diff --git a/.all-contributorsrc b/.all-contributorsrc
index a36e18670c..576f5b41c8 100644
--- a/.all-contributorsrc
+++ b/.all-contributorsrc
@@ -580,7 +580,8 @@
"profile": "https://carlos.gavidia.me/",
"contributions": [
- "ideas"
+ "ideas",
+ "doc"
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/deployment_bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/deployment_bug_report.md
index 6cf453cc13..fa569038c2 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/deployment_bug_report.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/deployment_bug_report.md
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ Before reporting a problem please check the following. Replace the empty checkbo
List of packages
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/release_checklist.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/release_checklist.md
index a25064faa1..575f5c9c53 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/release_checklist.md
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/release_checklist.md
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ Before reporting a problem please check the following. Replace the empty checkbo
Refer to the [Deployment](https://data-safe-haven.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deployment) section of our documentation when completing these steps.
-- [ ] Consult the `data-safe-haven/VERSIONING.md` guide and determine the version number of the new release. Record it in the title of this issue.
+- [ ] Consult the `data-safe-haven/VERSIONING.md` guide and determine the version number of the new release. Record it in the title of this issue
- [ ] Create a release branch called e.g. `release-v0.0.1`
-- [ ] Draft a changelog for the release similar to our previous releases, see https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/data-safe-haven/releases
+- [ ] Draft a changelog for the release similar to our [previous releases](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/data-safe-haven/releases)
### For patch releases only
@@ -34,26 +34,27 @@ Refer to the [Deployment](https://data-safe-haven.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deplo
### For major releases only
- [ ] Confirm that a third party has carried out a full penetration test evaluating:
- 1. external attack surface
- 1. ability to exfiltrate data from the system
- 1. ability to transfer data between SREs
- 1. ability to escalate privileges on the SRD.
+ 1. external attack surface
+ 1. ability to exfiltrate data from the system
+ 1. ability to transfer data between SREs
+ 1. ability to escalate privileges on the SRD.
### Update documentation
- [ ] Update supported versions in `SECURITY.md`
- [ ] Update pen test results in `VERSIONING.md`
-## :computer: Release information
+### Making the release
-- **Version number:** _
-- **SHM ID:** _
-- **T2 SRE ID:** _
-- **T3 SRE ID:** _
+- [ ] Merge release branch into `latest`
+- [ ] Create a tag of the form `v0.0.1` pointing to the most recent commit on `latest` (the merge that you just made)
+- [ ] Publish your draft GitHub release using this tag
+- [ ] Ensure docs for the latest version are built and deployed on ReadTheDocs
+- [ ] Push a build to PyPI
+- [ ] Announce release on communications channels
## :deciduous_tree: Deployment problems
diff --git a/.github/scripts/update_azure_data_studio.py b/.github/scripts/update_azure_data_studio.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 651e85fdfc..0000000000
--- a/.github/scripts/update_azure_data_studio.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-from lxml import html
-import hashlib
-import requests
-remote_page = requests.get("https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/download-azure-data-studio", allow_redirects=True)
-root = html.fromstring(remote_page.content)
-short_link = root.xpath("//a[contains(text(), '.deb')]/@href")[0]
-remote_content = requests.get(short_link, allow_redirects=True)
-sha256 = hashlib.sha256(remote_content.content).hexdigest()
-version = remote_content.url.split("-")[-1].replace(".deb", "")
-remote = "/".join(remote_content.url.split("/")[:-1] + ["|DEBFILE|"])
-with open("deployment/secure_research_desktop/packages/deb-azuredatastudio.version", "w") as f_out:
- f_out.write(f"hash: {sha256}\n")
- f_out.write(f"version: {version}\n")
- f_out.write("debfile: azuredatastudio-linux-|VERSION|.deb\n")
- f_out.write(f"remote: {remote}\n")
diff --git a/.github/scripts/update_dbeaver_drivers.py b/.github/scripts/update_dbeaver_drivers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 696a501858..0000000000
--- a/.github/scripts/update_dbeaver_drivers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-import json
-from lxml import html
-from natsort import natsorted
-import requests
-def get_latest_version(url, search_text):
- """
- Get latest version number of a database driver from the Maven repository.
- Fetches the HTML page at the given URL, then converts it to an lxml tree.
- Numeric strings are then extracted.
- Note that mostly numeric strings for some drivers contain non-numeric text,
- as different driver types exist for those drivers, even where the version number is the same.
- The largest (latest) version number of the driver is then returned.
- Parameters
- ----------
- url : str
- The URL of the Maven repository containing the driver
- search_text : str
- Text to search for in the repository, to distinguish the driver from other files
- Returns
- -------
- list
- The latest available version number of the driver
- """
- remote_page = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
- root = html.fromstring(remote_page.content)
- return natsorted([v for v in root.xpath("//a[contains(text(), '" + search_text + "')]/@href") if v != "../"])[-1].replace("/", "")
-drivers = [
- {
- 'name': "mssql_jdbc",
- 'url': "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/microsoft/sqlserver/mssql-jdbc/",
- 'search_text': "jre8/"
- },
- {
- 'name': "pgjdbc",
- 'url': "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/postgresql/pgjdbc-versions/",
- 'search_text': "/"
- },
- {
- 'name': "postgresql",
- 'url': "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/postgresql/postgresql/",
- 'search_text': "/"
- },
- {
- 'name': "postgis_geometry",
- 'url': "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/postgis/postgis-geometry/",
- 'search_text': "/"
- },
- {
- 'name': "postgis_jdbc",
- 'url': "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/postgis/postgis-jdbc/",
- 'search_text': "/"
- },
- {
- 'name': "waffle_jna",
- 'url': "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/waffle/waffle-jna/",
- 'search_text': "/"
- }
-output = {driver['name']: get_latest_version(driver['url'], driver['search_text']) for driver in drivers}
-with open("deployment/secure_research_desktop/packages/dbeaver-driver-versions.json", "w") as f_out:
- f_out.writelines(json.dumps(output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
diff --git a/.github/scripts/update_rstudio.py b/.github/scripts/update_rstudio.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ee36a35e66..0000000000
--- a/.github/scripts/update_rstudio.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-from lxml import html
-import hashlib
-import requests
-remote_page = requests.get("https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/", allow_redirects=True)
-root = html.fromstring(remote_page.content)
-short_links = [link for link in root.xpath("//a[contains(text(), '.deb')]/@href") if "debian" not in link]
-for ubuntu_version in ["focal", "jammy"]:
- short_link = [link for link in short_links if ubuntu_version in link][0]
- remote_content = requests.get(short_link, allow_redirects=True)
- sha256 = hashlib.sha256(remote_content.content).hexdigest()
- version = "-".join(remote_content.url.split("/")[-1].split("-")[1:-1])
- remote = "/".join(remote_content.url.split("/")[:-1] + ["|DEBFILE|"])
- with open(f"deployment/secure_research_desktop/packages/deb-rstudio-{ubuntu_version}.version", "w") as f_out:
- f_out.write(f"hash: {sha256}\n")
- f_out.write(f"version: {version}\n")
- f_out.write("debfile: rstudio-|VERSION|-amd64.deb\n")
- f_out.write(f"remote: {remote}\n")
diff --git a/.github/security_checklist_template.md b/.github/security_checklist_template.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b963331eef..0000000000
--- a/.github/security_checklist_template.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Security checklist
-Running on SHM/SREs deployed using commit XXXXXXX
-## Summary
-+ :white_check_mark: N tests passed
-- :partly_sunny: N tests partially passed (see below for more details)
-- :fast_forward: N tests skipped (see below for more details)
-- :x: N tests failed (see below for more details)
-## Details
-Some security checks were skipped since:
-- No managed device was available
-- No access to a physical space with its own dedicated network was possible
-### Multifactor Authentication and Password strength
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Check that the SRE standard user cannot access the apps
- + :camera: Verify before adding to group: Microsoft Remote Desktop: Login works but apps cannot be viewed
- + :camera: Verify before adding to group: Guacamole: User is prompted to setup MFA
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Check that adding the **SRE standard user** to the SRE group on the domain controller does not give them access
- + :camera: Verify after adding to group: Microsoft Remote Desktop: Login works and apps can be viewed
- + :camera: Verify after adding to group: Microsoft Remote Desktop: attempt to login to DSVM Main (Desktop) fails
- + :camera: Verify before adding to group: Guacamole: User is prompted to setup MFA
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Check that the **SRE standard user** is able to successfully set up MFA
- + :camera: Verify: successfully set up MFA
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Check that the **SRE standard user** can authenticate with MFA
- + :camera: Verify: Guacamole: respond to the MFA prompt
- 122043131-47bc8080-cddb-11eb-8578-e45ab3efaef0.png">
- + :camera: Verify: Microsoft Remote Desktop: attempt to log in to DSVM Main (Desktop) and respond to the MFA prompt
- 122043131-47bc8080-cddb-11eb-8578-e45ab3efaef0.png">
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Check that the **SRE standard user** can access the DSVM desktop
- + :camera: Verify: Microsoft Remote Desktop: connect to DSVM Main (Desktop)
- + :camera: Verify: Guacamole: connect to Desktop: Ubuntu0
-### Isolated Network
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Connect to the SHM DC and NPS if connected to the SHM VPN
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Fail to connect to the SHM DC and NPS if not connected to the SHM VPN
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Fail to connect to the internet from within a DSVM on the SRE network.
- + :camera: Verify: Connection fails
- 122045859-8142bb00-cdde-11eb-920c-3a162a180647.png">
- + :camera: Verify: that you cannot access a website using curl
- + :camera: Verify: that you cannot get the IP address for a website using nslookup
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Check that users cannot connect between two SREs within the same SHM, even if they have access to both SREs
- + :camera: Verify: SSH connection fails
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Network rules are set appropriately to block outgoing traffic
- + :camera: Verify: access rules
-### User devices
-#### Tier 2:
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Connection succeeds from a personal device with an allow-listed IP address
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: No managed device available to check connection
-#### Tier 3:
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: No managed device available to check user lacks root access
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Connection succeeds from a personal device with an allow-listed IP address
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: No managed device available to check connection with an allow-listed IP address
-#### Tiers 2+:
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Network rules permit access only from allow-listed IP addresses
- + :camera: Verify: access rules
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: All non-deployment NSGs have rules denying inbound connections from outside the Virtual Network
-### Physical security
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: No secure physical space available so connection from outside was not tested
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: No secure physical space available so connection from inside was not tested
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Check the network IP ranges corresponding to the research spaces and compare against the IPs accepted by the firewall.
