This repository contains the code of the paper: "HALOS: Hallucination-free Organ Segmentation after Organ Resection Surgery" Authors: Murong Xu, murong-xu, Anne-Marie Rickmann, arickm
If you're using our code, please cite:
title={HALOS: Hallucination-Free Organ Segmentation After Organ Resection Surgery},
author={Rickmann, Anne-Marie and Xu, Murong and Wolf, Tom Nuno and Kovalenko, Oksana and Wachinger, Christian},
booktitle={International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging},
This repository contains original code of the DAFT module, introduced in the paper "DAFT: A Universal Module to Interweave Tabular Data and 3D Images in CNNs" the original DAFT repostitory can be found at:
If you're using HALOS code, please also cite:
title = {{DAFT: A Universal Module to Interweave Tabular Data and 3D Images in CNNs}},
author = {Wolf, Tom Nuno and P{\"{o}}lsterl, Sebastian and Wachinger, Christian},
journal = {NeuroImage},
pages = {119505},
year = {2022},
issn = {1053-8119},
doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119505},
url = {},
and the paper "Combining 3D Image and Tabular Data via the Dynamic Affine Feature Map Transform"
title = {{Combining 3D Image and Tabular Data via the Dynamic Affine Feature Map Transform}},
author = {P{\"{o}}lsterl, Sebastian and Wolf, Tom Nuno and Wachinger, Christian},
booktitle = {International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)},
pages = {688--698},
year = {2021},
url = {},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-87240-3_66},
Further, the implementation of the backbone U-Net in HALOS is based on the old version of nnU-Net:
please also cite:
Isensee, F., Jaeger, P. F., Kohl, S. A., Petersen, J., & Maier-Hein, K. H. (2020). nnU-Net: a self-configuring method for deep learning-based biomedical image segmentation. Nature Methods, 1-9.
A docker image to run our code can be found here:
HALOS uses image data and binary labels indicating if the patient had a cholecystectomy or nephrectomy. We define 0 as no surgery and 1 as post- organ resection surgery.
In you need to set the paths for your data.
The data should be structured like this:
- gallbladder
- segmentation
- dict_test.pickle : python dictionary with keys ‘0’ and ‘1’ containing lists of subject ids belonging to the corresponding label. e.g. {0: ['0100013'], 1: ['1028818']} for the test set
- binary_label_all.pickle = python dictionary with keys ‘0’ and ‘1’ containing lists of subject ids belonging to the corresponding label. e.g. {0: ['0100013'], 1: ['1028818']}
- data
- <subject_id>
- mri_opp.nii.gz : MRI scan
- annotation.nii.gz : segmentation
- <subject_id>
- seg_folds : contains txt files with subject id’s for each fold
- fold1_train.txt
- fold1_val.txt
- fold1_test.txt
- train_binary_labels.pickle : binary labels for training set
- test_binary_labels.pickle : binary labels for test set
- test
- <subject_id>
- mri_opp.nii.gz : MRI scan
- <subject_id>
- train
- <subject_id>
- mri_opp.nii.gz : MRI scan
- <subject_id>
- segmentation
- kidney (same setup as for gallbladder)
to train a HALOS model call:
python training/
you can also pass hyperparameters e.g. the hyperparameters used in the paper:
python training/ --fusion_input gt --fusion_loca 2 --clf_feature_loca 5 --loss_weight_seg 0.7 --seg_lr 0.000818 --clf_lr 0.00087 --weight_decay 0.000061 --val_interval 4 --base_num_features 32 --clf_model CLFCNN --clf_update ukb_only --norm BN --clf_factor 8 --fusion_squeeze_factor 4
hyperparameters can also be adapted in config/
our scripts are using wandb for logging training and evaluation
for testing there are 2 different scripts to evaluate the segmentation data and UKB data in eval:
you just have to adapt the paths to your saved model in the scripts.