This is a simple regression/forecasting problem on finance data from Yahoo! Finance ( The architecture is based on Residual MLP and make predictions based on historical finance data.
├── data
│ └── AAPL.csv
├── inference
│ ├── 5_days_forecast.csv
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── models
├── notebooks
│ └── experimentation.ipynb
├── reports
│ └── figures
│ ├── architecture.png
│ ├── layers_widths_to_r2_score.png
│ ├── streamlit.png
│ ├── training_loss_per_epoch_of_top_5_runs.png
│ ├── validation_loss_per_epoch_grouped_by_batch_size.png
│ └── validation_loss_per_epoch_grouped_by_width.png
├── requirements.txt
├── src
│ ├── config.json
│ ├──
│ ├── models
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └── utils
│ └──
└── wandb
pip install -r requirements.txt
The dataset contains daily prices of AAPL's stock from 02-01-1981 to 31-12-2020 with a total of 10088 records ( You are free to download data for any ticker and place it in data/.
Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume |
1981-01-02 | 0.154018 | 0.155134 | 0.154018 | 0.154018 | 0.119849 | 21660800 |
1981-01-05 | 0.151228 | 0.151228 | 0.15067 | 0.15067 | 0.117244 | 35728000 |
1981-01-06 | 0.144531 | 0.144531 | 0.143973 | 0.143973 | 0.112032 | 45158400 |
1981-01-07 | 0.138393 | 0.138393 | 0.137835 | 0.137835 | 0.107256 | 55686400 |
The input to the algorithm is a feature vector containing the prices of 5-days and the output is a 5-days forecasting. The architecture is based on a Multi-Layer Perceptron with Residual blocks (reports/figures/architecture.png).
input type: float32[batch_size, features]
output type: float32[batch_size, features]
class ResLayer(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_units, width):
super(ResLayer, self).__init__()
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(width, width)
self.layer_norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm(in_units)
def forward(self, x):
out = self.layer_norm(x)
out = torch.nn.functional.relu(out)
out = self.linear(out)
return x + out
def make_network(input_dim=5, width=64, L=2, out_features=5):
network = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, width),
*[ResLayer(width, width) for _ in range(L)],
torch.nn.Linear(width, out_features))
To start the training process, change sweep-grid.yml according to your preferences and start wandb sweep agents.
wandb agent username/project-name/sweep-id
The default yaml configuration for hyper-parameter searching is the following:
goal: minimize
name: epoch_validation_loss
values: [64, 128, 256, 512]
values: [1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2]
values: [16, 32, 64, 128]
values: [2, 5, 8, 10]
Or, if you want a single run, edit config.json and run:
python src/
The training/validation results can be found in the figures below. The visualization results were grouped together by width or batch size because there were 192 different runs (7 hours runtime on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060).
All the models, after training, can be found in models/*.onnx. The best model according to R2 Score (~0.99) and Validation Loss was found to be net_64_0.001_128_10.onnx (batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.001, width=128, n_layers=10).
The training logs of the best model can be found below.
Epoch 0 Training Loss: 7.99902 Validation Loss: 4.92759 Test-set R2 score 0.31796018820369887
Epoch 10 Training Loss: 0.62362 Validation Loss: 0.35983 Test-set R2 score 0.991991435884876
Epoch 20 Training Loss: 0.53284 Validation Loss: 0.53004 Test-set R2 score 0.9977522046063891
Epoch 30 Training Loss: 0.42422 Validation Loss: 0.40238 Test-set R2 score 0.9984710738171296
Epoch 40 Training Loss: 0.25176 Validation Loss: 0.23936 Test-set R2 score 0.9985934214650122
Epoch 50 Training Loss: 0.24619 Validation Loss: 0.23402 Test-set R2 score 0.9984343994916177
Epoch 60 Training Loss: 0.24483 Validation Loss: 0.23705 Test-set R2 score 0.998505054349778
Epoch 70 Training Loss: 0.24009 Validation Loss: 0.23141 Test-set R2 score 0.9986534208850506
Epoch 80 Training Loss: 0.23945 Validation Loss: 0.23220 Test-set R2 score 0.9987220776242743
Epoch 90 Training Loss: 0.23824 Validation Loss: 0.23115 Test-set R2 score 0.998675443642089
Epoch 100 Training Loss: 0.24081 Validation Loss: 0.23093 Test-set R2 score 0.9986685500944951
Epoch 110 Training Loss: 0.24033 Validation Loss: 0.23093 Test-set R2 score 0.9986685938685038
Epoch 120 Training Loss: 0.23980 Validation Loss: 0.23093 Test-set R2 score 0.9986684999524955
Epoch 130 Training Loss: 0.23925 Validation Loss: 0.23093 Test-set R2 score 0.9986686177959229
Epoch 140 Training Loss: 0.24114 Validation Loss: 0.23093 Test-set R2 score 0.9986686122659989
Epoch 150 Training Loss: 0.24129 Validation Loss: 0.23093 Test-set R2 score 0.9986686039168189
Epoch 150 Training Loss: 0.24129 Validation Loss: 0.23093 Test-set R2 score 0.9986686039168189
Inference mode is running when new data are available. The scheduler runs once per hour and fetches any new prices. For visualizations, the streamlit ( library was used.
To run in inference mode, gather data and start forecasting, first fill the cookies & headers in inference/ to make requests to yahoo possible. Then:
cd inference/
docker build -t app .
docker run -d --name app -p 8501:8501 {IMAGEID}
Docker will inititiate the scheduler and the predictor and will expose the streamlit dashboard to