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: No secure physical space available so confirmation of physical measures was not tested
-### Remote connections
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Unable to connect as a user to the remote desktop server via SSH
- + :camera: Verify: SSH connection by FQDN fails
- + :camera: Verify: SSH connection by public IP address fails
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: The remote desktop server is the only SRE resource with a public IP address
-### Copy-and-paste
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Unable to paste local text into a DSVM
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Unable to copy text from a DSVM
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Copy between VMs in an SRE succeeds
-### Data ingress
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **System administrator:** secure upload token successfully created with write-only permissions
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **System administrator:** token was sent using a secure, out-of-band communication channel (e.g. secure email)
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **Data Provider:** uploading a file from an allow-listed IP address succeeds
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **Data Provider:** downloading a file from an allow-listed IP address fails
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **Data Provider:** uploading a file from an non-allowed IP address fails
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **Data Provider:** connection during lifetime of short-duration token succeeds
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **Data Provider:** connection after lifetime of short-duration token fails
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **Data Provider:** uploading different file types succeeds
-### Storage volumes and egress
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **SRE standard user** can read and write to the `/output` volume
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **SRE standard user** can only read from the `/data` volume
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **SRE standard user** can read and write to their directory in `/home`
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **SRE standard user** can read and write to the `/shared` volume
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **System administrator:** can see the files ready for egress
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **System administrator:** can download egress-ready files
-### Software Ingress
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **SRE standard user** expected software tools are installed
- + :camera: Verify: DBeaver, RStudio, PyCharm and Visual Studio Code available
- 122056611-0a132400-cdea-11eb-9087-385ab296189e.png">
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **System administrator:** secure upload token successfully created with write-only permissions
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **Data Provider:** uploading is possible only during the token lifetime
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **System administrator:** uploaded files are readable and can be installed on the DSVM
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: **SRE standard user** uploaded files are readable but cannot be installed on the DSVM
-### Package mirrors
-#### Tier 2:
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Can install any packages
- + :camera: Verify: botocore can be installed
-#### Tier 3:
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Can install only allow-listed packages
- + :camera: Verify: aero-calc can be installed; botocore cannot be installed
-### Azure firewalls
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Admin has limited access to the internet
- + :camera: Verify: SHM DC cannot connect to google
- 122067607-ff5d8c80-cdf3-11eb-8e20-a401faba0be4.png">
-+ :white_check_mark:/:partly_sunny:/:fast_forward:/:x: Admin can download Windows updates
- + :camera: Verify: Windows updates can be downloaded
- 122067641-071d3100-cdf4-11eb-9dc8-03938ff49e3a.png">
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint_code.yaml b/.github/workflows/lint_code.yaml
index 7786fc4b62..4d0caed16c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/lint_code.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/lint_code.yaml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ jobs:
rm expanded.tmp
- name: Lint YAML
- uses: karancode/yamllint-github-action@v2.1.1
+ uses: karancode/yamllint-github-action@v3.0.0
yamllint_strict: true
yamllint_comment: false
diff --git a/.hatch/requirements-docs.txt b/.hatch/requirements-docs.txt
index 95fcbdfd41..01ef044438 100644
--- a/.hatch/requirements-docs.txt
+++ b/.hatch/requirements-docs.txt
@@ -1,17 +1,125 @@
# This file is autogenerated by hatch-pip-compile with Python 3.12
+# - appdirs==1.4.4
+# - azure-core==1.32.0
+# - azure-identity==1.19.0
+# - azure-keyvault-certificates==4.9.0
+# - azure-keyvault-keys==4.10.0
+# - azure-keyvault-secrets==4.9.0
+# - azure-mgmt-compute==33.0.0
+# - azure-mgmt-containerinstance==10.1.0
+# - azure-mgmt-dns==8.2.0
+# - azure-mgmt-keyvault==10.3.1
+# - azure-mgmt-msi==7.0.0
+# - azure-mgmt-rdbms==10.1.0
+# - azure-mgmt-resource==23.2.0
+# - azure-mgmt-storage==21.2.1
+# - azure-storage-blob==12.24.0
+# - azure-storage-file-datalake==12.18.0
+# - azure-storage-file-share==12.20.0
+# - chevron==0.14.0
+# - cryptography==44.0.0
+# - fqdn==1.5.1
+# - psycopg[binary]==3.1.19
+# - pulumi-azure-native==2.76.0
+# - pulumi-azuread==6.0.1
+# - pulumi-random==4.16.7
+# - pulumi==3.142.0
+# - pydantic==2.10.3
+# - pyjwt[crypto]==2.10.1
+# - pytz==2024.2
+# - pyyaml==6.0.2
+# - rich==13.9.4
+# - simple-acme-dns==3.2.0
+# - typer==0.15.1
+# - websocket-client==1.8.0
# - emoji==2.14.0
# - myst-parser==4.0.0
# - pydata-sphinx-theme==0.16.0
# - sphinx-togglebutton==0.3.2
# - sphinx==8.1.3
+# - sphinxcontrib-typer==0.5.1
# via pydata-sphinx-theme
+ # via simple-acme-dns
# via sphinx
+ # via pydantic
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via parver
+ # via parver
+ # via
+ # azure-mgmt-compute
+ # azure-mgmt-containerinstance
+ # azure-mgmt-dns
+ # azure-mgmt-keyvault
+ # azure-mgmt-msi
+ # azure-mgmt-rdbms
+ # azure-mgmt-resource
+ # azure-mgmt-storage
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # azure-identity
+ # azure-keyvault-certificates
+ # azure-keyvault-keys
+ # azure-keyvault-secrets
+ # azure-mgmt-core
+ # azure-storage-blob
+ # azure-storage-file-datalake
+ # azure-storage-file-share
+ # msrest
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via
+ # azure-mgmt-compute
+ # azure-mgmt-containerinstance
+ # azure-mgmt-dns
+ # azure-mgmt-keyvault
+ # azure-mgmt-msi
+ # azure-mgmt-rdbms
+ # azure-mgmt-resource
+ # azure-mgmt-storage
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # azure-storage-file-datalake
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
# via
# pydata-sphinx-theme
@@ -19,9 +127,37 @@ babel==2.16.0
# via pydata-sphinx-theme
- # via requests
+ # via
+ # msrest
+ # requests
+ # via cryptography
# via requests
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via
+ # typer
+ # typer-slim
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # acme
+ # azure-identity
+ # azure-keyvault-keys
+ # azure-storage-blob
+ # azure-storage-file-share
+ # josepy
+ # msal
+ # pyjwt
+ # pyopenssl
+ # via pulumi
+ # via pulumi
+ # via simple-acme-dns
# via
# myst-parser
@@ -30,39 +166,151 @@ docutils==0.21.2
# sphinx-togglebutton
# via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via pulumi
# via requests
# via sphinx
+ # via
+ # azure-keyvault-certificates
+ # azure-keyvault-keys
+ # azure-keyvault-secrets
+ # azure-mgmt-compute
+ # azure-mgmt-containerinstance
+ # azure-mgmt-dns
+ # azure-mgmt-keyvault
+ # azure-mgmt-resource
+ # azure-mgmt-storage
+ # azure-storage-blob
+ # azure-storage-file-datalake
+ # azure-storage-file-share
+ # msrest
# via
# myst-parser
# sphinx
+ # via acme
# via
# mdit-py-plugins
# myst-parser
+ # rich
# via jinja2
# via myst-parser
# via markdown-it-py
+ # via
+ # azure-identity
+ # msal-extensions
+ # via azure-identity
+ # via
+ # azure-mgmt-msi
+ # azure-mgmt-rdbms
# via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via requests-oauthlib
# via sphinx
+ # via
+ # pulumi-azure-native
+ # pulumi-azuread
+ # pulumi-random
+ # via msal-extensions
+ # via pulumi
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via psycopg
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # pulumi-azure-native
+ # pulumi-azuread
+ # pulumi-random
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via cffi
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via pydantic
# via hatch.envs.docs
# via
# accessible-pygments
# pydata-sphinx-theme
+ # rich
# sphinx
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # msal
+ # via
+ # acme
+ # josepy
+ # via acme
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # acme
- # via myst-parser
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # myst-parser
+ # pulumi
- # via sphinx
+ # via
+ # acme
+ # azure-core
+ # msal
+ # msrest
+ # requests-oauthlib
+ # sphinx
+ # via msrest
+ # via
+ # hatch.envs.docs
+ # typer
+ # typer-slim
+ # via
+ # pulumi
+ # pulumi-azure-native
+ # pulumi-azuread
+ # pulumi-random
+ # via
+ # typer
+ # typer-slim
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via
+ # azure-core
+ # pulumi
# via sphinx
@@ -73,6 +321,7 @@ sphinx==8.1.3
# myst-parser
# pydata-sphinx-theme
# sphinx-togglebutton
+ # sphinxcontrib-typer
# via hatch.envs.docs
@@ -87,11 +336,39 @@ sphinxcontrib-qthelp==2.0.0
# via sphinx
# via sphinx
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
+ # via sphinxcontrib-typer
- # via pydata-sphinx-theme
+ # via
+ # azure-core
+ # azure-identity
+ # azure-keyvault-certificates
+ # azure-keyvault-keys
+ # azure-keyvault-secrets
+ # azure-mgmt-compute
+ # azure-mgmt-dns
+ # azure-mgmt-keyvault
+ # azure-mgmt-resource
+ # azure-storage-blob
+ # azure-storage-file-datalake
+ # azure-storage-file-share
+ # psycopg
+ # pydantic
+ # pydantic-core
+ # pydata-sphinx-theme
+ # typer
+ # typer-slim
# via requests
+ # via simple-acme-dns
+ # via hatch.envs.docs
# via sphinx-togglebutton
# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
diff --git a/.hatch/requirements-lint.txt b/.hatch/requirements-lint.txt
index 2ffa3e2ba4..bdef81d7a0 100644
--- a/.hatch/requirements-lint.txt
+++ b/.hatch/requirements-lint.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# This file is autogenerated by hatch-pip-compile with Python 3.12
-# - ansible-dev-tools==24.10.2
-# - ansible==10.6.0
+# - ansible-dev-tools==24.11.0
+# - ansible==11.1.0
# - black==24.10.0
# - mypy==1.13.0
-# - pandas-stubs==
-# - pydantic==2.9.2
-# - ruff==0.7.3
+# - pandas-stubs==
+# - pydantic==2.10.3
+# - ruff==0.8.2
# - types-appdirs==
# - types-chevron==
# - types-pytz==2024.2.0.20241003
@@ -17,36 +17,36 @@
# via pydantic
# via hatch.envs.lint
# via
# ansible-dev-environment
# ansible-dev-tools
# ansible-navigator
# via
# ansible-lint
# molecule
# pytest-ansible
# via
# ansible
# ansible-compat
# ansible-lint
# molecule
# pytest-ansible
# via ansible-dev-tools
# via ansible-dev-tools
# via hatch.envs.lint
# via
# ansible-dev-tools
# ansible-navigator
# via ansible-dev-tools
# via ansible-navigator
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ click-help-colors==0.9.4
# via molecule
# via tox
# via ansible-core
# via
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ markupsafe==3.0.2
# via jinja2
# via markdown-it-py
# via ansible-dev-tools
# via hatch.envs.lint
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ mypy-extensions==1.0.0
# via
# black
# mypy
# via pandas-stubs
# via ansible-navigator
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ packaging==24.2
# pytest
# pytest-ansible
# tox
# via hatch.envs.lint
# via bindep
@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@ ptyprocess==0.7.0
# via pexpect
# via cffi
# via hatch.envs.lint
# via pydantic
# via rich
# via tox
# via
# pytest-ansible
# pytest-xdist
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ pytest-ansible==24.9.0
# tox-ansible
# via tox-ansible
# via ansible-runner
# via ansible-sign
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ rich==13.9.4
# ansible-lint
# enrich
# molecule
# via
# jsonschema
# referencing
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ ruamel-yaml==0.18.6
# via ansible-lint
# via ruamel-yaml
# via hatch.envs.lint
# via
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ subprocess-tee==0.4.2
# ansible-lint
# via tox-ansible
# via ansible-dev-tools
# via hatch.envs.lint
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ tzdata==2024.2
# via ansible-navigator
# via types-requests
# via tox
# via
diff --git a/.hatch/requirements-test.txt b/.hatch/requirements-test.txt
index 3b6dd5421f..177bcd5953 100644
--- a/.hatch/requirements-test.txt
+++ b/.hatch/requirements-test.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# This file is autogenerated by hatch-pip-compile with Python 3.12
-# [constraints] .hatch/requirements.txt (SHA256: ac6baaee77c4015ca7749690da5f658092b9d5572c7e4083c08b8c4bf75c5c6c)
+# [constraints] .hatch/requirements.txt (SHA256: 5b14c21af4fbc3de1ff8ee0f3a57b092aa1a5c814ad56dccb0b50fd2d010eeb2)
# - appdirs==1.4.4
# - azure-core==1.32.0
@@ -17,29 +17,29 @@
# - azure-mgmt-rdbms==10.1.0
# - azure-mgmt-resource==23.2.0
# - azure-mgmt-storage==21.2.1
-# - azure-storage-blob==12.23.1
-# - azure-storage-file-datalake==12.17.0
-# - azure-storage-file-share==12.19.0
+# - azure-storage-blob==12.24.0
+# - azure-storage-file-datalake==12.18.0
+# - azure-storage-file-share==12.20.0
# - chevron==0.14.0
-# - cryptography==43.0.3
+# - cryptography==44.0.0
# - fqdn==1.5.1
# - psycopg[binary]==3.1.19
-# - pulumi-azure-native==2.71.0
+# - pulumi-azure-native==2.76.0
# - pulumi-azuread==6.0.1
# - pulumi-random==4.16.7
-# - pulumi==3.138.0
-# - pydantic==2.9.2
-# - pyjwt[crypto]==2.9.0
+# - pulumi==3.142.0
+# - pydantic==2.10.3
+# - pyjwt[crypto]==2.10.1
# - pytz==2024.2
# - pyyaml==6.0.2
# - rich==13.9.4
# - simple-acme-dns==3.2.0
-# - typer==0.13.0
+# - typer==0.15.1
# - websocket-client==1.8.0
-# - coverage==7.6.4
+# - coverage==7.6.9
# - freezegun==1.5.1
# - pytest-mock==3.14.0
-# - pytest==8.3.3
+# - pytest==8.3.4
# - requests-mock==1.12.1
@@ -146,16 +146,16 @@ azure-mgmt-storage==21.2.1
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
# azure-storage-file-datalake
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ click==8.1.7
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# typer
# via hatch.envs.test
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ cryptography==43.0.3
# msal
# pyjwt
# pyopenssl
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# pulumi
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ mdurl==0.1.2
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# markdown-it-py
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# azure-identity
@@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ psycopg-binary==3.1.19
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# psycopg
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
# pulumi-azure-native
# pulumi-azuread
# pulumi-random
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ pycparser==2.22
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# cffi
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# pydantic
@@ -330,12 +330,12 @@ pygments==2.18.0
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# rich
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
# msal
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# acme
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ pyrfc3339==2.0.1
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# acme
# via
# hatch.envs.test
# pytest-mock
@@ -397,13 +397,13 @@ simple-acme-dns==3.2.0
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# azure-core
# pulumi
# python-dateutil
# via
# -c .hatch/requirements.txt
# hatch.envs.test
diff --git a/.hatch/requirements.txt b/.hatch/requirements.txt
index 5451c40b45..9506db78d5 100644
--- a/.hatch/requirements.txt
+++ b/.hatch/requirements.txt
@@ -15,24 +15,24 @@
# - azure-mgmt-rdbms==10.1.0
# - azure-mgmt-resource==23.2.0
# - azure-mgmt-storage==21.2.1
-# - azure-storage-blob==12.23.1
-# - azure-storage-file-datalake==12.17.0
-# - azure-storage-file-share==12.19.0
+# - azure-storage-blob==12.24.0
+# - azure-storage-file-datalake==12.18.0
+# - azure-storage-file-share==12.20.0
# - chevron==0.14.0
-# - cryptography==43.0.3
+# - cryptography==44.0.0
# - fqdn==1.5.1
# - psycopg[binary]==3.1.19
-# - pulumi-azure-native==2.71.0
+# - pulumi-azure-native==2.76.0
# - pulumi-azuread==6.0.1
# - pulumi-random==4.16.7
-# - pulumi==3.138.0
-# - pydantic==2.9.2
-# - pyjwt[crypto]==2.9.0
+# - pulumi==3.142.0
+# - pydantic==2.10.3
+# - pyjwt[crypto]==2.10.1
# - pytz==2024.2
# - pyyaml==6.0.2
# - rich==13.9.4
# - simple-acme-dns==3.2.0
-# - typer==0.13.0
+# - typer==0.15.1
# - websocket-client==1.8.0
@@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ azure-mgmt-resource==23.2.0
# via hatch.envs.default
# via hatch.envs.default
# via
# hatch.envs.default
# azure-storage-file-datalake
# via hatch.envs.default
# via hatch.envs.default
# via
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ chevron==0.14.0
# via hatch.envs.default
# via typer
# via
# hatch.envs.default
# acme
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ cryptography==43.0.3
# msal
# pyjwt
# pyopenssl
# via pulumi
# via pulumi
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ markdown-it-py==3.0.0
# via rich
# via markdown-it-py
# via
# azure-identity
# msal-extensions
@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ psycopg==3.1.19
# via hatch.envs.default
# via psycopg
# via
# hatch.envs.default
# pulumi-azure-native
# pulumi-azuread
# pulumi-random
# via hatch.envs.default
# via hatch.envs.default
@@ -206,17 +206,17 @@ pulumi-random==4.16.7
# via hatch.envs.default
# via cffi
# via hatch.envs.default
# via pydantic
# via rich
# via
# hatch.envs.default
# msal
# via
# acme
# josepy
@@ -253,11 +253,11 @@ shellingham==1.5.4
# via typer
# via hatch.envs.default
# via
# azure-core
# pulumi
# via hatch.envs.default
# via
diff --git a/.mdlstyle.rb b/.mdlstyle.rb
index 7ca3c2af8b..80b6e14d8c 100644
--- a/.mdlstyle.rb
+++ b/.mdlstyle.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
exclude_rule 'MD013'
exclude_rule 'MD024'
rule 'MD026', :punctuation => ".,;"
-rule 'MD029', :style => :ordered
+rule 'MD029', :style => :one
exclude_rule 'MD033'
exclude_rule 'MD034'
exclude_rule 'MD041' # this conflicts with MyST target anchors
diff --git a/.readthedocs.yaml b/.readthedocs.yaml
index 145d005f83..56f8f2b24f 100644
--- a/.readthedocs.yaml
+++ b/.readthedocs.yaml
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ formats:
- requirements: .hatch/requirements-docs.txt
+ - method: pip
+ path: .
