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Vox2Cortex and related methods

Note: This repository has been refactored entirely, you can find the old Vox2Cortex repo here.

This repository implements several mesh-based segmentation methods for the cortex and abdominal organs, namely:


  1. Make sure you use python 3.9
  2. Clone this (Vox2Cortex) repo
    git clone [email protected]:ai-med/Vox2Cortex.git
    cd Vox2Cortex/
  1. Create conda environment
    conda env create -f requirements.yml
    conda activate vox2organ
  1. Clone and install our pytorch3d fork as described therein (basically running pip install -e . in the cloned pytorch3d repo).


You can include new datasets directly in vox2organ/data/ It is generally assumed that subject data (comprising image, meshes, and segmentation maps) is stored in the form data-raw-directory/sample-ID/subject-data. Currently, it is required that the mapping from world to image space is equal for all images, which can be achieved by affine registration of all input images to a common template, e.g., with niftyreg, and applying the computed affine transformation to the respective meshes. See the preprocessing/ directory for preprocessing scripts.


We provide a pre-trained V2C-Flow-S model in vox2organ/pretrained_models/V2C-Flow-S-ADNI. For inference with this model, we recommend copying it to an experiment dir first.

mkdir experiments
cp -r vox2organ/pretrained_models/V2C-Flow-S-ADNI experiments/V2C-Flow-S-ADNI
cd vox2organ
python --test -n V2C-Flow-S-ADNI --dataset YOUR_DATASET


A V2C-Flow training on a new dataset with subsequent model testing can be started with

    cd vox2organ/
    python3 --train --test --group "V2C-Flow-S" --dataset YOUR_DATASET

We recommend using the pre-trained V2C-Flow model as a starting point for cortex reconstruction to shorten training time and save resources, i.e.,

    python3 --train --test --group "V2C-Flow-S" --dataset YOUR_DATASET --pretrained_model pretrained_models/V2C-Flow-S-ADNI/

For information about command-line options see

    python3 --help

Models and parameters

Training a UNetFlow model works similarly, see vox2organ/params/ for implemented models. A list of all available parameters and their default values is in vox2organ/params/ Parameters are overwritten in the following sequential manner: CLI -> vox2organ/ -> vox2organ/params/ -> vox2organ/params/ That is, a parameter specified in overwrites parameter groups and default parameters etc.


A couple of mesh templates for the cortex and the abdomen are in supplementary_material/; new ones can also be added, of course.


We provide files for creating a docker image in the docker/ directory.


For debugging, it is usually helpful to start training/testing on a few samples (N) with the command-line arguments -n debug --overfit [N]. This omits logging in wandb and writes output to a "debug" experiment.

Coordinate convention

The coordinate convention is the following:

  • Input/output meshes should be stored in scanner RAS coordinates. A simple check can be performed by loading an image/segmentation and corresponding meshes via 3D slicer, selecting "RAS" as the coordinate convention for the meshes. FreeSurfer surfaces are, by default, stored in tkrRAS coordinates, see for example this link; conversion from tkrRAS to scanner RAS can be done by mris_convert --to-scanner input-surf output-surf
  • Internally, mesh coordinates are converted to image coordinates normalized by image dimensions so that they fit the requirements of torch.nn.functional.grid_sample. A sample code snipped documenting this convention is also provided below.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
a = torch.tensor([[[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]]).float()
c = torch.nonzero(a).float() - 1 # coords in [-1,1]
c = torch.flip(c, dims=[1]) # z,y,x --> x,y,z
a = a[None][None]
c = c[None][None][None]
print(F.grid_sample(a, c, align_corners=True))



Normal convention

The normal convention of input meshes should follow the convention used in most libraries like pytorch3d or trimesh. That is, the face indices are ordered such that the face normal of a face with vertex indices (i, j, k) calculates as (vj - vi) x (vk - vi).


If you find this work useful, please cite (depending on the used model):

	author    = {Bongratz, Fabian and Rickmann, Anne-Marie and P\"olsterl, Sebastian and Wachinger, Christian},
	title     = {Vox2Cortex: Fast Explicit Reconstruction of Cortical Surfaces From 3D MRI Scans With Geometric Deep Neural Networks},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
	month     = {June},
	year      = {2022},
	pages     = {20773-20783}
	year = {2023},
	month = oct,
	publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
	volume = {13},
	number = {1},
	author = {Fabian Bongratz and Anne-Marie Rickmann and Christian Wachinger},
	title = {Abdominal organ segmentation via deep diffeomorphic mesh deformations},
	journal = {Scientific Reports}
	title = {Neural deformation fields for template-based reconstruction of cortical surfaces from MRI},
	volume = {93},
	ISSN = {1361-8415},
	journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
	publisher = {Elsevier BV},
	author = {Bongratz,  Fabian and Rickmann,  Anne-Marie and Wachinger,  Christian},
	year = {2024},
	month = apr,
	pages = {103093}