor.torch or import deepsensor.tensorflow to choose between them!

    Quick start

    Here we will demonstrate a simple example of training a convolutional conditional neural process (ConvCNP) to spatially interpolate ERA5 data. First, pip install the package. In this case we will use the PyTorch backend.

    pip install deepsensor
    pip install torch

    We can go from imports to predictions with a trained model in less than 30 lines of code!

    import deepsensor.torch
    from import DataProcessor
    from import TaskLoader
    from deepsensor.model.convnp import ConvNP
    from deepsensor.train.train import Trainer
    import xarray as xr
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    # Load raw data
    ds_raw = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("air_temperature")
    # Normalise data
    data_processor = DataProcessor(x1_name="lat", x2_name="lon")
    ds = data_processor(ds_raw)
    # Set up task loader
    task_loader = TaskLoader(context=ds, target=ds)
    # Set up model
    model = ConvNP(data_processor, task_loader)
    # Generate training tasks with up to 10% of grid cells passed as context and all grid cells
    # passed as targets
    train_tasks = []
    for date in pd.date_range("2013-01-01", "2014-11-30")[::7]:
        task = task_loader(date, context_sampling=np.random.uniform(0.0, 0.1), target_sampling="all")
    # Train model
    trainer = Trainer(model, lr=5e-5)
    for epoch in range(10):
        trainer(train_tasks, progress_bar=True)
    # Predict on new task with 10% of context data and a dense grid of target points
    test_task = task_loader("2014-12-31", 0.1)
    mean_ds, std_ds = model.predict(test_task, X_t=ds_raw)

    After training, the model can predict directly to xarray in your data's original units and coordinate system:

    >>> mean_ds
    Dimensions:  (time: 1, lat: 25, lon: 53)
      * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-31
      * lat      (lat) float32 75.0 72.5 70.0 67.5 65.0 ... 25.0 22.5 20.0 17.5 15.0
      * lon      (lon) float32 200.0 202.5 205.0 207.5 ... 322.5 325.0 327.5 330.0
    Data variables:
        air      (time, lat, lon) float32 246.7 244.4 245.5 ... 290.2 289.8 289.4

    We can also predict directly to pandas containing a timeseries of predictions at off-grid locations by passing a numpy array of target locations to the X_t argument of .predict:

    # Predict at two off-grid locations for three days in December 2014
    test_tasks = task_loader(pd.date_range("2014-12-01", "2014-12-31"), 0.1)
    mean_df, std_df = model.predict(test_tasks, X_t=np.array([[50, 280], [40, 250]]).T)
    >>> mean_df
    time       lat  lon              
    2014-12-01 50.0 280.0  260.183056
               40.0 250.0  277.947373
    2014-12-02 50.0 280.0   261.08943
               40.0 250.0  278.219599
    2014-12-03 50.0 280.0  257.128185
               40.0 250.0  278.444229

    This quickstart example is also available as a Jupyter notebook with added visualisations.

    Extending DeepSensor with new models

    To extend DeepSensor with a new model, simply create a new class that inherits from deepsensor.model.DeepSensorModel and implement the low-level prediction methods defined in deepsensor.model.model.ProbabilisticModel, such as .mean and .stddev.

    class NewModel(DeepSensorModel):
        """A very naive model that predicts the mean of the first context set with a fixed stddev"""
        def __init__(self, data_processor: DataProcessor, task_loader: TaskLoader):
            super().__init__(data_processor, task_loader)
        def mean(self, task: Task):
            """Compute mean at target locations"""
            return np.mean(task["Y_c"][0])
        def stddev(self, task: Task):
            """Compute stddev at target locations"""
            return 0.1

    NewModel can then be used in the same way as the built-in ConvNP model. See this Jupyter notebook for more details.

    Citing DeepSensor

    If you use DeepSensor in your research, please consider citing this repository. You can generate a BiBTeX entry by clicking the 'Cite this repository' button on the top right of this page.


    DeepSensor is funded by The Alan Turing Institute.


A Python package for tackling diverse environmental prediction tasks with NPs.



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