configuration: docs/source/conf.py
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 79659201f0..95bdbac05e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ See our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) and our [Contributor Guide](CONTRI
Benjamin Walden ๐ ๐ค ๐ ๐ ๐ |
Brett Todd ๐ป ๐ค |
Callum Mole ๐ ๐ป |
- Carlos Gavidia-Calderon ๐ ๐ค |
+ Carlos Gavidia-Calderon ๐ ๐ค ๐ |
Catalina Vallejos ๐ |
diff --git a/SECURITY.md b/SECURITY.md
index db056c976b..c81368a94e 100644
--- a/SECURITY.md
+++ b/SECURITY.md
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ All organisations using an earlier version in production should update to the la
| Version | Supported |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| [5.0.1](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/data-safe-haven/releases/tag/v5.0.1) | :white_check_mark: |
-| < 5.0.1 | :x: |
+| [5.1.0](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/data-safe-haven/releases/tag/v5.1.0) | :white_check_mark: |
+| < 5.1.0 | :x: |
## Reporting a Vulnerability
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/commands/sre.py b/data_safe_haven/commands/sre.py
index 8c3e0b5cdc..14330c2cff 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/commands/sre.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/commands/sre.py
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ def deploy(
# Set Entra options
application = graph_api.get_application_by_name(context.entra_application_name)
if not application:
msg = f"No Entra application '{context.entra_application_name}' was found. Please redeploy your SHM."
raise DataSafeHavenConfigError(msg)
@@ -162,6 +163,13 @@ def deploy(
+ console.print(
+ f"Secure Research Environment '[green]{name}[/]' has been successfully deployed.",
+ f"The SRE can be accessed at [green]https://{stack.output('sre_fqdn')}[/]",
+ sep="\n",
+ )
except DataSafeHavenError as exc:
f"Could not deploy Secure Research Environment '[green]{name}[/]'."
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/commands/users.py b/data_safe_haven/commands/users.py
index fe413fa781..8c8b232ceb 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/commands/users.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/commands/users.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import typer
+from data_safe_haven import console
from data_safe_haven.administration.users import UserHandler
from data_safe_haven.config import ContextManager, DSHPulumiConfig, SHMConfig, SREConfig
from data_safe_haven.exceptions import DataSafeHavenError
@@ -120,9 +121,9 @@ def register(
# Load SHMConfig
shm_config = SHMConfig.from_remote(context)
- except DataSafeHavenError:
+ except DataSafeHavenError as exc:
logger.error("Have you deployed the SHM?")
- raise
+ raise typer.Exit(1) from exc
# Load Pulumi config
pulumi_config = DSHPulumiConfig.from_remote(context)
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ def register(
if sre_config.name not in pulumi_config.project_names:
msg = f"Could not load Pulumi settings for '{sre_config.name}'. Have you deployed the SRE?"
- raise DataSafeHavenError(msg)
+ raise typer.Exit(1)
# Load GraphAPI
graph_api = GraphApi.from_scopes(
@@ -146,16 +147,29 @@ def register(
# List users
users = UserHandler(context, graph_api)
- available_usernames = users.get_usernames_entra_id()
+ available_users = users.entra_users.list()
+ user_dict = {
+ user.preferred_username.split("@")[0]: user.preferred_username.split("@")[1]
+ for user in available_users
+ }
usernames_to_register = []
for username in usernames:
- if username in available_usernames:
- usernames_to_register.append(username)
+ if user_domain := user_dict.get(username):
+ if shm_config.shm.fqdn not in user_domain:
+ console.print(
+ f"User [green]'{username}[/green]'s principal domain name is [blue]'{user_domain}'[/blue].\n"
+ f"SRE [yellow]'{sre}'[/yellow] belongs to SHM domain [blue]'{shm_config.shm.fqdn}'[/blue]."
+ )
+ logger.error(
+ "The user's principal domain name must match the domain of the SRE to be registered."
+ )
+ else:
+ usernames_to_register.append(username)
f"Username '{username}' does not belong to this Data Safe Haven deployment."
- " Please use 'dsh users add' to create it."
+ console.print("Please use 'dsh users add' to create this user.")
users.register(sre_config.name, usernames_to_register)
except DataSafeHavenError as exc:
logger.critical(f"Could not register Data Safe Haven users with SRE '{sre}'.")
@@ -259,8 +273,8 @@ def unregister(
f"Username '{username}' does not belong to this Data Safe Haven deployment."
- " Please use 'dsh users add' to create it."
+ console.print("Please use 'dsh users add' to create it.")
for group_name in (
f"{sre_config.name} Users",
f"{sre_config.name} Privileged Users",
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/config/config_sections.py b/data_safe_haven/config/config_sections.py
index 62bfec0833..f09da25648 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/config/config_sections.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/config/config_sections.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class ConfigSectionSRE(BaseModel, validate_assignment=True):
admin_email_address: EmailAddress
admin_ip_addresses: list[IpAddress] = []
databases: UniqueList[DatabaseSystem] = []
- data_provider_ip_addresses: list[IpAddress] | AzureServiceTag = []
+ data_provider_ip_addresses: list[IpAddress] = []
remote_desktop: ConfigSubsectionRemoteDesktopOpts
research_user_ip_addresses: list[IpAddress] | AzureServiceTag = []
storage_quota_gb: ConfigSubsectionStorageQuotaGB
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/console/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/console/__init__.py
index 133a48fc12..f30bda2882 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/console/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/console/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from .format import tabulate
-from .pretty import pretty_print as print # noqa: A001
+from .pretty import pretty_print as print # noqa: A004
from .prompts import confirm
__all__ = [
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/exceptions/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/exceptions/__init__.py
index b22d70e693..a858cfaf6d 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/exceptions/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/exceptions/__init__.py
@@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ class DataSafeHavenAzureError(DataSafeHavenError):
+class DataSafeHavenCachedCredentialError(DataSafeHavenError):
+ """
+ Exception class for handling errors related to cached credentials.
+ Raise this error when a cached credential is not the credential a user wants to use.
+ """
+ pass
class DataSafeHavenAzureStorageError(DataSafeHavenAzureError):
Exception class for handling errors when interacting with Azure Storage.
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/external/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/external/__init__.py
index 5e46325958..d26ef75058 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/external/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/external/__init__.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
from .interface.pulumi_account import PulumiAccount
__all__ = [
- "AzureSdk",
+ "AzureSdk",
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/external/api/credentials.py b/data_safe_haven/external/api/credentials.py
index bfeb9c3aeb..82e444cea5 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/external/api/credentials.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/external/api/credentials.py
@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
from data_safe_haven import console
from data_safe_haven.directories import config_dir
-from data_safe_haven.exceptions import DataSafeHavenAzureError, DataSafeHavenValueError
+from data_safe_haven.exceptions import (
+ DataSafeHavenAzureError,
+ DataSafeHavenCachedCredentialError,
+ DataSafeHavenValueError,
from data_safe_haven.logging import get_logger
from data_safe_haven.types import AzureSdkCredentialScope
@@ -28,6 +32,7 @@ class DeferredCredential(TokenCredential):
tokens_: ClassVar[dict[str, AccessToken]] = {}
cache_: ClassVar[set[tuple[str, str]]] = set()
+ name: ClassVar[str] = "Credential name"
def __init__(
@@ -66,32 +71,28 @@ def get_credential(self) -> TokenCredential:
def confirm_credentials_interactive(
- target_name: str,
user_name: str,
user_id: str,
tenant_name: str,
tenant_id: str,
- ) -> None:
+ ) -> bool:
Allow user to confirm that credentials are correct.
Responses are cached so the user will only be prompted once per run.
If 'skip_confirmation' is set, then no confirmation will be performed.
- Raises:
- DataSafeHavenValueError: if the user indicates that the credentials are wrong
if self.skip_confirmation:
- return
+ return True
if (user_id, tenant_id) in DeferredCredential.cache_:
- return
+ return True
DeferredCredential.cache_.add((user_id, tenant_id))
- self.logger.info(f"You are logged into the [blue]{target_name}[/] as:")
+ self.logger.info(f"You are logged into the [blue]{self.name}[/] as:")
self.logger.info(f"\tuser: [green]{user_name}[/] ({user_id})")
self.logger.info(f"\ttenant: [green]{tenant_name}[/] ({tenant_id})")
- if not console.confirm("Are these details correct?", default_to_yes=True):
- msg = "Selected credentials are incorrect."
- raise DataSafeHavenValueError(msg)
+ return console.confirm("Are these details correct?", default_to_yes=True)
def get_token(
@@ -119,6 +120,8 @@ class AzureSdkCredential(DeferredCredential):
Uses AzureCliCredential for authentication
+ name: ClassVar[str] = "Azure CLI"
def __init__(
scope: AzureSdkCredentialScope = AzureSdkCredentialScope.DEFAULT,
@@ -133,19 +136,22 @@ def get_credential(self) -> TokenCredential:
# Confirm that these are the desired credentials
decoded = self.decode_token(credential.get_token(*self.scopes).token)
- self.confirm_credentials_interactive(
- "Azure CLI",
- user_name=decoded["name"],
- user_id=decoded["oid"],
- tenant_name=decoded["upn"].split("@")[1],
- tenant_id=decoded["tid"],
- )
except (CredentialUnavailableError, DataSafeHavenValueError) as exc:
+ msg = "Error getting account information from Azure CLI."
+ raise DataSafeHavenAzureError(msg) from exc
+ if not self.confirm_credentials_interactive(
+ user_name=decoded["name"],
+ user_id=decoded["oid"],
+ tenant_name=decoded["upn"].split("@")[1],
+ tenant_id=decoded["tid"],
+ ):
"Please authenticate with Azure: run '[green]az login[/]' using [bold]infrastructure administrator[/] credentials."
- msg = "Error getting account information from Azure CLI."
- raise DataSafeHavenAzureError(msg) from exc
+ msg = "Selected credentials are incorrect."
+ raise DataSafeHavenCachedCredentialError(msg)
return credential
@@ -156,6 +162,8 @@ class GraphApiCredential(DeferredCredential):
Uses DeviceCodeCredential for authentication
+ name: ClassVar[str] = "Microsoft Graph API"
def __init__(
tenant_id: str,
@@ -214,13 +222,17 @@ def callback(verification_uri: str, user_code: str, _: datetime) -> None:
raise DataSafeHavenAzureError(msg) from exc
# Confirm that these are the desired credentials
- self.confirm_credentials_interactive(
- "Microsoft Graph API",
+ if not self.confirm_credentials_interactive(
- )
+ ):
+ self.logger.error(
+ f"Delete the cached credential file [green]{authentication_record_path}[/] and rerun dsh to authenticate with {self.name}"
+ )
+ msg = "Selected credentials are incorrect."
+ raise DataSafeHavenCachedCredentialError(msg)
# Return the credential
return credential
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/external/api/graph_api.py b/data_safe_haven/external/api/graph_api.py
index 7d3b088672..d77e78120d 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/external/api/graph_api.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/external/api/graph_api.py
@@ -837,7 +837,10 @@ def read_applications(self) -> Sequence[dict[str, Any]]:
- except Exception as exc:
+ except (
+ DataSafeHavenMicrosoftGraphError,
+ requests.JSONDecodeError,
+ ) as exc:
msg = "Could not load list of applications."
raise DataSafeHavenMicrosoftGraphError(msg) from exc
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/common/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/common/__init__.py
index 6106cac731..85184d6574 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/common/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/common/__init__.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
__all__ = [
+ "SREDnsIpRanges",
+ "SREIpRanges",
@@ -27,6 +29,4 @@
- "SREDnsIpRanges",
- "SREIpRanges",
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/__init__.py
index 2b3dd67e7a..52043d1ad3 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/__init__.py
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
+ NFSV3StorageAccountComponent,
+ NFSV3StorageAccountProps,
@@ -23,7 +25,6 @@
from .wrapped import (
- WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount,
__all__ = [
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@
- "WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount",
+ "NFSV3StorageAccountComponent",
+ "NFSV3StorageAccountProps",
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/__init__.py
index bc09bc18a8..8e561dd73a 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/__init__.py
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
from .nfsv3_blob_container import NFSV3BlobContainerComponent, NFSV3BlobContainerProps
+from .nfsv3_storage_account import (
+ NFSV3StorageAccountComponent,
+ NFSV3StorageAccountProps,
from .postgresql_database import PostgresqlDatabaseComponent, PostgresqlDatabaseProps
from .virtual_machine import LinuxVMComponentProps, VMComponent
@@ -23,6 +27,8 @@
+ "NFSV3StorageAccountComponent",
+ "NFSV3StorageAccountProps",
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/nfsv3_blob_container.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/nfsv3_blob_container.py
index 98564918a0..29550e9541 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/nfsv3_blob_container.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/nfsv3_blob_container.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from pulumi import ComponentResource, Input, ResourceOptions
from pulumi_azure_native import storage
-from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components.dynamic.blob_container_acl import (
+from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components.dynamic import (
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ def __init__(
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/nfsv3_storage_account.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/nfsv3_storage_account.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59a2f4e50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/composite/nfsv3_storage_account.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
+from pulumi import ComponentResource, Input, Output, ResourceOptions
+from pulumi_azure_native import insights, storage
+from data_safe_haven.external import AzureIPv4Range
+from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components.wrapped import (
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
+class NFSV3StorageAccountProps:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ account_name: Input[str],
+ allowed_ip_addresses: Input[Sequence[str]] | None,
+ location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
+ resource_group_name: Input[str],
+ subnet_id: Input[str],
+ ):
+ self.account_name = account_name
+ self.allowed_ip_addresses = allowed_ip_addresses
+ self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
+ self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
+ self.subnet_id = subnet_id
+class NFSV3StorageAccountComponent(ComponentResource):
+ encryption_args = storage.EncryptionArgs(
+ key_source=storage.KeySource.MICROSOFT_STORAGE,
+ services=storage.EncryptionServicesArgs(
+ blob=storage.EncryptionServiceArgs(
+ enabled=True, key_type=storage.KeyType.ACCOUNT
+ ),
+ file=storage.EncryptionServiceArgs(
+ enabled=True, key_type=storage.KeyType.ACCOUNT
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ props: NFSV3StorageAccountProps,
+ opts: ResourceOptions | None = None,
+ tags: Input[Mapping[str, Input[str]]] | None = None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__("dsh:sre:NFSV3StorageAccountComponent", name, {}, opts)
+ child_opts = ResourceOptions.merge(opts, ResourceOptions(parent=self))
+ child_tags = {"component": "data"} | (tags if tags else {})
+ ip_rules = Output.from_input(props.allowed_ip_addresses).apply(
+ lambda ip_ranges: [
+ storage.IPRuleArgs(
+ action=storage.Action.ALLOW,
+ i_p_address_or_range=str(ip_address),
+ )
+ for ip_range in sorted(ip_ranges)
+ for ip_address in AzureIPv4Range.from_cidr(ip_range).all_ips()
+ ]
+ )
+ # Deploy storage account
+ self.storage_account = storage.StorageAccount(
+ f"{self._name}",
+ account_name=props.account_name,
+ allow_blob_public_access=False,
+ enable_https_traffic_only=True,
+ enable_nfs_v3=True,
+ encryption=self.encryption_args,
+ is_hns_enabled=True,
+ kind=storage.Kind.BLOCK_BLOB_STORAGE,
+ location=props.location,
+ minimum_tls_version=storage.MinimumTlsVersion.TLS1_2,
+ network_rule_set=storage.NetworkRuleSetArgs(
+ bypass=storage.Bypass.AZURE_SERVICES,
+ default_action=storage.DefaultAction.DENY,
+ ip_rules=ip_rules,
+ virtual_network_rules=[
+ storage.VirtualNetworkRuleArgs(
+ virtual_network_resource_id=props.subnet_id,
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ public_network_access=storage.PublicNetworkAccess.ENABLED,
+ resource_group_name=props.resource_group_name,
+ sku=storage.SkuArgs(name=storage.SkuName.PREMIUM_ZRS),
+ opts=child_opts,
+ tags=child_tags,
+ )
+ # Add diagnostic setting for blobs
+ insights.DiagnosticSetting(
+ f"{self.storage_account._name}_diagnostic_setting",
+ name=f"{self.storage_account._name}_diagnostic_setting",
+ log_analytics_destination_type="Dedicated",
+ logs=[
+ {
+ "category_group": "allLogs",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "category_group": "audit",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ metrics=[
+ {
+ "category": "Transaction",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ resource_uri=self.storage_account.id.apply(
+ # This is the URI of the blobServices resource which is automatically
+ # created.
+ lambda resource_id: resource_id
+ + "/blobServices/default"
+ ),
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.id,
+ )
+ self.register_outputs({})
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/wrapped/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/wrapped/__init__.py
index ef6e7374d2..fc5f8c8f61 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/wrapped/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/wrapped/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
from .log_analytics_workspace import WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace
-from .nfsv3_storage_account import WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount
__all__ = [
- "WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount",
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/wrapped/nfsv3_storage_account.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/wrapped/nfsv3_storage_account.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e259de4806..0000000000
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/components/wrapped/nfsv3_storage_account.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
-from pulumi import Input, Output, ResourceOptions
-from pulumi_azure_native import storage
-from data_safe_haven.external import AzureIPv4Range
-from data_safe_haven.types import AzureServiceTag
-class WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount(storage.StorageAccount):
- encryption_args = storage.EncryptionArgs(
- key_source=storage.KeySource.MICROSOFT_STORAGE,
- services=storage.EncryptionServicesArgs(
- blob=storage.EncryptionServiceArgs(
- enabled=True, key_type=storage.KeyType.ACCOUNT
- ),
- file=storage.EncryptionServiceArgs(
- enabled=True, key_type=storage.KeyType.ACCOUNT
- ),
- ),
- )
- def __init__(
- self,
- resource_name: str,
- *,
- account_name: Input[str],
- allowed_ip_addresses: Input[Sequence[str]] | None,
- allowed_service_tag: AzureServiceTag | None,
- location: Input[str],
- resource_group_name: Input[str],
- subnet_id: Input[str],
- opts: ResourceOptions,
- tags: Input[Mapping[str, Input[str]]],
- ):
- if allowed_service_tag == AzureServiceTag.INTERNET:
- default_action = storage.DefaultAction.ALLOW
- ip_rules = []
- else:
- default_action = storage.DefaultAction.DENY
- ip_rules = Output.from_input(allowed_ip_addresses).apply(
- lambda ip_ranges: [
- storage.IPRuleArgs(
- action=storage.Action.ALLOW,
- i_p_address_or_range=str(ip_address),
- )
- for ip_range in sorted(ip_ranges)
- for ip_address in AzureIPv4Range.from_cidr(ip_range).all_ips()
- ]
- )
- self.resource_group_name_ = Output.from_input(resource_group_name)
- super().__init__(
- resource_name,
- account_name=account_name,
- allow_blob_public_access=False,
- enable_https_traffic_only=True,
- enable_nfs_v3=True,
- encryption=self.encryption_args,
- is_hns_enabled=True,
- kind=storage.Kind.BLOCK_BLOB_STORAGE,
- location=location,
- minimum_tls_version=storage.MinimumTlsVersion.TLS1_2,
- network_rule_set=storage.NetworkRuleSetArgs(
- bypass=storage.Bypass.AZURE_SERVICES,
- default_action=default_action,
- ip_rules=ip_rules,
- virtual_network_rules=[
- storage.VirtualNetworkRuleArgs(
- virtual_network_resource_id=subnet_id,
- )
- ],
- ),
- public_network_access=storage.PublicNetworkAccess.ENABLED,
- resource_group_name=resource_group_name,
- sku=storage.SkuArgs(name=storage.SkuName.PREMIUM_ZRS),
- opts=opts,
- tags=tags,
- )
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/declarative_sre.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/declarative_sre.py
index 15989bbe7b..2228078c36 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/declarative_sre.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/declarative_sre.py
@@ -163,12 +163,27 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ # Deploy monitoring
+ monitoring = SREMonitoringComponent(
+ "sre_monitoring",
+ self.stack_name,
+ SREMonitoringProps(
+ dns_private_zones=dns.private_zones,
+ location=self.config.azure.location,
+ resource_group_name=resource_group.name,
+ subnet=networking.subnet_monitoring,
+ timezone=self.config.sre.timezone,
+ ),
+ tags=self.tags,
+ )
# Deploy SRE firewall
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -196,6 +211,7 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -217,6 +233,7 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -233,6 +250,7 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -253,6 +271,7 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -299,6 +318,7 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -325,6 +345,7 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -339,20 +360,6 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
- # Deploy monitoring
- monitoring = SREMonitoringComponent(
- "sre_monitoring",
- self.stack_name,
- SREMonitoringProps(
- dns_private_zones=dns.private_zones,
- location=self.config.azure.location,
- resource_group_name=resource_group.name,
- subnet=networking.subnet_monitoring,
- timezone=self.config.sre.timezone,
- ),
- tags=self.tags,
- )
# Deploy desired state
desired_state = SREDesiredStateComponent(
@@ -371,6 +378,7 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
+ log_analytics_workspace=monitoring.log_analytics,
@@ -420,4 +428,5 @@ def __call__(self) -> None:
pulumi.export("data", data.exports)
pulumi.export("ldap", ldap_group_names)
pulumi.export("remote_desktop", remote_desktop.exports)
+ pulumi.export("sre_fqdn", networking.sre_fqdn)
pulumi.export("workspaces", workspaces.exports)
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/apt_proxy_server.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/apt_proxy_server.py
index ff1cb4b0da..d58a17a6de 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/apt_proxy_server.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/apt_proxy_server.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
from data_safe_haven.types import PermittedDomains
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ def __init__(
containers_subnet: Input[str],
dns_server_ip: Input[str],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
sre_fqdn: Input[str],
storage_account_key: Input[str],
@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ def __init__(
self.dns_server_ip = dns_server_ip
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.sre_fqdn = sre_fqdn
self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key
@@ -119,6 +122,12 @@ def __init__(
+ diagnostics=containerinstance.ContainerGroupDiagnosticsArgs(
+ log_analytics=containerinstance.LogAnalyticsArgs(
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_id,
+ workspace_key=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_key,
+ ),
+ ),
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/clamav_mirror.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/clamav_mirror.py
index 203334a21b..e6f81df6cb 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/clamav_mirror.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/clamav_mirror.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components import (
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ def __init__(
dns_server_ip: Input[str],
dockerhub_credentials: DockerHubCredentials,
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
sre_fqdn: Input[str],
storage_account_key: Input[str],
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ def __init__(
self.dns_server_ip = dns_server_ip
self.dockerhub_credentials = dockerhub_credentials
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.sre_fqdn = sre_fqdn
self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key
@@ -95,6 +98,12 @@ def __init__(
+ diagnostics=containerinstance.ContainerGroupDiagnosticsArgs(
+ log_analytics=containerinstance.LogAnalyticsArgs(
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_id,
+ workspace_key=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_key,
+ ),
+ ),
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/data.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/data.py
index 711b76139f..10732670f5 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/data.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/data.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
from pulumi import ComponentResource, Input, Output, ResourceOptions
from pulumi_azure_native import (
+ insights,
@@ -31,11 +32,13 @@
from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components import (
+ NFSV3StorageAccountComponent,
+ NFSV3StorageAccountProps,
- WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount,
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
-from data_safe_haven.types import AzureDnsZoneNames, AzureServiceTag
+from data_safe_haven.types import AzureDnsZoneNames
class SREDataProps:
@@ -46,11 +49,12 @@ def __init__(
admin_email_address: Input[str],
admin_group_id: Input[str],
admin_ip_addresses: Input[Sequence[str]],
- data_provider_ip_addresses: Input[list[str]] | AzureServiceTag,
+ data_provider_ip_addresses: Input[list[str]],
dns_private_zones: Input[dict[str, network.PrivateZone]],
dns_record: Input[network.RecordSet],
dns_server_admin_password: Input[pulumi_random.RandomPassword],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group: Input[resources.ResourceGroup],
sre_fqdn: Input[str],
storage_quota_gb_home: Input[int],
@@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ def __init__(
self.dns_record = dns_record
self.password_dns_server_admin = dns_server_admin_password
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_id = Output.from_input(resource_group).apply(get_id_from_rg)
self.resource_group_name = Output.from_input(resource_group).apply(
@@ -106,18 +111,13 @@ def __init__(
child_opts = ResourceOptions.merge(opts, ResourceOptions(parent=self))
child_tags = {"component": "data"} | (tags if tags else {})
- if isinstance(props.data_provider_ip_addresses, list):
- data_private_sensitive_service_tag = None
- data_private_sensitive_ip_addresses = Output.all(
- props.data_configuration_ip_addresses, props.data_provider_ip_addresses
- ).apply(
- lambda address_lists: {
- ip for address_list in address_lists for ip in address_list
- }
- )
- else:
- data_private_sensitive_ip_addresses = None
- data_private_sensitive_service_tag = props.data_provider_ip_addresses
+ data_private_sensitive_ip_addresses = Output.all(
+ props.data_configuration_ip_addresses, props.data_provider_ip_addresses
+ ).apply(
+ lambda address_lists: {
+ ip for address_list in address_lists for ip in address_list
+ }
+ )
# Define Key Vault reader
identity_key_vault_reader = managedidentity.UserAssignedIdentity(
@@ -421,6 +421,45 @@ def __init__(
+ # Add diagnostic setting for files
+ insights.DiagnosticSetting(
+ f"{storage_account_data_configuration._name}_diagnostic_setting",
+ name=f"{storage_account_data_configuration._name}_diagnostic_setting",
+ log_analytics_destination_type="Dedicated",
+ logs=[
+ {
+ "category_group": "allLogs",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "category_group": "audit",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ metrics=[
+ {
+ "category": "Transaction",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ # This is the URI of the automatically created fileService resource
+ resource_uri=Output.concat(
+ storage_account_data_configuration.id, "/fileServices/default"
+ ),
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.id,
+ )
# Set up a private endpoint for the configuration data storage account
storage_account_data_configuration_private_endpoint = network.PrivateEndpoint(
@@ -467,20 +506,25 @@ def __init__(
# Deploy sensitive data blob storage account
# - This holds the /mnt/input and /mnt/output containers that are mounted by workspaces
# - Azure blobs have worse NFS support but can be accessed with Azure Storage Explorer
- storage_account_data_private_sensitive = WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount(
+ component_data_private_sensitive = NFSV3StorageAccountComponent(
- # Storage account names have a maximum of 24 characters
- account_name=alphanumeric(
- f"{''.join(truncate_tokens(stack_name.split('-'), 11))}sensitivedata{sha256hash(self._name)}"
- )[:24],
- allowed_ip_addresses=data_private_sensitive_ip_addresses,
- allowed_service_tag=data_private_sensitive_service_tag,
- location=props.location,
- subnet_id=props.subnet_data_private_id,
- resource_group_name=props.resource_group_name,
+ NFSV3StorageAccountProps(
+ # Storage account names have a maximum of 24 characters
+ account_name=alphanumeric(
+ f"{''.join(truncate_tokens(stack_name.split('-'), 11))}sensitivedata{sha256hash(self._name)}"
+ )[:24],
+ allowed_ip_addresses=data_private_sensitive_ip_addresses,
+ location=props.location,
+ log_analytics_workspace=props.log_analytics_workspace,
+ subnet_id=props.subnet_data_private_id,
+ resource_group_name=props.resource_group_name,
+ ),
+ storage_account_data_private_sensitive = (
+ component_data_private_sensitive.storage_account
+ )
# Deploy storage containers
@@ -615,6 +659,45 @@ def __init__(
+ # Add diagnostic setting for files
+ insights.DiagnosticSetting(
+ f"{storage_account_data_private_user._name}_diagnostic_setting",
+ name=f"{storage_account_data_private_user._name}_diagnostic_setting",
+ log_analytics_destination_type="Dedicated",
+ logs=[
+ {
+ "category_group": "allLogs",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "category_group": "audit",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ metrics=[
+ {
+ "category": "Transaction",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ # This is the URI of the automatically created fileService resource
+ resource_uri=Output.concat(
+ storage_account_data_private_user.id, "/fileServices/default"
+ ),
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.id,
+ )
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/desired_state.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/desired_state.py
index c4392f5210..7b638502a0 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/desired_state.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/desired_state.py
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components import (
- WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount,
+ NFSV3StorageAccountComponent,
+ NFSV3StorageAccountProps,
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
from data_safe_haven.resources import resources_path
from data_safe_haven.types import AzureDnsZoneNames
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ def __init__(
ldap_user_filter: Input[str],
ldap_user_search_base: Input[str],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group: Input[resources.ResourceGroup],
software_repository_hostname: Input[str],
subscription_name: Input[str],
@@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ def __init__(
self.ldap_user_filter = ldap_user_filter
self.ldap_user_search_base = ldap_user_search_base
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_id = Output.from_input(resource_group).apply(get_id_from_rg)
self.resource_group_name = Output.from_input(resource_group).apply(
@@ -102,19 +106,22 @@ def __init__(
# Deploy desired state storage account
# - This holds the /var/local/ansible container that is mounted by workspaces
# - Azure blobs have worse NFS support but can be accessed with Azure Storage Explorer
- storage_account = WrappedNFSV3StorageAccount(
+ storage_component = NFSV3StorageAccountComponent(
- account_name=alphanumeric(
- f"{''.join(truncate_tokens(stack_name.split('-'), 11))}desiredstate{sha256hash(self._name)}"
- )[:24],
- allowed_ip_addresses=props.admin_ip_addresses,
- allowed_service_tag=None,
- location=props.location,
- resource_group_name=props.resource_group_name,
- subnet_id=props.subnet_desired_state_id,
+ NFSV3StorageAccountProps(
+ account_name=alphanumeric(
+ f"{''.join(truncate_tokens(stack_name.split('-'), 11))}desiredstate{sha256hash(self._name)}"
+ )[:24],
+ allowed_ip_addresses=props.admin_ip_addresses,
+ location=props.location,
+ log_analytics_workspace=props.log_analytics_workspace,
+ resource_group_name=props.resource_group_name,
+ subnet_id=props.subnet_desired_state_id,
+ ),
+ storage_account = storage_component.storage_account
# Deploy desired state share
container_desired_state = NFSV3BlobContainerComponent(
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/firewall.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/firewall.py
index 97f7a885b7..ed831e826a 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/firewall.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/firewall.py
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
from collections.abc import Mapping
from pulumi import ComponentResource, Input, Output, ResourceOptions
-from pulumi_azure_native import network
+from pulumi_azure_native import insights, network
from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.common import (
+from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components import WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace
from data_safe_haven.types import (
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ class SREFirewallProps:
def __init__(
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
route_table_name: Input[str],
subnet_apt_proxy_server: Input[network.GetSubnetResult],
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ def __init__(
subnet_workspaces: Input[network.GetSubnetResult],
) -> None:
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.route_table_name = route_table_name
self.subnet_apt_proxy_server_prefixes = Output.from_input(
@@ -331,6 +334,36 @@ def __init__(
+ # Add diagnostic settings for firewall
+ # This links the firewall to the log analytics workspace
+ insights.DiagnosticSetting(
+ f"{self._name}_firewall_diagnostic_settings",
+ name="firewall_diagnostic_settings",
+ log_analytics_destination_type="Dedicated",
+ logs=[
+ {
+ "category_group": "allLogs",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ metrics=[
+ {
+ "category": "AllMetrics",
+ "enabled": True,
+ "retention_policy": {
+ "days": 0,
+ "enabled": False,
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ resource_uri=firewall.id,
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.id,
+ )
# Retrieve the private IP address for the firewall
private_ip_address = firewall.ip_configurations.apply(
lambda cfgs: "" if not cfgs else cfgs[0].private_ip_address
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/gitea_server.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/gitea_server.py
index ab85ee51d8..2690de9c79 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/gitea_server.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/gitea_server.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
from data_safe_haven.resources import resources_path
from data_safe_haven.utility import FileReader
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ def __init__(
ldap_user_filter: Input[str],
ldap_user_search_base: Input[str],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
sre_fqdn: Input[str],
storage_account_key: Input[str],
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ def __init__(
self.ldap_user_filter = ldap_user_filter
self.ldap_user_search_base = ldap_user_search_base
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.sre_fqdn = sre_fqdn
self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key
@@ -272,6 +275,12 @@ def __init__(
+ diagnostics=containerinstance.ContainerGroupDiagnosticsArgs(
+ log_analytics=containerinstance.LogAnalyticsArgs(
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_id,
+ workspace_key=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_key,
+ ),
+ ),
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/hedgedoc_server.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/hedgedoc_server.py
index 24cb858e68..d35efa81c5 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/hedgedoc_server.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/hedgedoc_server.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
from data_safe_haven.resources import resources_path
from data_safe_haven.types import Ports
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ def __init__(
ldap_user_search_base: Input[str],
ldap_username_attribute: Input[str],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
sre_fqdn: Input[str],
storage_account_key: Input[str],
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ def __init__(
self.ldap_user_search_base = ldap_user_search_base
self.ldap_username_attribute = ldap_username_attribute
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.sre_fqdn = sre_fqdn
self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key
@@ -253,6 +256,12 @@ def __init__(
+ diagnostics=containerinstance.ContainerGroupDiagnosticsArgs(
+ log_analytics=containerinstance.LogAnalyticsArgs(
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_id,
+ workspace_key=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_key,
+ ),
+ ),
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/identity.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/identity.py
index 7839853384..4b06420190 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/identity.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/identity.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components import (
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ def __init__(
entra_application_secret: Input[str],
entra_tenant_id: Input[str],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
shm_fqdn: Input[str],
sre_fqdn: Input[str],
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ def __init__(
self.entra_application_secret = entra_application_secret
self.entra_tenant_id = entra_tenant_id
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.shm_fqdn = shm_fqdn
self.sre_fqdn = sre_fqdn
@@ -163,6 +166,12 @@ def __init__(
+ diagnostics=containerinstance.ContainerGroupDiagnosticsArgs(
+ log_analytics=containerinstance.LogAnalyticsArgs(
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_id,
+ workspace_key=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_key,
+ ),
+ ),
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/remote_desktop.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/remote_desktop.py
index e2df83ede5..ba1e8b9816 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/remote_desktop.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/remote_desktop.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
from data_safe_haven.resources import resources_path
from data_safe_haven.utility import FileReader
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def __init__(
ldap_user_filter: Input[str],
ldap_user_search_base: Input[str],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
storage_account_key: Input[str],
storage_account_name: Input[str],
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ def __init__(
self.ldap_user_filter = ldap_user_filter
self.ldap_user_search_base = ldap_user_search_base
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key
self.storage_account_name = storage_account_name
@@ -348,6 +351,12 @@ def __init__(
+ diagnostics=containerinstance.ContainerGroupDiagnosticsArgs(
+ log_analytics=containerinstance.LogAnalyticsArgs(
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_id,
+ workspace_key=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_key,
+ ),
+ ),
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/software_repositories.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/software_repositories.py
index 013c9ffcdd..420ca5c5a2 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/software_repositories.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/software_repositories.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace,
from data_safe_haven.resources import resources_path
from data_safe_haven.types import Ports, SoftwarePackageCategory
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ def __init__(
dns_server_ip: Input[str],
dockerhub_credentials: DockerHubCredentials,
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
nexus_admin_password: Input[str],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
software_packages: SoftwarePackageCategory,
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ def __init__(
self.dns_server_ip = dns_server_ip
self.dockerhub_credentials = dockerhub_credentials
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.nexus_admin_password = Output.secret(nexus_admin_password)
self.nexus_packages: str | None = {
SoftwarePackageCategory.ANY: "all",
@@ -250,6 +253,12 @@ def __init__(
+ diagnostics=containerinstance.ContainerGroupDiagnosticsArgs(
+ log_analytics=containerinstance.LogAnalyticsArgs(
+ workspace_id=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_id,
+ workspace_key=props.log_analytics_workspace.workspace_key,
+ ),
+ ),
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/user_services.py b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/user_services.py
index 5eb04bdfbb..1418b3d11f 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/user_services.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/infrastructure/programs/sre/user_services.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.components import WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace
from data_safe_haven.types import DatabaseSystem, SoftwarePackageCategory
from .database_servers import SREDatabaseServerComponent, SREDatabaseServerProps
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ def __init__(
ldap_user_filter: Input[str],
ldap_user_search_base: Input[str],
location: Input[str],
+ log_analytics_workspace: Input[WrappedLogAnalyticsWorkspace],
nexus_admin_password: Input[str],
resource_group_name: Input[str],
software_packages: SoftwarePackageCategory,
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ def __init__(
self.ldap_user_filter = ldap_user_filter
self.ldap_user_search_base = ldap_user_search_base
self.location = location
+ self.log_analytics_workspace = log_analytics_workspace
self.nexus_admin_password = Output.secret(nexus_admin_password)
self.resource_group_name = resource_group_name
self.software_packages = software_packages
@@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ def __init__(
+ log_analytics_workspace=props.log_analytics_workspace,
@@ -134,6 +138,7 @@ def __init__(
+ log_analytics_workspace=props.log_analytics_workspace,
@@ -151,6 +156,7 @@ def __init__(
+ log_analytics_workspace=props.log_analytics_workspace,
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/types/__init__.py b/data_safe_haven/types/__init__.py
index 728df06c19..bfe1f6898a 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/types/__init__.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/types/__init__.py
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@
- "AzureServiceTag",
+ "AzureServiceTag",
- "EntraApplicationId",
+ "EntraApplicationId",
diff --git a/data_safe_haven/version.py b/data_safe_haven/version.py
index 0513a64c8f..6a7d91a4eb 100644
--- a/data_safe_haven/version.py
+++ b/data_safe_haven/version.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-__version__ = "5.0.1"
+__version__ = "5.1.0"
__version_info__ = tuple(__version__.split("."))
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index f262d36dc2..a1e2c34385 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
extensions = [
+ "sphinxcontrib.typer",
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
diff --git a/docs/source/contributing/index.md b/docs/source/contributing/index.md
index e5f99fd3a0..20c14073bf 100644
--- a/docs/source/contributing/index.md
+++ b/docs/source/contributing/index.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
Benjamin Walden ๐ ๐ค ๐ ๐ ๐ |
Brett Todd ๐ป ๐ค |
Callum Mole ๐ ๐ป |
- Carlos Gavidia-Calderon ๐ ๐ค |
+ Carlos Gavidia-Calderon ๐ ๐ค ๐ |
Catalina Vallejos ๐ |
diff --git a/docs/source/deployment/deploy_shm.md b/docs/source/deployment/deploy_shm.md
index b26d451bfb..ef6b7090f5 100644
--- a/docs/source/deployment/deploy_shm.md
+++ b/docs/source/deployment/deploy_shm.md
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Before deploying the Safe Haven Management (SHM) infrastructure you need to deci
Use the short name without spaces, _e.g._ **uksouth** not **UK South**
-Once you've decided on these, run the following command: [approx 5 minutes]:
+Once you've decided on these, run the {typer}`dsh-shm-deploy` command: [approx 5 minutes]:
:::{code} shell
$ dsh shm deploy --entra-tenant-id YOUR_ENTRA_TENANT_ID \
diff --git a/docs/source/deployment/deploy_sre.md b/docs/source/deployment/deploy_sre.md
index 7ff2a643e2..a3f220a023 100644
--- a/docs/source/deployment/deploy_sre.md
+++ b/docs/source/deployment/deploy_sre.md
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ $ az provider register --name Microsoft.Network
Each project will have its own dedicated SRE.
- Create a configuration file (optionally starting from one of our standard {ref}`policy_classification_sensitivity_tiers`)
+- The {typer}`dsh-config-template` command provides template configuration files
::::{admonition} EITHER start from a blank template
:class: dropdown note
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ As some general recommendations,
- For general purpose use, the D family gives decent performance and a good balance of CPU and memory.
The [Dsv6 series](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/sizes/general-purpose/dsv6-series#sizes-in-series) is a good starting point and can be scaled from 2 CPUs and 8 GB RAM to 128 CPUs and 512 GB RAM.
- - `Standard_D8s_v6` should give reasonable performance for a single concurrent user.
+ - `Standard_D8s_v5` should give reasonable performance for a single concurrent user.
- For GPU accelerated work, the NC family provides Nvidia GPUs and a good balance of CPU and memory.
In order of increasing throughput, the `NCv3` series features Nvidia V100 GPUs, the `NC_A100_v4` series features Nvidia A100 GPUs, and the `NCads_H100_v5` series features Nvidia H100 GPUs.
- `Stanard_NC6s_v3` should give reasonable performance for a single concurrent user with AI/ML workloads.
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ If you want to make changes to the config, edit this file and then run `dsh conf
## Deployment
-- Deploy each SRE individually [approx 30 minutes]:
+- Deploy each SRE individually using {typer}`dsh sre deploy` [approx 30 minutes]:
:::{code} shell
$ dsh sre deploy YOUR_SRE_NAME
diff --git a/docs/source/deployment/security_checklist.md b/docs/source/deployment/security_checklist.md
index 2737b1cb5c..7c6036402a 100644
--- a/docs/source/deployment/security_checklist.md
+++ b/docs/source/deployment/security_checklist.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ In each SRE configuration
### Accounts
-[Create a user account](../management/index.md#add-users-to-the-data-safe-haven) for the research user in your SHM.
+[Create a user account](../management/user.md#add-users-to-the-data-safe-haven) for the research user in your SHM.
Do not register this user with any SRE yet.
## 1. Multifactor authentication and password strength
diff --git a/docs/source/index.md b/docs/source/index.md
index 764b06ec38..2c3be84b84 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.md
+++ b/docs/source/index.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ design/index.md
@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ You can read them through in order or simply jump to the section that you are mo
- If you want to deploy your own Data Safe Haven.
- [**Management**](management/index.md)
- If you want to manage a Data Safe Haven that you (or someone else) has deployed.
+- [**CLI Reference**](reference/index.md)
+ - If you want details of all the Command Line Interface commands.
- [**Roles**](roles/index.md)
- Information about the different user roles in the Data Safe Haven.
- Instructions and advice for the actions of different user roles.
diff --git a/docs/source/management/data.md b/docs/source/management/data.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cacaf3806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/management/data.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Managing data ingress and egress
+## Data ingress
+It is the {ref}`role_data_provider_representative`'s responsibility to upload the data required by the safe haven.
+The following steps show how to generate a temporary, write-only upload token that can be securely sent to the {ref}`role_data_provider_representative`, enabling them to upload the data:
+- In the Azure portal select **Subscriptions** then navigate to the subscription containing the relevant SHM
+- Search for the resource group: `shm--sre--rg`, then click through to the storage account ending with `sensitivedata`
+- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Networking`** and ensure that the data provider's IP address is one of those allowed under the **Firewall** header
+ - If it is not listed, modify and reupload the SRE configuration and redeploy the SRE using the `dsh` CLI, as per {ref}`deploy_sre`
+- Browse to **{menuselection}`Data storage --> Containers`** from the menu on the left hand side
+- Click **ingress**
+- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Shared access tokens`** and do the following:
+ - Under **Signing method**, select **User delegation key**
+ - Under **Permissions**, check these boxes:
+ - **Write**
+ - **List**
+ - Set a 24 hour time window in the **Start and expiry date/time** (or an appropriate length of time)
+ - Leave everything else as default and click **{guilabel}`Generate SAS token and URL`**
+ - Copy the **Blob SAS URL**
+ ```{image} ingress_token_write_only.png
+ :alt: write-only SAS token
+ :align: center
+ ```
+- Send the **Blob SAS URL** to the data provider through a secure channel
+- The data provider should now be able to upload data
+- Validate successful data ingress
+ - Browse to **{menuselection}`Data storage --> Containers`** (in the middle of the page)
+ - Select the **ingress** container and ensure that the uploaded files are present
+## Data egress
+Assessment of output must be completed **before** an egress link is created.
+Outputs are potentially sensitive, and so an appropriate process must be applied to ensure that they are suitable for egress.
+The {ref}`role_system_manager` creates a time-limited and IP restricted link to remove data from the environment.
+- In the Azure portal select **Subscriptions** then navigate to the subscription containing the relevant SHM
+- Search for the resource group: `shm--sre--rg`, then click through to the storage account ending with `sensitivedata`
+- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Networking`** and check the list of pre-approved IP addresses allowed under the **Firewall** header
+ - Ensure that the IP address of the person to receive the outputs is listed
+ - If it is not listed, modify and reupload the SRE configuration and redeploy the SRE using the `dsh` CLI, as per {ref}`deploy_sre`
+- Browse to **{menuselection}`Data storage --> Containers`**
+- Select the **egress** container
+- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Shared access tokens`** and do the following:
+ - Under **Signing method**, select **User delegation key**
+ - Under **Permissions**, check these boxes:
+ - **Read**
+ - **List**
+ - Set a time window in the **Start and expiry date/time** that gives enough time for the person who will perform the secure egress download to do so
+ - Leave everything else as default and press **{guilabel}`Generate SAS token and URL`**
+ - Copy the **Blob SAS URL**
+ ```{image} egress_token_read_only.png
+ :alt: Read-only SAS token
+ :align: center
+ ```
+- Send the **Blob SAS URL** to the relevant person through a secure channel
+- The appropriate person should now be able to download data
+## The output volume
+Once you have set up the egress connection in Azure Storage Explorer, you should be able to view data from the **output volume**, a read-write area intended for the extraction of results, such as figures for publication.
+On the workspaces, this volume is `/mnt/output` and is shared between all workspaces in an SRE.
+For more information on shared SRE storage volumes, consult the {ref}`Safe Haven User Guide `.
diff --git a/docs/source/management/index.md b/docs/source/management/index.md
index e9f49a5733..f8cd8ac0e0 100644
--- a/docs/source/management/index.md
+++ b/docs/source/management/index.md
@@ -1,215 +1,12 @@
# Management
-## Managing users
-### Add users to the Data Safe Haven
-You will need a full name, phone number, email address and country for each user.
-1. You can add users directly in your Entra tenant, following the instructions [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/fundamentals/how-to-create-delete-users).
-2. Alternatively, you can add multiple users from a CSV file with columns named (`GivenName`, `Surname`, `Phone`, `Email`, `CountryCode`).
- - (Optional) you can provide a `Domain` column if you like but this will otherwise default to the domain of your SHM
- - {{warning}} **Phone** must be in [E.123 international format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.123)
- - {{warning}} **CountryCode** is the two letter [ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements) code for the country where the user is based
-::::{admonition} Example CSV user file
-:class: dropdown tip
-:::{code} text
-```{code} shell
-$ dsh users add PATH_TO_MY_CSV_FILE
-### List available users
-- You can do this from the [Microsoft Entra admin centre](https://entra.microsoft.com/)
- 1. Browse to **{menuselection}`Groups --> All Groups`**
- 2. Click on the group named **Data Safe Haven SRE _YOUR\_SRE\_NAME_ Users**
- 3. Browse to **{menuselection}`Manage --> Members`** from the secondary menu on the left side
-- You can do this at the command line by running the following command:
- ```{code} shell
- $ dsh users list YOUR_SRE_NAME
- ```
- which will give output like the following
- ```
- โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโณโโโโโโโโโโโณโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
- โ username โ Entra ID โ SRE YOUR_SRE_NAME โ
- โกโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฉ
- โ ada.lovelace โ x โ x โ
- โ grace.hopper โ x โ x โ
- โ ursula.franklin โ x โ โ
- โ joan.clarke โ x โ โ
- โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโดโโโโโโโโโโโดโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
- ```
-### Assign existing users to an SRE
-1. You can do this directly in your Entra tenant by adding them to the **Data Safe Haven SRE _YOUR\_SRE\_NAME_ Users** group, following the instructions [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/fundamentals/groups-view-azure-portal#add-a-group-member).
-2. Alternatively, you can add multiple users from the command line:
- ```{code} shell
- $ dsh users register YOUR_SRE_NAME -u USERNAME_1 -u USERNAME_2
- ```
- where you must specify the usernames for each user you want to add to this SRE.
- :::{important}
- Do not include the Entra ID domain part of the username, just the part before the @.
- :::
-### Manually register users for self-service password reset
-Users created via the `dsh users` command line tool will be automatically registered for SSPR.
-If you have manually created a user and want to enable SSPR, do the following
-- Go to the [Microsoft Entra admin centre](https://entra.microsoft.com/)
-- Browse to **{menuselection}`Users --> All Users`**
-- Select the user you want to enable SSPR for
-- On the **{menuselection}`Manage --> Authentication Methods`** page fill out their contact info as follows:
- - Ensure that you register **both** a phone number and an email address
- - **Phone:** add the user's phone number with a space between the country code and the rest of the number (_e.g._ +44 7700900000)
- - **Email:** enter the user's email address here
- - Click the **{guilabel}`Save`** icon in the top panel
-## Managing SREs
-### List available SRE configurations and deployment status
-- Run the following if you want to check what SRE configurations are available in the current context, and whether those SREs are deployed
-```{code} shell
-$ dsh config available
-which will give output like the following
-```{code} shell
-Available SRE configurations for context 'green':
-โ SRE Name โ Deployed โ
-โ emerald โ x โ
-โ jade โ โ
-โ olive โ โ
-### Remove a deployed Data Safe Haven
-- Run the following if you want to teardown a deployed SRE:
-```{code} shell
-$ dsh sre teardown YOUR_SRE_NAME
-::::{admonition} Tearing down an SRE is destructive and irreversible
-:class: danger
-Running `dsh sre teardown` will destroy **all** resources deployed within the SRE.
-Ensure that any desired outputs have been extracted before deleting the SRE.
-**All** data remaining on the SRE will be deleted.
-The user groups for the SRE on Microsoft Entra ID will also be deleted.
-- Run the following if you want to teardown the deployed SHM:
-```{code} shell
-$ dsh shm teardown
-::::{admonition} Tearing down an SHM
-:class: warning
-Tearing down the SHM permanently deletes **all** remotely stored configuration and state data.
-Tearing down the SHM also renders the SREs inaccessible to users and prevents them from being fully managed using the CLI.
-All SREs associated with the SHM should be torn down before the SHM is torn down.
-## Managing data ingress and egress
-### Data Ingress
-It is the {ref}`role_data_provider_representative`'s responsibility to upload the data required by the safe haven.
-The following steps show how to generate a temporary, write-only upload token that can be securely sent to the {ref}`role_data_provider_representative`, enabling them to upload the data:
-- In the Azure portal select **Subscriptions** then navigate to the subscription containing the relevant SHM
-- Search for the resource group: `shm--sre--rg`, then click through to the storage account ending with `sensitivedata`
-- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Networking`** and ensure that the data provider's IP address is one of those allowed under the **Firewall** header
- - If it is not listed, modify and reupload the SRE configuration and redeploy the SRE using the `dsh` CLI, as per {ref}`deploy_sre`
-- Browse to **{menuselection}`Data storage --> Containers`** from the menu on the left hand side
-- Click **ingress**
-- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Shared access tokens`** and do the following:
- - Under **Signing method**, select **User delegation key**
- - Under **Permissions**, check these boxes:
- - **Write**
- - **List**
- - Set a 24 hour time window in the **Start and expiry date/time** (or an appropriate length of time)
- - Leave everything else as default and click **{guilabel}`Generate SAS token and URL`**
- - Copy the **Blob SAS URL**
- ```{image} ingress_token_write_only.png
- :alt: write-only SAS token
- :align: center
- ```
-- Send the **Blob SAS URL** to the data provider through a secure channel
-- The data provider should now be able to upload data
-- Validate successful data ingress
- - Browse to **{menuselection}`Data storage --> Containers`** (in the middle of the page)
- - Select the **ingress** container and ensure that the uploaded files are present
-### Data egress
-Assessment of output must be completed **before** an egress link is created.
-Outputs are potentially sensitive, and so an appropriate process must be applied to ensure that they are suitable for egress.
-The {ref}`role_system_manager` creates a time-limited and IP restricted link to remove data from the environment.
-- In the Azure portal select **Subscriptions** then navigate to the subscription containing the relevant SHM
-- Search for the resource group: `shm--sre--rg`, then click through to the storage account ending with `sensitivedata`
-- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Networking`** and check the list of pre-approved IP addresses allowed under the **Firewall** header
- - Ensure that the IP address of the person to receive the outputs is listed
- - If it is not listed, modify and reupload the SRE configuration and redeploy the SRE using the `dsh` CLI, as per {ref}`deploy_sre`
-- Browse to **{menuselection}`Data storage --> Containers`**
-- Select the **egress** container
-- Browse to **{menuselection}`Settings --> Shared access tokens`** and do the following:
- - Under **Signing method**, select **User delegation key**
- - Under **Permissions**, check these boxes:
- - **Read**
- - **List**
- - Set a time window in the **Start and expiry date/time** that gives enough time for the person who will perform the secure egress download to do so
- - Leave everything else as default and press **{guilabel}`Generate SAS token and URL`**
- - Copy the **Blob SAS URL**
- ```{image} egress_token_read_only.png
- :alt: Read-only SAS token
- :align: center
- ```
-- Send the **Blob SAS URL** to the relevant person through a secure channel
-- The appropriate person should now be able to download data
-### The output volume
-Once you have set up the egress connection in Azure Storage Explorer, you should be able to view data from the **output volume**, a read-write area intended for the extraction of results, such as figures for publication.
-On the workspaces, this volume is `/mnt/output` and is shared between all workspaces in an SRE.
-For more information on shared SRE storage volumes, consult the {ref}`Safe Haven User Guide `.
+Running a secure and productive Data Safe Haven requires a manager to conduct tasks which support users and to monitor the correct operation of the TRE.
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+# Monitoring logs
+Logs are collected for numerous parts of a Data Safe Haven.
+Some of these logs are ingested into a central location, an Azure [Log Analytics Workspace](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-monitor/logs/log-analytics-workspace-overview), and others are stored separately.
+## Log workspace
+Each SRE has its own Log Analytics Workspace.
+You can view the workspaces by going to the Azure portal and navigating to [Log Analytics Workspaces](https://portal.azure.com/#browse/Microsoft.OperationalInsights%2Fworkspaces).
+Select which Log Analytics Workspace you want to view by clicking on the workspace named `shm--sre--log`.
+The logs can be filtered using [Kusto Query Language (KQL)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/logs/log-query-overview).
+## Storage logs
+Depending on how different parts of Data Safe Haven storage are provisioned, logs may differ.
+### Sensitive data logs
+The sensitive data containers are the [ingress and egress containers](./data.md).
+Logs from these containers are ingested into the [SRE's log analytics workspace](#log-workspace).
+There are two tables,
+: Events occurring on the blob containers.
+: For example data being uploaded, extracted or read.
+: Various metrics on blob container utilisation and performance.
+: This table is not reserved for the sensitive data containers and other resources may log to it.
+### Desired state data logs
+The desired state container holds the data necessary to configure virtual machines in an SRE.
+Logs from the desired state container are ingested into the [SRE's log analytics workspace](#log-workspace).
+There are two tables,
+: Events occurring on the blob containers.
+: For example data being uploaded, extracted or read.
+: Various metrics on blob container utilisation and performance.
+: This table is not reserved for the desired state data container and other resources may log to it.
+### User data logs
+The user data file share holds the {ref}`researchers'` [home directories](https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/FHS_3.0/fhs/ch03s08.html), where they will store their personal data and configuration.
+Logs from the share are ingested into the [SRE's log analytics workspace](#log-workspace).
+There are two tables,
+: NFS events occurring on the file share.
+: For example data being written or directories being accessed
+: Various metrics on file share utilisation and performance.
+: This table is not reserved for the user data share and other resources may log to it.
+### Configuration data logs
+There are multiple configuration data file shares.
+Each contains the configuration and state data for the Data Safe Haven [services deployed as containers](#container-logs).
+Logs from the share are ingested into the [SRE's log analytics workspace](#log-workspace).
+There are two tables,
+: SMB events occurring on the file share.
+: For example data being written or directories being accessed
+: Various metrics on file share utilisation and performance.
+: This table is not reserved for the configuration data shares and other resources may log to it.
+## Container logs
+Some of the Data Safe Haven infrastructure is provisioned as containers.
+These include,
+- remote desktop portal
+- package proxy
+- Gitea and Hedgedoc
+Logs from all containers are ingested into the [SRE's log analytics workspace](#log-workspace).
+There are two tables,
+: Event logs for the container instance resources such as starting, stopping, crashes and pulling images.
+: Container process logs.
+: This is where you can view the output of the containerised applications and will be useful for debugging problems.
+## Workspace logs
+Logs from all user workspaces are ingested into the [SRE's log analytics workspace](#log-workspace) using the [Azure Monitor Agent](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/agents/azure-monitor-agent-overview).
+There are three tables,
+: Usage statistics for individual workspaces, such as percent memory used and percent disk space used.
+: [syslog](https://www.paessler.com/it-explained/syslog) events from workspaces.
+: Syslog is the _de facto_ standard protocol for logging on Linux and most applications will log to it.
+: These logs will be useful for debugging problems with the workspace or workspace software.
+: Verification that the Azure Monitor Agent is present on the workspaces and is able to connect to the [log analytics workspace](#log-workspace).
+## Firewall logs
+The firewall plays a critical role in the security of a Data Safe Haven.
+It filters all outbound traffic through a set of FQDN rules so that each component may only reach necessary and allowed domains.
+Logs from the firewall are ingested into the [SREs log workspace](#log-workspace).
+There are three tables,
+: Logs from the firewalls FDQN filters.
+: Shows requests to the outside of the Data Safe Haven and why they have been approved or rejected.
+: DNS requests handled by the firewall.
+: Various metrics on firewall utilisation and performance.
+: This table is not reserved for the firewall and other resources may log to it.
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+# Managing SREs
+## List available SRE configurations and deployment status
+- Use {typer}`dsh config available` to check what SRE configurations are available in the current context, and whether those SREs are deployed.
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh config available
+will give output like the following
+```{code} shell
+Available SRE configurations for context 'green':
+โ SRE Name โ Deployed โ
+โ emerald โ x โ
+โ jade โ โ
+โ olive โ โ
+## Remove a deployed Data Safe Haven
+- Use {typer}`dsh sre teardown` to teardown a deployed SRE:
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh sre teardown YOUR_SRE_NAME
+::::{admonition} Tearing down an SRE is destructive and irreversible
+:class: danger
+Running `dsh sre teardown` will destroy **all** resources deployed within the SRE.
+Ensure that any desired outputs have been extracted before deleting the SRE.
+**All** data remaining on the SRE will be deleted.
+The user groups for the SRE on Microsoft Entra ID will also be deleted.
+- Use {typer}`dsh shm teardown` if you want to teardown the deployed SHM:
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh shm teardown
+::::{admonition} Tearing down an SHM
+:class: warning
+Tearing down the SHM permanently deletes **all** remotely stored configuration and state data.
+Tearing down the SHM also renders the SREs inaccessible to users and prevents them from being fully managed using the CLI.
+All SREs associated with the SHM should be torn down before the SHM is torn down.
+## Updating SREs
+SREs are modified by updating the configuration then running the deploy command.
+- The existing configuration for the SRE can be shown using {typer}`dsh config show`:
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh config show YOUR_SRE_NAME
+- If you do not have a local copy, you can write one with the `--file` option:
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh config show YOUR_SRE_NAME --file YOUR_SRE_NAME.yaml
+- Edit the configuration file locally, and upload the new version using {typer}`dsh config upload`:
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh config upload YOUR_SRE_NAME.yaml
+- You will be shown the differences between the existing configuration and the new configuration and asked to confirm that they are correct.
+- Finally, deploy your SRE using {typer}`dsh sre deploy` to apply any changes:
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh sre deploy YOUR_SRE_NAME
+::::{admonition} Changing administrator IP addresses
+:class: warning
+The administrator IP addresses declared in the SRE configuration are used to create access rules for SRE infrastructure.
+Therefore, after an SRE has been deployed, some changes can only be made from IP addresses on that list.
+As a consequence, if you want to update the list of administrator IP addresses, for example to add a new administrator, you must do so from an IP address that is already allowed.
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+# Managing users
+## Add users to the Data Safe Haven
+You will need a full name, phone number, email address and country for each user.
+1. You can add users directly in your Entra tenant, following the instructions [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/fundamentals/how-to-create-delete-users).
+1. Alternatively, you can use {typer}`dsh users add` to add multiple users from a CSV file with columns named (`GivenName`, `Surname`, `Phone`, `Email`, `CountryCode`).
+ - (Optional) you can provide a `Domain` column if you like but this will otherwise default to the domain of your SHM
+ - {{warning}} **Phone** must be in [E.123 international format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.123)
+ - {{warning}} **CountryCode** is the two letter [ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements) code for the country where the user is based
+::::{admonition} Example CSV user file
+:class: dropdown tip
+:::{code} text
+```{code} shell
+$ dsh users add PATH_TO_MY_CSV_FILE
+## List available users
+- You can do this from the [Microsoft Entra admin centre](https://entra.microsoft.com/)
+ 1. Browse to **{menuselection}`Groups --> All Groups`**
+ 1. Click on the group named **Data Safe Haven SRE _YOUR\_SRE\_NAME_ Users**
+ 1. Browse to **{menuselection}`Manage --> Members`** from the secondary menu on the left side
+- You can do this at the command line by running `dsh users list`:
+ ```{code} shell
+ $ dsh users list YOUR_SRE_NAME
+ ```
+ which will give output like the following
+ ```
+ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโณโโโโโโโโโโโณโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
+ โ username โ Entra ID โ SRE YOUR_SRE_NAME โ
+ โกโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฉ
+ โ ada.lovelace โ x โ x โ
+ โ grace.hopper โ x โ x โ
+ โ ursula.franklin โ x โ โ
+ โ joan.clarke โ x โ โ
+ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโดโโโโโโโโโโโดโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
+ ```
+## Assign existing users to an SRE
+1. You can do this directly in your Entra tenant by adding them to the **Data Safe Haven SRE _YOUR\_SRE\_NAME_ Users** group, following the instructions [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/fundamentals/groups-view-azure-portal#add-a-group-member).
+1. Alternatively, you can add multiple users from the command line using {typer}`dsh users register`:
+ ```{code} shell
+ $ dsh users register YOUR_SRE_NAME -u USERNAME_1 -u USERNAME_2
+ ```
+ where you must specify the usernames for each user you want to add to this SRE.
+ :::{important}
+ Do not include the Entra ID domain part of the username, just the part before the @.
+ :::
+## Manually register users for self-service password reset
+Users created via the {typer}`dsh users` command line tool will be automatically registered for SSPR.
+If you have manually created a user and want to enable SSPR, do the following
+- Go to the [Microsoft Entra admin centre](https://entra.microsoft.com/)
+- Browse to **{menuselection}`Users --> All Users`**
+- Select the user you want to enable SSPR for
+- On the **{menuselection}`Manage --> Authentication Methods`** page fill out their contact info as follows:
+ - Ensure that you register **both** a phone number and an email address
+ - **Phone:** add the user's phone number with a space between the country code and the rest of the number (_e.g._ +44 7700900000)
+ - **Email:** enter the user's email address here
+ - Click the **{guilabel}`Save`** icon in the top panel
diff --git a/docs/source/overview/sensitivity_tiers.md b/docs/source/overview/sensitivity_tiers.md
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--- a/docs/source/overview/sensitivity_tiers.md
+++ b/docs/source/overview/sensitivity_tiers.md
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Non-technical restrictions related to information governance procedures may also
- connections to the in-browser remote desktop can only be made from an agreed set of IP addresses
- outbound connections to the internet from inside the environment are not possible
- copy-and-paste between the environment and the user's device is not possible
-- access to all packages on PyPI and CRAN is made available through a proxy or mirror server
+- access to all packages on PyPI and CRAN is made available through a proxy server
Non-technical restrictions related to information governance procedures may also be applied according to your organisation's needs.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ At the Turing connections to Tier 2 environments are only permitted from **Organ
**Tier 3** environments impose the following technical controls on top of what is required at {ref}`policy_tier_2`.
-- a partial replica of agreed PyPI and CRAN packages is made available through a proxy or mirror server
+- an agreed subset of PyPI and CRAN packages is made available through a proxy server
Non-technical restrictions related to information governance procedures may also be applied according to your organisation's needs.
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+# `config`
+`dsh config` commands are used to manage the configuration files that define SHMs and SREs.
+:::{typer} data_safe_haven.commands.config:config_command_group
+:width: 65
+:prog: dsh config
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+# `context`
+`dsh context` commands are used to manage the Data Safe Haven contexts, which are the grouping within which a single SHM and its associated SREs are organised.
+:::{typer} data_safe_haven.commands.context:context_command_group
+:width: 65
+:prog: dsh context
diff --git a/docs/source/reference/index.md b/docs/source/reference/index.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# CLI Reference
+A Data Safe Haven is managed using the `dsh` command line interface.
+A full guide to the commands available for managing your Data Safe Haven is provided here.
+The `dsh` commands are the entrypoint to the Data Safe Haven command line interface.
+All commands begin with `dsh`.
+:::{typer} data_safe_haven.commands.cli:application
+:prog: dsh
+:width: 65
+The subcommands can be used to manage various aspects of a Data Safe Haven deployment.
+For further detail on each subcommand, navigate to the relevant page.
+: Management of the configuration files used to define SHMs and SREs
+: Manage DSH contexts, the groupings that encompass an SHM and its associated SREs
+: Management of users in Entra ID
+: An interface to the Pulumi command line interface
+: Management of infrastructure for DSH Safe Haven Management environments
+: Management of infrastructure for DSH Secure Research Environments
diff --git a/docs/source/reference/pulumi.md b/docs/source/reference/pulumi.md
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+# `pulumi`
+The `pulumi` function allows you to run native Pulumi command line functions to interact with an SRE stack
+:::{typer} data_safe_haven.commands.pulumi:pulumi_command_group
+:width: 65
+:prog: dsh pulumi
diff --git a/docs/source/reference/shm.md b/docs/source/reference/shm.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# `shm`
+`dsh shm` commands are used to deploy or teardown DSH Safe Haven Management infrastructure
+:::{typer} data_safe_haven.commands.shm:shm_command_group
+:width: 65
+:prog: dsh shm
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# `sre`
+`dsh sre` commands are used to deploy or teardown the infrastructure for DSH Secure Research Environments
+:::{typer} data_safe_haven.commands.sre:sre_command_group
+:width: 65
+:prog: dsh sre
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# `users`
+`dsh users` commands are used to manage users on the Entra ID associated with a DSH deployment.
+:::{typer} data_safe_haven.commands.users:users_command_group
+:width: 65
+:prog: dsh users
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index e3cb46525e..529ed565e9 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -38,24 +38,24 @@ dependencies = [
- "azure-storage-blob==12.23.1",
- "azure-storage-file-datalake==12.17.0",
- "azure-storage-file-share==12.19.0",
+ "azure-storage-blob==12.24.0",
+ "azure-storage-file-datalake==12.18.0",
+ "azure-storage-file-share==12.20.0",
- "cryptography==43.0.3",
+ "cryptography==44.0.0",
"psycopg[binary]==3.1.19", # needed for installation on older MacOS versions
- "pulumi-azure-native==2.71.0",
+ "pulumi-azure-native==2.76.0",
- "pulumi==3.138.0",
- "pydantic==2.9.2",
- "pyjwt[crypto]==2.9.0",
+ "pulumi==3.142.0",
+ "pydantic==2.10.3",
+ "pyjwt[crypto]==2.10.1",
- "typer==0.13.0",
+ "typer==0.15.1",
@@ -71,15 +71,16 @@ docs = [
+ "sphinxcontrib-typer==0.5.1",
lint = [
- "ansible-dev-tools==24.10.2",
- "ansible==10.6.0",
+ "ansible-dev-tools==24.11.0",
+ "ansible==11.1.0",
- "pandas-stubs==",
- "pydantic==2.9.2",
- "ruff==0.7.3",
+ "pandas-stubs==",
+ "pydantic==2.10.3",
+ "ruff==0.8.2",
@@ -87,10 +88,10 @@ lint = [
test = [
- "coverage==7.6.4",
+ "coverage==7.6.9",
- "pytest==8.3.3",
+ "pytest==8.3.4",
@@ -120,11 +121,11 @@ lock-filename = ".hatch/requirements.txt"
type = "pip-compile"
lock-filename = ".hatch/requirements-docs.txt"
-detached = true
features = ["docs"]
build = "sphinx-build -M html docs/source/ docs/build/ --fail-on-warning"
+clean = "rm -r docs/build"
lint = "mdl --style .mdlstyle.rb ./docs/source"
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ pip-compile-constraint = "default"
features = ["test"]
-test = "coverage run -m pytest {args: tests}"
+test = "coverage run -m pytest {args:} ./tests"
test-report = "coverage report {args:}"
test-coverage = ["test", "test-report"]
diff --git a/tests/commands/conftest.py b/tests/commands/conftest.py
index d675398bfc..de60eb29d0 100644
--- a/tests/commands/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/commands/conftest.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
from pytest import fixture
from typer.testing import CliRunner
+from data_safe_haven.administration.users.entra_users import EntraUsers
+from data_safe_haven.administration.users.research_user import ResearchUser
from data_safe_haven.config import (
@@ -260,3 +262,14 @@ def tmp_contexts_none(tmp_path, context_yaml):
with open(config_file_path, "w") as f:
return tmp_path
+def mock_entra_user_list(mocker):
+ test_user = ResearchUser(
+ given_name="Harry",
+ surname="Lime",
+ sam_account_name="harry.lime",
+ user_principal_name="harry.lime@acme.testing",
+ )
+ mocker.patch.object(EntraUsers, "list", return_value=[test_user])
diff --git a/tests/commands/test_sre.py b/tests/commands/test_sre.py
index a13518a878..9d2f79d07c 100644
--- a/tests/commands/test_sre.py
+++ b/tests/commands/test_sre.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
from data_safe_haven.commands.sre import sre_command_group
from data_safe_haven.config import Context, ContextManager
from data_safe_haven.exceptions import DataSafeHavenAzureError
-from data_safe_haven.external import AzureSdk
+from data_safe_haven.external import AzureSdk, GraphApi
class TestDeploySRE:
@@ -31,13 +31,17 @@ def test_no_application(
caplog: LogCaptureFixture,
runner: CliRunner,
+ mocker,
mock_azuresdk_get_subscription_name, # noqa: ARG002
mock_contextmanager_assert_context, # noqa: ARG002
mock_ip_1_2_3_4, # noqa: ARG002
mock_pulumi_config_from_remote_or_create, # noqa: ARG002
mock_shm_config_from_remote, # noqa: ARG002
mock_sre_config_from_remote, # noqa: ARG002
+ mock_graphapi_get_credential, # noqa: ARG002
) -> None:
+ mocker.patch.object(GraphApi, "get_application_by_name", return_value=None)
result = runner.invoke(sre_command_group, ["deploy", "sandbox"])
assert result.exit_code == 1
assert (
diff --git a/tests/commands/test_users.py b/tests/commands/test_users.py
index c1b183c922..5c11e29cc9 100644
--- a/tests/commands/test_users.py
+++ b/tests/commands/test_users.py
@@ -52,6 +52,26 @@ def test_invalid_shm(
assert result.exit_code == 1
assert "Have you deployed the SHM?" in result.stdout
+ def test_mismatched_domain(
+ self,
+ mock_graphapi_get_credential, # noqa: ARG002
+ mock_pulumi_config_no_key_from_remote, # noqa: ARG002
+ mock_shm_config_from_remote, # noqa: ARG002
+ mock_sre_config_from_remote, # noqa: ARG002
+ mock_entra_user_list, # noqa: ARG002
+ runner,
+ tmp_contexts, # noqa: ARG002
+ ):
+ result = runner.invoke(
+ users_command_group, ["register", "-u", "harry.lime", "sandbox"]
+ )
+ assert result.exit_code == 0
+ assert (
+ "principal domain name must match the domain of the SRE to be registered"
+ in result.stdout
+ )
def test_invalid_sre(
mock_pulumi_config_from_remote, # noqa: ARG002
diff --git a/tests/config/test_config_sections.py b/tests/config/test_config_sections.py
index 7d9a0ba873..6528b130fa 100644
--- a/tests/config/test_config_sections.py
+++ b/tests/config/test_config_sections.py
@@ -170,24 +170,6 @@ def test_all_databases_must_be_unique(self) -> None:
databases=[DatabaseSystem.POSTGRESQL, DatabaseSystem.POSTGRESQL],
- def test_data_provider_tag_internet(
- self,
- config_subsection_remote_desktop: ConfigSubsectionRemoteDesktopOpts,
- config_subsection_storage_quota_gb: ConfigSubsectionStorageQuotaGB,
- ):
- sre_config = ConfigSectionSRE(
- admin_email_address="admin@example.com",
- remote_desktop=config_subsection_remote_desktop,
- storage_quota_gb=config_subsection_storage_quota_gb,
- data_provider_ip_addresses="Internet",
- )
- assert isinstance(sre_config.data_provider_ip_addresses, AzureServiceTag)
- assert sre_config.data_provider_ip_addresses == "Internet"
- def test_data_provider_tag_invalid(self):
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input should be 'Internet'"):
- ConfigSectionSRE(data_provider_ip_addresses="Not a tag")
def test_ip_overlap_admin(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="IP addresses must not overlap."):
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 5a8ce42847..8734d39ba1 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@
from data_safe_haven.exceptions import DataSafeHavenAzureError
from data_safe_haven.external import AzureSdk, PulumiAccount
-from data_safe_haven.external.api.credentials import AzureSdkCredential
+from data_safe_haven.external.api.credentials import (
+ AzureSdkCredential,
+ GraphApiCredential,
from data_safe_haven.infrastructure import SREProjectManager
from data_safe_haven.infrastructure.project_manager import ProjectManager
from data_safe_haven.logging import init_logging
@@ -215,6 +218,19 @@ def mock_azuresdk_get_subscription_name(mocker):
+def mock_graphapi_get_credential(mocker):
+ class MockCredential(TokenCredential):
+ def get_token(*args, **kwargs): # noqa: ARG002
+ return AccessToken("dummy-token", 0)
+ mocker.patch.object(
+ GraphApiCredential,
+ "get_credential",
+ return_value=MockCredential(),
+ )
def mock_azuresdk_get_credential(mocker):
class MockCredential(TokenCredential):
diff --git a/tests/external/api/test_credentials.py b/tests/external/api/test_credentials.py
index c0e631e912..e57bdb324b 100644
--- a/tests/external/api/test_credentials.py
+++ b/tests/external/api/test_credentials.py
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
from data_safe_haven.directories import config_dir
-from data_safe_haven.exceptions import DataSafeHavenAzureError
+from data_safe_haven.exceptions import (
+ DataSafeHavenAzureError,
+ DataSafeHavenCachedCredentialError,
from data_safe_haven.external.api.credentials import (
@@ -13,7 +16,7 @@
-class TestDeferredCredential:
+class TestAzureSdkCredential:
def test_confirm_credentials_interactive(
mock_confirm_yes, # noqa: ARG002
@@ -33,14 +36,17 @@ def test_confirm_credentials_interactive_fail(
mock_confirm_no, # noqa: ARG002
mock_azureclicredential_get_token, # noqa: ARG002
+ capsys,
DeferredCredential.cache_ = set()
credential = AzureSdkCredential(skip_confirmation=False)
with pytest.raises(
- DataSafeHavenAzureError,
- match="Error getting account information from Azure CLI.",
+ DataSafeHavenCachedCredentialError,
+ match="Selected credentials are incorrect.",
+ out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
+ assert "Please authenticate with Azure: run 'az login'" in out
def test_confirm_credentials_interactive_cache(
@@ -67,8 +73,6 @@ def test_decode_token_error(
-class TestAzureSdkCredential:
def test_get_credential(self, mock_azureclicredential_get_token): # noqa: ARG002
credential = AzureSdkCredential(skip_confirmation=True)
assert isinstance(credential.get_credential(), AzureCliCredential)